Ejemplo n.º 1
    $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenRequest();
    if (isset($response['error'])) {
        header("Location:" . admin_url('admin.php?page=social-media-auto-publish-settings&msg=1'));
    $lnoathtoken = $response['linkedin']['oauth_token'];
    $lnoathseret = $response['linkedin']['oauth_token_secret'];
    # Now we retrieve a request token. It will be set as $linkedin->request_token
    update_option('xyz_smap_lnoauth_token', $lnoathtoken);
    update_option('xyz_smap_lnoauth_secret', $lnoathseret);
    wp_redirect(SMAPLinkedIn::_URL_AUTH . $response['linkedin']['oauth_token']);
    echo "<script>document.location.href='" . SMAPLinkedIn::_URL_AUTH . $response['linkedin']['oauth_token'] . "'</script>";
if (isset($_GET['auth']) && $_GET['auth'] == 3) {
    if (isset($_GET['auth_problem'])) {
    $lnoathtoken = get_option('xyz_smap_lnoauth_token');
    $lnoathseret = get_option('xyz_smap_lnoauth_secret');
    $lnappikey = get_option('xyz_smap_lnapikey');
    $lnapisecret = get_option('xyz_smap_lnapisecret');
    $lnoauth_verifier = $_GET['oauth_verifier'];
    update_option('xyz_smap_lnoauth_verifier', $lnoauth_verifier);
    $API_CONFIG = array('appKey' => $lnappikey, 'appSecret' => $lnapisecret, 'callbackUrl' => $lnredirecturl);
    $OBJ_linkedin = new SMAPLinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
    $response = $OBJ_linkedin->retrieveTokenAccess($lnoathtoken, $lnoathseret, $lnoauth_verifier);
    # Now we retrieve a request token. It will be set as $linkedin->request_token
    update_option('xyz_smap_application_lnarray', $response['linkedin']);
    update_option('xyz_smap_lnaf', 0);
Ejemplo n.º 2
function xyz_link_publish($post_ID)
    $_POST_CPY = $_POST;
    $_POST = stripslashes_deep($_POST);
    if (isset($_POST['xyz_smap_hidden_meta']) && $_POST['xyz_smap_hidden_meta'] == 1) {
        $_POST = $_POST_CPY;
    $get_post_meta = get_post_meta($post_ID, "xyz_smap", true);
    if ($get_post_meta != 1) {
        add_post_meta($post_ID, "xyz_smap", "1");
    } else {
        $_POST = $_POST_CPY;
    global $current_user;
    $af = get_option('xyz_smap_af');
    $tappid = get_option('xyz_smap_twconsumer_id');
    $tappsecret = get_option('xyz_smap_twconsumer_secret');
    $twid = get_option('xyz_smap_tw_id');
    $taccess_token = get_option('xyz_smap_current_twappln_token');
    $taccess_token_secret = get_option('xyz_smap_twaccestok_secret');
    $messagetopost = get_option('xyz_smap_twmessage');
    if (isset($_POST['xyz_smap_twmessage'])) {
        $messagetopost = $_POST['xyz_smap_twmessage'];
    $appid = get_option('xyz_smap_application_id');
    $post_permissin = get_option('xyz_smap_post_permission');
    if (isset($_POST['xyz_smap_post_permission'])) {
        $post_permissin = $_POST['xyz_smap_post_permission'];
    $post_twitter_permission = get_option('xyz_smap_twpost_permission');
    if (isset($_POST['xyz_smap_twpost_permission'])) {
        $post_twitter_permission = $_POST['xyz_smap_twpost_permission'];
    $post_twitter_image_permission = get_option('xyz_smap_twpost_image_permission');
    if (isset($_POST['xyz_smap_twpost_image_permission'])) {
        $post_twitter_image_permission = $_POST['xyz_smap_twpost_image_permission'];
    $appsecret = get_option('xyz_smap_application_secret');
    $useracces_token = get_option('xyz_smap_fb_token');
    $message = get_option('xyz_smap_message');
    if (isset($_POST['xyz_smap_message'])) {
        $message = $_POST['xyz_smap_message'];
    $fbid = get_option('xyz_smap_fb_id');
    $posting_method = get_option('xyz_smap_po_method');
    if (isset($_POST['xyz_smap_po_method'])) {
        $posting_method = $_POST['xyz_smap_po_method'];
    $lnoathtoken = get_option('xyz_smap_lnoauth_token');
    $lnoathseret = get_option('xyz_smap_lnoauth_secret');
    $lnappikey = get_option('xyz_smap_lnapikey');
    $lnapisecret = get_option('xyz_smap_lnapisecret');
    $lnoauthverifier = get_option('xyz_smap_lnoauth_verifier');
    $lmessagetopost = get_option('xyz_smap_lnmessage');
    $xyz_smap_ln_shareprivate = get_option('xyz_smap_ln_shareprivate');
    if (isset($_POST['xyz_smap_ln_shareprivate'])) {
