            if (isset($values['taxonomies_settings'][$taxonomy->name]['include_exclude'])) {
                $sval = $values['taxonomies_settings'][$taxonomy->name]['include_exclude'];
        echo '<select name="settings_taxonomies[' . $taxonomy->name . '][include_exclude]" class="meta_key" id="' . $taxonomy->name . '_include_exclude">';
        echo '<option value="include"' . $this->set_selected($sval, "include", false) . '>Include</option>';
        echo '<option value="exclude"' . $this->set_selected($sval, "exclude", false) . '>Exclude</option>';
        echo '</select>';
        $ids_string = "";
        if ($tval != "") {
            $ids_array = array_map("intval", explode(",", $tval));
            if (Search_Filter_Helper::has_wpml()) {
                $res = array();
                foreach ($ids_array as $id) {
                    $xlat = Search_Filter_Helper::wpml_object_id($id, $taxonomy->name, false);
                    if (!is_null($xlat)) {
                        $res[] = $xlat;
                $ids_array = $res;
            $ids_string = implode(",", $ids_array);
							<input class="settings_exclude_ids" id="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($taxonomy->name);
_ids" name="settings_taxonomies[<?php 
 public function display_shortcode($atts, $content = null)
     $lazy_load_js = get_option('search_filter_lazy_load_js');
     if ($lazy_load_js == 1) {
     // extract the attributes into variables
     extract(shortcode_atts(array('id' => '', 'show' => 'form', 'action' => ''), $atts));
     $returnvar = "";
     //make sure its set
     if ($id != "") {
         $base_form_id = (int) $id;
         if (Search_Filter_Helper::has_wpml()) {
             $base_form_id = Search_Filter_Helper::wpml_object_id($id, 'search-filter-widget', true, ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE);
         if (get_post_status($base_form_id) != "publish") {
         $fields = get_post_meta($base_form_id, '_search-filter-fields', true);
         $settings = get_post_meta($base_form_id, '_search-filter-settings', true);
         $addclass = "";
         global $searchandfilter;
         $searchform = $searchandfilter->get($base_form_id);
         if ($action == "prep_query") {
             return $returnvar;
         } else {
             if ($action == "do_archive_query") {
                 do_action("search_filter_archive_query", $base_form_id);
                 do_action("search_filter_do_query", $base_form_id);
                 return $returnvar;
             } else {
                 if ($action == "setup_pagination") {
                     return $returnvar;
                 } else {
                     if ($show == "form") {
                         /* TODO  set auto count somewhere else */
                         //make sure there are fields
                         if (isset($fields)) {
                             //make sure fields are in array format as expected
                             if (is_array($fields)) {
                                 $use_ajax = isset($settings['use_ajax_toggle']) ? (bool) $settings['use_ajax_toggle'] : false;
                                 $use_history_api = true;
                                 $ajax_target = isset($settings['ajax_target']) ? esc_attr($settings['ajax_target']) : '';
                                 $results_url = isset($settings['results_url']) ? esc_attr($settings['results_url']) : '';
                                 $page_slug = isset($settings['page_slug']) ? esc_attr($settings['page_slug']) : '';
                                 $ajax_links_selector = isset($settings['ajax_links_selector']) ? esc_attr($settings['ajax_links_selector']) : '';
                                 $ajax_auto_submit = isset($settings['auto_submit']) ? (int) $settings['auto_submit'] : '';
                                 $auto_count = isset($settings['enable_auto_count']) ? (int) $settings['enable_auto_count'] : '';
                                 $auto_count_refresh_mode = isset($settings['auto_count_refresh_mode']) ? (int) $settings['auto_count_refresh_mode'] : '';
                                 $use_results_shortcode = isset($settings['use_results_shortcode']) ? (int) $settings['use_results_shortcode'] : '';
                                 /* legacy */
                                 $display_results_as = isset($settings['display_results_as']) ? esc_attr($settings['display_results_as']) : 'shortcode';
                                 $update_ajax_url = isset($settings['update_ajax_url']) ? (int) $settings['update_ajax_url'] : 1;
                                 $only_results_ajax = isset($settings['only_results_ajax']) ? (int) $settings['only_results_ajax'] : '';
                                 $scroll_to_pos = isset($settings['scroll_to_pos']) ? esc_attr($settings['scroll_to_pos']) : '';
                                 $scroll_on_action = isset($settings['scroll_on_action']) ? esc_attr($settings['scroll_on_action']) : '';
                                 $custom_scroll_to = isset($settings['custom_scroll_to']) ? esc_html($settings['custom_scroll_to']) : '';
                                 //$is_woocommerce = isset($settings['is_woocommerce']) ? esc_html($settings['is_woocommerce']) : '';
                                 /* legacy */
                                 if (isset($settings['use_results_shortcode'])) {
                                     if ($settings['use_results_shortcode'] == 1) {
                                         $display_results_as = "shortcode";
                                     } else {
                                         $display_results_as = "archive";
                                 /* end legacy */
                                 //prep the query so we can get the counts for the items in the search form - should not really be loaded here - needs to run before page load
                                 if ($display_results_as == "shortcode") {
