Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @static
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return User
 public static function authenticateHttpBasic()
     // we're using Sabre\HTTP for basic auth
     $request = \Sabre\HTTP\Sapi::getRequest();
     $response = new \Sabre\HTTP\Response();
     $auth = new \Sabre\HTTP\Auth\Basic(Tool::getHostname(), $request, $response);
     $result = $auth->getCredentials();
     if (is_array($result)) {
         list($username, $password) = $result;
         $user = self::authenticatePlaintext($username, $password);
         if ($user) {
             return $user;
     $response->setBody("Authentication required");
     \Logger::error("Authentication Basic (WebDAV) required");
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Start the server, trigger an exception and see if the logger captured
  * it.
 function testLogException()
     $server = new Server();
     $logger = new MockLogger();
     // Creating a fake environment to execute http requests in.
     $request = new \Sabre\HTTP\Request('GET', '/not-found', []);
     $response = new \Sabre\HTTP\Response();
     $server->httpRequest = $request;
     $server->httpResponse = $response;
     $server->sapi = new \Sabre\HTTP\SapiMock();
     // Executing the request.
     // The request should have triggered a 404 status.
     $this->assertEquals(404, $response->getStatus());
     // We should also see this in the PSR-3 log.
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($logger->logs));
     $logItem = $logger->logs[0];
     $this->assertEquals(\Psr\Log\LogLevel::INFO, $logItem[0]);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Exception', $logItem[2]['exception']);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function handleRequest(RequestInterface $request)
     $sabreRequest = \Sabre\HTTP\Sapi::createFromServerArray($request->getParams());
     if ($sabreRequest->getMethod() === 'POST' && $sabreRequest->getHeader('Content-Type') === 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') {
         parse_str($sabreRequest->getBodyAsString(), $postData);
     $sabreResponse = new \Sabre\HTTP\Response();
     $this->server->httpRequest = $sabreRequest;
     $this->server->httpResponse = $sabreResponse;
     $body = $sabreResponse->getBody();
     if (is_scalar($body) || is_null($body)) {
         $newBody = fopen('php://memory', 'r+');
         fwrite($newBody, (string) $body);
         $body = $newBody;
     // Turning sabre into psr-7 response.
     $psr7Response = new ZendResponse($body, $sabreResponse->getStatus(), $sabreResponse->getHeaders());
     return $psr7Response;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function process()
     $this->emit('process:before', [['request' => $this->httpRequest]]);
     // set Content Security Policy and CORS headers
     $this->httpResponse->addHeader('Content-Security-Policy', "default-src *");
     $this->httpResponse->addHeader('X-Content-Security-Policy', "default-src *");
     if ($this->httpRequest->hasHeader('Origin')) {
         // TODO: allow to configure allowed origins
         $this->httpResponse->addHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', "*");
     // FIXME: respond to OPTIONS requests directly and without validation
     if ($this->httpRequest->getMethod() == 'OPTIONS') {
         $this->httpResponse->addHeader('Access-Control-Request-Method', 'GET, POST, OPTIONS');
         $this->httpResponse->addHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', $this->httpRequest->getHeader('Access-Control-Request-Headers'));
     // extract route from request (jmap, auth|.well-known/jmap, upload)
     if ($route = $this->getRouteMatch($this->httpRequest->getPath())) {
         try {
             call_user_func($this->routes[$route], $this->httpRequest, $this->httpResponse);
         } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
             if ($e instanceof Exception\ProcessorException) {
             } else {
             $this->emit('process:error', [['request' => $this->httpRequest, 'exception' => $e]]);
     } else {
         // TODO: throw invalid route error
     $this->emit('process:after', [['response' => $this->httpResponse]]);
Ejemplo n.º 5
     * Starts the DAV Server
     * @return void
    function exec() {

        try {

            // If nginx (pre-1.2) is used as a proxy server, and SabreDAV as an
            // origin, we must make sure we send back HTTP/1.0 if this was
            // requested.
            // This is mainly because nginx doesn't support Chunked Transfer
            // Encoding, and this forces the webserver SabreDAV is running on,
            // to buffer entire responses to calculate Content-Length.

            // Setting the base url
            $this->invokeMethod($this->httpRequest, $this->httpResponse);

        } catch (\Exception $e) {

            try {
                $this->emit('exception', [$e]);
            } catch (\Exception $ignore) {
            $DOM = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
            $DOM->formatOutput = true;

            $error = $DOM->createElementNS('DAV:', 'd:error');
            $error->setAttribute('xmlns:s', self::NS_SABREDAV);

            $h = function($v) {

                return htmlspecialchars($v, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');


            if (self::$exposeVersion) {
                $error->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:sabredav-version', $h(Version::VERSION)));

            $error->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:exception', $h(get_class($e))));
            $error->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:message', $h($e->getMessage())));
            if ($this->debugExceptions) {
                $error->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:file', $h($e->getFile())));
                $error->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:line', $h($e->getLine())));
                $error->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:code', $h($e->getCode())));
                $error->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:stacktrace', $h($e->getTraceAsString())));

            if ($this->debugExceptions) {
                $previous = $e;
                while ($previous = $previous->getPrevious()) {
                    $xPrevious = $DOM->createElement('s:previous-exception');
                    $xPrevious->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:exception', $h(get_class($previous))));
                    $xPrevious->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:message', $h($previous->getMessage())));
                    $xPrevious->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:file', $h($previous->getFile())));
                    $xPrevious->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:line', $h($previous->getLine())));
                    $xPrevious->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:code', $h($previous->getCode())));
                    $xPrevious->appendChild($DOM->createElement('s:stacktrace', $h($previous->getTraceAsString())));

            if ($e instanceof Exception) {

                $httpCode = $e->getHTTPCode();
                $e->serialize($this, $error);
                $headers = $e->getHTTPHeaders($this);

