Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Display search results
  * @param object $searchObject Search Object
  * @return void
 public function showResults($searchObject)
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     // Set Proxy URL
     if (isset($configArray['EZproxy']['host'])) {
         $interface->assign('proxy', $configArray['EZproxy']['host']);
     // Handle hierarchical facets (request level 0 only for initial display)
     $facetConfig = getExtraConfigArray('facets');
     if (isset($facetConfig['SpecialFacets']['hierarchical'])) {
         foreach ($facetConfig['SpecialFacets']['hierarchical'] as $facet) {
             $searchObject->addFacetPrefix(array($facet => '0/'));
     // Build RSS Feed for Results (if requested)
     if ($searchObject->getView() == 'rss') {
         // Throw the XML to screen
         echo $searchObject->buildRSS();
         // And we're done
     $accept = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] : '';
     // Build JSON for Results (if requested)
     if ($searchObject->getView() == 'json' || stristr($accept, 'application/json')) {
         // Allow cross-origin requests
         header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
         // Throw the JSON to screen
         echo $searchObject->buildJSON();
         // And we're done
     // Build XML for Results (if requested)
     if ($searchObject->getView() == 'xml' || stristr($accept, 'text/xml')) {
         // Allow cross-origin requests
         header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
         // Throw the XML to screen
         echo $searchObject->buildXML();
         // And we're done
     // Determine whether to display book previews
     if (isset($configArray['Content']['previews'])) {
     $interface->assign('showContext', isset($configArray['Content']['showHierarchyTree']) ? $configArray['Content']['showHierarchyTree'] : false);
     // TODO : Stats, move inside the search object
     // Setup Statistics Index Connection
     if ($configArray['Statistics']['enabled']) {
         $this->_solrStats = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex('SolrStats');
     // Set Interface Variables
     //   Those we can construct BEFORE the search is executed
     $displayQuery = $searchObject->displayQuery();
     $interface->setPageTitle(translate('Search Results') . (empty($displayQuery) ? '' : ' - ' . htmlspecialchars($displayQuery)));
     // Process Search
     $result = $searchObject->processSearch(true, true);
     if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
     // Some more variables
     //   Those we can construct AFTER the search is executed, but we need
     //   no matter whether there were any results
     $interface->assign('qtime', round($searchObject->getQuerySpeed(), 2));
     $interface->assign('spellingSuggestions', $searchObject->getSpellingSuggestions());
     $interface->assign('isEmptySearch', $searchObject->isEmptySearch());
     $interface->assign('lookfor', $displayQuery);
     $interface->assign('searchType', $searchObject->getSearchType());
     // Will assign null for an advanced search
     $interface->assign('searchIndex', $searchObject->getSearchIndex());
     $interface->assign('sortList', $searchObject->getSortList());
     $interface->assign('viewList', $searchObject->getViewList());
     $interface->assign('rssLink', $searchObject->getRSSUrl());
     $interface->assign('limitList', $searchObject->getLimitList());
     $interface->assign('searchWithoutFilters', $searchObject->renderSearchUrlWithoutFilters());
     $interface->assign('searchWithFilters', $searchObject->renderSearchUrl());
     if ($spatialDateRangeType = $searchObject->getSpatialDateRangeFilterType()) {
         $interface->assign('spatialDateRangeType', $spatialDateRangeType);
     // We'll need recommendations no matter how many results we found:
     $interface->assign('topRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('top'));
     $interface->assign('sideRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('side'));
     $interface->assign('orFilters', $searchObject->getOrFilters());
     // Whether RSI is enabled
     if (isset($configArray['OpenURL']['use_rsi']) && $configArray['OpenURL']['use_rsi']) {
         $interface->assign('rsi', true);
     // Whether embedded openurl autocheck is enabled
     if (isset($configArray['OpenURL']['autocheck']) && $configArray['OpenURL']['autocheck']) {
         $interface->assign('openUrlAutoCheck', true);
     // If no record found
     if ($searchObject->getResultTotal() < 1) {
         // Don't let bots crawl "no results" pages
         $interface->assign('recordCount', 0);
         $interface->assign('removeAllFilters', $searchObject->renderSearchUrlWithoutFilters(array('prefiltered')));
         // Set up special "no results" recommendations:
         $interface->assign('noResultsRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('noresults'));
         // Was the empty result set due to an error?
