function lfInsertProductClass($arrList, $product_id) { $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $objQuery->begin(); // 既存規格の削除 $where = "product_id = ?"; $objQuery->delete("dtb_products_class", $where, array($product_id)); $cnt = 1; // すべての規格を登録する。 while ($arrList["classcategory_id1:" . $cnt] != "") { if ($arrList["check:" . $cnt] == 1) { $sqlval = array(); $sqlval['product_id'] = $product_id; $sqlval['classcategory_id1'] = $arrList["classcategory_id1:" . $cnt]; $sqlval['classcategory_id2'] = $arrList["classcategory_id2:" . $cnt]; if (strlen($arrList["product_class_id:" . $cnt]) > 0) { $sqlval['product_class_id'] = $arrList["product_class_id:" . $cnt]; } $sqlval['product_code'] = $arrList["product_code:" . $cnt]; $sqlval['stock'] = $arrList["stock:" . $cnt]; $sqlval['stock_unlimited'] = $arrList["stock_unlimited:" . $cnt]; $sqlval['price01'] = $arrList['price01:' . $cnt]; $sqlval['price02'] = $arrList['price02:' . $cnt]; $sqlval['creator_id'] = $_SESSION['member_id']; $sqlval['create_date'] = "now()"; $sqlval['update_date'] = "now()"; // INSERTの実行 $objQuery->insert("dtb_products_class", $sqlval); } $cnt++; } $objQuery->commit(); }
static function productSupportinitial($device_id, SC_Query $objQuery) { $objQuery->delete("cp_dtb_device_products", "device_id=?", (array) $device_id); $objQuery->insert("cp_dtb_device_products", array(), array("product_id" => "product_id", "device_id" => "device_id"), array(), "\n FROM dtb_product_categories\n INNER JOIN cp_dtb_device_categories USING(category_id)\n WHERE product_id IN (SELECT product_id FROM cp_dtb_device_products)\n AND device_id = ?", (array) $device_id); $objQuery->commit(); }
/** * カテゴリ数の登録を行う. * * * @param SC_Query $objQuery SC_Query インスタンス * @param boolean $is_force_all_count 全カテゴリの集計を強制する場合 true * @return void */ public function sfCountCategory($objQuery = NULL, $is_force_all_count = false) { $objProduct = new SC_Product_Ex(); if ($objQuery == NULL) { $objQuery =& SC_Query_Ex::getSingletonInstance(); } $is_out_trans = false; if (!$objQuery->inTransaction()) { $objQuery->begin(); $is_out_trans = true; } //共通のfrom/where文の構築 $sql_where = SC_Product_Ex::getProductDispConditions('alldtl'); // 在庫無し商品の非表示 if (NOSTOCK_HIDDEN) { $where_products_class = '(stock >= 1 OR stock_unlimited = 1)'; $from = $objProduct->alldtlSQL($where_products_class); } else { $from = 'dtb_products as alldtl'; } //dtb_category_countの構成 // 各カテゴリに所属する商品の数を集計。集計対象には子カテゴリを含まない。 //まずテーブル内容の元を取得 if (!$is_force_all_count) { $arrCategoryCountOld = $objQuery->select('category_id,product_count', 'dtb_category_count'); } else { $arrCategoryCountOld = array(); } //各カテゴリ内の商品数を数えて取得 $sql = <<<__EOS__ SELECT T1.category_id, count(T2.category_id) as product_count FROM dtb_category AS T1 LEFT JOIN dtb_product_categories AS T2 ON T1.category_id = T2.category_id LEFT JOIN {$from} ON T2.product_id = alldtl.product_id WHERE {$sql_where} GROUP BY T1.category_id, T2.category_id __EOS__; $arrCategoryCountNew = $objQuery->getAll($sql); // 各カテゴリに所属する商品の数を集計。集計対象には子カテゴリを「含む」。 //差分を取得して、更新対象カテゴリだけを確認する。 //各カテゴリ毎のデータ値において以前との差を見る //古いデータの構造入れ替え $arrOld = array(); foreach ($arrCategoryCountOld as $item) { $arrOld[$item['category_id']] = $item['product_count']; } //新しいデータの構造入れ替え $arrNew = array(); foreach ($arrCategoryCountNew as $item) { $arrNew[$item['category_id']] = $item['product_count']; } unset($arrCategoryCountOld); unset($arrCategoryCountNew); $arrDiffCategory_id = array(); //新しいカテゴリ一覧から見て商品数が異なるデータが無いか確認 foreach ($arrNew as $cid => $count) { if ($arrOld[$cid] != $count) { $arrDiffCategory_id[] = $cid; } } //削除カテゴリを想定して、古いカテゴリ一覧から見て商品数が異なるデータが無いか確認。 foreach ($arrOld as $cid => $count) { if ($arrNew[$cid] != $count && $count > 0) { $arrDiffCategory_id[] = $cid; } } //対象IDが無ければ終了 if (count($arrDiffCategory_id) == 0) { if ($is_out_trans) { $objQuery->commit(); } return; } //差分対象カテゴリIDの重複を除去 $arrDiffCategory_id = array_unique($arrDiffCategory_id); //dtb_category_countの更新 差分のあったカテゴリだけ更新する。 foreach ($arrDiffCategory_id as $cid) { $sqlval = array(); $sqlval['create_date'] = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'; $sqlval['product_count'] = (string) $arrNew[$cid]; if ($sqlval['product_count'] == '') { $sqlval['product_count'] = (string) '0'; } if (isset($arrOld[$cid])) { $objQuery->update('dtb_category_count', $sqlval, 'category_id = ?', array($cid)); } else { if ($is_force_all_count) { $ret = $objQuery->update('dtb_category_count', $sqlval, 'category_id = ?', array($cid)); if ($ret > 0) { continue; } } $sqlval['category_id'] = $cid; $objQuery->insert('dtb_category_count', $sqlval); } } unset($arrOld); unset($arrNew); //差分があったIDとその親カテゴリIDのリストを取得する $arrTgtCategory_id = array(); foreach ($arrDiffCategory_id as $parent_category_id) { $arrTgtCategory_id[] = $parent_category_id; $arrParentID = $this->sfGetParents('dtb_category', 'parent_category_id', 'category_id', $parent_category_id); $arrTgtCategory_id = array_unique(array_merge($arrTgtCategory_id, $arrParentID)); } unset($arrDiffCategory_id); //dtb_category_total_count 集計処理開始 //更新対象カテゴリIDだけ集計しなおす。 $arrUpdateData = array(); $where_products_class = ''; if (NOSTOCK_HIDDEN) { $where_products_class .= '(stock >= 1 OR stock_unlimited = 1)'; } $from = $objProduct->alldtlSQL($where_products_class); foreach ($arrTgtCategory_id as $category_id) { $arrWhereVal = array(); list($tmp_where, $arrTmpVal) = $this->sfGetCatWhere($category_id); if ($tmp_where != '') { $sql_where_product_ids = 'product_id IN (SELECT product_id FROM dtb_product_categories WHERE ' . $tmp_where . ')'; $arrWhereVal = $arrTmpVal; } else { $sql_where_product_ids = '0<>0'; // 一致させない } $where = "({$sql_where}) AND ({$sql_where_product_ids})"; $arrUpdateData[$category_id] = $objQuery->count($from, $where, $arrWhereVal); } unset($arrTgtCategory_id); // 更新対象だけを更新。 foreach ($arrUpdateData as $cid => $count) { $sqlval = array(); $sqlval['create_date'] = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'; $sqlval['product_count'] = $count; if ($sqlval['product_count'] == '') { $sqlval['product_count'] = (string) '0'; } $ret = $objQuery->update('dtb_category_total_count', $sqlval, 'category_id = ?', array($cid)); if (!$ret) { $sqlval['category_id'] = $cid; $objQuery->insert('dtb_category_total_count', $sqlval); } } // トランザクション終了処理 if ($is_out_trans) { $objQuery->commit(); } }