        $xyz_smap_ln_shareprivate = $_POST['xyz_smap_ln_shareprivate'];
    $xyz_smap_ln_sharingmethod = get_option('xyz_smap_ln_sharingmethod');
    if (isset($_POST['xyz_smap_ln_sharingmethod'])) {
        $xyz_smap_ln_sharingmethod = $_POST['xyz_smap_ln_sharingmethod'];
    $lnpost_permission = get_option('xyz_smap_lnpost_permission');
    if (isset($_POST['xyz_smap_lnpost_permission'])) {
        $lnpost_permission = $_POST['xyz_smap_lnpost_permission'];
    $post_ln_image_permission = get_option('xyz_smap_lnpost_image_permission');
    if (isset($_POST['xyz_smap_lnpost_image_permission'])) {
        $post_ln_image_permission = $_POST['xyz_smap_lnpost_image_permission'];
    $lnaf = get_option('xyz_smap_lnaf');
    $postpp = get_post($post_ID);
    global $wpdb;
    $entries0 = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT user_nicename FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'users WHERE ID=' . $postpp->post_author);
    foreach ($entries0 as $entry) {
        $user_nicename = $entry->user_nicename;
    if ($postpp->post_status == 'publish') {
        $posttype = $postpp->post_type;
        $fb_publish_status = array();
        $ln_publish_status = array();
        $tw_publish_status = array();
        if ($posttype == "page") {
            $xyz_smap_include_pages = get_option('xyz_smap_include_pages');
            if ($xyz_smap_include_pages == 0) {
                $_POST = $_POST_CPY;
        if ($posttype == "post") {
            $xyz_smap_include_posts = get_option('xyz_smap_include_posts');
            if ($xyz_smap_include_posts == 0) {
                $_POST = $_POST_CPY;
            $xyz_smap_include_categories = get_option('xyz_smap_include_categories');
            if ($xyz_smap_include_categories != "All") {
                $carr1 = explode(',', $xyz_smap_include_categories);
                $defaults = array('fields' => 'ids');
                $carr2 = wp_get_post_categories($post_ID, $defaults);
                $retflag = 1;
                foreach ($carr2 as $key => $catg_ids) {
                    if (in_array($catg_ids, $carr1)) {
                        $retflag = 0;
                if ($retflag == 1) {
                    $_POST = $_POST_CPY;
        include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
        $pluginName = 'bitly/bitly.php';
        if (is_plugin_active($pluginName)) {
        $link = get_permalink($postpp->ID);
        $content = $postpp->post_content;
        apply_filters('the_content', $content);
        $excerpt = $postpp->post_excerpt;
        apply_filters('the_excerpt', $excerpt);
        if ($excerpt == "") {
            if ($content != "") {
                $content1 = $content;
                $content1 = strip_tags($content1);
                $content1 = strip_shortcodes($content1);
                $excerpt = implode(' ', array_slice(explode(' ', $content1), 0, 50));
        } else {
            $excerpt = strip_tags($excerpt);
            $excerpt = strip_shortcodes($excerpt);
        $description = $content;
        $description_org = $description;
        $attachmenturl = xyz_smap_getimage($post_ID, $postpp->post_content);
        if ($attachmenturl != "") {
            $image_found = 1;
        } else {
            $image_found = 0;
        $name = html_entity_decode(get_the_title($postpp->ID), ENT_QUOTES, get_bloginfo('charset'));
        $caption = html_entity_decode(get_bloginfo('title'), ENT_QUOTES, get_bloginfo('charset'));
        apply_filters('the_title', $name);
        $name = strip_tags($name);
        $name = strip_shortcodes($name);
        $description = strip_tags($description);
        $description = strip_shortcodes($description);
        $description = str_replace("&nbsp;", "", $description);
        $excerpt = str_replace("&nbsp;", "", $excerpt);
        if ($useracces_token != "" && $appsecret != "" && $appid != "" && $post_permissin == 1) {
            $descriptionfb_li = xyz_smap_string_limit($description, 10000);
            $user_page_id = get_option('xyz_smap_fb_numericid');
            $xyz_smap_pages_ids = get_option('xyz_smap_pages_ids');
            if ($xyz_smap_pages_ids == "") {
