$html .= "\t\t<button class='btn btn-primary btnaccept'>Accept<span hidden class='itemid'>" . $notification->itemid . "</span><span hidden class='itemtype'>" . $notification->itemtype . "</span><span hidden class='fromuserid'>" . $notification->fromuserid . "</span><span hidden class='notificationid'>" . $notification->id . "</span></button> "; $html .= "\t\t<button class='btn btn-danger btndecline'>Decline<span hidden class='itemid'>" . $notification->itemid . "</span><span hidden class='itemtype'>" . $notification->itemtype . "</span><span hidden class='fromuserid'>" . $notification->fromuserid . "</span><span hidden class='notificationid'>" . $notification->id . "</span></button>"; } else { if ($notification->itemtype == "friend") { $object = Friend::get_by_id($notification->itemid); if ($object->userid != $session->user_id) { $touser = User::get_by_id($object->userid); } else { if ($object->touserid != $session->user_id) { $touser = User::get_by_id($object->touserid); } } $html .= "Now friends"; } else { if ($notification->itemtype == "schooluser") { $object = SchoolUser::get_by_id($notification->itemid); $school = School::get_by_id($object->schoolid); $html .= "Now a member in School <a href='school.php?id=" . $school->id . "'>" . $school->name . "</a>"; } else { if ($notification->itemtype == "batchuser") { $object = BatchUser::get_by_id($notification->itemid); $batch = Batch::get_by_id($object->batchid); $school = School::get_by_id($object->schoolid); $html .= "Now a member in Batch <a href='batch.php?id=" . $batch->id . "'>" . $batch->get_batchyear() . "</a> of School <a href='school.php?id=" . $school->id . "'>" . $school->name . "</a>"; } else { if ($notification->itemtype == "sectionuser") { $object = SectionUser::get_by_id($notification->itemid); $section = Section::get_by_id($object->sectionid); $batch = Batch::get_by_id($object->batchid); $school = School::get_by_id($object->schoolid); $html .= "Now a member in Section <a href='section.php?id=" . $section->id . "'>" . $section->name . "</a> of Batch <a href='batch.php?id=" . $batch->id . "'>" . $batch->get_batchyear() . "</a> of School <a href='school.php?id=" . $school->id . "'>" . $school->name . "</a>";
if ($searchOper == 'eq') { $searchString = $searchString; } if ($searchOper == 'bw' || $searchOper == 'bn') { $searchString .= '%'; } if ($searchOper == 'ew' || $searchOper == 'en') { $searchString = '%' . $searchString; } if ($searchOper == 'cn' || $searchOper == 'nc' || $searchOper == 'in' || $searchOper == 'ni') { $searchString = '%' . $searchString . '%'; } $where = "{$searchField} {$ops} '{$searchString}'"; $schoolusers = SchoolUser::get_by_sql("SELECT * FROM " . T_SCHOOLUSERS . " WHERE " . $where . " AND " . $where2 . " ORDER BY {$sidx} {$sord} LIMIT {$start} , {$limit}"); } else { $schoolusers = SchoolUser::get_by_sql("SELECT * FROM " . T_SCHOOLUSERS . " WHERE " . $where2 . " ORDER BY {$sidx} {$sord} LIMIT {$start} , {$limit}"); } header("Content-type: text/xml;charset=utf-8"); $s = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>"; $s .= "<rows>"; $s .= "<page>" . $page . "</page>"; $s .= "<total>" . $total_pages . "</total>"; $s .= "<records>" . $count . "</records>"; foreach ($schoolusers as $schooluser) { $user = User::get_by_id($schooluser->userid); if (!$user) { $user = new User(); } $school = School::get_by_id($schooluser->schoolid); if (!$school) { $school = new School();
