Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Set container for response content
  * @author Krzysztof Kalkhoff
  * @param ResponseInterface $obj            
  * @return Response
 public function setObject(ResponseInterface $obj)
     $this->object = $obj;
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$this->isHtml($attributes)) {
         return $attributes;
     $document = $this->reader->read($response->body());
     try {
         $meta = (new Elements('meta'))((new Head())($document))->filter(function (ElementInterface $meta) : bool {
             return $meta->attributes()->contains('name') && $meta->attributes()->contains('content');
         })->filter(function (ElementInterface $meta) : bool {
             $name = $meta->attributes()->get('name')->value();
             return (string) (new Str($name))->toLower() === 'theme-color';
     } catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
         return $attributes;
     if ($meta->size() !== 1) {
         return $attributes;
     try {
         $colour = Colour::fromString($meta->current()->attributes()->get('content')->value());
     } catch (ExceptionInterface $e) {
         return $attributes;
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attribute(self::key(), $colour, $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$this->isHtml($attributes)) {
         return $attributes;
     $document = $this->reader->read($response->body());
     try {
         $metas = (new Elements('meta'))((new Head())($document));
     } catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
         return $attributes;
     $meta = $metas->filter(function (ElementInterface $meta) : bool {
         return $meta->attributes()->contains('name') && $meta->attributes()->contains('content');
     })->filter(function (ElementInterface $meta) : bool {
         $name = $meta->attributes()->get('name')->value();
         return (string) (new Str($name))->toLower() === 'description';
     if ($meta->size() !== 1) {
         return $attributes;
     $description = $meta->current()->attributes()->get('content')->value();
     $description = (new Str($description))->trim()->pregReplace('/\\t/m', ' ')->pregReplace('/ {2,}/m', ' ');
     if ($description->length() > 150) {
         $description = $description->substring(0, 150)->append('...');
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attribute(self::key(), (string) $description, $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$this->isHtml($attributes)) {
         return $attributes;
     $document = $this->reader->read($response->body());
     try {
         $links = (new Elements('link'))((new Head())($document));
     } catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
         return $attributes;
     $links = $links->filter(function (NodeInterface $link) : bool {
         return $link instanceof Link;
     })->filter(function (Link $link) : bool {
         return $link->relationship() === 'alternate' && $link->attributes()->contains('hreflang');
     if ($links->size() === 0) {
         return $attributes;
     $alternates = $links->reduce(new Map(UrlInterface::class, 'string'), function (Map $links, Link $link) : Map {
         return $links->put($link->href(), $link->attributes()->get('hreflang')->value());
     })->groupBy(function (UrlInterface $url, string $language) {
         return $language;
     })->map(function (string $language, SequenceInterface $links) use($request, $attributes) : SequenceInterface {
         return $links->map(function (Pair $link) use($request, $attributes) : UrlInterface {
             return $this->resolver->resolve($request, $attributes, $link->key());
     })->reduce(new Map('string', AttributeInterface::class), function (Map $languages, string $language, SequenceInterface $links) use($start) : Map {
         return $languages->put($language, new Alternate($language, $links->reduce(new Set(UrlInterface::class), function (Set $links, UrlInterface $link) : Set {
             return $links->add($link);
         }), $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Alternates($alternates));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$this->isHtml($attributes)) {
         return $attributes;
     $document = $this->reader->read($response->body());
     try {
         $metas = (new Elements('meta'))((new Head())($document));
     } catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
         return $attributes;
     $meta = $metas->filter(function (ElementInterface $meta) : bool {
         return $meta->attributes()->contains('name') && $meta->attributes()->get('name')->value() === 'apple-itunes-app' && $meta->attributes()->contains('content');
     if ($meta->size() !== 1) {
         return $attributes;
     $content = $meta->current()->attributes()->get('content')->value();
     $content = new Str($content);
     if (!$content->match(self::PATTERN)) {
         return $attributes;
     $matches = $content->getMatches(self::PATTERN);
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attribute(self::key(), (string) $matches['uri'], $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * index
  * @param ServerRequestInterface $request
  * @param ResponseInterface $response
  * @param callable $next
  * @return ResponseInterface
 public function indexAction(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, callable $next)
     $name = $request->getAttribute("name", "Unknown");
     $template = new Template("layout.phtml");
     $response->getBody()->write($template->render(["name" => $name]));
     return $next($request, $response);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$response->headers()->has('Content-Type') || !$response->headers()->get('Content-Type') instanceof ContentType) {
