Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function isCoordinator()
     $cache_key = 'userIsCoordinator#' . Yii::app()->user->id;
     $cached = Yii::app()->cache->get($cache_key);
     if ($cached == null) {
         $cached = false;
         $schoolMentor = SchoolMentor::model()->find('user_id=:user_id and coordinator=:coordinator', array(':user_id' => Yii::app()->user->id, ':coordinator' => 1));
         if ($schoolMentor != null) {
             $cached = true;
         Yii::app()->cache->set($cache_key, $cached, 600);
     return $cached;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function actionGet()
     $key = Yii::app()->request->getParam('key', null);
     if ($key != null) {
         $key = base64_decode($key);
         $key = str_replace('/', '', $key);
         $user_id = isset(Yii::app()->user->id) ? Yii::app()->user->id : 0;
         $dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../shared/' . $user_id . '/';
         if (is_dir($dir)) {
             if (file_exists($dir . '/' . $key)) {
                 header("Pragma: public");
                 header("Expires: 0");
                 header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
                 header("Cache-Control: private", false);
                 header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $key . "\";");
                 header('Content-type: ' . CFileHelper::getMimeType($dir . '/' . $key));
                 header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
                 readfile($dir . '/' . $key);
         // list mentor directories
         $mentors = SchoolMentor::model()->findAll('user_id=:user_id', array(':user_id' => $user_id));
         $key = mb_substr($key, 1, mb_strlen($key, 'UTF-8') - 1, 'UTF-8');
         foreach ($mentors as $mentor) {
             $dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../shared/M' . $mentor->id . '/';
             if (is_dir($dir)) {
                 if (file_exists($dir . '/' . $key)) {
                     header("Pragma: public");
                     header("Expires: 0");
                     header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
                     header("Cache-Control: private", false);
                     header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $key . "\";");
                     header('Content-type: ' . CFileHelper::getMimeType($dir . '/' . $key));
                     header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
                     readfile($dir . '/' . $key);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function importCompetitiors($competition_id, $competition_category_id, $content)
     $lines = explode("\n", $content);
     $header = explode(';', $lines[0]);
     $competition_questions = CompetitionQuestionCategory::model()->with('competitionQuestion')->with('competitionQuestion.question')->findAll('competition_category_id=:competition_category_id and competitionQuestion.competition_id=:competition_id', array(':competition_category_id' => $competition_category_id, ':competition_id' => $competition_id));
     $questions_to_import = array();
     foreach ($competition_questions as $cq) {
         if ($cq == null) {
             $cq = new CompetitionQuestionCategory();
         $questions_to_import[trim($cq->competitionQuestion->question->title)] = $cq->competition_question_id;
     echo 'Question to import:<br />';
     // map fields
     $colQuestionMap = array();
     $found_c = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($header); ++$i) {
         $col = explode('(', $header[$i]);
         $c = trim($col[0]);
         if (isset($questions_to_import[$c])) {
             $colQuestionMap[$i] = $questions_to_import[$c];
             $found_c[] = $c;
     if (count($colQuestionMap) != count($questions_to_import)) {
         echo 'Question to import and question in CSV does not match!';
         echo 'Question to import:<br />';
         echo 'Found questions: <br />';
         echo 'CSV header line cols: <br />';
         echo 'Question column mapping found:<br />';
     } else {
         echo 'Question column exist, we can start importing.<br />';
     // check for required columns
     $required_fields = array('Priimek' => -1, 'Ime' => -1, 'Mentor' => -1, 'Šola' => -1, 'Spol' => -1, 'Razred' => -1);
     $required_keys = array_keys($required_fields);
     // not required fields
     $required_fields['ID1'] = -1;
     $required_fields['ID2'] = -1;
     $required_keys2 = array_keys($required_fields);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($header); ++$i) {
         if (in_array(trim($header[$i]), $required_keys2)) {
             $required_fields[trim($header[$i])] = $i;
     $missing_fields = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($required_keys); ++$i) {
