Ejemplo n.º 1
function main($server_cfg)
    $options = get_options();
    if (isset($options['g']) && $options['g'] !== '') {
        $game_names = explode(",", $options['g']);
    } else {
        $game_names = $server_cfg['game_list'];
    $time_slots = null;
    if (!empty($options['t'])) {
        $time_slots = $options['t'];
    $timestamp = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
    $current_time_slot = (int) ($timestamp / (30 * 60));
    foreach ($game_names as $game_name) {
        // MODIFIED!!!! Create and mount next two timeslots !!!
        $game_cfg = load_game_config($game_name);
        if (!$game_cfg) {
            error_log("configuration for " . $game_name . " is not loaded\n", 3, sprintf($server_cfg['log_file'], $game_cfg['name']));
        $target_dir = sprintf($server_cfg['root_upload_directory'], $game_cfg["name"]);
        $target_dir = $target_dir . "/%s/" . $server_cfg["profile_upload_directory"];
        $dir_name_array = create_directory($target_dir, $current_time_slot, $server_cfg, $game_cfg);
        if ($dir_name_array === null) {
            error_log("Directory creation failed for the game " . $game_cfg['name'], 3, sprintf($server_cfg['log_file'], $game_cfg['name']));
        if ($dir_name_array === 0) {
            error_log("No Ram disk Exist!!!" . $game_cfg['name'], 3, sprintf($server_cfg['log_file'], $game_cfg['name']));
        //creating new games and getting the list of web arrays to process data for
        $rs = new RightScale($server_cfg, load_game_config($game_name));
        $array_ids = $rs->get_arrays_to_serve();
        // Wrap processing for each game inside a file lock
        $game_lock_file = sprintf($server_cfg["zperfmon_lock_file"], $game_name);
        $game_lock_handle = grab_lock($game_lock_file, $server_cfg, $game_cfg);
        if (!$game_lock_handle) {
            error_log("Could not get exclusive lock for \"{$game_name}\"\n", 3, sprintf($server_cfg['log_file'], $game_cfg['name']));
            delete_ramdisk_data($game_name, $time_slots, $timestamp, $server_cfg, $game_cfg);
        //processing parent game
        try {
            // process uploaded data
            run_cron_for_game($server_cfg, $game_cfg, $time_slots);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            error_log("Upload processing for {$game_name} failed\n", 3, sprintf($server_cfg['log_file'], $game_cfg['name']));
            error_log("Exception says: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n", 3, sprintf($server_cfg['log_file'], $game_cfg['name']));
        // loop to process data for each web array
        foreach ($array_ids as $array) {
            try {
                $game_cfg = load_game_config($game_name, $array);
                if (!$game_cfg) {
                    error_log("configuration for " . $game_name . " is not loaded\n", 3, sprintf($server_cfg['log_file'], $game_cfg['name']));
                // process uploaded data
                run_cron_for_game($server_cfg, $game_cfg, $time_slots);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                error_log("Upload processing for {$game_name} failed\n", 3, sprintf($server_cfg['log_file'], $game_cfg['name']));
                error_log("Exception says: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n", 3, sprintf($server_cfg['log_file'], $game_cfg['name']));
        // compress for parent game
        // This implementation forces us to always pass a timeslot
        // while calling this script. otherwise compression will fail.
        $game_cfg = load_game_config($game_name);
        compress_unziped_profiles($server_cfg, $game_cfg, $time_slots);
        // Now compress the array games
        foreach ($array_ids as $array) {
            $game_cfg = load_game_config($game_name, $array);
            compress_unziped_profiles($server_cfg, $game_cfg, $time_slots);
        // cleanup the lock
        drop_lock($game_lock_handle, $game_lock_file);
        if ($dir_name_array != 0) {
            delete_ramdisk_data($game_name, $time_slots, $timestamp, $server_cfg, $game_cfg);
function partition_dynamics($game_names, $server_cfg, $con, $log_file)
    //Month to Partition map
    $partition_drop_map = array('p001', 'p002', 'p003', 'p004', 'p005', 'p006', 'p001', 'p002', 'p003', 'p004', 'p005', 'p006');
    //Current month to retention month p_tag map.
    $cursor_retain_months = array(11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
    $month_index = date('m') - 1;
    $array_drop_index = $month_index - 2;
    //If array drop index is negative go to the end of array
    if ($array_drop_index < 0) {
        $array_drop_index = 12 + $array_drop_index;
    $partition_drop_array_games = $partition_drop_map[$array_drop_index];
    foreach ($game_names as $game) {
        $db = "zprf_" . $game;
        report_partitions_state($db, $con, $log_file);
        $cursor_retain = $cursor_retain_months[$month_index];
        $cursor_delete = 0 - $cursor_retain;
        //Deleting rows in the ratio 1:4
        delete_rows($cursor_delete, $db, $con, $log_file);
        //Doing an alter table
        crunch_space($db, $con, $log_file);
        //Fetching the retention time from game_cfg file
        $game_cfg = load_game_config($game);
        $retention_time = $game_cfg["xhprof_retention_time"];
        //Maximum retention time = 4 months
        //If retention time not specified setting the default retention time as 4 months
        if ($retention_time == NULL or $retention_time > 4) {
            $retention_time = 4;
        $partition_drop_index = $month_index - $retention_time - 1;
        if ($partition_drop_index < 0) {
            $partition_drop_index = 12 + $partition_drop_index;
        $partition_drop = $partition_drop_map[$partition_drop_index];
        $rs = new RightScale($server_cfg, load_game_config($game));
        $array_ids = $rs->get_arrays_to_serve();
        drop_partition_data($partition_drop, $partition_drop_array_games, $array_ids, $db, $con, $log_file);