         return $attributes;
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attribute(self::key(), MediaType::fromString((string) $response->headers()->get('Content-Type')->values()->current()), $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$response->headers()->has('Content-Type') || !($header = $response->headers()->get('Content-Type')) instanceof ContentType || !$header->values()->current()->parameters()->contains('charset')) {
         return $attributes;
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attribute(self::key(), $header->values()->current()->parameters()->get('charset')->value(), $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$this->isImage($attributes) || !$response->body()->knowsSize()) {
         return $attributes;
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attribute(self::key(), $response->body()->size(), $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$this->isImage($attributes)) {
         return $attributes;
     $infos = getimagesizefromstring((string) $response->body());
     $time = $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds();
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attributes(self::key(), (new Map('string', AttributeInterface::class))->put('width', new Attribute('width', $infos[0], $time))->put('height', new Attribute('height', $infos[1], $time))));
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function make(string $name, UrlInterface $url, ResponseInterface $response) : HttpResource
     $headers = $response->headers();
     if ($response->statusCode()->value() !== StatusCode::codes()->get('OK') || !$headers->has('Content-Type') || (string) $headers->get('Content-Type')->values()->current() !== 'application/json') {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException();
     $data = json_decode((string) $response->body(), true);
     $data['url'] = (string) $url;
     return $this->denormalizer->denormalize($data, HttpResource::class, null, ['name' => $name]);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$response->headers()->has('Content-Language') || !$response->headers()->get('Content-Language') instanceof ContentLanguage) {
         return $attributes;
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attribute(self::key(), $response->headers()->get('Content-Language')->values()->reduce(new Set('string'), function (Set $carry, ContentLanguageValue $language) : Set {
         return $carry->add((string) $language);
     }), $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$response->headers()->has('Cache-Control')) {
         return $attributes;
     $directives = $response->headers()->get('Cache-Control')->values()->filter(function (HeaderValueInterface $value) : bool {
         return $value instanceof SharedMaxAge;
     if ($directives->size() !== 1) {
         return $attributes;
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attribute(self::key(), $this->clock->now()->goForward(new Second($directives->current()->age())), $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$response->headers()->has('Link') || !$response->headers()->get('Link') instanceof Link) {
         return $attributes;
     $links = $response->headers()->get('Link')->values()->filter(function (LinkValue $value) : bool {
         return $value->relationship() === 'canonical';
     if ($links->size() !== 1) {
         return $attributes;
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attribute(self::key(), $this->resolver->resolve($request, $attributes, $links->current()->url()), $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public function __construct(ResponseInterface &$response, $code = 0, $message = null, $previous = null)
     if ($code === 0) {
         try {
             $status = $response->getStatus();
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             throw new \LogicException(\get_class($this) . ' thrown with no status code and it was not set in the Response instance', 0, $e);
     } else {
     $this->response = $response;
     $status = $response->getStatus();
     $this->code = $status['code'];
     $this->message = $status['message'];
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$this->isHtml($attributes)) {
         return $attributes;
     $document = $this->reader->read($response->body());
     $title = $this->getH1($document);
     if (empty($title)) {
         $title = $this->getTitle($document);
         if (empty($title)) {
             return $attributes;
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attribute(self::key(), $title, $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$this->isHtml($attributes)) {
         return $attributes;
     $document = $this->reader->read($response->body());
     try {
         $articles = (new Elements('article'))((new Body())($document));
     } catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
         return $attributes;
     if ($articles->size() <= 1) {
         return $attributes;
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attribute(self::key(), true, $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$this->isHtml($attributes)) {
         return $attributes;
     $document = $this->reader->read($response->body());
     try {
         $base = (new Element('base'))((new Head())($document));
     } catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
         return $attributes;
     if (!$base instanceof Base) {
         return $attributes;
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attribute(self::key(), $base->href(), $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Sends the HTTP response back to a HTTP client.