function lfInsertClass() { $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $objQuery->begin(); // 親規格IDの存在チェック $where = "del_flg <> 1 AND class_id = ?"; $ret = $objQuery->get("dtb_class", "class_id", $where, array($_POST['class_id'])); if ($ret != "") { // INSERTする値を作成する。 $sqlval['name'] = $_POST['name']; $sqlval['class_id'] = $_POST['class_id']; $sqlval['creator_id'] = $_SESSION['member_id']; $sqlval['rank'] = $objQuery->max("dtb_classcategory", "rank", $where, array($_POST['class_id'])) + 1; $sqlval['create_date'] = "now()"; $sqlval['update_date'] = "now()"; // INSERTの実行 $ret = $objQuery->insert("dtb_classcategory", $sqlval); } $objQuery->commit(); return $ret; }
<?php /* * This file is part of EC-CUBE * * Copyright(c) 2000-2007 LOCKON CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ require_once "../../require.php"; $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $objQuery->begin(); $arrCustomerMail = $objQuery->getAll("\nUPDATE dtb_customer\nSET mailmaga_flg = (\nSELECT mail_flag\nFROM dtb_customer_mail\nWHERE =\n)"); $objQuery->commit(); echo "正常に移行が完了致しました。";
/** * 配送情報を登録する * * @return $deliv_id */ function lfRegistData() { $arrRet = $this->objFormParam->getHashArray(); $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $objQuery->begin(); // 入力データを渡す。 $sqlval['name'] = $arrRet['name']; $sqlval['service_name'] = $arrRet['service_name']; $sqlval['confirm_url'] = $arrRet['confirm_url']; $sqlval['creator_id'] = $_SESSION['member_id']; $sqlval['update_date'] = 'Now()'; // deliv_id が決まっていた場合 if ($_POST['deliv_id'] != "") { $deliv_id = $_POST['deliv_id']; $where = "deliv_id = ?"; $objQuery->update("dtb_deliv", $sqlval, $where, array($deliv_id)); // 配送時間の登録 $table = "dtb_delivtime"; $where = "deliv_id = ? AND time_id = ?"; for ($cnt = 1; $cnt <= DELIVTIME_MAX; $cnt++) { $sqlval = array(); $keyname = "deliv_time" . $cnt; $arrval = array($deliv_id, $cnt * $deliv_id); // 既存データの有無を確認 $curData = $objQuery->select("*", $table, $where, $arrval); if (strcmp($arrRet[$keyname], "") != 0) { $sqlval['deliv_time'] = $arrRet[$keyname]; // 入力が空ではなく、DBに情報があれば更新 if (count($curData)) { $objQuery->update($table, $sqlval, $where, $arrval); } else { $sqlval['deliv_id'] = $deliv_id; $sqlval['time_id'] = $cnt * $deliv_id; $objQuery->insert($table, $sqlval); } } else { if (count($curData)) { $objQuery->delete($table, $where, $arrval); } } } // 配送料の登録 if (INPUT_DELIV_FEE) { for ($cnt = 1; $cnt <= DELIVFEE_MAX; $cnt++) { $keyname = "fee" . $cnt; if (strcmp($arrRet[$keyname], "") != 0) { $sqlval = array('fee' => $arrRet[$keyname]); $objQuery->update("dtb_delivfee", $sqlval, "deliv_id = ? AND pref = ?", array($deliv_id, $cnt)); } } } } else { // 登録する配送業者IDの取得 if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { $deliv_id = $objQuery->nextval('dtb_deliv', 'deliv_id'); $sqlval['deliv_id'] = $deliv_id; } $sqlval['rank'] = $objQuery->max("dtb_deliv", "rank") + 1; $sqlval['create_date'] = 'Now()'; // INSERTの実行 $objQuery->insert("dtb_deliv", $sqlval); if (DB_TYPE == "mysql") { $deliv_id = $objQuery->nextval('dtb_deliv', 'deliv_id'); } $sqlval = array(); // 配送時間の設定 for ($cnt = 1; $cnt <= DELIVTIME_MAX; $cnt++) { $keyname = "deliv_time{$cnt}"; if ($arrRet[$keyname] != "") { $sqlval['deliv_id'] = $deliv_id; $sqlval['time_id'] = $cnt * $deliv_id; $sqlval['deliv_time'] = $arrRet[$keyname]; // INSERTの実行 $objQuery->insert("dtb_delivtime", $sqlval); } } if (INPUT_DELIV_FEE) { $sqlval = array(); // 配送料金の設定 for ($cnt = 1; $cnt <= DELIVFEE_MAX; $cnt++) { $keyname = "fee{$cnt}"; if ($arrRet[$keyname] != "") { $sqlval['deliv_id'] = $deliv_id; $sqlval['fee'] = $arrRet[$keyname]; $sqlval['pref'] = $cnt; // INSERTの実行 $objQuery->insert("dtb_delivfee", $sqlval); } } } } $objQuery->commit(); return $deliv_id; }
