Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Delete a list of aliases from their ids,
  * passed as params
  * @param array of integer $ids the list of aliases id to delete
  * @return boolean true if success
 public function deleteByIds($ids = array())
     if (empty($ids)) {
         return false;
     try {
         ShlDbHelper::deleteIn($this->_getTableName(), 'id', $ids, ShlDbHelper::INTEGER);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->setError('Internal database error # ' . $e->getMessage());
         return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Creates a record in the database, based
  * on data read from import file
  * @param array $header an array of fields, as built from the header line
  * @param string $line raw record obtained from import file
 protected function _createRecord($header, $line)
     // extract the record
     $line = $this->_lineToArray(trim($line));
     // get table object to store record
     $model = ShlMvcModel_Base::getInstance('metas', 'Sh404sefModel');
     // bind table to current record
     $record = array();
     $record['newurl'] = $line[1];
     $record['metatitle'] = $line[4];
     $record['metadesc'] = $line[2];
     $record['metakey'] = $line[3];
     $record['metalang'] = $line[5];
     $record['metarobots'] = $line[6];
     // clean up records
     foreach ($record as $key => $value) {
         if ($value == '&nbsp') {
             $record[$key] = '';
     // find if there is already an url record for this non-sef url. If so
     // we want the imported record to overwrite the existing one.
     // while makinf sure we're doing that with the main url, not one of the duplicates
     $existingRecords = $model->getByAttr(array('newurl' => $record['newurl']));
     if (!empty($existingRecords)) {
         $existingRecord = $existingRecords[0];
         // getByAttr always returns an array
         // use the existing id, this will be enought to override existing record when saving
         $record['id'] = $existingRecord->id;
         // ensure consistency : delete the remaining records, though there is no reason
         // there can be more than one record with same SEF AND same SEF
         if (!empty($existingRecords)) {
             ShlDbHelper::deleteIn('#__sh404sef_metas', 'id', $existingRecords, ShlDbHelper::INTEGER);
     } else {
         $record['id'] = 0;
     // save record : returns the record id, so failure is when 0 is returned
     $status = $model->save($record);
     if (!$status) {
         // rethrow a more appropriate error message
         throw new Sh404sefExceptionDefault(JText::sprintf('COM_SH404SEF_IMPORT_ERROR_INSERTING_INTO_DB', $line[0]));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Creates a record in the database, based
  * on data read from import file
  * @param array $header an array of fields, as built from the header line
  * @param string $line raw record obtained from import file
 protected function _createRecord($header, $line)
     // extract the record
     $line = $this->_lineToArray($line);
     // get table object to store record
     $model = ShlMvcModel_Base::getInstance('aliases', 'Sh404sefModel');
     // bind table to current record
     $record = array();
     $record['newurl'] = $line[3];
     if ($record['newurl'] == '__ Homepage __') {
         $record['newurl'] = sh404SEF_HOMEPAGE_CODE;
     $record['alias'] = $line[1];
     $record['type'] = $line[4];
     // find if there is already same alias record for this non-sef url. If so
     // we want the imported record to overwrite the existing one.
     $existingRecords = $model->getByAttr(array('newurl' => $record['newurl'], 'alias' => $record['alias']));
     if (!empty($existingRecords)) {
         $existingRecord = $existingRecords[0];
         // getByAttr always returns an array
         // use the existing id, this will be enought to override existing record when saving
         $record['id'] = $existingRecord->id;
         // ensure consistency : delete the remaining records, though there is no reason
         // there can be more than one record with same alias AND same SEF
         if (!empty($existingRecords)) {
             ShlDbHelper::deleteIn('#__sh404sef_aliases', 'id', $existingRecords, ShlDbHelper::INTEGER);
     // save record : returns the record id, so failure is when 0 is returned
     $saveId = $model->save($record);
     if (empty($saveId)) {
         // rethrow a more appropriate error message
         throw new Sh404sefExceptionDefault(JText::sprintf('COM_SH404SEF_IMPORT_ERROR_INSERTING_INTO_DB', $line[0]));
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Creates a record in the database, based
  * on data read from import file
  * @param array $header an array of fields, as built from the header line
  * @param string $line raw record obtained from import file
 protected function _createRecord($header, $line)
     // extract the record
     $line = $this->_lineToArray($line);
     // get table object to store record
     $model = ShlMvcModel_Base::getInstance('editurl', 'Sh404sefModel');
     // bind table to current record
     $record = array();
     $record['oldurl'] = $line[1];
     $record['newurl'] = $line[2];
     if ($record['newurl'] == '__ Homepage __') {
         $record['newurl'] = sh404SEF_HOMEPAGE_CODE;
     $record['cpt'] = $line[3];
     $record['rank'] = $line[4];
     $record['dateadd'] = $line[5];
     $record['metatitle'] = $line[6];
     $record['metadesc'] = $line[7];
     $record['metakey'] = $line[8];
     $record['metalang'] = $line[9];
     $record['metarobots'] = $line[10];
     // find if there is already an url record for this non-sef url. If so
     // we want the imported record to overwrite the existing one.
