Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function save(&$attr)
     if ($attr['method'] == 'fixed') {
         if (!$attr['fixedCid']) {
             throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_FIXED_CID_MISSING'));
         } else {
             $cids = explode(',', $attr['fixedCid']);
             if (count($cids)) {
                 foreach ($cids as $cid) {
                     $catId = (int) $cid;
                     if (!$catId) {
                         throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_FIXED_CID_INVALID', $cid));
                     if ($catId == Sobi::Section()) {
                         throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_FIXED_CID_INVALID', $cid));
                     } else {
                         $parents = SPFactory::config()->getParentPath($catId);
                         if (!isset($parents[0]) || $parents[0] != Sobi::Section()) {
                             throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_FIXED_CID_INVALID_SECTION', $catId));
             } else {
                 throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_FIXED_CID_MISSING'));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function execute()
     $r = false;
     switch ($this->_task) {
         case 'chooser':
         case 'expand':
             $r = true;
             $this->chooser($this->_task == 'expand');
         case 'parents':
             $r = true;
         case 'icon':
             $r = true;
             /* case parent didn't registered this task, it was an error */
             if (!parent::execute() && $this->name() == __CLASS__) {
                 Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('SUCH_TASK_NOT_FOUND', SPRequest::task()), SPC::NOTICE, 404, __LINE__, __FILE__);
             } else {
                 $r = true;
     return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function save(&$attr)
     if (($attr['resize'] || $attr['crop']) && !($attr['resizeWidth'] && $attr['resizeHeight'])) {
         throw new SPException(SPLang::e('IMG_FIELD_RESIZE_NO_SIZE'));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function display()
     $template = SPLoader::loadTemplate($this->_tpl, 'php');
     if ($template) {
         include $template;
     } else {
         throw new SPException(SPLang::e('CANNOT_LOAD_TEMPLATE_FILE_AT', SPLoader::loadTemplate($this->_tpl, 'php', false)));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private function screen()
     $bankData = SPLang::getValue('bankdata', 'application', Sobi::Section());
     if (!strlen($bankData)) {
         SPLang::getValue('bankdata', 'application');
     $tile = Sobi::Txt('APP.BANK_TRANSFER_NAME');
     $this->getView('bank_transfer')->assign($tile, 'title')->assign($bankData, 'bankdata')->determineTemplate('extensions', 'bank-transfer')->display();
Ejemplo n.º 6
 protected function check($file)
     $allowed = SPLoader::loadIniFile('etc.files');
     $mType = SPFactory::Instance('services.fileinfo', $file)->mimeType();
     if (strlen($mType) && !in_array($mType, $allowed)) {
         $this->message(array('type' => 'error', 'text' => SPLang::e('FILE_WRONG_TYPE', $mType), 'id' => ''));
     return $mType;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function save(&$attr)
     $data = array('key' => $this->nid . '-viewInfo', 'value' => $attr['viewInfo'], 'type' => 'field_information', 'fid' => $this->fid, 'id' => Sobi::Section(), 'section' => Sobi::Section());
     $data = array('key' => $this->nid . '-entryInfo', 'value' => $attr['entryInfo'], 'type' => 'field_information', 'fid' => $this->fid, 'id' => Sobi::Section(), 'section' => Sobi::Section());
     $attr['required'] = 0;
     $attr['fee'] = 0;
     $attr['isFree'] = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 protected function search()
     if (!SPFactory::mainframe()->checkToken()) {
         Sobi::Error('Token', SPLang::e('UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS_TASK', SPRequest::task()), SPC::ERROR, 403, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     //		$selected = SPRequest::int( 'selected', 0 );
     $ssid = SPRequest::base64('ssid');
     $query = SPRequest::string('q', null);
     $session = SPFactory::user()->getUserState('userSelector', null, array());
     $setting = $session[$ssid];
     /* get the site to display */
     $site = SPRequest::int('site', 1);
     $eLim = Sobi::Cfg('user_selector.entries_limit', 18);
     $eLimStart = ($site - 1) * $eLim;
     $params = array();
     if ($query) {
         $q = '%' . $query . '%';
         $params = SPFactory::db()->where(array('name' => $q, 'username' => $q, 'email' => $q), 'OR');
     try {
         $count = SPFactory::db()->select('COUNT(*)', '#__users', $params, $setting['ordering'])->loadResult();
         $data = SPFactory::db()->select(array('id', 'name', 'username', 'email', 'registerDate', 'lastvisitDate'), '#__users', $params, $setting['ordering'], $eLim, $eLimStart)->loadAssocList();
     } catch (SPException $x) {
         echo $x->getMessage();
     $response = array('sites' => ceil($count / $eLim), 'site' => $site);
     if (count($data)) {
         $replacements = array();
         preg_match_all('/\\%[a-z]*/', $setting['format'], $replacements);
         $placeholders = array();
         if (isset($replacements[0]) && count($replacements[0])) {
