public function __construct()
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     $this->expire_time = $session->getTimeout();
     session_set_save_handler(array($this, "open"), array($this, "close"), array($this, "read"), array($this, "write"), array($this, "destroy"), array($this, "gc"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @param $type
  * @param $object_id   the object who owns the bookmark
 public static function remove($type, $object_id, $owner = 0)
     if (!is_numeric($type) || !is_numeric($object_id) || !is_numeric($owner)) {
         throw new \Exception('noo');
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     $q = 'DELETE FROM ' . self::$tbl_name . ' WHERE owner = ?' . ' AND value = ?' . ' AND type = ?';
     return Sql::pDelete($q, 'iii', $owner ? $owner : $session->id, $object_id, $type);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Creates a new poke
  * @param $to
 public static function send($to)
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     $o = new Poke();
     $o->from = $session->id;
     $o->to = $to;
     $o->time = sql_datetime(time());
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Mark feedback item as handled
  * @param $message_id optionally refer to a response message
 public static function markHandled($id, $message_id = 0)
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     $i = self::get($id);
     $i->time_answered = sql_datetime(time());
     $i->answered_by = $session->id;
     $i->message = $message_id;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function editHandler($p)
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     $o = FaqItem::get($p['id']);
     $o->question = $p['q'];
     $o->answer = $p['a'];
     $o->creator = $session->id;
     $o->time_created = sql_datetime(time());
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * @return message id
 public static function send($to, $msg, $type = PRIV_MSG)
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     $m = new Message();
     $m->to = $to;
     $m->from = $session->id;
     $m->body = $msg;
     $m->type = $type;
     $m->time_sent = sql_datetime(time());
     return $m->store();
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static function init($room_id, $div_name, $form_id)
     $header = XhtmlHeader::getInstance();
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     $interval = 1000 * parse_duration('1s');
     // milliseconds
     $locale = 'sv-SE';
     $header->registerJsFunction('function scroll_to_bottom(div)' . '{' . 'var elm = get_el(div);' . 'try {' . 'elm.scrollTop = elm.scrollHeight;' . '} catch(e) {' . 'var f = document.createElement("input");' . 'if (f.setAttribute) f.setAttribute("type","text");' . 'if (elm.appendChild) elm.appendChild(f);' . ' = "0px";' . ' = "0px";' . 'if (f.focus) f.focus();' . 'if (elm.removeChild) elm.removeChild(f);' . '}' . '}');
     $header->embedJs('YUI({lang:"' . $locale . '"}).use("io-form","node","json-parse","datatype-date", function(Y)' . '{' . 'Y.on("load", function() {' . 'Init();' . '});' . 'function Init(ts)' . '{' . 'var latest;' . 'if (typeof ts === "undefined") {' . 'var uri = "/u/chatroom/update/" + ' . $room_id . ';' . '} else {' . 'var uri = "/u/chatroom/update/" + ' . $room_id . ' + "?ts=" + ts;' . '}' . 'function complete(id, o)' . '{' . 'var data = o.responseText;' . 'var node ="#' . $div_name . '");' . 'try {' . 'var data = Y.JSON.parse(data);' . '} catch (e) {' . 'console.log("invalid data from " + uri);' . 'return;' . '}' . 'if (typeof ts === "undefined")' . 'node.setContent("");' . 'for (var i = data.length-1; i >= 0; --i) {' . 'var p = data[i];' . 'if ((typeof ts === "undefined") || p.from != ' . $session->id . ')' . 'msg_render(p,node);' . '}' . 'if (data.length)' . 'scroll_to_bottom("' . $div_name . '");' . 'latest = data[0] ? data[0].ts : ts;' . 'setTimeout(Init,' . $interval . ',latest);' . '};' . 'Y.once("io:complete",complete,Y);' . 'var request =;' . '}' . '"#' . $form_id . '").on("submit", function(e)' . '{' . 'e.preventDefault();' . 'e.stopPropagation();' . 'frm = get_el( this.get("id") );' . 'if (!frm.msg.value)' . 'return false;' . 'var uri = "/u/chatroom/send/" + ' . $room_id . ' + "?m=" + frm.msg.value;' . 'var request =;' . 'var node ="#' . $div_name . '");' . 'var p = {' . '"name":"' . $session->username . '",' . '"from":' . $session->id . ',' . '"msg":frm.msg.value,' . '"ts":new Date().getTime()/1000' . '};' . 'msg_render(p,node);' . 'scroll_to_bottom("' . $div_name . '");' . 'frm.msg.value = "";' . 'return false;' . '});' . 'function msg_render(p,node)' . '{' . 'var d = new Date(p.ts*1000);' . 'var today = new Date( new Date().getFullYear(), new Date().getMonth(), new Date().getDate(),0,0,0);' . 'node.append("[");' . 'if (d >= today) {' . 'node.append( Y.DataType.Date.format(d, {format:"%H:%M"}) );' . '} else {' . 'node.append( Y.DataType.Date.format(d, {format:"%a %d %b %H:%M"}) );' . '}' . 'node.append("]&nbsp;");' . 'var who = Y.Node.create("<span class=\\"yui3-hastooltip\\" id=\\"tt_usr_"+p.from+"\\">""</span>");' . 'who.addClass("yui3-hastooltip");' . 'node.append(who);' . 'node.append(": "+p.msg+"<br/>");' . '}' . '});');