$enableEditing = false; } } echo "<input id='batchid' type='hidden' value='" . $batch->id . "'>"; ?> <script> var lastClickedPage = ""; </script> <div id="pageExplorer" class="modal hide fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true" style="width: 1000px; margin-left: -500px;"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <h3 id="myModalLabel">Open a Page</h3> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <select name="schoolselect" id="schoolselect"> <?php $schooladmins = SchoolUser::getAdminSchools($session->user_id); if (count($schooladmins) > 0) { foreach ($schooladmins as $schooladmin) { echo "<option value='" . $schooladmin->schoolid . "'>" . School::get_by_id($schooladmin->schoolid)->name . "</option>"; } } else { echo "<option value='0'>NO SCHOOLS YET</option>"; } ?> </select> <select name="batchselect" id="batchselect"> <?php if (count($schooladmins) > 0) { $onlyschool = School::get_by_id($schooladmins[0]->schoolid); $batchadmins = BatchUser::getAdminBatchs($session->user_id, $onlyschool->id);
require_once "../initialize.php"; $response = ""; $loggeduser = User::get_by_id($session->user_id); if (isset($_GET['schoolid']) || isset($_GET['batchid']) || isset($_GET['sectionid'])) { if (isset($_GET['schoolid'])) { $school = School::get_by_id($_GET['schoolid']); if (SchoolUser::userExists($loggeduser->id, $school->id)) { $object = SchoolUser::getUser($loggeduser->id, $school->id); $object->delete(); $response = "success"; $notification = new Notification(); $notification->fromuserid = $loggeduser->id; $notification->itemid = $object->id; $notification->itemtype = "message"; $notification->title = "Opted Out"; $admins = SchoolUser::getAdmins($school->id); foreach ($admins as $admin) { $notification->touserid = $admin->userid; $notification->create(); } } else { $response = "Error"; } } else { if (isset($_GET['batchid'])) { $batch = Batch::get_by_id($_GET['batchid']); if (BatchUser::userExists($loggeduser->id, $_GET['batchid'])) { $object = BatchUser::getUser($loggeduser->id, $_GET['batchid']); $object->delete(); $response = "success"; $notification = new Notification();
<?php require_once "../initialize.php"; $input = $_GET['input']; $html = ""; $filterby = $_GET['filterby']; $thestudent = User::get_by_id($_GET['studentid']); if ($filterby == "schoolmates") { $orgbyuser = SchoolUser::getSchoolsImIn($thestudent->id); $ids = array(); foreach ($orgbyuser as $item) { array_push($ids, $item->schoolid); } $mates = SchoolUser::getUsersInMultipleSchoolsSearch($ids, $_GET['input']); } else { if ($filterby == "batchmates") { $orgbyuser = BatchUser::getBatchsImIn($thestudent->id); $ids = array(); foreach ($orgbyuser as $item) { array_push($ids, $item->batchid); } $mates = BatchUser::getUsersInMultipleBatchsSearch($ids, $_GET['input']); } else { if ($filterby == "sectionmates") { $orgbyuser = SectionUser::getSectionsImIn($thestudent->id); $ids = array(); foreach ($orgbyuser as $item) { array_push($ids, $item->sectionid); } $mates = SectionUser::getUsersInMultipleSectionsSearch($ids, $_GET['input']); } else {
redirect_to("../../index.php"); } if ($_POST['oper'] == 'add') { $user = new SchoolUser(); $user->pending = $_POST['pending']; $user->enabled = $_POST['enabled']; $user->schoolid = $_POST['schoolid']; $user->userid = $_POST['userid']; $user->level = $_POST['level']; $user->create(); $log = new Log($session->user_id, $clientip, "WEB", "CREATED SCHOOLUSER: "******"WEB", "UPDATED SCHOOLUSER: "******"WEB", "DELETED SCHOOLUSER: " . $_POST['id']); $log->create(); SchoolUser::get_by_id($_POST['id'])->delete(); } } }
<div class="span1"></div> <div class="span9"> <form id="theform" class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="#" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <fieldset> <legend> Update Section: <?php echo $object->name; ?> </legend> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="name">Batch</label> <div class="controls"> <select name="batchselect" id="batchselect"> <?php if (SchoolUser::amIAdmin($session->user_id, $object->schoolid) || $user->is_super_admin()) { $batchs = Batch::get_all_by_schoolid($school->id); if (count($batchs) > 0) { foreach ($batchs as $batch) { if ($batch->pending == 0 && $batch->enabled == 1) { echo "<option value='" . $batch->id . "'>" . $batch->get_batchyear() . "</option>"; } } } else { echo "<option value='0'>NO BATCHS YET</option>"; } } else { $batchusers = BatchUser::getBatchsIAdminInSchool($session->user_id, $school->id); if (count($batchusers) > 0) { foreach ($batchusers as $batchuser) { $batch = Batch::get_by_id($batchuser->batchid);