  * This calls php's header() function and streams the body to php://output.
  * @param ResponseInterface $response
  * @return void
 static function sendResponse(ResponseInterface $response)
     header('HTTP/' . $response->getHttpVersion() . ' ' . $response->getStatus() . ' ' . $response->getStatusText());
     foreach ($response->getHeaders() as $key => $value) {
         foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
             if ($k === 0) {
                 header($key . ': ' . $v);
             } else {
                 header($key . ': ' . $v, false);
     $body = $response->getBody();
     if (is_null($body)) {
     $contentLength = $response->getHeader('Content-Length');
     if ($contentLength !== null) {
         $output = fopen('php://output', 'wb');
         if (is_resource($body) && get_resource_type($body) == 'stream') {
             stream_copy_to_stream($body, $output, $contentLength);
         } else {
             fwrite($output, $body, $contentLength);
     } else {
         file_put_contents('php://output', $body);
     if (is_resource($body)) {
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public function render(ResponseInterface $response, $template, array $data = [])
     if (isset($data['template'])) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Duplicate template key found");
     if (!is_file($this->templatePath . $template)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException("View cannot render `{$template}` because the template does not exist");
     $render = function ($template, $data) {
         include $template;
     $render($this->templatePath . $template, $data);
     $output = ob_get_clean();
     return $response;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public function render(ResponseInterface $response, EventInterface $e = null)
     $values = $response->getValues();
     $globals = array();
     if (isset($values['content'])) {
         $globals = $values['content'];
     $view = $this->getView();
     $views = array();
     foreach ($values as $context => $vars) {
         $view->assign($globals + $vars);
         $script = $context . '.phtml';
         $views[$context] = $view->render($script);
     $layout = $this->getLayout();
     return $layout->render();
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$this->isHtml($attributes)) {
         return $attributes;
     $document = $this->reader->read($response->body());
     try {
         $citations = (new Elements('cite'))((new Body())($document));
     } catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
         return $attributes;
     $citations = $citations->reduce(new Set('string'), function (Set $citations, NodeInterface $cite) : Set {
         return $citations->add(trim((new Text())($cite)));
     if ($citations->size() === 0) {
         return $attributes;
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attribute(self::key(), $citations, $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$this->isHtml($attributes)) {
         return $attributes;
     $document = $this->reader->read($response->body());
     try {
         $metas = (new Elements('meta'))((new Head())($document));
     } catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
         return $attributes;
     $meta = $metas->filter(function (ElementInterface $meta) : bool {
         return $meta->attributes()->contains('charset');
     if ($meta->size() !== 1) {
         return $attributes;
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attribute(self::key(), $meta->current()->attributes()->get('charset')->value(), $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     $languages = null;
     if (!$this->isHtml($attributes)) {
         return $attributes;
     $document = $this->reader->read($response->body());
     try {
         $html = (new Element('html'))($document);
         if ($html->attributes()->contains('lang')) {
             $languages = $html->attributes()->get('lang');
     } catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
     if (!$languages instanceof AttributeInterface) {
         try {
             $metas = (new Elements('meta'))((new Head())($document))->filter(function (ElementInterface $element) : bool {
                 return $element->attributes()->contains('http-equiv') && $element->attributes()->contains('content');
             })->filter(function (ElementInterface $meta) : bool {
                 $header = $meta->attributes()->get('http-equiv')->value();
                 $header = new Str($header);
                 return (string) $header->toLower() === 'content-language';
             if ($metas->size() === 1) {
                 $languages = $metas->current()->attributes()->get('content');
         } catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
     if (!$languages instanceof AttributeInterface) {
         return $attributes;
     $languages = $this->parseAttribute($languages);
     if ($languages->size() === 0) {
         return $attributes;
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attribute(self::key(), $languages, $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$this->isHtml($attributes)) {
         return $attributes;
     $document = $this->reader->read($response->body());
     try {
         $links = (new Elements('link'))((new Head())($document))->filter(function (NodeInterface $link) : bool {
             return $link instanceof Link;