         $error = $searchObject->getIndexError();
         if ($error !== false) {
             // Solr 4 returns error as an array
             if (is_array($error)) {
                 $error = $error['msg'];
             // If it's a parse error or the user specified an invalid field, we
             // should display an appropriate message:
             if (stristr($error, 'org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException') || stristr($error, 'org.apache.solr.search.SyntaxError') || preg_match('/^undefined field/', $error)) {
                 $interface->assign('parseError', true);
             } else {
                 // Unexpected error -- let's treat this as a fatal condition.
                 PEAR::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Unable to process query<br />Solr Returned: ' . $error));
         // TODO : Stats, move inside the search object
         // Save no records found stat
         if ($this->_solrStats) {
             $this->_solrStats->saveNoHits($_GET['lookfor'], $_GET['type']);
     } else {
         // TODO : Stats, move inside the search object
         // Save search stat
         if ($this->_solrStats) {
             $this->_solrStats->saveSearch($_GET['lookfor'], $_GET['type']);
         // If the "jumpto" parameter is set, jump to the specified result index:
         // Assign interface variables
         $summary = $searchObject->getResultSummary();
         $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
         $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
         $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
         // Big one - our results
         $interface->assign('recordSet', $searchObject->getResultRecordHTML());
         // Setup Display
         //Get view & load template
         $currentView = $searchObject->getView();
         $interface->assign('subpage', 'Search/list-' . $currentView . '.tpl');
         // Process Paging
         $link = $searchObject->renderLinkPageTemplate();
         $options = array('totalItems' => $summary['resultTotal'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
         $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
         $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
     // 'Finish' the search... complete timers and log search history.
     $interface->assign('time', round($searchObject->getTotalSpeed(), 2));
     // Show the save/unsave code on screen
     // The ID won't exist until after the search has been put in the search
     //    history so this needs to occur after the close() on the searchObject
     $interface->assign('showSaved', true);
     $interface->assign('savedSearch', $searchObject->isSavedSearch());
     $interface->assign('searchId', $searchObject->getSearchId());
     // Save the URL of this search to the session so we can return to it easily:
     $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] = $searchObject->renderSearchUrl();
     // Save the display query too, so we can use it e.g. in the breadcrumbs
     $_SESSION['lastSearchDisplayQuery'] = $displayQuery;
     // Also save the search ID and type so user can edit the advanced search
     $_SESSION['lastSearchID'] = $searchObject->getSearchID();
     $_SESSION['searchType'] = $searchObject->getSearchType();
     // initialize the search result scroller for this search
     $scroller = new ResultScroller();
     $scroller->init($searchObject, $result);
     // Done, display the page
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Process incoming parameters and display the page.
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function launch()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     if (!$interface->get_template_vars('dualResultsEnabled')) {
         PEAR::raiseError(new PEAR_Error("Dual result view is not enabled."));
     // Initialise from the current search globals
     $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject();
     // Set Interface Variables
     //   Those we can construct BEFORE the search is executed
     $interface->setPageTitle('Search Results');
     // Whether embedded openurl autocheck is enabled
     if (isset($configArray['OpenURL']['autocheck']) && $configArray['OpenURL']['autocheck']) {
         $interface->assign('openUrlAutoCheck', true);
     // Set Proxy URL
     if (isset($configArray['EZproxy']['host'])) {
         $interface->assign('proxy', $configArray['EZproxy']['host']);
     // Determine whether to display book previews
     if (isset($configArray['Content']['previews'])) {
     $interface->assign("showContext", isset($configArray['Content']['showHierarchyTree']) ? $configArray['Content']['showHierarchyTree'] : false);
     // Process Search
     $result = $searchObject->processSearch(true, true);
     if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
     // Some more variables
     //   Those we can construct AFTER the search is executed, but we need
     //   no matter whether there were any results
     $interface->assign('qtime', round($searchObject->getQuerySpeed(), 2));
     $interface->assign('spellingSuggestions', $searchObject->getSpellingSuggestions());
     $interface->assign('lookfor', $searchObject->displayQuery());
     $interface->assign('searchType', $searchObject->getSearchType());
     // Will assign null for an advanced search
     $interface->assign('searchIndex', $searchObject->getSearchIndex());
     // Setup Display
     $interface->assign('sitepath', $configArray['Site']['path']);
     $interface->assign('more', $searchObject->renderSearchUrl());
     $interface->assign('searchWithFilters', $searchObject->renderSearchUrl());
     $searchWithoutLocalFilters = $searchObject->renderSearchUrl(false);
     $searchWithoutLocalFilters = str_replace('/Search/Results', '/Search/DualResults', $searchWithoutLocalFilters);
     $interface->assign('searchWithoutLocalFilters', $searchWithoutLocalFilters);
     if ($spatialDateRangeType = $searchObject->getSpatialDateRangeFilterType()) {
         $interface->assign('spatialDateRangeType', $spatialDateRangeType);
     $interface->assign('pci_more', str_replace('/Search/Results', '/PCI/Search', $searchObject->renderSearchUrl()));
     if ($searchObject->getResultTotal() > 0) {
         // Assign interface variables
         $summary = $searchObject->getResultSummary();
         $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
         $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
         // We can't use the provided endRecord value (see note below about
         // setting limit), so we need to calculate it manually:
         $endRecord = $summary['startRecord'] + 9;
         if ($endRecord > $summary['resultTotal']) {
             $endRecord = $summary['resultTotal'];
         $interface->assign('recordEnd', $endRecord);
         // Big one - our results; chop down to only the first ten for short
         // results, but note that we can't simply shorten the list by setting
         // the $searchObject's limit to 10, since this causes goofy behavior
         // in the ResultScroller below.