$object->fbcomments = $_POST["fbcomments"]; $object->enabled = 1; $object->pending = 0; $file = new File($_FILES['cover']); if ($file->valid) { $object->cover = $file->data; } $file = new File($_FILES['picture']); if ($file->valid) { $object->picture = $file->data; } $object->create(); if (isset($_POST['schoolselect']) && $_POST['schoolselect'] != "NOTHING") { $school = School::get_by_id($_POST['schoolselect']); } $schooluser = new SchoolUser(); $schooluser->schoolid = $school->id; $schooluser->userid = $object->id; $schooluser->level = 0; $schooluser->enabled = 1; $schooluser->pending = 0; $schooluser->create(); if (isset($_POST['batchselect']) && $_POST['batchselect'] != "NOTHING") { $batch = Batch::get_by_id($_POST['batchselect']); $batchuser = new BatchUser(); $batchuser->schoolid = $school->id; $batchuser->batchid = $batch->id; $batchuser->userid = $object->id; $batchuser->level = 0; $batchuser->enabled = 1; $batchuser->pending = 0;
$user->comments = $_POST['comments']; $user->pending = $_POST['pending']; $user->enabled = $_POST['enabled']; $user->username = $_POST['username']; $user->password = $_POST['password']; $user->email = $_POST['email']; $user->firstname = $_POST['firstname']; $user->middlename = $_POST['middlename']; $user->lastname = $_POST['lastname']; $user->address = $_POST['address']; $user->moto = $_POST['moto']; $user->birthdate = $_POST['birthdate']; $user->number = $_POST['number']; $user->update(); $log = new Log($session->user_id, $clientip, "WEB", "UPDATED USER: "******"WEB", "DELETED USER: " . $_POST['id']); $log->create(); SchoolUser::delete_all_by_userid($_POST['id']); BatchUser::delete_all_by_userid($_POST['id']); SectionUser::delete_all_by_userid($_POST['id']); ClubUser::delete_all_by_userid($_POST['id']); GroupUser::delete_all_by_userid($_POST['id']); User::get_by_id($_POST['id'])->delete(); } } } }
<?php require_once "header.php"; if (!$session->is_logged_in()) { header("location: index.php?negative"); } else { $user = User::get_by_id($session->user_id); if ($user->enabled == DISABLED) { header("location: index.php?disabled"); } } $pathinfo = pathinfo($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); $basename = $pathinfo["basename"]; $currentFile = str_replace(".php", "", $basename); $batchusers = BatchUser::getBatchsIAdminInSchool($session->user_id, CSNTRID); $schoolusersX = SchoolUser::getAdminSchools($session->user_id); $batchusersX = BatchUser::getAdminBatchs($session->user_id); if (count($schoolusersX) == 0 && count($batchusersX) == 0) { header("location: index.php?negative"); } ?> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span1"></div> <div class="span9"> <form id="theform" class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="#" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <fieldset> <legend> Create a Section </legend>
<?php require_once "../initialize.php"; $response = ""; if (isset($_GET['schoolid']) || isset($_GET['batchid']) || isset($_GET['sectionid'])) { if (isset($_GET['schoolid'])) { if (SchoolUser::userExists($session->user_id, $_GET['schoolid'])) { $object = SchoolUser::getUser($session->user_id, $_GET['schoolid']); $object->pending == 0; $object->update(); $response = "success"; } else { $response = "Error"; } } else { if (isset($_GET['batchid'])) { if (BatchUser::userExists($session->user_id, $_GET['batchid'])) { $object = BatchUser::getUser($session->user_id, $_GET['batchid']); $object->update(); $response = "success"; } else { $response = "Error"; } } else { if (isset($_GET['sectionid'])) { if (SectionUser::userExists($session->user_id, $_GET['sectionid'])) { $object = SectionUser::getUser($session->user_id, $_GET['sectionid']); $object->update(); $response = "success"; } else { $response = "Error";
