//*   You are not allowed to resell this script.
//* - You are free to make modification/changes,
//*   however it must be for your own use.
//////Samforum chatbox//////
define('ALLOWED', true);
//connection file.
include "../connection_to_db.php";
//including general class, which has common functions
include "../general/general_class.php";
//including clatbox_class.php, it's out Samichatbox class.
include "chatbox_class.php";
//Creating chatbox object.
$Chatbox = new Samchatbox();
//Setting $conn variable in class, so it can be used anywhere in it.
//Checking if user is logged, in.
if ($Chatbox->is_user_logged_in("logged_in")) {
    echo "<p> samforum chatbox </p>";
    //Show chatbox if is_user_logged_in() returned true(logged in);
    //setting data and checking if field is empty.
    if ($Chatbox->set_posted_data($_POST)) {
        //Creating a table.
        if ($Chatbox->create_chat_table()) {
            //this reutrns true if there is less than 20 rows. Will say rows deleted when there's more.s
            if ($Chatbox->insert_message()) {
                //insert data into database, this will insert data regardeless. even when rows are 20+. however delete_old_messages() deletes the rows first and returns true.

//* This copyright notice must not be removed
//* under any circumstances.
//* It must stay intact in all the files.
//* Samforum
//* Version 1.0
//* Script created by Samiuddin Samiuddin
//* Email: phpdevsami@gmail.com
//* Skype: n0h4cks
//* - This is not an open source project, functions/classes
//*   or any other code form this script cannot be
//*   used for other scripts or applications.
//*   You are not allowed to resell this script.
//* - You are free to make modification/changes,
//*   however it must be for your own use.
define('ALLOWED', true);
include "../general/general_class.php";
include "chatbox_class.php";
include "../connection_to_db.php";
$Chatbox = new Samchatbox();
if ($Chatbox->is_user_logged_in("logged_in")) {
} else {
    echo "Session not set(user not logged in). Send it to index.php";