         $results = $searchObject->getResultRecordHTML();
         if (count($results) > 10) {
             $results = array_slice($results, 0, 10);
         $interface->assign('recordSet', $results);
     // 'Finish' the search... complete timers and log search history.
     $interface->assign('time', round($searchObject->getTotalSpeed(), 2));
     // Show the save/unsave code on screen
     // The ID won't exist until after the search has been put in the search history
     //    so this needs to occur after the close() on the searchObject
     $interface->assign('showSaved', true);
     $interface->assign('savedSearch', $searchObject->isSavedSearch());
     $interface->assign('searchId', $searchObject->getSearchId());
     // initialize the search result scroller for this search
     $scroller = new ResultScroller();
     $scroller->init($searchObject, $result);
     // Done, display the page
     // Save the URL of this search to the session so we can return to it easily:
     $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] = str_replace('/Search/Results', '/Search/DualResults', $searchObject->renderSearchUrl());
     // Save the display query too, so we can use it e.g. in the breadcrumbs
     $_SESSION['lastSearchDisplayQuery'] = $searchObject->displayQuery();
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Process parameters and display the page.
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function launch()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     global $action;
     $enabledActions = array();
     // Check if requested action is enabled and configured
     $searchSettings = getExtraConfigArray('searches');
     if (isset($searchSettings['BrowseExtended'])) {
         foreach ($searchSettings['BrowseExtended'] as $key => $val) {
             if ((bool) $val) {
                 $enabledActions[] = $key;
     if (!in_array($action, $enabledActions)) {
         PEAR::raiseError("Browse action {$action} not enabled");
     if (!isset($searchSettings["BrowseExtended:{$action}"])) {
         PEAR::raiseError("Browse action {$action} not configured");
     $settings = $searchSettings["BrowseExtended:{$action}"];
     $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject('SolrBrowseExtended');
     $result = $searchObject->processSearch(true, true);
     if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
     $interface->assign('sideRecommendations', $searchObject->getRecommendationsTemplates('side'));
     $displayQuery = $searchObject->displayQuery();
     $interface->assign('lookfor', $displayQuery);
     $interface->assign('paginateTitle', translate("browse_extended_{$action}"));
     $interface->assign('snippet', 'RecordDrivers/Index/result-browse-snippet-' . strtolower($action) . '.tpl');
     $interface->assign('more', 'RecordDrivers/Index/result-browse-more-' . strtolower($action) . '.tpl');
     $interface->assign('homeAction', $action);
     // If no record found
     if ($searchObject->getResultTotal() < 1) {
     } else {
         $summary = $searchObject->getResultSummary();
         $interface->assign('recordCount', $summary['resultTotal']);
         $interface->assign('recordStart', $summary['startRecord']);
         $interface->assign('recordEnd', $summary['endRecord']);
         $interface->assign('recordSet', $searchObject->getResultRecordHTML());
         // Process Paging
         $link = $searchObject->renderLinkPageTemplate();
         $options = array('totalItems' => $summary['resultTotal'], 'fileName' => $link, 'perPage' => $summary['perPage']);
         $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
         $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
     $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] = $searchObject->renderSearchUrl();
     $scroller = new ResultScroller();
     $scroller->init($searchObject, $result);
     $interface->assign('formAction', "Browse/{$action}");
     // Done, display the page