$batchsIds = array(); if (count($batchsInSchool) > 0) { foreach ($batchsInSchool as $batchuser) { array_push($batchsIds, $batchuser->batchid); } } if (isset($_GET['sectionid'])) { $theusers = SectionUser::getUsersInSection($_GET['sectionid']); } else { if (isset($_GET['batchid'])) { $theusers = BatchUser::getUsersInBatch($_GET['batchid']); } else { if (isset($_GET['schoolid'])) { $theusers = SchoolUser::getUsersInSchool($_GET['schoolid']); } else { $theusers = SchoolUser::getUsersInSchool(CSNTRID); } } } ?> <div class="container-fixed" > <div class="span12 offset1"> <div class="btn-group" style="margin-bottom: 20px"> <div class="btn-group"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"> <?php if (count($batchsInSchool) == 0) { echo "Nothing Yet"; } else { echo "View By";
if (BatchUser::amIAdmin($session->user_id, $batch->id) || SchoolUser::amIAdmin($session->user_id, $batch->schoolid) || $user->is_super_admin()) { echo ' <li class="divider"></li> <li><a href="updatebatch.php?id=' . $batch->id . '"><i class="icon-large icon-pencil"></i> Edit Batch</a></li> <li><a href="editor.php?id=' . $batch->id . '"><i class="icon-large icon-pencil"></i> Edit Yearbook</a></li> <li class="divider"></li>'; } $sectionsInBatch = Section::get_all_by_batchid($batch->id); if (count($sectionsInBatch) > 0) { foreach ($sectionsInBatch as $section) { echo ' <li class="dropdown-submenu"> <a tabindex="-1" href="section.php?id=' . $section->id . '"> ' . $section->name . ' </a> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> <li><a href="section.php?id=' . $section->id . '"><i class="icon-large icon-play"></i> View</a></li>'; if (SectionUser::amIAdmin($session->user_id, $section->id) || BatchUser::amIAdmin($session->user_id, $section->batchid) || SchoolUser::amIAdmin($session->user_id, $section->schoolid) || $user->is_super_admin()) { echo '<li><a href="updatesection.php?id=' . $section->id . '"><i class="icon-large icon-pencil"></i> Edit</a></li>'; } echo ' </ul> </li> '; } } echo ' </ul> </li> '; } } } else {
<?php require_once "../initialize.php"; $response = ""; if ((isset($_GET['schoolid']) || isset($_GET['batchid']) || isset($_GET['sectionid'])) && isset($_GET['userid'])) { $user = User::get_by_id($_GET['userid']); if (isset($_GET['schoolid'])) { if (!SchoolUser::userExists($user->id, $_GET['schoolid'])) { $school = School::get_by_id($_GET['schoolid']); $object = new SchoolUser(); $object->schoolid = $school->id; $object->userid = $user->id; $object->level = 0; $object->role = "student"; $object->enabled = 1; $object->pending = 1; $object->create(); $notification = new Notification(); $notification->fromuserid = $session->user_id; $notification->touserid = $user->id; $notification->itemid = $object->id; $notification->itemtype = "schooluser"; $notification->title = "Invites you"; $notification->create(); $response = "success"; } else { $theuser = SchoolUser::getUser($user->id, $_GET['schoolid']); if ($theuser->pending == 0) { $response = "This user is already a member."; } else { $response = "This user is already pending.";
<?php require_once "../initialize.php"; $sectionsselect = null; if (isset($_GET["batchid"])) { if (is_numeric($_GET["batchid"])) { $batch = Batch::get_by_id($_GET["batchid"]); if (SchoolUser::amIAdmin($session->user_id, $batch->schoolid) || BatchUser::amIAdmin($session->user_id, $batch->id)) { $sections = Section::get_all_by_batchid($batch->id); if (count($sections) > 0) { foreach ($sections as $section) { $sectionsselect .= "<option value='" . $section->id . "'>" . $section->name . "</option>"; } if (User::get_by_id($session->user_id)->is_super_admin()) { $sectionsselect .= "<option value='NOTHING'>NOTHING</option>"; } } else { $sectionsselect .