Ejemplo n.º 1
 echo "<p>Type: " . ucfirst($i['type']) . "</p>";
 //Include the list class to get the shelf name
 include_once ROOT . 'admin/list.class.php';
 $lists = new Lists("shelves");
 //Include the scan_book class to get the book status
 include ROOT . 'scan_book.class.php';
 $sb = new ScanBook();
 require ROOT . '../../koble_til_database.php';
 $get_books = "SELECT * FROM lib_RFID WHERE bookID = '" . $i['bookID'] . "'";
 $get_books_qry = $conn->query($get_books);
 $bookz = array('utlant' => 0, 'pa_biblo' => array());
 if ($get_books_qry->num_rows > 0) {
     while ($book = $get_books_qry->fetch_assoc()) {
         //Check if book is lended
         if ($sb->isLended($book['RFID'])) {
         } else {
             $bookz['pa_biblo'][] = $lists->getShelfName($book['_shelfID']);
 if ($bookz['utlant'] != 0 || count($bookz['pa_biblo']) > 0) {
     echo '<p>På Biblo: ' . count($bookz['pa_biblo']) . '</p>';
     if (count($bookz['pa_biblo']) > 1) {
         echo '<p>Hyller: ';
     } else {
         echo '<p>Hylle: ';
     $hyller = "";
     foreach ($bookz['pa_biblo'] as $hylle) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
$action = 0;
    Deliver / lend the book
$date = (new DateTime())->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$deliver_deadline = new DateTime();
$deliver_deadline->modify('+1 month');
$deliver_deadline = $deliver_deadline->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$deliver_deadline = explode(" ", $deliver_deadline)[0] . " 00:00:00";
$res = array('error' => '', 'type' => 0);
$deliver = array();
$lend = array();
require ROOT . 'scan_book.class.php';
$sb = new ScanBook();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($books); $i++) {
    if ($sb->isLended($books[$i]['rfid'])) {
        $user = $sb->user;
        //Book shall be delivered
        if ($res['type'] !== "lend") {
            $res['type'] = 'deliver';
            require ROOT . 'admin/info.class.php';
            $info = new Info("books", $books[$i]['bookID']);
            $result = $info->getInfo();
            $result['RFID'] = $books[$i]['rfid'];
            $result['shelfID'] = $books[$i]['shelfID'];
            $deliver[] = $result;
        } else {
    } else {
        //Book shall be lended