public function display() { echo '<hr>'; echo 'cookie'; echo '<br>uname:' . cookie('vuser_uname'); echo '<br>tname:' . cookie('vuser_tname'); echo '<br>authkey:' . cookie('vuser_authkey'); echo '<br>groupid:' . cookie('vuser_groupid'); echo '<br>tm:' . cookie('tm'); //记录时间 echo '<br>signature:' . cookie('vuser_signature'); //签名算法 echo '<hr>'; echo 'signnature'; echo '<br>' . \Sham::signnature(cookie('vuser_uname') . cookie('vuser_tname') . cookie('vuser_authkey') . cookie('vuser_groupid') . cookie('vuser_tm')); echo '<hr>'; echo 'islogin'; echo $this->islogin(); echo '<hr>'; echo 'isguest'; echo $this->isguest(); echo '<hr>'; echo ' var isguest'; echo $this->isguest; }
/* * 调用 入口程序 * */ namespace Seter; define('FAST_PATH', __DIR__); //use Seter\RedBeanPHP; define('SHAM_PATH', __DIR__); include __DIR__ . '/Function/Fun.php'; !empty($_GET) && define('ISGET', TRUE); !empty($_POST) && define('ISPOST', TRUE); !defined('ISGET') && define('ISGET', false); !defined('ISPOST') && define('ISPOST', false); !defined('BTIME') && define('BTIME', \Sham::T()); include 'Core/Base.php'; //基类 include 'Seter.php'; //基类 \Seter\Seter::registerAutoloader(); //PSR-0 /** * 目录设定 * 1 基础类 不能直接使用,需要被继承 * Fast * 2 基础功能类 提供稳定的函数和变量 可以直接使用 * Base * 3 功能类 提供系列功能 * Library * 4 模型 Model
public function getnodelist() { $path = $this->base . '\\Doc_' . $this->book; !is_dir($path) && mkdir($path); $dirHandle = @opendir($path); $list = array(); while (($pname = readdir($dirHandle)) !== false) { if ($pname != '.' && $pname != '..') { if (substr($pname, 0, 4) == 'Doc_') { $pname = substr($pname, 4, -3); $pn = \Sham::getarr($pname, 0, '_'); $list[$pn[0]][] = $pn[1]; } } } foreach ($list as $key => $value) { $ar = $value; rsort($ar); $list[$key] = $ar; } return $list; }
public function buildsql() { if ($this->sqltype == 'getcount') { $sql = " select count(*)"; } else { $sql = " select {$this->colm}"; } $sql .= " from {$this->tablename}"; if (!empty($this->where)) { $wheres = \Sham::getstr($this->where, 0, ' and '); $sql .= " where {$wheres}"; } if (!empty($this->group)) { $sql .= " group by {$this->group}"; } if (!empty($this->order)) { $sql .= " order by {$this->order}"; } if (!empty($this->limit)) { $sql .= " limit {$this->limit}"; } $this->sql = $sql; return $this; }
public function Umarch_do_user() { if ($this->res) { //用户匹配 $ck = $this->res['roles']; //用户验证仓库 //所有用户 if (in_array('*', $ck)) { $this->p = ['deny' => $this->res['deny'], 'allow' => $this->res['allow']]; return true; } //登陆用户 if (\Seter\Seter::getInstance()->user->islogin()) { if (in_array('@', $ck)) { $this->p = ['deny' => $this->res['deny'], 'allow' => $this->res['allow']]; return true; } //管理员 if (in_array('?', $ck)) { //查询数据库解决 // $tablename = "g_accessrules"; // $tablename_rulelib = "g_rulelib"; //获取表名 $tablename = C('Rbacdb')['accessrules']; $tablename_rulelib = C('Rbacdb')['accessrules_lib']; $uname = \Sham::saddslashes(\Seter\Seter::getInstance()->request->cookie['vuser_uname']); $where_ = $this->Module ? "rule_module = '{$this->Module}'" : '1'; $where_ .= "and rule_action = '{$this->Action}'\n and rule_controller = '{$this->Controller}'\n and enable = 1"; $where = "uname = '{$uname}' and rid in(\n select rule_id from {$tablename_rulelib} where {$where_}\n )"; $sql = "select * from {$tablename} where {$where}"; $row = \Seter\Seter::getInstance()->db->getrow($sql); if ($row) { $this->p = ['deny' => $row['deny'], 'allow' => $row['allow']]; return true; } } } else { //游客 if (in_array('G', $ck)) { $this->p = ['deny' => $this->res['deny'], 'allow' => $this->res['allow']]; return true; } } //管理员 if (\Seter\Seter::getInstance()->user->isadmin()) { if (in_array('A', $ck)) { $this->p = ['deny' => $this->res['deny'], 'allow' => $this->res['allow']]; return true; } } //+-------------------------------------------- } return false; }
/** * 删除目录和目录里面的所有文件 * @param type $dirName 目录名 * @return type */ function DeleteDirandfile($dirName = '.') { if ($handle = opendir("{$dirName}")) { while (false !== ($item = readdir($handle))) { if ($item != "." && $item != "..") { if (is_dir("{$dirName}/{$item}")) { \Sham::DeleteDirandfile("{$dirName}/{$item}"); } else { unlink("{$dirName}/{$item}"); //if( unlink( "$dirName/$item" ) ) echo "成功删除文件: $dirName/$item<br />\n"; } } } closedir($handle); rmdir($dirName); //if( rmdir( $dirName ) ) echo "成功删除目录: $dirName<br />\n"; } }
public function save($path='',$wzchr='',$nr='') { $path = trim($path); $wzchr = trim($wzchr); if(empty($path) || empty($wzchr) || EMPTY($nr)) return array(); //目录露监测 $filepath = $this->base.'\Doc_'.$path; !is_dir($filepath) && mkdir($filepath); //计算版本id $list = $this->wzlist($path); $verlist = $list[$wzchr]; //获取到了所有的版本 // if(!empty($ver)){ // // } if($this->dtype == 'Doc'){ $nver = !empty($verlist)?max($verlist)+1:1; //获取到了新的版本id }else{ //流程图和时序图 $nver = max($verlist); //获取到了新的版本id } //获得文件名 // $filename =$this->base.'\\'.$this->dtype.'_'.$path.'\\'.$this->dtype.'_'.$wzchr."_$nver.ME"; $filename =$this->base.'\Doc_'.$path.'\\'.$this->dtype.'_'.$wzchr."_$nver.ME"; //写文件 \Sham::Fs($filename,$nr); return true; }
/** * @return mixed * 获取我的用户信息 */ public function getuserinfo($uname = '') { $tablename = $this->tablename; $uname = $uname ?: $this->S->request->cookie['vuser_uname'] ?: ''; if ($this->checkname($uname)) { //用户名监测通过 $uname = \Sham::saddslashes($uname); $row = $this->S->table->{$tablename}->where("{$this->fileduname} = '{$uname}'")->getrow(); //unset($row[$this->filedpwd]); } else { //没通过 $row = []; } return $row; }