Ejemplo n.º 1
    if (!isset($schedule->startoffset)) {
        $schedule->startoffset = setting('DefaultStartOffset');
    if (!isset($schedule->endoffset)) {
        $schedule->endoffset = setting('DefaultEndOffset');
// Load the channel
if ($program) {
    $channel =& $program->channel;
} else {
    $channel =& Channel::find($schedule->chanid);
// Parse the list of scheduled recordings for possible conflicts
$conflicting_shows = array();
foreach (Schedule::findScheduled() as $callsign => $shows) {
    // Now the shows in this channel
    foreach ($shows as $starttime => &$show_group) {
        // Clearly not a match
        if ($starttime > $program->endtime) {
        // Parse each show group
        foreach ($show_group as $key => &$show) {
            // Ignore this show
            if ($show->chanid == $program->chanid && $show->starttime == $program->starttime) {
            // Make sure this is a valid show (ie. skip in-progress recordings and other junk)
            if (!$callsign || $show->length < 1) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * loads all program data for the specified time range.
 * Set $single_program to true if you only want information about programs that
 * start exactly at $start_time (used by program_detail.php)
function &load_all_program_data($start_time, $end_time, $chanid = false, $single_program = false, $extra_query = '', $distinctTitle = false)
    global $db;
    // Don't allow negative timestamps; it confuses MySQL
    if ($start_time < 0) {
        $start_time = 0;
    if ($end_time < 0) {
        $end_time = 0;
    // Make a local hash of channel chanid's with references to the actual
    // channel data (Channels are not indexed by anything in particular, so
    // that the user can sort by chanid or channum).
    $channel_hash = array();
    // An array (that later gets converted to a string) containing the id's of channels we want to load
    if ($chanid) {
        $these_channels[] = $chanid;
    } else {
        $these_channels = Channel::getChannelList();
    // convert $these_channels into a string so it'll go straight into the query
    if (!count($these_channels)) {
        trigger_error("load_all_program_data() attempted with out any channels", FATAL);
    $these_channels = implode(',', $these_channels);
    // Build the sql query, and execute it
    $query = 'SELECT program.*,
                         UNIX_TIMESTAMP(program.starttime) AS starttime_unix,
                         UNIX_TIMESTAMP(program.endtime) AS endtime_unix,
                         IFNULL(programrating.system, "") AS rater,
                         IFNULL(programrating.rating, "") AS rating,
                  FROM program USE INDEX (id_start_end)
                       LEFT JOIN programrating USING (chanid, starttime)
                       LEFT JOIN channel ON program.chanid = channel.chanid
                       LEFT JOIN credits ON (program.chanid = credits.chanid AND program.starttime = credits.starttime)
                       LEFT JOIN people ON (credits.person = people.person)
    // Only loading a single channel worth of information
    if ($chanid > 0) {
        $query .= ' program.chanid=' . $db->escape($chanid);
    } else {
        $query .= ' program.chanid IN (' . $these_channels . ')';
    // Requested start time is the same as the end time - don't bother with fancy calculations
    if ($start_time == $end_time) {
        $query .= ' AND program.starttime = FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $db->escape($start_time) . ')';
    } else {
        $query .= ' AND (program.endtime > FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $db->escape($start_time) . ')' . ' AND program.starttime < FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $db->escape($end_time) . ')' . ' AND program.starttime != program.endtime)';
    // The extra query, if there is one
    if ($extra_query) {
        $query .= ' AND ' . $extra_query;
    // Group and sort
    if (!$distinctTitle) {
        $query .= "\nGROUP BY channel.callsign, program.chanid, program.starttime";
    } else {
        $query .= "\nGROUP BY program.title";
    $query .= " ORDER BY program.starttime";
    // Limit
    if ($single_program) {
        $query .= "\n LIMIT 1";
    // Query
    $sh = $db->query($query);
    // No results
    if ($sh->num_rows() < 1) {
        return array();
    // Build two separate queries for optimized selecting of recstatus
    $sh2 = $db->prepare('SELECT recstatus
                               FROM oldrecorded
                              WHERE recstatus IN (-3, 11)
                                    AND programid = ?
                                    AND seriesid  = ?
                                    AND future = 0
                             LIMIT 1');
    $sh3 = $db->prepare('SELECT recstatus
                               FROM oldrecorded
                              WHERE recstatus IN (-3, 11)
                                    AND title       = ?
                                    AND subtitle    = ?
                                    AND description = ?
                                    AND future = 0 
                             LIMIT 1');
    // Load in all of the programs (if any?)
    $these_programs = array();
    $scheduledRecordings = Schedule::findScheduled();
    while ($data = $sh->fetch_assoc()) {
        if (!$data['chanid']) {
        // This program has already been loaded, and is attached to a recording schedule
        if (!empty($data['title']) && $scheduledRecordings[$data['callsign']][$data['starttime_unix']][0]->title == $data['title']) {
            $program =& $scheduledRecordings[$data['callsign']][$data['starttime_unix']][0];
            // merge in data fetched from DB
            $program->merge(new Program($data));
        } else {
            // Load the recstatus now that we can use an index
            if ($data['programid'] && $data['seriesid']) {
                $sh2->execute($data['programid'], $data['seriesid']);
                list($data['recstatus']) = $sh2->fetch_row();
            } elseif ($data['category_type'] == 'movie' || $data['title'] && $data['subtitle'] && $data['description']) {
                $sh3->execute($data['title'], $data['subtitle'], $data['description']);
                list($data['recstatus']) = $sh3->fetch_row();
            // Create a new instance
            $program =& Program::find($data);
        // Add this program to the channel hash, etc.
        $these_programs[] =& $program;
        $channel_hash[$data['chanid']]->programs[] =& $program;
        // Cleanup
    // Cleanup
    // If channel-specific information was requested, return an array of those programs, or just the first/only one
    if ($chanid && $single_program) {
        return $these_programs[0];
    // Just in case, return an array of all programs found
    return $these_programs;