             foreach ($replacements[0] as $placeholder) {
                 $placeholders[] = str_replace('%', null, $placeholder);
         if (count($replacements)) {
             foreach ($data as $index => $user) {
                 $txt = $setting['format'];
                 foreach ($placeholders as $attribute) {
                     if (isset($user[$attribute])) {
                         $txt = str_replace('%' . $attribute, $user[$attribute], $txt);
                 $data[$index]['text'] = $txt;
         $response['users'] = $data;
     echo json_encode($response);
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * @return string
 public function display()
     $this->_view[] = "\n <!-- Sobi Pro - admin side menu start -->";
     $this->_view[] = "\n<div id=\"SPaccordionTabs\" class=\"SPmenuTabs\">";
     $this->_view[] = '<div id="SPMenuCtrl">';
     $this->_view[] = ' <button class="btn btn-mini btn-sobipro" id="SPMenuCtrlBt" type="button">-</button>';
     $this->_view[] = '</div>';
     $media = Sobi::Cfg('img_folder_live');
     $this->_view[] = "\n<div class='well well-small'><a href=\"http://www.Sigsiu.NET\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Sigsiu.NET Software Development\"><img src=\"{$media}/sp.png\" alt=\"Sigsiu.NET Software Development\" style=\"border-style:none;\" /></a></div>\n";
     $fs = null;
     if (count($this->_sections)) {
         if ($this->_task == 'section.view') {
             //				$this->_task = 'section.entries';
             $this->_open = 'AMN.ENT_CAT';
         $this->_view[] = '<div class="accordion" id="SpMenu">';
         foreach ($this->_sections as $section => $list) {
             $sid = SPLang::nid($section);
             $in = false;
             if (!$fs) {
                 $fs = $sid;
             if (!$this->_open && array_key_exists($this->_task, $list)) {
                 $this->_open = $sid;
                 $in = ' in';
             if ($this->_open && $section == $this->_open) {
                 $in = ' in';
             if (!$this->_open && array_key_exists($this->_task, $list)) {
                 $in = ' in';
             $this->_view[] = '<div class="accordion-group">';
             $this->_view[] = '<div class="accordion-heading">';
             $this->_view[] = '<a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#SpMenu" href="#' . $sid . '">';
             $this->_view[] = Sobi::Txt($section);
             $this->_view[] = '</a>';
             $this->_view[] = '</div>';
             $this->_view[] = '<div id="' . $sid . '" class="accordion-body collapse' . $in . '">';
             $this->_view[] = '<div class="accordion-inner">';
             $this->_view[] = $this->section($list, $section);
             $this->_view[] = '</div>';
             $this->_view[] = '</div>';
             $this->_view[] = '</div>';
         $this->_view[] = '</div>';
     $this->_view[] = "\n</div>\n";
     $this->_view[] = '<div class="brand" style="display: inherit;">© <a href="http://www.sigsiu.net">Sigsiu.NET GmbH</a></div>';
     $this->_view[] = "\n<!-- Sobi Pro - admin side menu end -->\n";
     return implode("\n", $this->_view);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 private function screen()
     $data = SPFactory::registry()->loadDBSection('paypal_' . Sobi::Section())->get('paypal_' . Sobi::Section());
     if (!count($data)) {
         $data = SPFactory::registry()->loadDBSection('paypal')->get('paypal');
     $ppexpl = SPLang::getValue('ppexpl', 'application', Sobi::Section());
     $ppsubj = SPLang::getValue('ppsubject', 'application', Sobi::Section());
     if (!strlen($ppsubj)) {
         $ppsubj = SPLang::getValue('ppsubject', 'application');
     $this->getView('paypal')->assign($tile, 'title')->assign($data['ppurl']['value'], 'ppurl')->assign($data['ppemail']['value'], 'ppemail')->assign($data['pprurl']['value'], 'pprurl')->assign($data['ppcc']['value'], 'ppcc')->assign($ppexpl, 'ppexpl')->assign($ppsubj, 'ppsubject')->determineTemplate('extensions', 'paypal')->display();
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * @return array
  * Ausgabe des Feldes in DV and vCard
 public function struct()
     $data = SPLang::getValue($this->nid . '-viewInfo', 'field_information', Sobi::Section());
     $attributes = array();
     if (strlen($data)) {
         $this->cssClass = strlen($this->cssClass) ? $this->cssClass : 'spFieldsData';
         $this->cssClass = $this->cssClass . ' ' . $this->nid;
         $attributes = array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(), 'class' => $this->cssClass);
     } else {
         $this->cssClass = strlen($this->cssClass) ? $this->cssClass : 'spField';
     return array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => $data, '_attributes' => $attributes);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 protected function getFunctionsLabel()
     if (isset($this->params->interpreter)) {
         $interpreter = explode('.', $this->params->interpreter);
         $function = array_pop($interpreter);
         $obj = SPFactory::Instance(implode('.', $interpreter));
         self::$functionsLabel = $obj->{$function}(self::$sid, self::$section);
     } elseif (isset($this->params->text)) {
         if (isset($this->params->loadTextFile)) {
         self::$functionsLabel = Sobi::Txt($this->params->text);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 protected function js()