Ejemplo n.º 8
function loginHandler($p)
    $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
    if ($session->id) {
        dp('HACK user ' . $session->name . ' (' . $session->id . ') tried to login user ' . $p['usr']);
        return false;
    if ($session->login($p['usr'], $p['pwd'])) {
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 function createHandler($p)
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     $o = new BlogEntry();
     $o->owner = $session->id;
     $o->subject = trim($p['subject']);
     $o->body = trim($p['body']);
     $o->time_created = sql_datetime(time());
     $o->time_published = sql_datetime(time());
     $o->id = $o->store();
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Creates a new token for specified $name
  * @return newly created token
 public static function generate($owner, $name)
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     do {
         $val = sha1('pOwplopw' . $session->id . mt_rand() . $session->name . 'LAZER!!');
         if (!Setting::getOwner(TOKEN, $name, $val)) {
     } while (1);
     Setting::set(TOKEN, $owner, $name, $val);
     return $val;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * @return array of User objects for all users online
 public static function getUsersOnline($filter = '')
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     $db = SqlHandler::getInstance();
     $q = 'SELECT * FROM ' . self::$tbl_name . ' WHERE time_deleted IS NULL';
     if ($filter) {
         $q .= ' AND userName LIKE "%' . $db->escape($filter) . '%"';
     $q .= ' AND time_last_active >= DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL ' . $session->online_timeout . ' SECOND)' . ' ORDER BY time_last_active DESC';
     $list = $db->getArray($q);
     return SqlObject::loadObjects($list, 'User');
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public static function add($type, $reference = 0, $data = '')
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     $c = new ModerationObject();
     $c->type = $type;
     $c->owner = $session->id;
     $c->time_created = sql_datetime(time());
     $c->data = $data;
     $c->reference = $reference;
     $c->id = $c->store();
     return $c->id;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public static function render($name)
     $wiki = self::getByName($name);
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     if (empty($wiki->text)) {
         $res = t('The wiki') . ' "' . $name . '" ' . t('does not yet exist') . '!<br/>';
         if ($session->isWebmaster) {
             $res .= ahref('u/wiki/edit/' . $name, 'Create') . '<br/>';
         return $res;
     return self::renderText($wiki->text);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 function editHandler($p)
     $o = new ChatRoom();
     $o->id = $p['roomid'];
     $o->name = trim($p['name']);
     if ($p['locked']) {
         $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
         $o->locked_by = $session->id;
         $o->time_locked = sql_datetime(time());
Ejemplo n.º 15
 /** Votes for a poll */
 static function addVote($type, $id, $value)
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     if (!$session->id) {
         return false;
     if (self::hasAnswered($type, $id)) {
         return false;
     $q = 'INSERT INTO ' . self::$tbl_name . ' SET type = ?, owner = ?, userId = ?, value = ?, timestamp = NOW()';
     Sql::pInsert($q, 'iiii', $type, $id, $session->id, $value);
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
function fbHandler($p)
    $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
    $o = new Feedback();
    $o->type = USER;
    $o->subject = $p['subj'];
    $o->body = $p['body'];
    $o->from = $session->id;
    $o->time_created = sql_datetime(time());
    // jump to start page
Ejemplo n.º 17
function gbHandler($p)
    $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
    if ($session->id == $p['to']) {
        return false;
    $gb = new Guestbook();
    $gb->owner = $p['to'];
    $gb->creator = $session->id;
    $gb->time_created = sql_datetime(time());
    $gb->body = $p['body'];
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 function __construct($handler = 'php', $params = array())
     if (\GCore\C::get('GSITE_PLATFORM') == '') {
         $handler = !empty($handler) ? $handler : Base::getConfig('session_handler', 'php');
         $params = !empty($params) ? $params : array('lifetime' => Base::getConfig('session_lifetime', 15));