                $xyz_smap_pages_ids = -1;
            $xyz_smap_pages_ids1 = explode(",", $xyz_smap_pages_ids);
            foreach ($xyz_smap_pages_ids1 as $key => $value) {
                if ($value != -1) {
                    $value1 = explode("-", $value);
                    $acces_token = $value1[1];
                    $page_id = $value1[0];
                } else {
                    $acces_token = $useracces_token;
                    $page_id = $user_page_id;
                $fb = new SMAPFacebook(array('appId' => $acces_token, 'secret' => $appsecret, 'cookie' => true));
                //$fb=new SMAPFacebook();
                $message1 = str_replace('{POST_TITLE}', $name, $message);
                $message2 = str_replace('{BLOG_TITLE}', $caption, $message1);
                $message3 = str_replace('{PERMALINK}', $link, $message2);
                $message4 = str_replace('{POST_EXCERPT}', $excerpt, $message3);
                $message5 = str_replace('{POST_CONTENT}', $description, $message4);
                $message5 = str_replace('{USER_NICENAME}', $user_nicename, $message5);
                $message5 = str_replace("&nbsp;", "", $message5);
                $disp_type = "feed";
                if ($posting_method == 1) {
                    $attachment = array('message' => $message5, 'access_token' => $acces_token, 'link' => $link, 'name' => $name, 'caption' => $caption, 'description' => $descriptionfb_li, 'actions' => array(array('name' => $name, 'link' => $link)), 'picture' => $attachmenturl);
                } else {
                    if ($posting_method == 2) {
                        $attachment = array('message' => $message5, 'access_token' => $acces_token, 'link' => $link, 'name' => $name, 'caption' => $caption, 'description' => $descriptionfb_li, 'picture' => $attachmenturl);
                    } else {
                        if ($posting_method == 3) {
                            $attachment = array('message' => $message5, 'access_token' => $acces_token);
                        } else {
                            if ($posting_method == 4 || $posting_method == 5) {
                                if ($attachmenturl != "") {
                                    if ($posting_method == 5) {
                                        try {
                                            $albums = $fb->api("/{$page_id}/albums", "get", array('access_token' => $acces_token));
                                        } catch (Exception $e) {
                                            $fb_publish_status[$page_id . "/albums"] = $e->getMessage();
                                        foreach ($albums["data"] as $album) {
                                            if ($album["type"] == "wall") {
                                                $timeline_album = $album;
                                        if (isset($timeline_album) && isset($timeline_album["id"])) {
                                            $page_id = $timeline_album["id"];
                                    $disp_type = "photos";
                                    $attachment = array('message' => $message5, 'access_token' => $acces_token, 'url' => $attachmenturl);
                                } else {
                                    $attachment = array('message' => $message5, 'access_token' => $acces_token);
                try {
                    $result = $fb->api('/' . $page_id . '/' . $disp_type . '/', 'post', $attachment);
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    $fb_publish_status[$page_id . "/" . $disp_type] = $e->getMessage();
            if (count($fb_publish_status) > 0) {
                $fb_publish_status_insert = serialize($fb_publish_status);
            } else {
                $fb_publish_status_insert = 1;
            $time = time();
            $post_fb_options = array('postid' => $post_ID, 'acc_type' => "Facebook", 'publishtime' => $time, 'status' => $fb_publish_status_insert);
            update_option('xyz_smap_fbap_post_logs', $post_fb_options);
        if ($taccess_token != "" && $taccess_token_secret != "" && $tappid != "" && $tappsecret != "" && $post_twitter_permission == 1) {