            } else {

                $httpCode = 500;
                $headers = [];

            $headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml; charset=utf-8';



Ejemplo n.º 6
  * This method checks the main HTTP preconditions.
  * Currently these are:
  *   * If-Match
  *   * If-None-Match
  *   * If-Modified-Since
  *   * If-Unmodified-Since
  * The method will return true if all preconditions are met
  * The method will return false, or throw an exception if preconditions
  * failed. If false is returned the operation should be aborted, and
  * the appropriate HTTP response headers are already set.
  * Normally this method will throw 412 Precondition Failed for failures
  * related to If-None-Match, If-Match and If-Unmodified Since. It will
  * set the status to 304 Not Modified for If-Modified_since.
  * If the $handleAsGET argument is set to true, it will also return 304
  * Not Modified for failure of the If-None-Match precondition. This is the
  * desired behaviour for HTTP GET and HTTP HEAD requests.
  * @param bool $handleAsGET
  * @return bool
 public function checkPreconditions($handleAsGET = false)
     $uri = $this->getRequestUri();
     $node = null;
     $lastMod = null;
     $etag = null;
     if ($ifMatch = $this->httpRequest->getHeader('If-Match')) {
         // If-Match contains an entity tag. Only if the entity-tag
         // matches we are allowed to make the request succeed.
         // If the entity-tag is '*' we are only allowed to make the
         // request succeed if a resource exists at that url.
         try {
             $node = $this->tree->getNodeForPath($uri);
         } catch (Exception\NotFound $e) {
             throw new Exception\PreconditionFailed('An If-Match header was specified and the resource did not exist', 'If-Match');
         // Only need to check entity tags if they are not *
         if ($ifMatch !== '*') {
             // There can be multiple etags
             $ifMatch = explode(',', $ifMatch);
             $haveMatch = false;
             foreach ($ifMatch as $ifMatchItem) {
                 // Stripping any extra spaces
                 $ifMatchItem = trim($ifMatchItem, ' ');
                 $etag = $node->getETag();
                 if ($etag === $ifMatchItem) {
                     $haveMatch = true;
                 } else {
                     // Evolution has a bug where it sometimes prepends the "
                     // with a \. This is our workaround.
                     if (str_replace('\\"', '"', $ifMatchItem) === $etag) {
                         $haveMatch = true;
             if (!$haveMatch) {
                 throw new Exception\PreconditionFailed('An If-Match header was specified, but none of the specified the ETags matched.', 'If-Match');
     if ($ifNoneMatch = $this->httpRequest->getHeader('If-None-Match')) {
         // The If-None-Match header contains an etag.
         // Only if the ETag does not match the current ETag, the request will succeed
         // The header can also contain *, in which case the request
         // will only succeed if the entity does not exist at all.
         $nodeExists = true;
         if (!$node) {
             try {
                 $node = $this->tree->getNodeForPath($uri);
             } catch (Exception\NotFound $e) {
                 $nodeExists = false;
         if ($nodeExists) {
             $haveMatch = false;
             if ($ifNoneMatch === '*') {
                 $haveMatch = true;
             } else {
                 // There might be multiple etags
                 $ifNoneMatch = explode(',', $ifNoneMatch);
                 $etag = $node->getETag();
                 foreach ($ifNoneMatch as $ifNoneMatchItem) {
                     // Stripping any extra spaces
                     $ifNoneMatchItem = trim($ifNoneMatchItem, ' ');
                     if ($etag === $ifNoneMatchItem) {
                         $haveMatch = true;
             if ($haveMatch) {
                 if ($handleAsGET) {
                     return false;
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception\PreconditionFailed('An If-None-Match header was specified, but the ETag matched (or * was specified).', 'If-None-Match');
     if (!$ifNoneMatch && ($ifModifiedSince = $this->httpRequest->getHeader('If-Modified-Since'))) {
         // The If-Modified-Since header contains a date. We
         // will only return the entity if it has been changed since
         // that date. If it hasn't been changed, we return a 304
         // header
         // Note that this header only has to be checked if there was no If-None-Match header
         // as per the HTTP spec.
         $date = HTTP\Util::parseHTTPDate($ifModifiedSince);
         if ($date) {
             if (is_null($node)) {
                 $node = $this->tree->getNodeForPath($uri);
             $lastMod = $node->getLastModified();
             if ($lastMod) {
                 $lastMod = new \DateTime('@' . $lastMod);
                 if ($lastMod <= $date) {
                     $this->httpResponse->setHeader('Last-Modified', HTTP\Util::toHTTPDate($lastMod));
                     return false;
     if ($ifUnmodifiedSince = $this->httpRequest->getHeader('If-Unmodified-Since')) {
         // The If-Unmodified-Since will allow allow the request if the
         // entity has not changed since the specified date.
         $date = HTTP\Util::parseHTTPDate($ifUnmodifiedSince);
         // We must only check the date if it's valid
         if ($date) {
             if (is_null($node)) {
                 $node = $this->tree->getNodeForPath($uri);
             $lastMod = $node->getLastModified();
             if ($lastMod) {
                 $lastMod = new \DateTime('@' . $lastMod);
                 if ($lastMod > $date) {
                     throw new Exception\PreconditionFailed('An If-Unmodified-Since header was specified, but the entity has been changed since the specified date.', 'If-Unmodified-Since');
     return true;