         })->filter(function (Link $link) : bool {
             return $link->relationship() === 'alternate' && $link->attributes()->contains('type') && $link->attributes()->get('type')->value() === 'application/rss+xml';
     } catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
         return $attributes;
     if ($links->size() !== 1) {
         return $attributes;
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attribute(self::key(), $this->resolver->resolve($request, $attributes, $links->current()->href()), $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$this->isHtml($attributes)) {
         return $attributes;
     $document = $this->reader->read($response->body());
     try {
         $anchors = (new Elements('a'))((new Body())($document));
     } catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
         return $attributes;
     $anchors = $anchors->filter(function (NodeInterface $node) : bool {
         return $node instanceof A;
     })->filter(function (A $anchor) : bool {
         return (new Str((string) $anchor->href()))->match('~^#~');
     })->reduce(new Set('string'), function (Set $anchors, A $anchor) : Set {
         return $anchors->add(substr((string) $anchor->href(), 1));
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attribute(self::key(), $anchors, $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$this->isHtml($attributes)) {
         return $attributes;
     $document = $this->reader->read($response->body());
     $document = (new RemoveNodes($this->toIgnore))($document);
     try {
         $body = (new Body())($document);
     } catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
         return $attributes;
     foreach (['article', 'document', 'main'] as $role) {
         $elements = (new Role($role))($body);
         if ($elements->size() === 1) {
     if ($elements->size() === 1) {
         $node = $elements->current();
     } else {
         foreach (['main', 'article'] as $tag) {
             $elements = (new Elements($tag))($body);
             if ($elements->size() === 1) {
         if ($elements->size() === 1) {
             $node = $elements->current();
         } else {
             $node = (new FindContentNode())((new Map('int', NodeInterface::class))->put(0, $body));
     $text = trim((new Text())($node));
     if (empty($text)) {
         return $attributes;
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attribute(self::key(), $text, $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$this->isHtml($attributes)) {
         return $attributes;
     $document = $this->reader->read($response->body());
     $links = new Set(UrlInterface::class);
     try {
         $links = (new Elements('link'))((new Head())($document))->filter(function (NodeInterface $link) : bool {
             return $link instanceof Link;
         })->filter(function (Link $link) : bool {
             return in_array($link->relationship(), ['first', 'next', 'previous', 'last'], true);
         })->reduce($links, function (Set $links, Link $link) : Set {
             return $links->add($link->href());
     } catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
     try {
         $links = (new Elements('a'))((new Body())($document))->filter(function (NodeInterface $a) : bool {
             return $a instanceof A;
         })->filter(function (A $a) : bool {
             return substr((string) $a, 0, 1) !== '#';
         })->reduce($links, function (Set $links, A $a) : Set {
             return $links->add($a->href());
     } catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
     $links = $links->map(function (UrlInterface $link) use($request, $attributes) : UrlInterface {
         return $this->resolver->resolve($request, $attributes, $link);
     $links = (new RemoveDuplicatedUrls())($links);
     if ($links->size() === 0) {
         return $attributes;
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attribute(self::key(), $links, $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public function parse(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, MapInterface $attributes) : MapInterface
     $start = $this->clock->now();
     if (!$this->isHtml($attributes)) {
         return $attributes;
     $document = $this->reader->read($response->body());
     try {
         $links = (new Elements('link'))((new Head())($document));
     } catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
         return $attributes;
     $link = $links->filter(function (NodeInterface $link) : bool {
         return $link instanceof Link;
     })->filter(function (Link $link) : bool {
         return (string) $link->href()->scheme() === 'android-app';
     if ($link->size() !== 1) {
         return $attributes;
     return $attributes->put(self::key(), new Attribute(self::key(), $link->current()->href(), $this->clock->now()->elapsedSince($start)->milliseconds()));
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * Sends the HTTP response back to a HTTP client.
  * This calls php's header() function and streams the body to php://output.
  * @param ResponseInterface $response
  * @return void
 static function sendResponse(ResponseInterface $response)
     header('HTTP/' . $response->getHttpVersion() . ' ' . $response->getStatus() . ' ' . $response->getStatusText());
     foreach ($response->getHeaders() as $key => $value) {
         header($key . ': ' . $value);
     file_put_contents('php://output', $response->getBody());