            ////image up start///
            $img_status = "";
            if ($post_twitter_image_permission == 1) {
                $img = array();
                if ($attachmenturl != "") {
                    $img = wp_remote_get($attachmenturl);
                if (is_array($img)) {
                    if (isset($img['body']) && trim($img['body']) != '') {
                        $image_found = 1;
                        if ($img['headers']['content-length'] && trim($img['headers']['content-length']) != '') {
                            $img_size = $img['headers']['content-length'] / (1024 * 1024);
                            if ($img_size > 3) {
                                $image_found = 0;
                                $img_status = "Image skipped(greater than 3MB)";
                        $img = $img['body'];
                    } else {
                        $image_found = 0;
            ///Twitter upload image end/////
            $messagetopost = str_replace("&nbsp;", "", $messagetopost);
            preg_match_all("/{(.+?)}/i", $messagetopost, $matches);
            $matches1 = $matches[1];
            $substring = "";
            $islink = 0;
            $issubstr = 0;
            $len = 118;
            if ($image_found == 1) {
                $len = $len - 24;
            foreach ($matches1 as $key => $val) {
                $val = "{" . $val . "}";
                if ($val == "{POST_TITLE}") {
                    $replace = $name;
                if ($val == "{POST_CONTENT}") {
                    $replace = $description;
                if ($val == "{PERMALINK}") {
                    $replace = "{PERMALINK}";
                    $islink = 1;
                if ($val == "{POST_EXCERPT}") {
                    $replace = $excerpt;
                if ($val == "{BLOG_TITLE}") {
                    $replace = $caption;
                if ($val == "{USER_NICENAME}") {
                    $replace = $user_nicename;
                $append = mb_substr($messagetopost, 0, mb_strpos($messagetopost, $val));
                if (mb_strlen($append) < $len - mb_strlen($substring)) {
                    $substring .= $append;
                } else {
                    if ($issubstr == 0) {
                        $avl = $len - mb_strlen($substring) - 4;
                        if ($avl > 0) {
                            $substring .= mb_substr($append, 0, $avl) . "...";
                        $issubstr = 1;
                if ($replace == "{PERMALINK}") {
                    $chkstr = mb_substr($substring, 0, -1);
                    if ($chkstr != " ") {
                        $substring .= " " . $replace;
                        $len = $len + 12;
                    } else {
                        $substring .= $replace;
                        $len = $len + 11;
                } else {
                    if (mb_strlen($replace) < $len - mb_strlen($substring)) {
                        $substring .= $replace;
                    } else {
                        if ($issubstr == 0) {
                            $avl = $len - mb_strlen($substring) - 4;
                            if ($avl > 0) {
                                $substring .= mb_substr($replace, 0, $avl) . "...";
                            $issubstr = 1;
                $messagetopost = mb_substr($messagetopost, mb_strpos($messagetopost, $val) + strlen($val));
            if ($islink == 1) {
                $substring = str_replace('{PERMALINK}', $link, $substring);
            $twobj = new SMAPTwitterOAuth(array('consumer_key' => $tappid, 'consumer_secret' => $tappsecret, 'user_token' => $taccess_token, 'user_secret' => $taccess_token_secret, 'curl_ssl_verifypeer' => false));
            if ($image_found == 1 && $post_twitter_image_permission == 1) {
                $resultfrtw = $twobj->request('POST', 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update_with_media.json', array('media[]' => $img, 'status' => $substring), true, true);
                if ($resultfrtw != 200) {
                    if ($twobj->response['response'] != "") {
                        $tw_publish_status["statuses/update_with_media"] = print_r($twobj->response['response'], true);