function lfInsertCat($parent_category_id) { $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $objQuery->begin(); // トランザクションの開始 if ($parent_category_id == 0) { // ROOT階層で最大のランクを取得する。 $where = "parent_category_id = ?"; $rank = $objQuery->max("dtb_category", "rank", $where, array($parent_category_id)) + 1; } else { // 親のランクを自分のランクとする。 $where = "category_id = ?"; $rank = $objQuery->get("dtb_category", "rank", $where, array($parent_category_id)); // 追加レコードのランク以上のレコードを一つあげる。 $sqlup = "UPDATE dtb_category SET rank = (rank + 1) WHERE rank >= ?"; $objQuery->exec($sqlup, array($rank)); } $where = "category_id = ?"; // 自分のレベルを取得する(親のレベル + 1) $level = $objQuery->get("dtb_category", "level", $where, array($parent_category_id)) + 1; // 入力データを渡す。 $sqlval = $this->objFormParam->getHashArray(); $sqlval['create_date'] = "Now()"; $sqlval['update_date'] = "Now()"; $sqlval['creator_id'] = $_SESSION['member_id']; $sqlval['parent_category_id'] = $parent_category_id; $sqlval['rank'] = $rank; $sqlval['level'] = $level; // INSERTの実行 $objQuery->insert("dtb_category", $sqlval); $objQuery->commit(); // トランザクションの終了 }
/** * 規格データをコピーする * * @param array $arrList フォーム入力パラメーター配列 * @param SC_Query $objQuery SC_Queryインスタンス * @return boolean エラーフラグ */ public function lfCopyProductClass($arrList, &$objQuery) { // 複製元のdtb_products_classを取得(規格なしのため、1件のみの取得) $col = '*'; $table = 'dtb_products_class'; $where = 'product_id = ?'; $arrProductClass = $objQuery->select($col, $table, $where, array($arrList['copy_product_id'])); //トランザクション開始 $objQuery->begin(); $err_flag = false; //非編集項目は複製、編集項目は上書きして登録 foreach ($arrProductClass as $records) { foreach ($records as $key => $value) { if (isset($arrList[$key])) { switch ($key) { case 'stock_unlimited': $records[$key] = (int) $arrList[$key]; break; default: $records[$key] = $arrList[$key]; break; } } } $records['product_class_id'] = $objQuery->nextVal('dtb_products_class_product_class_id'); $records['update_date'] = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'; $records['create_date'] = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'; $objQuery->insert($table, $records); //エラー発生時は中断 if ($objQuery->isError()) { $err_flag = true; continue; } } //トランザクション終了 if ($err_flag) { $objQuery->rollback(); } else { $objQuery->commit(); } return !$err_flag; }
function lfRegistRecommendData($array, $arrRegistColumn) { // 仮登録 foreach ($arrRegistColumn as $data) { if (strlen($array[$data["column"]]) > 0) { $arrRegist[$data["column"]] = $array[$data["column"]]; } } $arrRegist['create_date'] = 'now()'; $arrRegist['update_date'] = 'now()'; $arrRegist['creator_id'] = '0'; //-- 登録実行 $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $objQuery->begin(); $objQuery->insert("dtb_review", $arrRegist); $objQuery->commit(); }
function lfRegistFavoriteProduct($customer_id, $product_id) { $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $objConn = new SC_DbConn(); $count = $objConn->getOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dtb_customer_favorite_products WHERE customer_id = ? AND product_id = ?", array($customer_id, $product_id)); if ($count == 0) { $sqlval['customer_id'] = $customer_id; $sqlval['product_id'] = $product_id; $sqlval['update_date'] = "now()"; $sqlval['create_date'] = "now()"; $objQuery->begin(); $objQuery->insert('dtb_customer_favorite_products', $sqlval); $objQuery->commit(); } }
