function SB_SanityCheck() { $this->um =& SB_UserManager::staticInstance(); $this->tree =& SB_Tree::staticInstance(); $this->db =& SB_Database::staticInstance(); if (!$this->um->isLogged() || !$this->um->isAdmin()) { die("Access denied!"); } }
function SB_Validator() { $this->um =& SB_UserManager::staticInstance(); $this->tree =& SB_Tree::staticInstance(); $this->db =& SB_Database::staticInstance(); $this->fc =& SB_FaviconCache::staticInstance(); if (!$this->um->setupDone || !$this->um->isLogged()) { echo 'Access denied!'; die; } }
function SB_Writer_xbel_mozilla() { parent::__construct(); $this->metaAttr = array('owner' => 'Mozilla'); $db =& SB_Database::staticInstance(); $special = array('is_toolbar' => 'BookmarksToolbarFolder', 'is_unfiled' => 'UnfiledBookmarksFolder'); foreach ($special as $attr => $label) { $id = $db->getUserData('special', $this->um->uid, $attr); if ($id) { $this->metaAttr[$label] = 'n' . $id; } } }
function _buildMessengerCommon(&$fields, $to) { $fields['--hidden1-'] = array('name' => 'uid', 'value' => SB_reqVal('uid')); $fields['--hidden2-'] = array('name' => 'command_gid', 'value' => SB_reqVal('command_gid')); $isModerator = SB_reqChk('command_gid') && $this->um->isModerator(SB_reqVal('command_gid')); if ($isModerator || $this->um->isAdmin()) { $fields['From'] = array('name' => 'from', 'type' => 'select', '_options' => '_buildMessengerFrom'); $fields['To (Just Label)'] = array('name' => 'to', 'value' => $to); } else { $fields['To'] = array('disabled' => 1, 'name' => 'to', 'value' => $to); } $fields['Subject'] = array('name' => 'subject'); if (SB_reqChk('inre')) { $where = array('mid' => intval(SB_reqVal('inre'))); $db =& SB_Database::staticInstance(); $res = $db->select('subject', 'sitebar_message', $where); if ($res) { $rec = $db->fetchRecord($res); $subject = $rec['subject']; if (strpos($subject, SB_T('Re:')) != 0) { $subject = SB_T('Re:') . ' ' . $subject; } $where['^1'] = 'AND'; $where['uid'] = $this->um->uid; if ($db->select(null, 'sitebar_message_folder', $where)) { $fields['Subject']['value'] = $subject; } } } $fields['Message'] = array('name' => 'message', 'type' => 'textarea', 'rows' => 5); if ($this->um->isAdmin()) { $fields['--raw1-'] = '<p><a target="_blank" href="">FCKeditor - WYSIWYG</a></p>'; $fields['Formatting'] = array('name' => 'format', 'type' => 'select', '_options' => '_buildMessengerFormatting'); $fields['Respect Allow Info Mail'] = array('name' => 'respect', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'checked' => 0, 'title' => SB_P('command::tooltip_respect')); $fields['Expiration'] = array('name' => 'expires', 'value' => date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') + 1, date('d'), date('Y')))); } }
function SB_Tree() { $this->db =& SB_Database::staticInstance(); $this->um =& SB_UserManager::staticInstance(); $this->userSortMode = $this->um->getParam('user', 'link_sort_mode'); $this->sortModeLabel = array('user' => 'User Default', 'custom' => 'Custom Order', 'abc' => 'Alphabetically', 'added' => 'Recently Added', 'changed' => 'Recently Modified', 'visited' => 'Recently Visited', 'hits' => 'Most Popular', 'waiting' => 'Waiting for Visit'); }
function checkStructure() { $this->db = SB_Database::staticInstance(); if ($this->db->connection) { $release = $this->getDBRelease(); if ($this->db->currentRelease() != $release) { if (isset($_REQUEST['command'])) { $this->command = $_REQUEST['command']; } switch ($this->command) { case 'Upgrade': $this->conversion($release, true); exit; case 'Downgrade': $this->conversion($release, false); exit; case 'Install': $this->install(); exit; } if ($release) { $dbrel = $this->db->currentRelease(); $this->message = <<<MSG Your software version {$dbrel} differs from the database version {$release}. MSG; $this->writePage(); ?> <p> <form action="<?php echo SB_FORM_ACTION_EXECUTOR; ?> " method="POST"> <?php if (file_exists($this->getScriptName($release, true))) { ?> <input type="submit" name="command" value="Upgrade"> <?php } if (file_exists($this->getScriptName($release, false))) { ?