= "<option value='0'>NO SECTIONS YET</option>"; } } else { $sectionadmins = SectionUser::getSectionsIAdminInBatch($session->user_id, $_GET["batchid"]); if (count($sectionadmins) > 0) { foreach ($sectionadmins as $sectionadmin) { $section = Section::get_by_id($sectionadmin->sectionid); $sectionsselect .= "<option value='" . $section->id . "'>" . $section->name . "</option>"; } if (User::get_by_id($session->user_id)->is_super_admin()) { $sectionsselect .= "<option value='NOTHING'>NOTHING</option>"; } } else { $sectionsselect .= "<option value='0'>NO SECTIONS YET</option>";
<button class="btn-mini btn-link pull-right btnaddfriend"> Add Friend<span hidden>' . $user->id . '</span> </button> '; } } } echo ' <div class="btn-group pull-right"> <a id="btninvite" class="btn-mini dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#"> <i class="icon-large icon-circle-arrow-down"></i> Invite <i class="icon-caret-down"></i> <span class="caret"></span> </a> <ul class="dropdown-menu"> '; $schoolsImIn = SchoolUser::getSchoolsImIn($session->user_id); $bathsImIn = BatchUser::getBatchsImIn($session->user_id); $sectionsImIn = SectionUser::getSectionsImIn($session->user_id); if ($loggeduser->is_super_admin()) { if (count($schoolsImIn) > 0) { echo '<li class="divider"> schools</li>'; foreach ($schoolsImIn as $theuser) { $school = School::get_by_id($theuser->schoolid); if (!$school) { $theuser->delete(); } echo '<li><a href="#" onclick="invite(\'schoolid\', ' . $school->id . '); return false;">' . $school->name . '</a></li>'; } } } if (count($bathsImIn) > 0) {
<?php require_once "../initialize.php"; $input = $_GET['input']; $html = ""; $filteredstudents = User::search($input); if (count($filteredstudents) > 0) { foreach ($filteredstudents as $object) { $html .= '<tr>'; $html .= ' <td><img style="height:40px;" src="data:image/jpeg;base64, ' . $object->picture . ' " /></td>'; $html .= ' <td><a href="student.php?id=' . $object->id . '">' . $object->get_full_name() . '</a></td>'; if (isset($_GET['schoolid'])) { $school = School::get_by_id($_GET['schoolid']); $theuser = SchoolUser::getUser($object->id, $school->id); if ($theuser) { if ($theuser->pending == 1) { $html .= ' <td><button class="btn-small button-flat-primary disabled">Already Pending</button></td>'; } else { $html .= '<td><button class="btn-small button-flat-action disabled">Member</button></td>'; } } else { $html .= '<td><button class="btn-small button-flat-primary btninvite">Invite<span hidden>' . $object->id . '</span></button></td>'; } } else { if (isset($_GET['batchid'])) { $batch = Batch::get_by_id($_GET['batchid']); $theuser = BatchUser::getUser($object->id, $batch->id); if ($theuser) { if ($theuser->pending == 1) { $html .= '<td><button class="btn-small button-flat-primary disabled">Already Pending</button></td>'; } else {
<?php if ($session->is_logged_in()) { echo ' <a href="#invitationBox" role="button" class="btn-mini pull-right" data-toggle="modal"> <i class="icon-large icon-comment"></i> Invite Students </a> '; if ($loggeduser->is_super_admin() || SchoolUser::amIAdmin($loggeduser->id, $school->id)) { echo ' <a href="updateschool.php?id=' . $school->id . '" class="btn-mini pull-right"> <i class="icon-large icon-pencil"></i> Edit </a> '; } $loggedschooluser = SchoolUser::getUser($session->user_id, $school->id); if ($loggedschooluser == null) { echo ' <button role="button" class="btn-mini btn-link pull-right" onclick="join(); return false;"> <i class="icon-large icon-envelope"></i> Join </button> '; } else { if ($loggedschooluser != null) { if ($loggedschooluser->pending == 1) { echo ' <button role="button" class="btn-mini btn-link pull-right" onclick="cancelpending(); return false;"> <i class="icon-large icon-envelope"></i> Cancel Pending </button> '; } else {