         if ($required_fields[$required_keys[$i]] == -1) {
             $missing_fields[] = $required_keys[$i];
     if (count($missing_fields) > 0) {
         echo 'Some required fields are missing:<br />';
     $competition = Competition::model()->findByPk($competition_id);
     if ($competition == null) {
         echo 'Provided Competition does not exist!';
     $competitionCategory = CompetitionCategory::model()->findByPk($competition_category_id);
     if ($competitionCategory == null) {
         echo 'Provided Competition Category does not exist!';
     for ($i = 1; $i < count($lines); ++$i) {
         if (trim($lines[$i]) == '') {
         $cols = explode(';', $lines[$i]);
         $cu = new CompetitionUser();
         $cu->competition_category_id = $competition_category_id;
         $cu->competition_id = $competition_id;
         $cu->first_name = $cols[$required_fields['Ime']];
         $cu->last_name = $cols[$required_fields['Priimek']];
         $cu->gender = $cols[$required_fields['Spol']] == 'M' ? 0 : 1;
         $cu->class = $cols[$required_fields['Razred']];
         $sc = School::model()->find('name=:name', array(':name' => trim($cols[$required_fields['Šola']])));
         if ($sc == null) {
             echo 'Provided school not found in database! School name: ', $cols[$required_fields['Šola']], '<br />';
         $cu->school_id = $sc->id;
         $scm = SchoolMentor::model()->with('user.profile')->find('school_id=:school_id and CONCAT_WS(\' \', `profile`.`last_name`, `profile`.`first_name`) LIKE :mentor', array(':school_id' => $sc->id, ':mentor' => trim($cols[$required_fields['Mentor']])));
         if ($scm == null) {
             echo 'Provided school mentor not found in database! School name: ', $cols[$required_fields['Šola']], ', School mentor: ', $cols[$required_fields['Mentor']], '<br />';
         // ali je šola prijavljena na tekmovanje za to kategorijo
         $ccs = CompetitionCategorySchool::model()->find('competition_id=:competition_id and competition_category_id=:competition_category_id and school_id=:school_id', array(':competition_id' => $competition_id, ':competition_category_id' => $competition_category_id, ':school_id' => $sc->id));
         if ($ccs == null) {
             echo 'Provided school is not competing in this category! School name: ', $cols[$required_fields['Šola']], ', Competition: ', $competition->name, ', Competition category: ', $competitionCategory->name, '<br />';
         // ali je mentor prijavljen na tej šoli za to tekmovalno kategorijo
         $ccsm = CompetitionCategorySchoolMentor::model()->find('competition_category_school_id=:competition_category_school_id and user_id=:user_id', array(':competition_category_school_id' => $ccs->id, ':user_id' => $scm->user_id));
         if ($ccsm == null) {
             echo 'Provided mentor is not competing on this school on this competition in this category! School mentor: ', $cols[$required_fields['Mentor']], ', School name: ', $cols[$required_fields['Šola']], ', Competition: ', $competition->name, ', Competition category: ', $competitionCategory->name, '<br />';
         $cu->competition_category_school_mentor_id = $ccsm->id;
         $cu->start_time = null;
         $cu->finish_time = null;
         $cu->finished = 2;
         if (isset($cols[$required_fields['ID1']])) {
             $cut = CompetitionUser::model()->findByPk($cols[$required_fields['ID1']]);
             if ($cut != null) {
                 if ($cut == null) {
                     $cut = new CompetitionUser();
                 $cu->start_time = $cut->start_time;
                 $cu->finish_time = $cut->finish_time;
                 $cut->disqualified_reason = 'Prenos v pravilno kategorijo tekmovanja';
                 $cut->disqualified_request = 1;
                 $cut->disqualified = 1;
         if (isset($cols[$required_fields['ID2']])) {
             $cut = CompetitionUser::model()->findByPk($cols[$required_fields['ID2']]);
             if ($cut != null) {
                 if ($cut == null) {
                     $cut = new CompetitionUser();
                 if ($cu->start_time == null) {
                     $cu->start_time = $cut->start_time;
                     $cu->finish_time = $cut->finish_time;
                 } else {
                     $time_diff1 = strtotime($cu->finish_time) - strtotime($cu->start_time);
                     $time_diff2 = strtotime($cut->finish_time) - strtotime($cut->start_time);
                     if ($time_diff2 > $time_diff1) {
                         $cu->start_time = $cut->start_time;
                         $cu->finish_time = $cut->finish_time;
                 $cut->disqualified_reason = 'Prenos v pravilno kategorijo tekmovanja';
                 $cut->disqualified_request = 1;