     $lang = SPLang::jsLang(true);
     if (count($lang)) {
         foreach ($lang as $term => $text) {
             $term = str_replace('SP.JS_', null, $term);
             $lang[$term] = $text;
     if (!SPRequest::int('deb')) {
         header('Content-type: text/javascript');
     echo 'SobiPro.setLang( ' . json_encode($lang) . ' );';
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * @param $attr
  * @return mixed
  * @throws SPException
 protected function saveAttr(&$attr)
     if ($this->nid) {
         $this->nid = $attr['nid'];
     if (!isset($attr['viewInfo'])) {
         $attr['viewInfo'] = $this->viewInfo;
         $attr['entryInfo'] = $this->entryInfo;
     $data = array('key' => $this->nid . '-viewInfo', 'value' => $attr['viewInfo'], 'type' => 'field_information', 'fid' => $this->fid, 'id' => Sobi::Section(), 'section' => Sobi::Section());
     $data = array('key' => $this->nid . '-entryInfo', 'value' => $attr['entryInfo'], 'type' => 'field_information', 'fid' => $this->fid, 'id' => Sobi::Section(), 'section' => Sobi::Section());
     $attr['required'] = 0;
     $attr['fee'] = 0;
     $attr['isFree'] = 1;
     return $attr;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 private function screen()
     $view =& SPFactory::View('view', true);
     if (SPLoader::path('etc.repos.sobipro_core.repository', 'front', true, 'xml')) {
         $repository = SPFactory::Instance('services.installers.repository');
         $repository->loadDefinition(SPLoader::path("etc.repos.sobipro_core.repository", 'front', true, 'xml'));
         try {
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             $view->assign(SPLang::e('REPO_ERR', $x->getMessage()), 'message');
         try {
             $response = $repository->help($repository->get('token'), SPRequest::cmd('mid'));
             $view->assign($response, 'message');
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             $view->assign(SPLang::e('REPO_ERR', $x->getMessage()), 'message');
     } else {
         $view->assign(Sobi::Txt('MSG.HELP_ADD_CORE_REPO'), 'message');
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public function execute()
     /* parent class executes the plugins */
     SPRequest::set('task', $this->_type . '.' . $this->_task);
     switch ($this->_task) {
         case 'front':
             /** @var $view SPAdmPanelView */
             $view = SPFactory::View('front');
             /* load template config */
             //				$this->tplCfg( 'front' );
             //				$view->setConfig( $this->_tCfg, 'general' );
             $view->determineTemplate('front', SPC::DEFAULT_TEMPLATE);
             $view->assign($this->_sections, 'sections');
             /* case parents or plugin didn't registered this task, it was an error */
             if (!parent::execute()) {
                 Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('SUCH_TASK_NOT_FOUND', SPRequest::task()), SPC::NOTICE, 404, __LINE__, __FILE__);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function execute()
     SPRequest::set('task', $this->_type . '.' . $this->_task);
     if (strstr($this->_task, '.')) {
         $task = explode('.', $this->_task);
         $class = SPLoader::loadClass('opt.listing.' . $task[0], false, null, true);
     } else {
         $class = SPLoader::loadClass('opt.listing.' . $this->_task, false, null, true);
     if ($class) {
         $imp = class_implements($class);
         if (is_array($imp) && in_array('SPListing', $imp)) {
             /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection $compatibility */
             $listing = new $class();
             if (!isset($class::$compatibility)) {
                 define('SOBI_LEGACY_LISTING', true);
                 if (strstr($this->_task, '.')) {
                     $t = explode('.', $this->_task);
                 } else {
             } else {
             return $listing->execute();
         } else {
             Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('SUCH_TASK_NOT_FOUND Wrong class definition', SPRequest::task()), SPC::NOTICE, 404, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     } else {
         /* case parent didn't registered this task, it was an error */
         if (!parent::execute() && $this->name() == __CLASS__) {
             Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('SUCH_TASK_NOT_FOUND', SPRequest::task()), SPC::NOTICE, 404, __LINE__, __FILE__);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public function save(&$attr)
     static $lang = null;
     static $defLang = null;
     if (!$lang) {
         $lang = Sobi::Lang();
         $defLang = Sobi::DefLang();
     $file = SPRequest::file('spfieldsopts', 'tmp_name');
     if ($file) {
         $data = parse_ini_file($file, true);
     } elseif (is_string($attr['options'])) {
         $data = parse_ini_string($attr['options'], true);
     } else {
         $data = null;
     $options = $this->parseOptsFile($data);
     if (!count($options) && count($attr['options'])) {
         $p = 0;
         $hold = array();
         foreach ($attr['options'] as $o) {
             if (is_numeric($o['id'])) {
                 $o['id'] = $this->nid . '_' . $o['id'];
             if (isset($o['id'])) {
                 $i = 0;
                 $oid = $o['id'];
                 while (isset($hold[$oid])) {
                     $oid = $o['id'] . '_' . ++$i;
