public function doReport() { $user = Auth::user(); $club = $user->Clubs()->FirstOrFail(); $type = Input::get('type'); $from = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(Input::get('from'))); $to = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(Input::get('to'))); switch ($type) { case 1: $payment = Payment::where('club_id', '=', $club->id)->with('player')->whereBetween('created_at', array($from, $to))->get(); return $payment; case 2: $payment = SchedulePayment::where('club_id', '=', $club->id)->where('status', 0)->with('member')->whereBetween('date', array($from, $to))->get(); return $payment; default: } // $payment = Payment::where('club_id', '=', $club->id) // ->with('player') // ->whereBetween('created_at', array($from , $to))->get(); // return $payment; }
public function PaymentStore($id) { $user = Auth::user(); $participant = Participant::find($id); $title = 'League Together - ' . $participant->event->club->name . ' Teams'; $player = $participant->player; $club = $participant->event->club; $cart = Cart::contents(true); $uuid = Uuid::generate(); //Addition for stub feature $follow = Follower::where("user_id", "=", $user->id)->FirstOrFail(); //check if follower equal club if ($follow->club_id != $club->id) { $param = array('ccnumber' => str_replace('_', '', Input::get('card')), 'ccexp' => sprintf('%02s', Input::get('month')) . Input::get('year'), 'cvv' => Input::get('cvv'), 'address1' => Input::get('address'), 'city' => Input::get('city'), 'state' => Input::get('state'), 'zip' => Input::get('zip'), 'discount' => Input::get('discount'), 'club' => $club->id, 'firstname' => $user->profile->firstname, 'lastname' => $user->profile->lastname, 'phone' => $user->profile->mobile); } else { $param = array('customer_vault_id' => $user->profile->customer_vault, 'discount' => Input::get('discount'), 'club' => $club->id); } $payment = new Payment(); $transaction = $payment->sale($param); if ($transaction->response == 3 || $transaction->response == 2) { return Redirect::action('ParticipantController@paymentCreate', array($participant->id))->with('error', $transaction->responsetext); } else { foreach (Cart::contents() as $item) { $payment->id = $uuid; $payment->customer = $user->profile->customer_vault; $payment->transaction = $transaction->transactionid; $payment->subtotal = $transaction->subtotal; $payment->service_fee = $transaction->fee; $payment->total = $transaction->total; $payment->promo = $transaction->promo; $payment->tax = $transaction->tax; $payment->discount = $transaction->discount; $payment->club_id = $club->id; $payment->user_id = $user->id; $payment->player_id = $item->player_id; $payment->event_type = $participant->event->type_id; $payment->type = $transaction->type; $payment->save(); $salesfee = $item->price / getenv("SV_FEE") - $item->price; $sale = new Item(); $sale->description = $item->name; $sale->quantity = $item->quantity; $sale->price = $item->price; $sale->fee = $salesfee; $sale->participant_id = $participant->id; $sale->payment_id = $uuid; $sale->event_id = $participant->event->id; $sale->save(); $participant->accepted_on = Carbon::Now(); $participant->accepted_by = $user->profile->firstname . ' ' . $user->profile->lastname; $participant->accepted_user = $user->id; $participant->method = $item->type; $participant->status = 1; $participant->save(); //create payments plan schedule if ($item->type == "plan") { $subtotal = $participant->plan->getOriginal('recurring'); $fee = $subtotal / getenv("SV_FEE") - $subtotal; $total = $fee + $subtotal; for ($x = 1; $x < $participant->plan->recurrences + 1; $x++) { $today = Carbon::now(); $today->addMonths($x); $payon = $participant->plan->getOriginal('on'); //make sure the payday is a valid day if ($payon == 31) { if ($today->month == 2) { $payon = 28; } if ($today->month == 4 || $today->month == 6 || $today->month == 9 || $today->month == 11) { $payon = 30; } } $payday = Carbon::create($today->year, $today->month, $payon, 0); $schedule = new SchedulePayment(); $schedule->date = $payday; $schedule->description = "Membership Team " . $participant->event->name; $schedule->subtotal = number_format($subtotal, 2); $schedule->fee = number_format($fee, 2); $schedule->total = number_format($total, 2); $schedule->plan_id = $participant->plan->id; $schedule->club_id = $club->id; $schedule->participant_id = $participant->id; $status = $schedule->save(); if (!