     // while makinf sure we're doing that with the main url, not one of the duplicates
     $existingRecords = $model->getByAttr(array('newurl' => $record['newurl'], 'oldurl' => $record['oldurl']));
     if (!empty($existingRecords)) {
         $existingRecord = $existingRecords[0];
         // getByAttr always returns an array
         // use the existing id, this will be enought to override existing record when saving
         $record['id'] = $existingRecord->id;
         // ensure consistency : delete the remaining records, though there is no reason
         // there can be more than one record with same SEF AND same SEF
         if (!empty($existingRecords)) {
             ShlDbHelper::deleteIn('#__sh404sef_urls', 'id', $existingRecords, ShlDbHelper::INTEGER);
     } else {
         $record['id'] = 0;
     // find if we already have a meta data record for this non-sef url
     // as we want to update it if so, instead of creating a new record
     $metasModel = ShlMvcModel_Base::getInstance('metas', 'Sh404sefModel');
     $existingMetas = $metasModel->getByAttr(array('newurl' => $record['newurl']));
     if (!empty($existingMetas)) {
         $existingMeta = $existingMetas[0];
         // getByAttr always returns an array
         // use the existing id, this will be enought to override existing record when saving
         $record['meta_id'] = $existingMeta->id;
     } else {
         $record['meta_id'] = 0;
     // for aliases, we don't import them here, but we need to create a dummy
     // record so as to preserve possible pre-existing aliases for the same non-sef url
     $aliasesModel = ShlMvcModel_Base::getInstance('editalias', 'Sh404sefModel');
     $existingAliases = $aliasesModel->getByAttr(array('newurl' => $record['newurl']));
     $record['shAliasList'] = '';
     if (!empty($existingAliases)) {
         foreach ($existingAliases as $existingAlias) {
             // build up a text list, just as if we were to edit aliases
             // as this is what the model expect to receive
             $record['shAliasList'] .= $existingAlias->alias . "\n";
     // save record : returns the record id, so failure is when 0 is returned
     $savedId = $model->save($record, sh404SEF_URLTYPE_AUTO);
     if (empty($savedId)) {
         // rethrow a more appropriate error message
         throw new Sh404sefExceptionDefault(JText::sprintf('COM_SH404SEF_IMPORT_ERROR_INSERTING_INTO_DB', $line[0]));
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Delete a list of urls from their ids,
  * passed as params
  * Also delete all duplicates
  * @param array of integer $ids the list of url id to delete
  * @return boolean true if success
 public function deleteByIdsWithDuplicates($ids = array())
     if (empty($ids)) {
         return true;
     // build a list of ids to read
     $whereIds = ShlDbHelper::arrayToIntValList($ids);
     // read urls and their duplicates
     $query = 'select r2.id' . ' from `#__sh404sef_urls` as r1' . ' join `#__sh404sef_urls` as r2' . ' on r1.`oldurl` = r2.`oldurl`' . ' where r1.' . $this->_db->quoteName('id') . ' in (' . $whereIds . ')';
     try {
         // perform query
         $urlsIds = $this->_db->shlLoadResultArray();
         // now delete urls from db and cache
         $rows = $this->_getNonSefUrls($urlsIds);
         if (!empty($rows)) {
         // finally, we can simply delete from db by ids
         ShlDbHelper::deleteIn('#__sh404sef_urls', 'id', $urlsIds);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         ShlSystem_Log::error('sh404sef', '%s::%s::%d: %s', __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $e->getMessage());
         $this->setError('Internal database error # ' . $e->getMessage());
     return true;