Weapon::fire('on_shield_update', array($G, $P)); Weapon::fire('on_shield_repair', array($G, $P)); Guardian::kick($config->manager->slug . '/shield/' . $folder . '/repair/file:' . File::url($name)); } } Shield::lot(array('segment' => 'shield', 'the_shield' => $folder, 'the_name' => $path, 'the_content' => $content))->attach('manager', false); }); /** * Shield Killer * ------------- */ Route::accept(array($config->manager->slug . '/shield/kill/id:(:any)', $config->manager->slug . '/shield/(:any)/kill/file:(:all)'), function ($folder = "", $path = false) use($config, $speak) { if (Guardian::get('status') !== 'pilot' || $folder === "") { Shield::abort(); } $info = Shield::info($folder, true); if ($path) { $path = File::path($path); if (!($file = File::exist(SHIELD . DS . $folder . DS . $path))) { Shield::abort(); // File not found! } } else { if (!($file = File::exist(SHIELD . DS . $folder))) { Shield::abort(); // Folder not found! } } Config::set(array('page_title' => $speak->deleting . ': ' . ($path ? File::B($file) : $info['title']) . $config->title_separator . $config->manager->title, 'files' => Get::files(SHIELD . DS . $folder, '*'), 'cargo' => DECK . DS . 'workers' . DS . 'kill.shield.php')); if ($request = Request::post()) { Guardian::checkToken($request['token']);
Session::set('recent_item_update', File::B($name)); Weapon::fire(array('on_shield_update', 'on_shield_repair'), array($G, $P)); Guardian::kick($config->manager->slug . '/shield/' . $folder . ($file !== false ? '/repair/file:' . File::url($name) : "")); } } Shield::lot(array('segment' => 'shield', 'folder' => $folder, 'path' => $path, 'content' => $content))->attach('manager'); }); /** * Shield Killer * ------------- */ Route::accept(array($config->manager->slug . '/shield/kill/id:(:any)', $config->manager->slug . '/shield/(:any)/kill/file:(:all)'), function ($folder = false, $file = false) use($config, $speak) { if (!Guardian::happy(1) || $folder === "") { Shield::abort(); } $info = Shield::info($folder); $path = $file !== false ? File::path($file) : false; if ($file !== false) { if (!($_file = File::exist(SHIELD . DS . $folder . DS . $path))) { Shield::abort(); // File not found! } } else { if (!($_file = File::exist(SHIELD . DS . $folder))) { Shield::abort(); // Folder not found! } } Config::set(array('page_title' => $speak->deleting . ': ' . ($file !== false ? File::B($file) : $info->title) . $config->title_separator . $config->manager->title, 'page' => $info, 'cargo' => 'kill.shield.php')); if ($request = Request::post()) { Guardian::checkToken($request['token']);
echo Form::select('language_direction', array('ltr' => 'Left to Right (LTR)', 'rtl' => 'Right to Left (RTL)'), Guardian::wayback('language_direction', $config->language_direction), array('class' => 'select-block')); ?> </span> </label> <label class="grid-group"> <span class="grid span-2 form-label"><?php echo $speak->shield; ?> </span> <span class="grid span-4"> <?php $info = array(); foreach (glob(SHIELD . DS . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $folder) { $s = File::B($folder); if (strpos($s, '__') !== 0) { $info[$s] = Shield::info($s)->title; } } echo Form::select('shield', $info, Guardian::wayback('shield', $config->shield), array('class' => 'select-block')); ?> </span> </label> <label class="grid-group"> <span class="grid span-2 form-label"><?php echo $speak->manager->title_per_page; ?> (<?php echo $speak->all; ?> )</span> <span class="grid span-4">
echo Config::speak('manager.title_your_', $speak->shields); ?> </h3> <?php foreach ($folders as $folder) { $folder = File::B($folder); ?> <?php if ($config->shield !== $folder && strpos($folder, '__') !== 0) { ?> <?php $r = SHIELD . DS . $folder . DS; $c = File::exist($r . 'capture.png'); ?> <?php $page = Shield::info($folder); ?> <div class="media<?php if (!$c) { ?> no-capture<?php } ?> " id="shield:<?php echo $folder; ?> "> <?php if ($c) { ?> <div class="media-capture" style="background-image:url('<?php