                 $options[] = array('id' => $oid, 'name' => $o['name'], 'parent' => null, 'position' => ++$p);
                 $hold[$oid] = $oid;
     if (count($options)) {
         $optionsArr = array();
         $labelsArr = array();
         $defLabelsArr = array();
         $optsIds = array();
         foreach ($options as $i => $option) {
             /* check for doubles */
             foreach ($options as $pos => $opt) {
                 if ($i == $pos) {
                 if ($option['id'] == $opt['id']) {
                     $option['id'] = $option['id'] . '_' . substr((string) microtime(), 2, 8) . rand(1, 100);
             $optionsArr[] = array('fid' => $this->id, 'optValue' => $option['id'], 'optPos' => $option['position'], 'optParent' => $option['parent']);
             $defLabelsArr[] = array('sKey' => $option['id'], 'sValue' => $option['name'], 'language' => $defLang, 'oType' => 'field_option', 'fid' => $this->id);
             $labelsArr[] = array('sKey' => $option['id'], 'sValue' => $option['name'], 'language' => $lang, 'oType' => 'field_option', 'fid' => $this->id);
             $optsIds[] = $option['id'];
         /* @var SPdb $db */
         $db =& SPFactory::db();
         /* try to delete the existing labels */
         try {
             $db->delete('spdb_field_option', array('fid' => $this->id));
             $db->delete('spdb_language', array('oType' => 'field_option', 'fid' => $this->id, '!sKey' => $optsIds));
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_DELETE_SELECTED_OPTIONS', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         /* insert new values */
         try {
             $db->insertArray('spdb_field_option', $optionsArr);
             $db->insertArray('spdb_language', $labelsArr, true);
             if ($defLang != $lang) {
                 $db->insertArray('spdb_language', $defLabelsArr, false, true);
         } catch (SPException $x) {
             Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_STORE_FIELD_OPTIONS_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__);
     if (!isset($attr['params'])) {
         $attr['params'] = array();
     $myAttr = $this->getAttr();
     $properties = array();
     if (count($myAttr)) {
         foreach ($myAttr as $property) {
             $properties[$property] = isset($attr[$property]) ? $attr[$property] : null;
     $attr['params'] = $properties;
     $this->sets['field.options'] = SPFactory::Instance('types.array')->toINIString($data);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 protected function view()
     /* determine template package */
     $tplPackage = Sobi::Cfg('section.template', SPC::DEFAULT_TEMPLATE);
     $this->_task = 'user';
     if (!$this->_model) {
     /* load template config */
     /* get limits - if defined in template config - otherwise from the section config */
     $eLimit = $this->tKey($this->template, 'entries_limit', Sobi::Cfg('list.entries_limit', 2));
     $eInLine = $this->tKey($this->template, 'entries_in_line', Sobi::Cfg('list.entries_in_line', 2));
     $url = array('sid' => SPRequest::sid(), 'task' => 'list.user');
     if (SPRequest::int('uid')) {
         $url['uid'] = SPRequest::int('uid');
         $this->uid = (int) SPRequest::int('uid');
     } else {
         $this->uid = (int) Sobi::My('id');
     $this->user = SPJoomlaUser::getBaseData((int) $this->uid);
     if (!$this->user) {
         throw new SPException(SPLang::e('UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS'));
     /* get the site to display */
     $site = SPRequest::int('site', 1);
     $eLimStart = ($site - 1) * $eLimit;
     $eOrder = $this->parseOrdering('entries', 'eorder', $this->tKey($this->template, 'entries_ordering', Sobi::Cfg('list.entries_ordering', 'name.asc')));
     $eCount = count($this->getEntries($eOrder, 0, 0, true, array('spo.owner' => $this->uid), true, Sobi::Section()));
     $entries = $this->getEntries($eOrder, $eLimit, $eLimStart, true, array('spo.owner' => $this->uid), true, Sobi::Section());
     //		$eCount = count( $this->_getEntries( 0, 0, true ) );
     //		$entries = $this->_getEntries( $eLimit, $site );
     $pn = SPFactory::Instance('helpers.pagenav_' . $this->tKey($this->template, 'template_type', 'xslt'), $eLimit, $eCount, $site, $url);
     if (SPRequest::int('site', 0)) {
         $url['site'] = SPRequest::int('site', 0);
     SPFactory::header()->addCanonical(Sobi::Url($url, true, true, true));
     /* handle meta data */
     SPFactory::mainframe()->addToPathway(Sobi::Txt('UL.PATH_TITLE', array('username' => $this->user->username, 'user' => $this->user->name)), Sobi::Url('current'));
     SPFactory::header()->addTitle(Sobi::Txt('UL.TITLE', array('username' => $this->user->username, 'user' => $this->user->name, 'section' => $this->_model->get('name'))), array(ceil($eCount / $eLimit), $site));
     /* add pathway */
     /* get view class */
     $view = SPFactory::View('listing');
     $view->assign($eLimit, '$eLimit');
     $view->assign($eLimStart, '$eLimStart');
     $view->assign($eCount, '$eCount');
     $view->assign($eInLine, '$eInLine');
     $view->assign($this->_task, 'task');
     $view->assign($this->_model, 'section');
     $view->setConfig($this->_tCfg, $this->template);
     $view->setTemplate($tplPackage . '.' . $this->templateType . '.' . $this->template);
     $view->assign($pn->get(), 'navigation');