                                     //if we're using a shortcode, grab the selector automatically from the id
                                     $ajax_target = "#search-filter-results-" . $base_form_id;
                                 $post_types = isset($settings['post_types']) ? $settings['post_types'] : '';
                                 /*$ajax_url = "";
                                 		$start_url = home_url();
                                 		$full_url = $this->get_current_URL();
                                 		if(substr($full_url, 0, strlen($start_url)) == $start_url)
                                 			$ajax_url = substr($full_url, strlen($start_url));
                                 $form_attr = ' data-sf-form-id="' . $base_form_id . '" data-is-rtl="' . (int) is_rtl() . '"';
                                 $ajax_url = "";
                                 /* figure out the ajax/results urls */
                                 if ($display_results_as == "archive") {
                                     //get search & filter results url respecting permalink settings
                                     $results_url = home_url("?sfid=" . $base_form_id);
                                     //$results_url = add_query_arg(array('sfid' => $base_form_id), pll_home_url());
                                     if (get_option('permalink_structure')) {
                                         $page_slug = $settings['page_slug'];
                                         if ($page_slug != "") {
                                             $results_url = trailingslashit(home_url($page_slug));
                                     if (has_filter('sf_archive_results_url')) {
                                         $results_url = apply_filters('sf_archive_results_url', $results_url, $base_form_id, $page_slug);
                                 } else {
                                     if ($display_results_as == "post_type_archive") {
                                         //get the post type for this form (should only be one set)
                                         //then find out the proper url for the archive page according to permalink option
                                         if (isset($settings['post_types'])) {
                                             $post_types = array_keys($settings['post_types']);
                                             if (isset($post_types[0])) {
                                                 $post_type = $post_types[0];
                                                 if ($post_type == "post") {
                                                     if (get_option('show_on_front') == 'page') {
                                                         $results_url = get_permalink(get_option('page_for_posts'));
                                                     } else {
                                                         $results_url = home_url('/');
                                                 } else {
                                                     $results_url = get_post_type_archive_link($post_type);
                                     } else {
                                         if ($display_results_as == "shortcode") {
                                             //use the results_url defined by the user
                                             $ajax_url = home_url("?sfid=" . $base_form_id . "&sf_action=get_results");
                                         } else {
                                             if ($display_results_as == "custom_edd_store") {
                                                 //use the results_url defined by the user
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($display_results_as == "custom_woocommerce_store" && function_exists('woocommerce_get_page_id')) {
                                                     //find woocommerce shop page
                                                     $results_url = home_url("?post_type=product");
                                                     if (get_option('permalink_structure')) {
                                                         $results_url = get_permalink(woocommerce_get_page_id('shop'));
                                 if ($results_url != "") {
                                     if (has_filter('sf_results_url')) {
                                         $results_url = apply_filters('sf_results_url', $results_url, $base_form_id);
                                     $form_attr .= ' data-results-url="' . $results_url . '"';
                                 if ($use_ajax && $ajax_url != "") {
                                     if (has_filter('sf_ajax_results_url')) {
                                         $ajax_url = apply_filters('sf_ajax_results_url', $ajax_url, $base_form_id);
                                     $form_attr .= ' data-ajax-url="' . $ajax_url . '"';
                                 $ajax_form_url = home_url("?sfid=" . $base_form_id . "&sf_action=get_form");
                                 if ($ajax_form_url != "") {
                                     if (has_filter('sf_ajax_form_url')) {
                                         $ajax_form_url = apply_filters('sf_ajax_form_url', $ajax_form_url, $base_form_id);
                                     $form_attr .= ' data-ajax-form-url="' . $ajax_form_url . '"';
                                 $form_attr .= ' data-use-history-api="' . (int) $use_history_api . '"';
                                 $form_attr .= ' data-template-loaded="' . (int) $this->is_template_loaded . '"';
                                 $lang_code = "";
                                 if (Search_Filter_Helper::has_wpml()) {
                                     $lang_code = ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE;
                                 $form_attr .= ' data-lang-code="' . $lang_code . '"';
