Ejemplo n.º 1
  * This function performs the validation work for complex object models.
  * In addition to checking the current object, all related objects will
  * also be validated.  If all pass then <code>true</code> is returned; otherwise
  * an aggreagated array of ValidationFailed objects will be returned.
  * @param      array $columns Array of column names to validate.
  * @return     mixed <code>true</code> if all validations pass; array of <code>ValidationFailed</code> objets otherwise.
 protected function doValidate($columns = null)
     if (!$this->alreadyInValidation) {
         $this->alreadyInValidation = true;
         $retval = null;
         $failureMap = array();
         // We call the validate method on the following object(s) if they
         // were passed to this object by their coresponding set
         // method.  This object relates to these object(s) by a
         // foreign key reference.
         if ($this->aSeries !== null) {
             if (!$this->aSeries->validate($columns)) {
                 $failureMap = array_merge($failureMap, $this->aSeries->getValidationFailures());
         if ($this->aReview !== null) {
             if (!$this->aReview->validate($columns)) {
                 $failureMap = array_merge($failureMap, $this->aReview->getValidationFailures());
         if ($this->aScore !== null) {
             if (!$this->aScore->validate($columns)) {
                 $failureMap = array_merge($failureMap, $this->aScore->getValidationFailures());
         if (($retval = ModelPeer::doValidate($this, $columns)) !== true) {
             $failureMap = array_merge($failureMap, $retval);
         if ($this->collConfigs !== null) {
             foreach ($this->collConfigs as $referrerFK) {
                 if (!$referrerFK->validate($columns)) {
                     $failureMap = array_merge($failureMap, $referrerFK->getValidationFailures());
         if ($this->collReviews !== null) {
             foreach ($this->collReviews as $referrerFK) {
                 if (!$referrerFK->validate($columns)) {
                     $failureMap = array_merge($failureMap, $referrerFK->getValidationFailures());
         if ($this->collScores !== null) {
             foreach ($this->collScores as $referrerFK) {
                 if (!$referrerFK->validate($columns)) {
                     $failureMap = array_merge($failureMap, $referrerFK->getValidationFailures());
         if ($this->collUserMetas !== null) {
             foreach ($this->collUserMetas as $referrerFK) {
                 if (!$referrerFK->validate($columns)) {
                     $failureMap = array_merge($failureMap, $referrerFK->getValidationFailures());
         $this->alreadyInValidation = false;
     return !empty($failureMap) ? $failureMap : true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function actionCreate()
     $model = new Review();
     if (isset($_POST['Review'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['Review'];
         if ($model->validate() && $model->save()) {
     $statuses = array(0 => Yii::t('common', 'Disabled'), 1 => Yii::t('common', 'Enabled'));
     $this->render('create', array('model' => $model, 'statuses' => $statuses));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function actionView($id)
     $teacher = $this->loadModel($id);
     $this->_seoTitle = '名师 - ' . $teacher->name;
     $userId = $this->_cookiesGet('userId');
     $userType = $this->_cookiesGet('userType');
     $reviewModel = new Review();
     if ($userType === 'student' and isset($_POST['Review'])) {
         $reviewModel->attributes = $_POST['Review'];
         $reviewModel->teacher_id = $id;
         $reviewModel->student_id = $userId;
         $reviewModel->ctime = time();
         if ($reviewModel->validate() and $reviewModel->save()) {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', '保存成功');
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $books = Book::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('teacher_id' => $id));
     $lessons = array();
     $reviews = array();
     $list = yii::app()->request->getParam('list');
     if ($list === null or $list === 'lesson') {
         $model = Lesson::model();
         $count = $model->count($criteria->addCondition("teacher_id = {$id}"));
         $pager = new CPagination($count);
         $pager->pageSize = 4;
         $lessons = $model->findAll($criteria);
     } else {
         $model = Review::model();
         $count = $model->count($criteria->addCondition("teacher_id = {$id}"));
         $pager = new CPagination($count);
         $pager->pageSize = 4;
         $reviews = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('s.*, r.contents, r.ctime')->from('seed_review r')->leftjoin('seed_student s', 's.id=r.student_id')->where('r.teacher_id=:teacher_id', array(':teacher_id' => $id))->order('ctime desc')->limit(4, $pager->currentPage * $pager->pageSize)->queryAll();
     if ($userType === 'student') {
         $is_focus = StudentTeacher::model()->findByAttributes(array('student_id' => $userId, 'teacher_id' => $id));
     $this->render('view', array('is_focus' => $is_focus, 'teacher' => $teacher, 'lessons' => $lessons, 'reviews' => $reviews, 'books' => $books, 'userType' => $userType, 'reviewModel' => $reviewModel, 'count' => $count, 'pager' => $pager, 'list' => $_GET['list']));
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * AJAX response for review AJAX request.
 public function actionReview()
     $review = new Review();
     $review->attributes = $_POST['Review'];
     if ($review->validate()) {
         $noteId = $_POST['note_id'];
         $model = $this->loadModel($noteId);
         $model->addReview($review, Yii::app()->user->id);
         echo $this->renderPartial('_review', array('data' => $review), true);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function actionReviewAdd($response_id)
     if (Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
         throw new CHttpException(403);
     $Response = Response::model()->findByPK($response_id);
     if (is_null($Response)) {
         throw new CHttpException(403);
     $profile = Yii::app()->user->getProfile();
     $Company = $profile->company;
     if ($Company->isBlocked()) {
         $this->render('reviewaddblock', ['Response' => $Response, 'CompanyPartner' => null]);
     $CompanyPartnerId = null;
     if ($Company->id == $Response->from_company_id) {
         $CompanyPartnerId = $Response->to_company_id;
     } else {
         if ($Company->id == $Response->to_company_id) {
             $CompanyPartnerId = $Response->from_company_id;
         } else {
             // компания не принадлежит к этой сделке
             throw new CHttpException(403);
     $CompanyPartner = Company::model()->findByPk($CompanyPartnerId);
     if ($CompanyPartner->isBlocked()) {
         $this->render('reviewaddblock', ['Response' => $Response, 'CompanyPartner' => $CompanyPartner]);
     if (!$Response->isCompaniesReadyForReviews()) {
         Yii::log("actionReviewAdd companies NOT ready for review", "info");
         throw new CHttpException(403);
     $Review = Review::model()->findByAttributes(['response_id' => $response_id, 'from_company_id' => $Company->id]);
     if (is_null($Review)) {
         $Review = new Review();
     //$Response = Response::model()->findByPk($response_id);
     if (isset($_POST['Review'])) {
         $Review->setAttributes($_POST['Review'], false);
         $Review->from_company_id = $Company->id;
         if ($Response->to_company->id == $Company->id) {
             $CompanyTo = $Response->from_company;
         } else {
             $CompanyTo = $Response->to_company;
         $Review->to_company_id = $CompanyTo->id;
         $Review->response_id = $Response->response_id;
         if ($Review->validate()) {
             if (isset($_POST['photos'])) {
             if ($Review->validate()) {
                 $this->redirect('/response/' . $Response->response_id);
     $mainAssets = Yii::app()->getTheme()->getAssetsUrl();
     Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerCssFile($mainAssets . '/css/review.css');
     $this->render('reviewadd', ['Review' => $Review, 'Response' => $Response]);