     $view->assign(SPFactory::user()->getCurrent(), 'visitor');
     $view->assign($entries, 'entries');
     Sobi::Trigger('UserListing', 'View', array(&$view));
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * @return array
 public function struct()
     $baseData = $this->getRaw();
     $list = array();
     $struct = array();
     $order = SPFactory::cache()->getVar('order_' . $this->nid);
     if (!$order) {
         $order = SPFactory::db()->select('optValue', 'spdb_field_option', array('fid' => $this->id), 'optPos')->loadResultArray();
         SPFactory::cache()->addVar($order, 'order_' . $this->nid);
     if (is_array($baseData) && count($baseData)) {
         $this->cssClass = strlen($this->cssClass) ? $this->cssClass : 'spFieldsData';
         $this->cssClass = $this->cssClass . ' ' . $this->nid;
         foreach ($order as $opt) {
             if (isset($baseData[$opt])) {
                 $list[] = array('_tag' => 'li', '_value' => SPLang::clean($baseData[$opt]), '_class' => $opt);
         foreach ($this->options as $opt) {
             $struct[] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => $opt['label'], '_attributes' => array('selected' => isset($baseData[$opt['id']]) ? 'true' : 'false', 'id' => $opt['id'], 'position' => $opt['position']));
         $data = array('ul' => array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => $list, '_attributes' => array('class' => $this->cssClass)));
     if (count($list)) {
         return array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => $data, '_attributes' => array('lang' => $this->lang, 'class' => $this->cssClass), '_options' => $struct);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public function displayForm()
     Sobi::Trigger('Display', $this->name(), array(&$this));
     $action = $this->key('action');
     echo '<div class="SobiPro" id="SobiPro">' . "\n";
     if ($this->get('_compatibility')) {
         echo SPFactory::AdmToolbar()->render();
         echo $this->legacyMessages();
     echo $action ? "\n<form action=\"{$action}\" method=\"post\" name=\"adminForm\" id=\"SPAdminForm\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" accept-charset=\"utf-8\" >\n" : null;
     foreach ($this->_templates as $tpl) {
         $template = SPLoader::path($tpl, 'adm.template');
         if (!$template) {
             $tpl = SPLoader::translatePath($tpl, 'adm.template', false);
             Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_LOAD_TEMPLATE_AT', $tpl), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         } else {
             include $template;
     if (count($this->_hidden)) {
         $this->_hidden[SPFactory::mainframe()->token()] = 1;
         $prefix = null;
         if (!$this->get('_compatibility')) {
             $prefix = 'SP_';
         foreach ($this->_hidden as $name => $value) {
             echo "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"{$name}\" id=\"{$prefix}{$name}\" value=\"{$value}\"/>";
     echo $action ? "\n</form>\n" : null;
     echo '</div>';
     Sobi::Trigger('AfterDisplay', $this->name());
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * @deprecated since 1.1 replaced by {@link #Initialise()}
  * @param int $sid - section id
  * @param null $root - root of Joomla!
  * @param null $lang - language
  * @return null
 public static function Init($root = null, $lang = null, $sid = 0)
     static $loaded = false;
     if (!$loaded) {
         if (!defined('SOBI_CMS')) {
             define('SOBI_CMS', version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0.0', 'ge') ? 'joomla3' : (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', 'ge') ? 'joomla16' : 'joomla15'));
         defined('SOBIPRO') || define('SOBIPRO', true);
         defined('SOBI_TASK') || define('SOBI_TASK', 'task');
         defined('SOBI_DEFLANG') || define('SOBI_DEFLANG', $lang);
         defined('SOBI_ACL') || define('SOBI_ACL', 'front');
         defined('SOBI_ROOT') || define('SOBI_ROOT', $root);
         defined('SOBI_MEDIA') || define('SOBI_MEDIA', implode('/', array($root, 'media', 'sobipro')));
         defined('SOBI_PATH') || define('SOBI_PATH', SOBI_ROOT . '/components/com_sobipro');
         defined('SOBI_LIVE_PATH') || define('SOBI_LIVE_PATH', 'components/com_sobipro');
         require_once SOBI_PATH . '/lib/base/fs/loader.php';
         // in case it is a CLI call
         if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
             SPFactory::config()->set('live_site', JURI::root());
         $loaded = true;
     if ($sid) {
         $section = null;
         if ($sid) {
             $path = array();
             $id = $sid;
             $path[] = (int) $id;
             while ($id > 0) {
                 try {
                     $id = SPFactory::db()->select('pid', 'spdb_relations', array('id' => $id))->loadResult();
                     if ($id) {
                         $path[] = (int) $id;
                 } catch (SPException $x) {
                     Sobi::Error('ExtCoreCtrl', SPLang::e('DB_REPORTS_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__);
             $path = array_reverse($path);
             $section = SPFactory::object($path[0]);
         /* set current section in the registry */
         SPFactory::registry()->set('current_section', $section->id);
         $_config =& SPFactory::config();
         /* load basic configuration settings */