SectionUser::delete_all_by_schoolid($school->id); Section::delete_all_by_schoolid($school->id); //===================BATCH=============================// BatchUser::delete_all_by_schoolid($school->id); Batch::delete_all_by_schoolid($school->id); //===================SCHOOL=============================// SchoolUser::delete_all_by_schoolid($school->id); $school->delete(); } $log = new Log($session->userid, $clientip, "WEB", "DELETED MULTIPLE SCHOOLS"); $log->create(); $response = "success"; } else { if ($what == "schooluser") { foreach ($ids as $id) { SchoolUser::get_by_id($id)->delete(); } $log = new Log($session->userid, $clientip, "WEB", "DELETED MULTIPLE SCHOOLUSERS"); $log->create(); $response = "success"; } else { if ($what == "batch") { foreach ($ids as $id) { $batch = Batch::get_by_id($id); SectionUser::delete_all_by_schoolid($batch->schoolid); Section::delete_all_by_schoolid($batch->schoolid); BatchUser::delete_all_by_batchid($batch->id); $folder_path = "../../public/schools/" . $batch->schoolid . "/yearbooks/" . $batch->get_batchyear(); rrmdir($folder_path); $batch->delete(); }
<?php require_once "header.php"; $pathinfo = pathinfo($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); $basename = $pathinfo["basename"]; $currentFile = str_replace(".php", "", $basename); $sound = isset($_GET['success']) ? "positive" : ""; if ($session->is_logged_in()) { $user = User::get_by_id($session->user_id); if ($user->enabled == DISABLED) { header("location: index.php?disabled"); } else { $schoolsIAdminCount = count(SchoolUser::getAdminSchools($session->user_id)); $batchsIAdminCount = count(BatchUser::getAdminBatchs($session->user_id)); $sectionsIAdminCount = count(SectionUser::getAdminSections($session->user_id)); $iAdminSomething = false; if ($schoolsIAdminCount + $batchsIAdminCount + $sectionsIAdminCount > 0 || $user->is_super_admin()) { $iAdminSomething = true; } } } else { header("location: index.php?negative"); } ?> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row-fluid"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <?php if ($user->is_super_admin()) { echo '<li><a id="userstab" href="#users" data-toggle="tab">Students</a></li>';
<?php require_once "../initialize.php"; $school = School::get_by_id($_GET['id']); $folder_path = "../../public/schools/" . $school->id; if (file_exists($folder_path)) { rrmdir($folder_path); } //===================SECTION=============================// SectionUser::delete_all_by_schoolid($school->id); Section::delete_all_by_schoolid($school->id); //===================BATCH=============================// BatchUser::delete_all_by_schoolid($school->id); Batch::delete_all_by_schoolid($school->id); //===================SCHOOL=============================// SchoolUser::delete_all_by_schoolid($school->id); $school->delete(); $log = new Log($session->user_id, $clientip, "WEB", "DELETED SCHOOL: " . $school->id); $log->create(); echo "success"; function rrmdir($dir) { foreach (glob($dir . '/*') as $file) { if (is_dir($file)) { rrmdir($file); } else { unlink($file); } } rmdir($dir); }
<?php require_once "../../includes/initialize.php"; global $session; if (!$session->is_logged_in()) { redirect_to("../../index.php"); } $page = $_GET['page']; $limit = $_GET['rows']; $sidx = $_GET['sidx']; $sord = $_GET['sord']; $user = User::get_by_id($session->user_id); $schoolusers = SchoolUser::getAdminSchools($user->id); $batchusers = BatchUser::getAdminBatchs($user->id); $criteria = "" . C_SECTION_ID . " IN (SELECT " . C_SECTIONUSER_SECTIONID . " FROM " . T_SECTIONUSERS . " \r\nWHERE " . C_SECTIONUSER_USERID . "=" . $session->user_id . " AND " . C_SECTIONUSER_LEVEL . "=1)"; if (count($batchusers) > 0) { $criteria = "" . C_SECTION_BATCHID . " IN (SELECT " . C_BATCHUSER_BATCHID . " FROM " . T_BATCHUSERS . " \r\n WHERE " . C_BATCHUSER_USERID . "=" . $session->user_id . " AND " . C_BATCHUSER_LEVEL . "=1)"; } if (count($schoolusers) > 0) { $criteria = "" . C_SECTION_SCHOOLID . " IN (SELECT " . C_SCHOOLUSER_SCHOOLID . " FROM " . T_SCHOOLUSERS . " \r\n WHERE " . C_SCHOOLUSER_USERID . "=" . $session->user_id . " AND " . C_SCHOOLUSER_LEVEL . "=1)"; } if ($user->is_super_admin()) { $sections_count = Section::get_by_sql("SELECT * FROM " . T_SECTIONS); } else { $sections_count = Section::get_by_sql("SELECT * FROM " . T_SECTIONS . " WHERE " . $criteria); } $count = count($sections_count); if ($count > 0 && $limit > 0) { $total_pages = ceil($count / $limit); } else { $total_pages = 0;