                 $cut->disqualified = 1;
         // ali tekmovalec s temi podatki že obstaja
         $cuc = CompetitionUser::model()->find('competition_id=:competition_id and competition_category_id=:competition_category_id and competition_category_school_mentor_id=:competition_category_school_mentor_id and school_id=:school_id and first_name=:first_name and last_name=:last_name and gender=:gender and class=:class', array(':competition_id' => $competition_id, ':competition_category_id' => $competition_category_id, ':competition_category_school_mentor_id' => $cu->competition_category_school_mentor_id, ':school_id' => $cu->school_id, ':last_name' => $cu->last_name, ':first_name' => $cu->first_name, ':gender' => $cu->gender, ':class' => $cu->class));
         if ($cuc != null) {
             echo 'Competition User already exists, skipping...';
         // import answers
         $question_keys = array_keys($colQuestionMap);
         for ($k = 0; $k < count($question_keys); ++$k) {
             $cuq = new CompetitionUserQuestion();
             $cuq->competition_user_id = $cu->id;
             $cuq->competition_question_id = $colQuestionMap[$question_keys[$k]];
             $cuq->ordering = $k + 1;
             $cuq->random_seed = number_format(mt_rand(0, mt_getrandmax() - 1) / mt_getrandmax(), 9, '.', '');
             $cuq->last_change = $cu->finish_time;
             $custom_answer_ex = explode('|', $cols[$question_keys[$k]]);
             $custom_answer = trim($custom_answer_ex[0]);
             $cuq->custom_answer = $custom_answer;
         echo 'Successfully imported user with ID: ', $cu->id, '<br />';
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer the ID of the model to be loaded
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = SchoolMentor::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, Yii::t('app', 'The requested page does not exist.'));
     return $model;
 public function importMentorsWithIdsAndCodes($competition_id, $country_id, $csv)
     $country = Country::model()->findByPk($country_id);
     if ($country == null) {
         echo 'Country does not exist!';
     $competition = Competition::model()->findByPk($competition_id);
     if ($competition == null) {
         echo 'Competition does not exist!';
     header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
     if ($country->country == 'Srbija') {
         // popravek imen kategorij, ki se parsajo
         $cols = array('Mentor ID' => 'mentor_id', 'kategorija' => 'category_name', 'koda' => 'access_code');
     } else {
         $cols = array('Mentor ID' => 'mentor_id', 'kategorija' => 'category_name', 'koda' => 'access_code');
     $lines = explode("\n", trim($csv));
     $header_line = $lines[0];
     $header_cols = explode(';', trim($header_line));
     $keys = array_keys($cols);
     $cols_matrix = array();
     $index = 0;
     foreach ($header_cols as $h_cols) {
         $h_cols = trim($h_cols);
         if (in_array($h_cols, $keys)) {
             $cols_matrix[$index] = $cols[$h_cols];
     if (count($cols_matrix) != count($cols)) {
         echo 'One of required header columns is missing. Required columns: ', implode(', ', $keys), "<br />";
     // pre_print($cols_matrix);
     $datas = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i < count($lines); ++$i) {
         $col = explode(';', trim($lines[$i]));
         $data = array();
         $index = 0;
         foreach ($col as $c) {
             $data[$cols_matrix[$index]] = trim($c);
         $datas[] = $data;
     // pre_print($datas);
     $categoryCache = array();
     $imported = 0;
     foreach ($datas as $data) {
         if (isset($data['mentor_id']) && $data['mentor_id'] != '' && mb_substr($data['mentor_id'], 0, 1, 'UTF-8') == 'M') {
             $mentor_id = trim(ltrim($data['mentor_id'], "M"));
             $category_name = $data['category_name'];
             if (isset($categoryCache[$category_name])) {
                 $competition_category_id = $categoryCache[$category_name];
             } else {
                 $competitionCategory = CompetitionCategory::model()->find('country_id=:country_id and name=:name', array(':country_id' => $country_id, ':name' => $category_name));
                 if ($competitionCategory == null) {
                     echo 'Competition Category ', $category_name, ' cannot be found in database.';
                 } else {
                     $categoryCache[$category_name] = $competitionCategory->id;
                     $competition_category_id = $categoryCache[$category_name];
             $access_code = $data['access_code'];
             $schoolMentor = SchoolMentor::model()->findByPk($mentor_id);
             if ($schoolMentor == null) {
                 echo 'School mentor with ID: ', $mentor_id, ' could not be found!';