         $_config->addIniFile('etc.config', true);
         $_config->addTable('spdb_config', $sid);
         /* initialise interface config setting */
         /* initialise config */
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * @param SPEntry $entry
  * @param string $request
  * @throws SPException
  * @return array
 protected function verify($entry, $request)
     $save = array();
     $data = SPRequest::raw($this->nid . '_url', null, $request);
     $dexs = strlen($data);
     $data = SPFactory::db()->escape($data);
     if ($this->ownLabel) {
         $save['label'] = SPRequest::raw($this->nid, null, $request);
         /* check if there was a filter */
         if ($this->filter && strlen($save['label'])) {
             $registry =& SPFactory::registry();
             $filters = $registry->get('fields_filter');
             $filter = isset($filters[$this->filter]) ? $filters[$this->filter] : null;
             if (!count($filter)) {
                 throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_FILTER_ERR', $this->filter));
             } else {
                 if (!preg_match(base64_decode($filter['params']), $save['label'])) {
                     throw new SPException(str_replace('$field', $this->name, SPLang::e($filter['description'])));
     /* check if it was required */
     if ($this->required && !$dexs) {
         throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_REQUIRED_ERR', $this->name));
     /* check if there was an adminField */
     if ($this->adminField && $dexs) {
         if (!Sobi::Can('adm_fields.edit')) {
             throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_NOT_AUTH', $this->name));
     /* check if it was free */
     if (!$this->isFree && $this->fee && $dexs) {
         SPFactory::payment()->add($this->fee, $this->name, $entry->get('id'), $this->fid);
     /* check if it should contains unique data */
     if ($this->uniqueData && $dexs) {
         $matches = $this->searchData($data, Sobi::Reg('current_section'));
         if (count($matches)) {
             throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_NOT_UNIQUE', $this->name));
     /* check if it was editLimit */
     if ($this->editLimit == 0 && !Sobi::Can('entry.adm_fields.edit') && $dexs) {
         throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_NOT_AUTH_EXP', $this->name));
     /* check if it was editable */
     if (!$this->editable && !Sobi::Can('entry.adm_fields.edit') && $dexs && $entry->get('version') > 1) {
         throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_NOT_AUTH_NOT_ED', $this->name));
     /* check the response code */
     if ($dexs && $this->validateUrl) {
         if (preg_match('/[a-z0-9]@[a-z0-9].[a-z]/i', $data)) {
             $domain = explode('@', $data, 2);
             $domain = $domain[1];
             if (!checkdnsrr($domain, 'MX')) {
                 throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_MAIL_NO_MX', $data));
         } else {
             throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_MAIL_WRONG_FORM', $data));
     if ($dexs) {
         /* if we are here, we can save these data */
         $save['url'] = $data;
     } else {
         $save = null;
     return $save;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 private function mimeFromExt()
     $ext = SPFs::getExt($this->_path);
     if (!count(self::$_exts)) {
         self::$_exts = SPLoader::loadIniFile('etc.mime', false);
     if (!isset(self::$_exts[$ext])) {
         Sobi::Error('FileInfo', SPLang::e('Cannot determine the right file type from extension'), SPC::WARNING, 0);
     } else {
         $this->_mime = self::$_exts[$ext];
Ejemplo n.º 25
 private function renderButton($button, $list = false)
     $rel = null;
     $onclick = null;
     $title = '';
     $class = isset($button['class']) ? ' ' . $button['class'] : null;
     if (isset($button['type']) && $button['type'] == 'url') {
         $rel = null;
         $href = $this->getLink($button);
     } elseif (!isset($button['task']) || !$button['task']) {
         $href = $this->getLink($button);
     } else {
         $rel = $button['task'];
         $href = '#';
     if (!isset($button['label']) || !$button['label']) {
         $label = $this->getLabel($button);
     } else {
         $label = $button['label'];
     if (isset($button['confirm'])) {
         $title = ' title="' . Sobi::Txt($button['confirm']) . '" ';
     if ($button['element'] == 'button-legacy') {
         $class .= ' legacy';
         $onclick = 'onclick="Joomla.submitform(\'' . $rel . '\');"';
         // damn SqueezeBox - download field license window
         $rel = null;
     $target = isset($button['target']) && $button['target'] ? " target=\"{$button['target']}\"" : null;
     if (isset($button['buttons']) && count($button['buttons'])) {
         $this->output[] = '<div class="btn-group">';
         $this->output[] = "<a href=\"{$href}\" class=\"{$this->btClass}{$class}\"{$target} rel=\"{$rel}\">";
         if (!(isset($button['icon']) && $button['icon'])) {
             $icon = $this->getIcon($button, true);
         } else {
             $icon = $button['icon'];
         $this->output[] = '<i class="icon-' . $icon . '"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $label;
         $this->output[] = '</a>';
         $this->output[] = '<button class="' . $this->btClass . ' dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><span class="icon-caret-down"></span>&nbsp;</button>';