/** * ランクを含むレコードを削除する. * * レコードごと削除する場合は、$deleteをtrueにする * * @param string $table テーブル名 * @param string $colname カラム名 * @param string|integer $id テーブルのキー * @param string $andwhere SQL の AND 条件である WHERE 句 * @param bool $delete レコードごと削除する場合 true, * レコードごと削除しない場合 false * @return void */ function sfDeleteRankRecord($table, $colname, $id, $andwhere = "", $delete = false) { $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $objQuery->begin(); // 削除レコードのランクを取得する。 $where = "{$colname} = ?"; if ($andwhere != "") { $where .= " AND {$andwhere}"; } $rank = $objQuery->get($table, "rank", $where, array($id)); if (!$delete) { // ランクを最下位にする、DELフラグON $sqlup = "UPDATE {$table} SET rank = 0, del_flg = 1 "; $sqlup .= "WHERE {$colname} = ?"; // UPDATEの実行 $objQuery->exec($sqlup, array($id)); } else { $objQuery->delete($table, "{$colname} = ?", array($id)); } // 追加レコードのランクより上のレコードを一つずらす。 $where = "rank > ?"; if ($andwhere != "") { $where .= " AND {$andwhere}"; } $sqlup = "UPDATE {$table} SET rank = (rank - 1) WHERE {$where}"; $objQuery->exec($sqlup, array($rank)); $objQuery->commit(); }
function lfRegistData($array) { $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $this->arrInfo; do { $secret = SC_Utils_Ex::sfGetUniqRandomId("r"); } while (($result = $objQuery->getOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dtb_customer WHERE secret_key = ?", array($secret))) != 0); $sql = "SELECT email FROM dtb_customer WHERE secret_key = ? AND status = 1"; $email = $objQuery->getOne($sql, array($array["id"])); $objQuery->begin(); $arrRegist["secret_key"] = $secret; // 本登録ID発行 $arrRegist["status"] = 2; $arrRegist["update_date"] = "NOW()"; $where = "secret_key = ? AND status = 1"; $arrRet = $objQuery->select("point", "dtb_customer", $where, array($array["id"])); // 会員登録時の加算ポイント(購入時会員登録の場合は、ポイント加算) $arrRegist['point'] = $arrRet[0]['point'] + $arrInfo['welcome_point']; $objQuery->update("dtb_customer", $arrRegist, $where, array($array["id"])); /* 購入時の自動会員登録は行わないためDEL // 購入時登録の場合、その回の購入を会員購入とみなす。 // 会員情報の読み込み $where1 = "secret_key = ? AND status = 2"; $customer = $objQuery->select("*", "dtb_customer", $where1, array($secret)); // 初回購入情報の読み込み $order_temp_id = $objQuery->get("dtb_order_temp", "order_temp_id"); // 購入情報の更新 if ($order_temp_id != null) { $arrCustomer['customer_id'] = $customer[0]['customer_id']; $where3 = "order_temp_id = ?"; $objQuery->update("dtb_order_temp", $arrCustomer, $where3, array($order_temp_id)); $objQuery->update("dtb_order", $arrCustomer, $where3, array($order_temp_id)); } */ $sql = "SELECT mailmaga_flg FROM dtb_customer WHERE email = ?"; $result = $objQuery->getOne($sql, array($email)); switch ($result) { // 仮HTML case '4': $arrRegistMail["mailmaga_flg"] = 1; break; // 仮TEXT // 仮TEXT case '5': $arrRegistMail["mailmaga_flg"] = 2; break; // 仮なし // 仮なし case '6': $arrRegistMail["mailmaga_flg"] = 3; break; default: $arrRegistMail["mailmaga_flg"] = $result; break; } $objQuery->update("dtb_customer", $arrRegistMail, "email = " . SC_Utils_Ex::sfQuoteSmart($email) . " AND del_flg = 0"); $objQuery->commit(); return $secret; // 本登録IDを返す }