if (isset($_GET['itemid']) && $_GET['itemid'] != '' && isset($_GET['itemtype']) && $_GET['itemtype'] != '' && isset($_GET['touserid']) && $_GET['touserid'] != '' && isset($_GET['notificationid']) && $_GET['notificationid'] != '') { $itemtype = $_GET['itemtype']; $itemid = $_GET['itemid']; $touserid = $_GET['touserid']; $notificationid = $_GET['notificationid']; $notification = new Notification(); if ($itemtype == "friend") { $object = Friend::get_by_id($itemid); $object->pending = 0; $object->update(); $notification->title = "message"; $notification->itemid = $itemid; $notification->itemtype = "friend"; } else { if ($itemtype == "schooluser") { $object = SchoolUser::get_by_id($itemid); $object->pending = 0; $object->update(); $notification->title = "message"; $notification->itemid = $itemid; $notification->itemtype = "schooluser"; } else { if ($itemtype == "batchuser") { $object = BatchUser::get_by_id($itemid); $object->pending = 0; $object->update(); $notification->title = "message"; $notification->itemid = $itemid; $notification->itemtype = "batchuser"; } else { if ($itemtype == "sectionuser") {
} else { $school = School::get_by_id($object->schoolid); //$batchname = $school->name." ".$object->get_batchyear(); $batchname = $object->get_batchyear(); } } else { header("location: index.php?negative"); } if (!$session->is_logged_in()) { header("location: index.php?negative"); } else { $user = User::get_by_id($session->user_id); if ($user->enabled == DISABLED) { header("location: index.php?disabled"); } if (!BatchUser::amIAdmin($session->user_id, $object->id) && !SchoolUser::amIAdmin($session->user_id, $object->schoolid) && !$user->is_super_admin()) { header("location: index.php?negative"); } } $pathinfo = pathinfo($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); $basename = $pathinfo["basename"]; $currentFile = str_replace(".php", "", $basename); ?> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span1"></div> <div class="span9"> <form id="theform" class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="#" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <fieldset> <legend> Update Batch: <?php
<?php require_once "../initialize.php"; $batchsselect = null; if (isset($_GET["schoolid"])) { if (SchoolUser::amIAdmin($session->user_id, $_GET["schoolid"])) { $batchadmins = BatchUser::getBatchsImIn($session->user_id); } else { $batchadmins = BatchUser::getBatchsIAdminInSchool($session->user_id, $_GET["schoolid"]); } if (count($batchadmins) > 0) { foreach ($batchadmins as $batchadmin) { $batch = Batch::get_by_id($batchadmin->batchid); $batchsselect .= "<option value='" . $batch->id . "'>" . $batch->fromyear . "-" . ($batch->fromyear + 1) . "</option>"; } if (User::get_by_id($session->user_id)->is_super_admin()) { $batchsselect .= "<option value='NOTHING'>NOTHING</option>"; } } else { $batchsselect .= "<option value='0'>NO BATCHS YET</option>"; } if (User::get_by_id($session->user_id)->is_super_admin()) { $batchsselect = ""; $batchs = Batch::get_all(); if (count($batchs) > 0) { foreach ($batchs as $batch) { $batchsselect .= "<option value='" . $batch->id . "'>" . $batch->fromyear . "-" . ($batch->fromyear + 1) . "</option>"; } $batchsselect .= "<option value='NOTHING'>NOTHING</option>"; } else { $batchsselect .= "<option value='0'>NO BATCHS YET</option>";