         $this->output[] = '<div class="dropdown-menu" id="spmenu-' . SPLang::nid($button['task']) . '">';
         $this->output[] = '<ul class="nav nav-stacked SpDropDownBt">';
         foreach ($button['buttons'] as $bt) {
             $this->renderButton($bt, true);
         $this->output[] = '</ul>';
         $this->output[] = '</div>';
         $this->output[] = '</div>';
     } elseif (!$list) {
         $this->output[] = "<a href=\"{$href}\" rel=\"{$rel}\" class=\"{$this->btClass}{$class}\"{$target}{$onclick}{$title}>";
         if (!(isset($button['icon']) && $button['icon'])) {
             $icon = $this->getIcon($button);
         } else {
             $icon = $button['icon'];
         $this->output[] = '<i class="icon-' . $icon . '"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $label;
         $this->output[] = '</a>';
     } else {
         if ($button['element'] == 'nav-header') {
             $this->output[] = '<li class="nav-header">' . $button['label'] . '</li>';
         } else {
             $this->output[] = '<li><a href="' . $href . '"' . $target . $title . ' rel="' . $rel . '">';
             if (!(isset($button['icon']) && $button['icon'])) {
                 $icon = $this->getIcon($button);
             } else {
                 $icon = $button['icon'];
             if (isset($button['selected'])) {
                 if (!$button['selected']) {
                     $icon = $this->icons['not-selected'];
                 } else {
                     $icon = $this->icons['selected'];
                     //						$this->output[ ] = '<i class="icon-' . $this->icons[ 'selected' ] . '"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
             $this->output[] = '<i class="icon-' . $icon . '"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $label;
             $this->output[] = '</a></li>';
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * @param $entry
  * @param $request
  * @param $files
  * @return SPdb
  * @throws SPException
 protected function storeData(&$entry, $request, $files)
     /* @var SPdb $db */
     $db =& SPFactory::db();
     $this->verify($entry, $request);
     $time = SPRequest::now();
     $IP = SPRequest::ip('REMOTE_ADDR', 0, 'SERVER');
     $uid = Sobi::My('id');
     /* if we are here, we can save these data */
     /* collect the needed params */
     $save = count($files) ? SPConfig::serialize($files) : null;
     $params = array();
     $params['publishUp'] = $entry->get('publishUp');
     $params['publishDown'] = $entry->get('publishDown');
     $params['fid'] = $this->fid;
     $params['sid'] = $entry->get('id');
     $params['section'] = Sobi::Reg('current_section');
     $params['lang'] = Sobi::Lang();
     $params['enabled'] = $entry->get('state');
     $params['baseData'] = $db->escape($save);
     $params['approved'] = $entry->get('approved');
     $params['confirmed'] = $entry->get('confirmed');
     /* if it is the first version, it is new entry */
     if ($entry->get('version') == 1) {
         $params['createdTime'] = $time;
         $params['createdBy'] = $uid;
         $params['createdIP'] = $IP;
     $params['updatedTime'] = $time;
     $params['updatedBy'] = $uid;
     $params['updatedIP'] = $IP;
     $params['copy'] = !$entry->get('approved');
     if (Sobi::My('id') == $entry->get('owner')) {
     $params['editLimit'] = $this->editLimit;
     /* save it */
     try {
         $db->insertUpdate('spdb_field_data', $params);
         return $db;
     } catch (SPException $x) {
         Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_FIELDS_DATA_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         return $db;
     return $db;
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * @param string $title
  * @param bool $forceAdd
 public function setTitle($title, $forceAdd = false)
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     if (!is_array($title) && (Sobi::Cfg('browser.add_title', true) || $forceAdd)) {
         $title = array($title);
     if (is_array($title)) {
         //browser.add_title = true: adds the Joomla part (this is normally the menu item) in front of it (works only if full_title is also set to true)
         $jTitle = $document->getTitle();
         //get the title Joomla has set
         if (Sobi::Cfg('browser.add_title', true) || $forceAdd) {
             if ($title[0] != $jTitle) {
                 array_unshift($title, $jTitle);
         } else {
             if ($title[0] == $jTitle) {
         //if ( Sobi::Cfg( 'browser.full_title', true ) || true ) {
         //browser.full_title = true: if title is array, use only the last. That's e.g. the entry name without categories for SobiPro standard title
         if (count($title)) {
             if (is_array($title)) {
                 if (Sobi::Cfg('browser.reverse_title', false)) {
                     $title = array_reverse($title);
                 $title = implode(Sobi::Cfg('browser.title_separator', ' - '), $title);
             } else {
                 $title = isset($title[count($title) - 1]) ? $title[count($title) - 1] : $title[0];
         } else {
             $title = null;
     if (strlen($title)) {
         if (!defined('SOBIPRO_ADM')) {
             if (JFactory::getApplication()->getCfg('sitename_pagetitles', 0) == 1) {