         //load handler
         $this->_handler = SessionHandler::getInstance($handler, $params);
     $this->_data =& $_SESSION;
     if (\GCore\C::get('GSITE_PLATFORM') == '') {
Ejemplo n.º 19
function handleSubmit($p)
    $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
    $error = ErrorHandler::getInstance();
    if (empty($p['comment'])) {
        return false;
    if (!$session->id) {
        $error->add('Unauthorized submit');
        return false;
    $c = new Comment();
    $c->type = $p['type'];
    $c->msg = $p['comment'];
    $c->private = 0;
    $c->time_created = sql_datetime(time());
    $c->owner = $p['owner'];
    $c->creator = $session->id;
    $c->creator_ip = client_ip();
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public function render()
     //available variables in the scope of the view
     if (class_exists('\\cd\\ErrorHandler')) {
         $error = ErrorHandler::getInstance();
     if (class_exists('\\cd\\SessionHandler')) {
         $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     if (class_exists('\\cd\\SqlHandler')) {
         $db = SqlHandler::getInstance();
     if (class_exists('\\cd\\XhtmlHeader')) {
         $header = XhtmlHeader::getInstance();
     if (class_exists('\\cd\\XmlDocumentHandler')) {
         $page = XmlDocumentHandler::getInstance();
     if (class_exists('\\cd\\LocaleHandler')) {
         $locale = LocaleHandler::getInstance();
     if (class_exists('\\cd\\TempStore')) {
         $temp = TempStore::getInstance();
     // make reference to calling object available in the namespace of the view
     $caller = $this->caller;
     $file = $page->getCoreDevPath() . $this->template;
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
         // if not built in view, look in app dir
         $file = $this->template;
         if (!file_exists($file)) {
             throw new \Exception('cannot find ' . $this->template);
     require $file;
     return ob_get_clean();
Ejemplo n.º 21
 function editWikiSubmit($p)
     if (!isset($p['wiki_name'])) {
         return false;
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     $text = trim($p['text']);
     $name = normalizeString($p['wiki_name'], array("\t"));
     $wiki = Wiki::getByName($name);
     // abort if we are trying to save a exact copy as the last one
     if ($wiki->text == $text) {
         return false;
     if ($wiki->id) {
         $rev = new Revision();
         $rev->type = WIKI;
         $rev->owner = $wiki->id;
         $rev->value = $wiki->text;
         $rev->time_created = $wiki->time_edited;
         $rev->created_by = $wiki->edited_by;
         $rev->event = EVENT_TEXT_CHANGED;
         $rev->id = $rev->store();
         $wiki->text = $p['text'];
         $wiki->edited_by = $session->id;
         $wiki->time_edited = sql_datetime(time());
         redir('u/wiki/show/' . $wiki->name);
     $wiki->name = $name;
     $wiki->text = $p['text'];
     $wiki->edited_by = $session->id;
     $wiki->time_edited = sql_datetime(time());
     redir('u/wiki/show/' . $wiki->name);
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Sets a new password for the user
  * @param $id user id
  * @param $pwd password to set
  * @param $algo hash algorithm to use
 public static function setPassword($id, $pwd, $algo = 'sha512')
     $u = User::get($id);
     if (!$u) {
         throw new \Exception('wat');
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     $u->password = Password::encrypt($id, $session->getEncryptKey(), $pwd, $algo);
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * @param $key array from a $_FILES entry
  * @param $blind dont verify if is_uploaded_file(), useful when importing files from other means than HTTP uploads
  * @return file id
 public static function import($type, &$key, $category = 0, $blind = false)
     // ignore empty file uploads
     if (!$key['name']) {
         return false;
     if (!$blind && !is_uploaded_file($key['tmp_name'])) {
         throw new \Exception('Upload failed for file ' . $key['name']);
         //$error->add('Upload failed for file '.$key['name'] );
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     $file = new File();
     $file->type = $type;
     $file->uploader = $session->id;
     $file->uploader_ip = client_ip();
     $file->size = $key['size'];
     $file->name = $key['name'];
     $file->mimetype = $key['type'];
     $file->category = $category;
     $file->time_uploaded = sql_datetime(time());
     $file->id = $file->store();
     if (!$file->id) {
         return false;
     $dst_file = self::getUploadPath($file->id);
     if ($blind) {
         // UGLY HACK using "@": currently gives a E_WARNING: "Operation not permitted" error,
         // even though the rename suceeds???