             // check if school already on competition in this category
             $competitionCategorySchool = CompetitionCategorySchool::model()->find('competition_id=:cid and competition_category_id=:ccid and school_id=:sid', array(':cid' => $competition_id, ':ccid' => $competition_category_id, ':sid' => $schoolMentor->school_id));
             if ($competitionCategorySchool == null) {
                 $competitionCategorySchool = new CompetitionCategorySchool();
                 $competitionCategorySchool->competition_id = $competition_id;
                 $competitionCategorySchool->competition_category_id = $competition_category_id;
                 $competitionCategorySchool->school_id = $schoolMentor->school_id;
                 if (!$competitionCategorySchool->save()) {
                     echo 'Error saving competition category school!';
             // check if access code already in use
             $competitionCategorySchoolMentor = CompetitionCategorySchoolMentor::model()->find('access_code=:access_code', array(':access_code' => $access_code));
             if ($competitionCategorySchoolMentor != null) {
                 if ($competitionCategorySchoolMentor->user_id != $schoolMentor->user_id || $competitionCategorySchoolMentor->competition_category_school_id != $competitionCategorySchool->id) {
                     echo 'Cannot import access code: ', $access_code, ', because is already used by id: ', $competitionCategorySchoolMentor->id;
             } else {
                 $competitionCategorySchoolMentor = new CompetitionCategorySchoolMentor();
                 $competitionCategorySchoolMentor->access_code = $access_code;
                 $competitionCategorySchoolMentor->competition_category_school_id = $competitionCategorySchool->id;
                 $competitionCategorySchoolMentor->user_id = $schoolMentor->user_id;
                 if (!$competitionCategorySchoolMentor->save()) {
                     echo 'Error saving CompetitionCategorySchoolMentor for access code: ', $access_code;
                 } else {
         } else {
             echo 'Error importing data: <br />';
     echo '<br />Number of imported access codes: ', $imported;
Ejemplo n.º 6
echo $form->error($model, 'competition_category_school_id');

$user = User::model()->find('id=:id', array(':id' => Yii::app()->user->id));
if ($user != null && $user->profile->user_role > 5) {
        <div class="row">
    echo $form->labelEx($model, 'user_id');
    $data = SchoolMentor::model()->with('user.profile')->with('school')->together()->findAll(array('condition' => 'profile.user_role>=:user_role', 'params' => array(':user_role' => 5), 'order' => 'profile.last_name ASC, profile.first_name ASC, school.name ASC'));
    $user_list = array();
    $schools_per_user = array();
    foreach ($data as $dataUser) {
        if (!isset($user_list[$dataUser->user->id])) {
            $user_list[$dataUser->user->id] = $dataUser->user->profile->last_name . ' ' . $dataUser->user->profile->first_name;
        if (!isset($schools_per_user[$dataUser->user->id])) {
            $schools_per_user[$dataUser->user->id] = array();
        $schools_per_user[$dataUser->user->id][] = $dataUser->school->name;
    foreach ($user_list as $mentor_user_id => $userData) {
        if (isset($schools_per_user[$mentor_user_id])) {
            if (count($schools_per_user[$mentor_user_id]) > 0) {
                $user_list[$mentor_user_id] .= ' (' . implode(', ', $schools_per_user[$mentor_user_id]) . ')';
 public function actionLoadSchools()
     $userData = Yii::app()->getRequest()->getPost('Profile', array());
     $country_id = isset($userData['country_id']) ? $userData['country_id'] : 0;
     if ($country_id != 0) {
         $data = School::model()->findAll('country_id=:country_id', array(':country_id' => $country_id));
         $listData = array();
         foreach ($data as $models) {
             $value = $models['id'];
             $coordinator = SchoolMentor::model()->find('school_id=:school_id', array(':school_id' => $value));
             if ($coordinator != null || $coordinator != 0) {
                 $name = $coordinator->user->profile->first_name;
                 $lastName = $coordinator->user->profile->last_name;
                 $text = $models['name'] . ' ( ' . Yii::t('app', 'Coordinator') . ': ' . $name . ' ' . $lastName . ' )';
             } else {
                 $text = $models['name'];
             $listData[$value] = $text;
         $data = $listData;
         // $data = CHtml::listData($data,"id","name");
         echo CHtml::tag('option', array('value' => 'choose'), Yii::t('app', 'choose'), true);
         foreach ($data as $value => $name) {
             echo CHtml::tag('option', array('value' => $value), $name, true);
     } else {
         echo 'Invalid country';