                 $title = JText::sprintf('JPAGETITLE', JFactory::getApplication()->getCfg('sitename'), $title);
             } elseif (JFactory::getApplication()->getCfg('sitename_pagetitles', 0) == 2) {
                 $title = JText::sprintf('JPAGETITLE', $title, JFactory::getApplication()->getCfg('sitename'));
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public function renderButton($button, $list = false)
     $rel = null;
     $class = isset($button['class']) ? ' ' . $button['class'] : null;
     if (!isset($button['task']) || !$button['task']) {
         $href = null;
         $rel = null;
     } else {
         $rel = $button['task'];
         $href = null;
     $label = $button['label'];
     $target = isset($button['target']) && $button['target'] ? " target=\"{$button['target']}\"" : null;
     if (isset($button['buttons']) && count($button['buttons'])) {
         $this->_out[] = '<div class="btn-group">';
         $this->_out[] = "<a href=\"{$href}\" class=\"btn{$class}\"{$target} rel=\"{$rel}\">";
         if (!(isset($button['icon']) && $button['icon'])) {
             $icon = 'cog';
         } else {
             $icon = $button['icon'];
         if ($icon != 'none') {
             $this->_out[] = '<i class="icon-' . $icon . '"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $label;
         } else {
             $this->_out[] = '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $label;
         $this->_out[] = '</a>';
         $this->_out[] = '<button class="btn dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><span class="icon-caret-down"></span>&nbsp;</button>';
         $this->_out[] = '<div class="dropdown-menu" id="' . SPLang::nid($button['task']) . '">';
         $this->_out[] = '<ul class="nav nav-stacked SpDropDownBt">';
         foreach ($button['buttons'] as $bt) {
             $this->renderButton($bt, true);
         $this->_out[] = '</ul>';
         $this->_out[] = '</div>';
         $this->_out[] = '</div>';
     } elseif (!$list) {
         if ($rel || $href) {
             $this->_out[] = "<a href=\"{$href}\" rel=\"{$rel}\" class=\"btn{$class}\"{$target}>";
         } else {
             if (isset($button['rel'])) {
                 $r = " rel=\"{$button['rel']}\" ";
             $this->_out[] = "<div class=\"btn{$class}\"{$r}{$target}>";
         if (!(isset($button['icon']) && $button['icon'])) {
             $icon = 'cog';
         } else {
             $icon = $button['icon'];
         $this->_out[] = '&nbsp;<i class="icon-' . $icon . '"></i>&nbsp;' . $label;
         if ($rel || $href) {
             $this->_out[] = '</a>';
         } else {
             $this->_out[] = '</div>';
     } else {
         if ($button['element'] == 'nav-header') {
             $this->_out[] = '<li class="nav-header">' . $button['label'] . '</li>';
         } else {
             $this->_out[] = '<li><a href="' . $href . $target . '" rel="' . $rel . '">';
             if (!(isset($button['icon']) && $button['icon'])) {
                 $icon = 'cog';
             } else {
                 $icon = $button['icon'];
             $this->_out[] = '<i class="icon-' . $icon . '"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $label;
             $this->_out[] = '</a></li>';
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public function connect()
     if ($this->definition instanceof DOMDocument && $this->xGetString('url')) {
         $connection = SPFactory::Instance('services.remote');
         $ssl = $connection->certificate($this->xGetString('url'));
         if (isset($ssl['err'])) {
             throw new SPException($ssl['msg']);
         if ($ssl['serialNumber'] != $this->xGetString('certificate/serialnumber')) {
             throw new SPException(SPLang::e('SSL validation error: stored serial number is %s but the serial number for the repository at %s has the number %s.', $this->xGetString('certificate/serialnumber'), $this->xGetString('url'), $ssl['serialNumber']));
         // for some reason on some servers the hash is being indeed modified
         // although it has been correctly transferred
         // it seems that it is depend on the protocol used (TSL/SSL)
         //			if ( $ssl[ 'hash' ] != $this->xGetString( 'certificate/hash' ) ) {
         //				throw new SPException(
         //					SPLang::e(
         //						'SSL validation error: stored hash does not accords the hash for the repository at %s. %s != %s',
         //						$this->xGetString( 'url' ), $ssl[ 'hash' ], $this->xGetString( 'certificate/hash' )
         //					)
         //				);
         //			}
         if ($ssl['validTo'] < time()) {
             throw new SPException(SPLang::e('SSL validation error: SSL certificate for %s is expired.', $this->xGetString('url')));
         $this->_server = SPFactory::Instance('services.soap', null, array('location' => $this->xGetString('url')));
     } else {
         throw new SPException(SPLang::e('No repository definition file at %s or the definition is invalid.', $this->xmlFile));
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * @param int $id
  * @param bool $parents
  * @return array
 protected function parentPath($id, $parents = false)
     $path = SPFactory::config()->getParentPath($id, true, $parents);
     if (is_array($path)) {
         $path = implode(Sobi::Cfg('string.path_separator', ' > '), $path);
     } else {
         $path = null;
     return SPLang::clean($path);