         if (!@rename($key['tmp_name'], $dst_file)) {
             throw new \Exception('rename failed');
     } elseif (!move_uploaded_file($key['tmp_name'], $dst_file)) {
         throw new \Exception('Failed to move file from ' . $key['tmp_name'] . ' to ' . $dst_file);
     chmod($dst_file, 0777);
     $key['name'] = $dst_file;
     $key['file_id'] = $file->id;
     return $file->id;
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * Creates a instance of requested controller and invokes requested method on that controller
 public function route()
     $page = XmlDocumentHandler::getInstance();
     $error = ErrorHandler::getInstance();
     // automatically resumes session unless it is blacklisted
     if (class_exists('\\cd\\SessionHandler') && !in_array($this->_controller, $this->exclude_session)) {
         $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
         if ($session->getName()) {
     switch ($this->_controller) {
         case 'a':
             $file = $page->getCoreDevPath() . 'views/admin/' . $this->_view . '.php';
         case 'u':
             $file = $page->getCoreDevPath() . 'views/user/' . $this->_view . '.php';
         case 'c':
             $file = $page->getCoreDevPath() . 'views/core/' . $this->_view . '.php';
         case 't':
             $file = $page->getCoreDevPath() . 'views/tools/' . $this->_view . '.php';
             $file = 'views/' . $this->_controller . '.php';
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
         $file = 'views/error/404.php';
     // expose request params for the view
     $view = new ViewModel($file);
     // XXX BUG: naming should be set correctly according to the hierarchy of the url, in reverse,
     // like: views/user/upload.php takes album/id parameters
     // so then in upload.php, "album" should be in the view param, and id in the owner param
     // -- now "album" is in owner, and "id" in child
     $view->view = $this->_view;
     $view->owner = $this->_owner;
     $view->child = $this->_child;
     $view->child2 = $this->_child2;
     $view->child3 = $this->_child3;
     // this must be done last, so that errors that was created during the view render can be displayed
     if ($error->getErrorCount()) {
Ejemplo n.º 25
 function handleEditStatus($p)
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     if (!$session->id) {
     PersonalStatus::setStatus($session->id, $p['status']);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 function handleNew($p)
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     $o = new PhotoAlbum();
     $o->owner = $session->id;
     $o->name = $p['name'];
     $o->time_created = sql_datetime(time());
     if ($session->isSuperAdmin && $p['system']) {
         $o->owner = 0;
     // create a system wide album
     $o->id = $o->store();
     js_redirect('u/album/show/' . $session->id . '/' . $o->id);
Ejemplo n.º 27
 static function create($name, $level)
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     $creator_id = $session->id ? $session->id : 0;
     $q = 'INSERT INTO tblUserGroups SET createdBy = ?, timeCreated = NOW(), name = ?, level = ?';
     return Sql::pInsert($q, 'isi', $creator_id, $name, $level);
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * Adds a task to the Task Queue
  * @param $_type type of task
  * @param $param
  * @param $param2
  * @return process event id
 static function addTask($type, $param, $param2 = '')
     if (!is_numeric($type)) {
         return false;
     $db = SqlHandler::getInstance();
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     switch ($type) {
         case TASK_FETCH:
             // downloads media files; enqueue url for download and processing
             //    $param = url
             $q = 'INSERT INTO tblTaskQueue SET timeCreated = NOW(), creatorId = ?, orderType = ?, referId = ?, orderStatus = ?, orderParams = ?';
             return $db->pInsert($q, 'iiiis', $session->id, $type, 0, ORDER_NEW, $param);
         case TASK_UPLOAD:
             // handle HTTP post file upload. is not enqueued
             //    $param is the $_FILES[idx] array
             $exec_time = 0;
             // XXXX FIXME measure
             // THE UPLOAD IS ALREADY PROCESSED BY XhtmlForm upload handler
             $fileId = $param['file_id'];
             $q = 'INSERT INTO tblTaskQueue SET timeCreated = NOW(), creatorId = ?, orderType = ?, referId = ?, orderStatus = ?, orderParams = ?, timeExec = ?, timeCompleted = NOW()';
             return $db->pInsert($q, 'iiiiss', $session->id, $type, $fileId, ORDER_COMPLETED, serialize($param), $exec_time);
                     case PROCESSQUEUE_AUDIO_RECODE:
                     case PROCESSQUEUE_IMAGE_RECODE:
                     case PROCESSQUEUE_VIDEO_RECODE:
                         //enque file for recoding.