                                 $form_attr .= ' data-ajax="' . (int) $use_ajax . '"';
                                 if ($use_ajax) {
                                     if ($ajax_target != "") {
                                         $form_attr .= ' data-ajax-target="' . $ajax_target . '"';
                                     if ($ajax_links_selector != "") {
                                         $form_attr .= ' data-ajax-links-selector="' . $ajax_links_selector . '"';
                                     if ($update_ajax_url != "") {
                                         $form_attr .= ' data-update-ajax-url="' . $update_ajax_url . '"';
                                     if ($only_results_ajax != "") {
                                         $form_attr .= ' data-only-results-ajax="' . $only_results_ajax . '"';
                                     if ($scroll_to_pos != "") {
                                         $form_attr .= ' data-scroll-to-pos="' . $scroll_to_pos . '"';
                                         if ($scroll_to_pos == "custom") {
                                             if ($custom_scroll_to != "") {
                                                 $form_attr .= ' data-custom-scroll-to="' . $custom_scroll_to . '"';
                                     if ($scroll_on_action != "") {
                                         $form_attr .= ' data-scroll-on-action="' . $scroll_on_action . '"';
                                 $form_attr .= ' data-auto-update="' . $ajax_auto_submit . '"';
                                 if ($auto_count == 1) {
                                     $form_attr .= ' data-auto-count="' . esc_attr($auto_count) . '"';
                                     if ($auto_count_refresh_mode == 1) {
                                         $form_attr .= ' data-auto-count-refresh-mode="' . esc_attr($auto_count_refresh_mode) . '"';
                                 $returnvar .= '<form action="' . $results_url . '" method="post" class="searchandfilter' . $addclass . '"' . $form_attr . ' id="search-filter-form-' . $base_form_id . '" autocomplete="off">';
                                 $returnvar .= "<ul>";
                                 $this->fields = new Search_Filter_Fields($this->plugin_slug, $base_form_id);
                                 //loop through each field and grab html
                                 foreach ($fields as $field) {
                                     $returnvar .= $this->get_field($field, $post_types, $base_form_id);
                                 $returnvar .= "</ul>";
                                 $returnvar .= "</form>";
                     } else {
                         if ($show == "results") {
                             /* legacy */
                             if ($searchform->settings('use_results_shortcode') == 1) {
                                 $display_results_as = "shortcode";
                             } else {
                                 $display_results_as = "archive";
                             /* end legacy */
                             if ($searchform->settings('display_results_as') != "") {
                                 $display_results_as = $searchform->settings('display_results_as');
                             if ($display_results_as == "shortcode") {
                                 $returnvar = $this->display_results->output_results($base_form_id, $settings);
                             } else {
                                 if (current_user_can('edit_posts')) {
                                     $returnvar = __("<p><strong>Notice:</strong> This Search Form has not been configured to use a shortcode. <a href='" . get_edit_post_link($base_form_id) . "'>Edit settings</a>.</p>", $this->plugin_slug);
     return $returnvar;
    function form($instance)
        if (isset($instance['title']) && isset($instance['formid'])) {
            $title = __(esc_attr($instance['title']), $this->plugin_slug);
            $formid = esc_attr($instance['formid']);
        } else {
            $title = __('', $this->plugin_slug);
            $formid = __('', $this->plugin_slug);
		<div class="sf-widget-content">
			<p><label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('title');
 <input class="widefat" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('title');
" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('title');
" type="text" value="<?php 
        echo $title;
" /></label></p>
				<label for="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('formid');
">Choose a Search Form: 
					<select class="widefat" name="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_name('formid');
" id="<?php 
        echo $this->get_field_id('formid');
						<option value="0"><?php 
        _e('Please choose');
        $custom_posts = new WP_Query('post_type=search-filter-widget&post_status=publish&posts_per_page=-1');
        if (Search_Filter_Helper::has_wpml()) {
            $formid = Search_Filter_Helper::wpml_object_id($formid, 'search-filter-widget', true, ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE);
        while ($custom_posts->have_posts()) {
							<option value="<?php 
" <?php 
            if ($formid == get_the_ID()) {
                echo ' selected="selected"';

			<p class="sf-widget-text-last">
        _e('Don\'t see a Search Form you want to use? <a href="' . admin_url('post-new.php?post_type=search-filter-widget') . '">Create a new Search Form</a>.');
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function lang_object_ids($ids_array, $type)
     if (Search_Filter_Helper::has_wpml()) {
         $res = array();
         foreach ($ids_array as $id) {
             $xlat = Search_Filter_Helper::wpml_object_id($id, $type, false);
             if (!is_null($xlat)) {
                 $res[] = $xlat;
         return $res;
     } else {
         return $ids_array;