$status) { return "We process your payment but and error occurred in the process, please contact us: Error# 597"; } } //end for loop } //end if plan } //email receipt $payment->receipt($transaction, $club->id, $item->player_id); $data = array('club' => $club, 'player' => $player, 'user' => $user, 'participant' => $participant); $mail = Mail::send('emails.notification.event.accept', $data, function ($message) use($user, $club, $participant) { $message->from('*****@*****.**', 'C2C Lacrosse')->to($user->email, $participant->accepted_by)->subject("Thank you for joining our event | " . $club->name); foreach ($club->users()->get() as $value) { $message->bcc($value->email, $club->name); } }); return Redirect::action('ParticipantController@paymentSuccess', array($participant->id))->with('result', $transaction); } }
public function aggregateReceivable() { $count = 0; foreach ($this->children as $e) { $count += SchedulePayment::with('member')->whereHas('member', function ($query) use($e) { $query->where('team_id', '=', $e->id); })->sum('subtotal'); } return $count + SchedulePayment::with('member')->whereHas('member', function ($query) use($e) { $query->where('team_id', '=', $this->id); })->sum('subtotal'); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function fire() { $startDate = Carbon::now(); $from = Carbon::now()->hour(0)->minute(0)->second(0); $to = Carbon::now()->hour(23)->minute(59)->second(59); $schedules = SchedulePayment::where('status', 0)->whereBetween('date', array($from, $to))->with('member.user.profile')->get(); //$schedules = SchedulePayment::where('status', 0)->with('member.user.profile')->get(); $errors = array(); $totalAmount = array(); $errorAmount = array(); //save daylog $dayLog = new ScheduleDailyLog(); $dayLog->started_on = Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(); $dayLog->payments_count = count($schedules); $dayLog->save(); Cart::destroy(); foreach ($schedules as $schedule) { try { $vault = $schedule->member->user->profile->customer_vault; $user = User::find($schedule->member->user->id); $player = Player::find($schedule->member->player->id); $club = Club::find($schedule->club_id); $team = Team::find($schedule->member->team_id); $uuid = Uuid::generate(); $member = Member::find($schedule->member->id); $history = SchedulePayment::find($schedule->id); //manually login user out before login new user Auth::logout(); //manually login user Auth::login($user); //clear cart content Cart::destroy(); //set cart item $itemCart = array('id' => $team->id, 'name' => "Scheduled payment for " . $team->name, 'price' => $schedule->subtotal, 'quantity' => 1, 'organization' => $club->name, 'organization_id' => $club->id, 'player_id' => $player->id, 'user_id' => $user->id, 'type' => 'full', 'autopay' => true); Cart::insert($itemCart); //check if vault exist if ($vault) { $param = array('customer_vault_id' => $vault, 'discount' => null, 'club' => $club->id); $payment = new Payment(); $transaction = $payment->sale($param); //temp json_decode(json_encode($array), FALSE); //$transaction = json_decode(json_encode(array('response' => 1, 'total'=>$schedule->total, 'fee'=>$schedule->fee)), FALSE); if ($transaction->response == 3 || $transaction->response == 2) { $errors[] = array('payment_schedule_id' => $schedule->id, 'error_description' => $transaction->transactionid . ' : ' . $transaction->responsetext, 'error_amount' => $schedule->total, 'daily_log_id' => $dayLog->id); array_push($errorAmount, number_format($schedule->total, 2)); //Email error $emailerrorstatus = $payment->error($transaction, $club->id, $player->id); } else { array_push($totalAmount, number_format($transaction->total, 2)); $payment->id = $uuid; $payment->customer = $vault; $payment->transaction = $transaction->transactionid; $payment->subtotal = $transaction->subtotal; $payment->service_fee = $transaction->fee; $payment->total = $transaction->total; $payment->promo = $transaction->promo; $payment->tax = $transaction->tax; $payment->discount = $transaction->discount; $payment->club_id = $club->id; $payment->user_id = $user->id; $payment->player_id = $player->id; $payment->event_type = null; $payment->type = $transaction->type; $payment->save(); //Email receipt $payment->receipt($transaction, $club->id, $player->id); $sale = new Item(); $sale->description = $itemCart['name']; $sale->quantity = $itemCart['quantity']; $sale->price = $itemCart['price']; $sale->fee = $transaction->fee; $sale->member_id = $member->id; $sale->team_id = $team->id; $sale->payment_id = $uuid; $sale->save(); //update schedule $history->status = 2; $history->save(); } } else { //save error that vault didnt exist $errors[] = array('payment_schedule_id' => $schedule->id, 'error_description' => 'Customer Vault not found', 'error_amount' => number_format($schedule->total, 2), 'daily_log_id' => $dayLog->id); array_push($errorAmount, number_format($schedule->total, 2)); } } catch (Exception $e) { //save internal error $errors[] = array('payment_schedule_id' => $schedule->id, 'error_description' => $e, 'error_amount' => number_format($schedule->total, 2), 'daily_log_id' => $dayLog->id); array_push($errorAmount, number_format($schedule->total, 2)); } } //end of foreach schedule //save log for everything done $dayLogEnd = ScheduleDailyLog::find($dayLog->id); $dayLogEnd->ended_on = Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(); $dayLogEnd->successful_count = Count($totalAmount); $dayLogEnd->error_count = Count($errors); $dayLogEnd->total_amount = array_sum($totalAmount); $dayLogEnd->total_amount_error = array_sum($errorAmount); $dayLogEnd->save(); //save log for errors if (Count($errors) > 0) { foreach ($errors as $errorItem) { $scheduleError = new ScheduleDailyError(); $scheduleError->error_description = $errorItem['error_description']; $scheduleError->error_amount = $errorItem['error_amount']; $scheduleError->payment_schedule_id = $errorItem['payment_schedule_id']; $scheduleError->daily_log_id = $dayLogEnd->id; $scheduleError->save(); } } return Log::info($errors); }
public function delete($id) { $user = Auth::user(); $club = $user->Clubs()->FirstOrFail(); $schedule = SchedulePayment::where('id', '=', $id)->where('club_id', '=', $club->id)->first(); if (!$schedule) { return "Unauthorized"; } $plan = Plan::find($schedule->plan_id); $title = 'League Together - ' . $club->name . ' Schedule'; return View::make('')->with('page_title', $title)->with('club', $club)->with('plan', $plan)->with('schedule', $schedule)->withUser($user); }
public function showCoach($id) { $user = Auth::user(); $team = Team::find($id); $club = $team->club; $coaches = $team->coaches()->get(); $members = Member::where('team_id', '=', $team->id)->with('team')->get(); $title = 'League Together - ' . $team->club->name . ' Teams'; $pay = Payment::with(array('items' => function ($query) { }))->get(); $sales = Item::where('team_id', $team->id)->get(); $receivable = SchedulePayment::with('member')->whereHas('member', function ($query) use($team) { $query->where('team_id', '=', $team->id); })->get(); $announcements = Announcement::where('team_id', $team->id)->get(); return View::make('')->with('page_title', $title)->with('team', $team)->with('club', $club)->with('coaches', $coaches)->with('members', $members)->with('sales', $sales)->with('receivable', $receivable)->with('announcements', $announcements)->withUser($user); }
public function PaymentStoreTeam($club, $id) { $user = Auth::user(); $team = Team::find($id); $club = Club::find($club); $cart = Cart::contents(true); $uuid = Uuid::generate(); $uuidMember = Uuid::generate(); //Addition for stub feature $follow = Follower::where("user_id", "=", $user->id)->FirstOrFail(); $title = 'League Together - ' . $team->club->name . ' Teams'; //check if follower equal club if ($follow->club_id != $club->id) { $param = array('ccnumber' => str_replace('_', '', Input::get('card')), 'ccexp' => sprintf('%02s', Input::get('month')) . Input::get('year'), 'cvv' => Input::get('cvv'), 'address1' => Input::get('address'), 'city' => Input::get('city'), 'state' => Input::get('state'), 'zip' => Input::get('zip'), 'discount' => Input::get('discount'), 'club' => $club->id, 'firstname' => $user->profile->firstname, 'lastname' => $user->profile->lastname, 'phone' => $user->profile->mobile); } else { $param = array('customer_vault_id' => $user->profile->customer_vault, 'discount' => Input::get('discount'), 'club' => $club->id); } $payment = new Payment(); $transaction = $payment->sale($param); if ($transaction->response == 3 || $transaction->response == 2) { return Redirect::action('ClubPublicController@PaymentCreateTeam', array($club->id, $team->id))->with('error', $transaction->responsetext); } else { foreach (Cart::contents() as $item) { $player = Player::find($item->player_id); //default from team $due = $team->getOriginal('due'); $early_due = $team->getOriginal('early_due'); $early_due_deadline = $team->getOriginal('early_due_deadline'); $member = new Member(); $member->id = $uuidMember; $member->firstname = $player->firstname; $member->lastname = $player->lastname; $member->due = $due; $member->early_due = $early_due; $member->early_due_deadline = $early_due_deadline; $member->plan_id = $team->plan_id; $member->player_id = $player->id; $member->team_id = $item->team_id; $member->accepted_on = Carbon::Now(); $member->accepted_by = $user->profile->firstname . ' ' . $user->profile->lastname; $member->accepted_user = $user->id; $member->method = $item->type; $member->status = 1; $member->save(); $payment->id = $uuid; $payment->customer = $user->profile->customer_vault; $payment->transaction = $transaction->transactionid; $payment->subtotal = $transaction->subtotal; $payment->service_fee = $transaction->fee; $payment->total = $transaction->total; $payment->promo = $transaction->promo; $payment->tax = $transaction->tax; $payment->discount = $transaction->discount; $payment->club_id = $club->id; $payment->user_id = $user->id; $payment->player_id = $item->player_id; $payment->event_type = null; $payment->type = $transaction->type; $payment->save(); $salesfee = $item->price / getenv("SV_FEE") - $item->price; $sale = new Item(); $sale->description = $item->name; $sale->quantity = $item->quantity; $sale->price = $item->price; $sale->fee = $salesfee; $sale->member_id = $uuidMember; $sale->team_id = $item->team_id; $sale->payment_id = $uuid; $sale->save(); $member = Member::find($uuidMember); //create payments plan schedule if ($item->type == "plan") { $subtotal = $member->plan->getOriginal('recurring'); $fee = $subtotal / getenv("SV_FEE") - $subtotal; $total = $fee + $subtotal; for ($x = 1; $x < $member->plan->recurrences + 1; $x++) { $today = Carbon::now(); $today->addMonths($x); $payon = $member->plan->getOriginal('on'); //make sure the payday is a valid day if ($payon == 31) { if ($today->month == 2) { $payon = 28; } if ($today->month == 4 || $today->month == 6 || $today->month == 9 || $today->month == 11) { $payon = 30; } } $payday = Carbon::create($today->year, $today->month, $payon, 0); $schedule = new SchedulePayment(); $schedule->date = $payday; $schedule->description = "Membership Team " . $member->team->name; $schedule->subtotal = number_format($subtotal, 2); $schedule->fee = number_format($fee, 2); $schedule->total = number_format($total, 2); $schedule->plan_id = $member->plan->id; $schedule->club_id = $club->id; $schedule->member_id = $member->id; $status = $schedule->save(); if (!$status) { return "We process your payment but and error occurred in the process, please contact us: Error# 597"; } } //end for loop } //end if plan //waitlist process if ($team->max < $team->members->count()) { //add to waitlist $waitlist = new Waitlist(); $waitlist->id = Uuid::generate(); $waitlist->member_id = $uuidMember; $waitlist->team_id = $team->id; $waitlist->save(); } if ($club->processor_name == 'Bluepay') { //return Redirect::action('ClubPublicController@PaymentSuccessTeam', array($club->id, $team->id))->with('result','Success'); return Redirect::action('ClubPublicController@PaymentCreateTeam', array($club->id, $team->id))->with('error', 'Player added successfully. Please check your email for receipt.'); } else { $payment->receipt($transaction, $club->id, $item->player_id); return Redirect::action('ClubPublicController@PaymentSuccessTeam', array($club->id, $team->id))->with('result', $transaction); } //return Redirect::action('ClubPublicController@PaymentSuccessTeam', array($club->id, $team->id))->with('result',$transaction); } } }