                         //    $param = fileId
                         //    $param2 = destination format (by extension)
                         if (!is_numeric($param)) die;
                         $q = 'INSERT INTO tblTaskQueue SET timeCreated=NOW(),creatorId='.$session->id.',orderType='.$_type.',referId='.$param.',orderStatus='.ORDER_NEW.',orderParams="'.$db->escape($param2).'"';
                         return $db->insert($q);
                     case PROCESS_CONVERT_TO_DEFAULT:
                         if (!is_numeric($param)) return false;
                         //convert some media to the default media type, can be used to enqueue a conversion of a PROCESSFETCH before the server
                         //has fetched it & cant know the media type
                         //  $param = eventId we refer to. from this we can extract the future fileId to process
                         //    $param2 = array of additional parameters:
                         //        'callback' = callback URL on process completion (optional)
                         //        'watermark' = URL for watermark file (optional)
                         $q = 'INSERT INTO tblTaskQueue SET timeCreated=NOW(),creatorId='.$session->id.',orderType='.$_type.',referId='.$param.',orderStatus='.ORDER_NEW.',orderParams="'.$db->escape(serialize($param2)).'"';
                         return $db->insert($q);
                     case PROCESS_PARSE_AND_FETCH:
                         //parse this resource for further media resources and fetches them
                         // $param = fileId
                         // use to process a uploaded .torrent file & download it's content
                         // or to process a webpage and extract video files from it (including youtube) and download them to the server
                         die('not implemented PROCESS_PARSE_AND_FETCH');
                 case PROCESSQUEUE_AUDIO_RECODE:
                 case PROCESSQUEUE_IMAGE_RECODE:
                 case PROCESSQUEUE_VIDEO_RECODE:
                     //enque file for recoding.
                     //    $param = fileId
                     //    $param2 = destination format (by extension)
                     if (!is_numeric($param)) die;
                     $q = 'INSERT INTO tblTaskQueue SET timeCreated=NOW(),creatorId='.$session->id.',orderType='.$_type.',referId='.$param.',orderStatus='.ORDER_NEW.',orderParams="'.$db->escape($param2).'"';
                     return $db->insert($q);
                 case PROCESS_CONVERT_TO_DEFAULT:
                     if (!is_numeric($param)) return false;
                     //convert some media to the default media type, can be used to enqueue a conversion of a PROCESSFETCH before the server
                     //has fetched it & cant know the media type
                     //  $param = eventId we refer to. from this we can extract the future fileId to process
                     //    $param2 = array of additional parameters:
                     //        'callback' = callback URL on process completion (optional)
                     //        'watermark' = URL for watermark file (optional)
                     $q = 'INSERT INTO tblTaskQueue SET timeCreated=NOW(),creatorId='.$session->id.',orderType='.$_type.',referId='.$param.',orderStatus='.ORDER_NEW.',orderParams="'.$db->escape(serialize($param2)).'"';
                     return $db->insert($q);
                 case PROCESS_PARSE_AND_FETCH:
                     //parse this resource for further media resources and fetches them
                     // $param = fileId
                     // use to process a uploaded .torrent file & download it's content
                     // or to process a webpage and extract video files from it (including youtube) and download them to the server
                     die('not implemented PROCESS_PARSE_AND_FETCH');
             die('unknown processqueue type');
             return false;
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * Used by SessionHandler::login() and others
 public static function getExact($type, $id, $name, $pwd)
     $q = 'SELECT * FROM tblUsers' . ' WHERE id = ? AND name = ? AND type = ? AND time_deleted IS NULL';
     $obj = Sql::pSelectRowToObject(__CLASS__, array($q, 'isi', $id, $name, $type));
     if (!$obj) {
         return false;
     $x = explode(':', $obj->password);
     if (count($x) == 2) {
         $algo = $x[0];
         $pwd2 = $x[1];
     } else {
         // auto fallback to old default (sha1)
         $algo = 'sha1';
         $pwd2 = $obj->password;
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     $expected = $algo . ":" . $pwd2;
     if (Password::encrypt($id, $session->getEncryptKey(), $pwd, $algo) != $expected) {
         return false;
     return $obj;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public static function deleteByOwner($type, $owner)
     $session = SessionHandler::getInstance();
     $q = 'UPDATE ' . self::$tbl_name . ' SET deleted_by = ?, time_deleted = NOW()' . ' WHERE type = ? AND owner = ?';
     Sql::pUpdate($q, 'iii', $session->id, $type, $owner);