function addCustomLines($custom_lines){ if(!is_array($custom_lines) || count($custom_lines) <= 0){ return TRUE; } $lines = array(); foreach($custom_lines as $new_line){ if(!isset($new_line['item_code_id']) || $new_line['item_code_id'] <= 0 || !isset($new_line['quantity']) || !isset($new_line['description']) || !isset($new_line['price'])) continue; if($new_line['quantity'] <= 0) continue; $il = new SI_InvoiceLine(); $il->invoice_id = $this->id; $il->item_code_id = $new_line['item_code_id']; $il->quantity = $new_line['quantity']; $il->unit_price = floatval($new_line['price']); $il->description = $new_line['description']; $il->addTax(); $lines[] = $il; } if(!$this->_lines) $this->_lines = array(); foreach($lines as $line){ if($line->add() === FALSE){ $this->error = "SI_Invoice::addCustomLines(): Error adding line item: ".$line->getLastError(); return FALSE; } $this->_lines[] = $line; } return TRUE; }
function get($id = NULL){ global $db_conn; if(!isset($id)){ $id = $this->id; } if(!isset($id)){ $this->error = "SI_InvoiceLine::get() : InvoiceLine id not set\n"; return FALSE; } $InvoiceLine = SI_InvoiceLine::retrieveSet("WHERE id = $id", TRUE); if($InvoiceLine === FALSE){ return FALSE; } if(isset($InvoiceLine[0])){ $this->updateFromAssocArray($InvoiceLine[0]); if($this->_populateLinks() === FALSE) return FALSE; $this->stripSlashes(); }else{ $this->error = "SI_InvoiceLine::get() : No data retrieved from query\n"; return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * */ require_once('includes/common.php'); require_once('includes/SI_Invoice.php'); require_once('includes/SI_InvoiceLine.php'); require_once('includes/SI_Company.php'); require_once('includes/SI_TaskActivity.php'); require_once('includes/SI_Payment.php'); require_once('includes/SI_ItemCode.php'); checkLogin('accounting'); $line = new SI_InvoiceLine(); $invoice = new SI_Invoice(); $company = new SI_Company(); $item_code = new SI_ItemCode(); if(!isset($_REQUEST['mode'])) $_REQUEST['mode'] = 'add'; // Clean up unit_price if(!empty($_POST['unit_price'])){ $_POST['unit_price'] = preg_replace('/[^0-9\.-]/','',$_POST['unit_price']); } // Prepare our variables $line_added = false; if($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'add_ta_link' || $_REQUEST['mode'] == 'add_sp_link' || $_REQUEST['mode'] == 'add_ex_link' || $_REQUEST['mode'] == 'delete_link' ||