function lfRegistNewData() { $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $objQuery->begin(); // 入力データを渡す。 $arrRet = $this->objFormParam->getHashArray(); foreach ($arrRet as $key => $val) { // 配列は登録しない if (!is_array($val)) { $sqlval[$key] = $val; } } // postgresqlとmysqlとで処理を分ける if (DB_TYPE == "pgsql") { $order_id = $objQuery->nextval("dtb_order", "order_id"); } elseif (DB_TYPE == "mysql") { $order_id = $objQuery->get_auto_increment("dtb_order"); } $sqlval['order_id'] = $order_id; $sqlval['create_date'] = "Now()"; // 注文ステータス:指定が無ければ新規受付に設定 if ($sqlval["status"] == "") { $sqlval['status'] = '1'; } // customer_id if ($sqlval["customer_id"] == "") { $sqlval['customer_id'] = '0'; } unset($sqlval['total_point']); unset($sqlval['point']); $where = "order_id = ?"; // 受注ステータスの判定 if ($sqlval['status'] == ODERSTATUS_COMMIT) { // 受注テーブルの発送済み日を更新する $sqlval['commit_date'] = "Now()"; } // 受注テーブルの登録 $objQuery->insert("dtb_order", $sqlval); $sql = ""; $sql .= " UPDATE"; $sql .= " dtb_order"; $sql .= " SET"; $sql .= " payment_method = (SELECT payment_method FROM dtb_payment WHERE payment_id = ?)"; $sql .= " ,deliv_time = (SELECT deliv_time FROM dtb_delivtime WHERE time_id = ? AND deliv_id = (SELECT deliv_id FROM dtb_payment WHERE payment_id = ? ))"; $sql .= " WHERE order_id = ?"; if ($arrRet['deliv_time_id'] == "") { $deliv_time_id = 0; } else { $deliv_time_id = $arrRet['deliv_time_id']; } $arrUpdData = array($arrRet['payment_id'], $deliv_time_id, $arrRet['payment_id'], $order_id); $objQuery->query($sql, $arrUpdData); // 受注詳細データの更新 $arrDetail = $this->objFormParam->getSwapArray(array("product_id", "product_code", "product_name", "price", "quantity", "point_rate", "classcategory_id1", "classcategory_id2", "classcategory_name1", "classcategory_name2")); $objQuery->delete("dtb_order_detail", $where, array($order_id)); $max = count($arrDetail); for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { $sqlval = array(); $sqlval['order_id'] = $order_id; $sqlval['product_id'] = $arrDetail[$i]['product_id']; $sqlval['product_code'] = $arrDetail[$i]['product_code']; $sqlval['product_name'] = $arrDetail[$i]['product_name']; $sqlval['price'] = $arrDetail[$i]['price']; $sqlval['quantity'] = $arrDetail[$i]['quantity']; $sqlval['point_rate'] = $arrDetail[$i]['point_rate']; $sqlval['classcategory_id1'] = $arrDetail[$i]['classcategory_id1']; $sqlval['classcategory_id2'] = $arrDetail[$i]['classcategory_id2']; $sqlval['classcategory_name1'] = $arrDetail[$i]['classcategory_name1']; $sqlval['classcategory_name2'] = $arrDetail[$i]['classcategory_name2']; $objQuery->insert("dtb_order_detail", $sqlval); } $objQuery->commit(); return $order_id; }
function lfDeleteFavoriteProduct($customer_id, $product_id) { $objQuery = new SC_Query(); $objConn = new SC_DbConn(); $count = $objConn->getOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dtb_customer_favorite_products WHERE customer_id = ? AND product_id = ?", array($customer_id, $product_id)); if ($count > 0) { $where = "customer_id = ? AND product_id = ?"; $sqlval['customer_id'] = $customer_id; $sqlval['product_id'] = $product_id; $objQuery->begin(); $objQuery->delete('dtb_customer_favorite_products', $where, $sqlval); $objQuery->commit(); } }