                    } else {
                        $tw_publish_status["statuses/update_with_media"] = $resultfrtw;
            } else {
                $resultfrtw = $twobj->request('POST', $twobj->url('1.1/statuses/update'), array('status' => $substring));
                if ($resultfrtw != 200) {
                    if ($twobj->response['response'] != "") {
                        $tw_publish_status["statuses/update"] = print_r($twobj->response['response'], true);
                    } else {
                        $tw_publish_status["statuses/update"] = $resultfrtw;
                } else {
                    if ($img_status != "") {
                        $tw_publish_status["statuses/update_with_media"] = $img_status;
            if (count($tw_publish_status) > 0) {
                $tw_publish_status_insert = serialize($tw_publish_status);
            } else {
                $tw_publish_status_insert = 1;
            $time = time();
            $post_tw_options = array('postid' => $post_ID, 'acc_type' => "Twitter", 'publishtime' => $time, 'status' => $tw_publish_status_insert);
            update_option('xyz_smap_twap_post_logs', $post_tw_options);
        if ($lnappikey != "" && $lnapisecret != "" && $lnoathtoken != "" && $lnoathseret != "" && $lnpost_permission == 1 && $lnoauthverifier != "" && $lnaf == 0) {
            $contentln = array();
            $description_li = xyz_smap_string_limit($description, 362);
            $caption_li = xyz_smap_string_limit($caption, 200);
            $name_li = xyz_smap_string_limit($name, 200);
            $message1 = str_replace('{POST_TITLE}', $name, $lmessagetopost);
            $message2 = str_replace('{BLOG_TITLE}', $caption, $message1);
            $message3 = str_replace('{PERMALINK}', $link, $message2);
            $message4 = str_replace('{POST_EXCERPT}', $excerpt, $message3);
            $message5 = str_replace('{POST_CONTENT}', $description, $message4);
            $message5 = str_replace('{USER_NICENAME}', $user_nicename, $message5);
            $message5 = str_replace("&nbsp;", "", $message5);
            $contentln['comment'] = $message5;
            $contentln['title'] = $name_li;
            $contentln['submitted-url'] = $link;
            if ($attachmenturl != "" && $post_ln_image_permission == 1) {
                $contentln['submitted-image-url'] = $attachmenturl;
            $contentln['description'] = $description_li;
            $API_CONFIG = array('appKey' => $lnappikey, 'appSecret' => $lnapisecret);
            if ($xyz_smap_ln_shareprivate == 1) {
                $private = TRUE;
            } else {
                $private = FALSE;
            $OBJ_linkedin = new SMAPLinkedIn($API_CONFIG);
            $xyz_smap_application_lnarray = get_option('xyz_smap_application_lnarray');
            if ($xyz_smap_ln_sharingmethod == 0) {
                try {
                    $response2 = $OBJ_linkedin->share('new', $contentln, $private);
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    $ln_publish_status["new"] = $e->getMessage();
                if (isset($response2['error']) && $response2['error'] != "") {
                    $ln_publish_status["new"] = $response2['error'];
            } else {
                $description_liu = xyz_smap_string_limit($description, 950);
                try {
                    $response2 = $OBJ_linkedin->updateNetwork($description_liu);
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    $ln_publish_status["updateNetwork"] = $e->getMessage();
                if (isset($response2['error']) && $response2['error'] != "") {
                    $ln_publish_status["updateNetwork"] = $response2['error'];
            if (count($ln_publish_status) > 0) {
                $ln_publish_status_insert = serialize($ln_publish_status);
            } else {
                $ln_publish_status_insert = 1;
            $time = time();
            $post_ln_options = array('postid' => $post_ID, 'acc_type' => "Linkedin", 'publishtime' => $time, 'status' => $ln_publish_status_insert);
            update_option('xyz_smap_lnap_post_logs', $post_ln_options);
    $_POST = $_POST_CPY;