> <input type="submit" name="command" value="Downgrade"> <?php } ?> <input type="submit" name="command" value="Reload"> </form> <?php } else { $this->message = 'Your database does not contain SiteBar tables.'; $this->writePage(); ?> <p> <form action="<?php echo SB_FORM_ACTION_EXECUTOR; ?> " method="POST"> <input type="submit" name="command" value="Install"> <input type="submit" name="command" value="Reload"> </form> <?php } } else { header('Location: index.php'); } } else { $this->error('Cannot connect to database!'); $this->writePage(); ?> <p> <form action="<?php echo SB_FORM_ACTION_EXECUTOR; ?> " method="POST"> <input type="submit" name="command" value="Check Settings"> </form> <?php } }
function privateMessage($params) { $gid = isset($params['gid']) && $params['gid'] ? $params['gid'] : null; $isModerator = $gid && $this->isModerator($gid); $isAdmin = $this->isAdmin(); $role = ($isModerator || $isAdmin) && isset($params['from_role']) ? $params['from_role'] : 'user'; $db =& SB_Database::staticInstance(); $insert = array('uid' => $this->uid, 'gid' => $gid, 'sent' => array('now' => null), 'role' => $role, 'format' => $isAdmin && $params['format'] ? $params['format'] : 'plain', 'to_label' => $params['to_label'], 'subject' => $params['subject'], 'message' => $params['message']); $db->insert('sitebar_message', $insert); $mid = $db->getLastId(); if ($isAdmin && $params['expires']) { $insert['expires'] = $params['expires']; } $counter = 0; $safe_mode = in_array(strtolower(ini_get('safe_mode')), array("1", "on", "yes", "true")); if (!$safe_mode) { // We need more time if our database is slow set_time_limit(intval(count($params['to_list']) / 20) + 10); } $insert = array('mid' => $mid); // Insert recipients foreach ($params['to_list'] as $uid => $user) { if ($uid == SB_ANONYM) { continue; } $userparams = $user['params']; $this->explodeParams($userparams, 'tmp'); if (($isModerator || $isAdmin) && isset($params['respect']) && !$this->getParam('tmp', 'allow_info_mails')) { continue; } SB_SetLanguage($this->getParam('tmp', 'lang')); $counter++; $insert['uid'] = $uid; $db->insert('sitebar_message_folder', $insert); if ($params['pm_notification'] && $user['verified'] && $this->getParam('config', 'use_mail_features') && $this->getParam('tmp', 'pm_notification')) { $subject = SB_T('SiteBar: Private Message Notification'); $msg = SB_P('command::pm_notification', array($params['subject'], SB_Page::absBaseUrl())); $this->sendMail(array('email' => $user['email']), $subject, $msg); } } SB_SetLanguage($this->getParam('user', 'lang')); $insert['folder'] = 'outbox'; // Insert senders if (($isModerator || $isAdmin) && $role != 'user') { $gid = $role == 'admins' ? SB_ADMIN_GROUP : $gid; foreach ($this->getMembers($gid) as $uid => $user) { $userparams = $user['params']; $this->explodeParams($userparams, 'tmp'); SB_SetLanguage($this->getParam('tmp', 'lang')); $counter++; $insert['uid'] = $uid; $db->insert('sitebar_message_folder', $insert); } } else { $insert['uid'] = $this->uid; $db->insert('sitebar_message_folder', $insert); } SB_SetLanguage($this->getParam('user', 'lang')); }
function SB_DatabaseMySQL($ignoreError = false) { parent::SB_Database(); if (!extension_loaded('mysql') || !function_exists('mysql_connect')) { die('SiteBar: No support for MySQL detected!'); } if (!is_file('./adm/')) { return; } include './adm/'; $config = $SITEBAR['db']; $this->name = $config['name']; $this->connection = $this->connect($config['host'], $config['username'], $config['password']); if (!$this->connection) { return; } if (!$this->hasDB($config['name'])) { if (!$ignoreError) { die('SiteBar: Database <b>' . $this->name . '</b> does not exist! ' . 'Delete your <b>adm/</b>!'); } $this->connection = null; return; } }
function SB_Token() { $this->db =& SB_Database::staticInstance(); $this->um =& SB_UserManager::staticInstance(); }
function SB_FaviconCache() { $this->db =& SB_Database::staticInstance(); $this->um =& SB_UserManager::staticInstance(); }