/** * 贷款详情 */ public function detailAction() { $uid = $this->urlParam(); !$uid and $this->pageError('param'); $detail = Loan::findByUid($uid); !$detail and $this->pageError('param'); $repayList = Repay::findByUid($uid); $this->view->setVars(['detail' => $detail, 'repayList' => $repayList]); }
public static function doRepay($id, $data) { $repay = Repay::findFirst($id); if (!$repay) { return false; } foreach ($data as $field => $value) { $repay->{$field} = $value; } if ($repay->update()) { return true; } $repay->outputErrors($repay); return false; }
private function account_summary($xml) { if (!$this->bind_check($xml)) { return; } $uid = $this->user_profile->id; $from = $xml->FromUserName; $to = $xml->ToUserName; $url = _url('/user'); if (ENV == 'dev') { $url = preg_replace('/^https/', 'http', $url); } $account = Account::get($uid); if (!$account) { $account = new Account(); } $unuse_coupon = Coupon::total_available($uid); // $my_profit = $account->my_profit(); $repay_sum_need = Repay::get_sum_amount_by_uid($uid, Repay::STATUS_NEW); $prj_count = Order::get_prj_count_by_uid($uid, array(Order::STATUS_PAYDONE, Order::STATUS_NEW, Order::STATUS_BLOCK)); // $platform_interest_done = PlatformInterest::get_total_amount_by_uid($uid, Trade::STATUS_DONE); $platform_interest_new = PlatformInterest::get_total_amount_by_uid($uid, Trade::STATUS_NEW); // $stock_transfer_done = StockTransfer::get_total_amount_by_uid($uid, Trade::STATUS_DONE); $lqjh_account = LqjhAccount::get($uid); // $qxjh_amount = ApolloOrder::get_amount_by_uid($uid, ApolloOrder::STATUS_PAYDONE); if ($lqjh_account) { $lqjh_amount = $lqjh_account->get_amount(); } else { $lqjh_amount = 0; } $bxjh_repay_new = BxjhRepay::get_sum_amount_by_uid($uid, BxjhRepay::STATUS_NEW); // $bxjh_platform_interest_new = BxjhPlatformInterest::get_sum_amount_by_uid($uid, BxjhPlatformInterest::STATUS_NEW); $repay_sum_already = Account::get_total_profit($uid); $asset = Account::get_total_asset($uid); $remain_amount = Account::get_remain_amount($uid); $ret_text = ''; $ret_text .= "总资产 (元): " . Money::show_money($asset) . "\n"; $ret_text .= "账户余额(元): " . Money::show_money($remain_amount) . "\n"; $ret_text .= "累计收益(元): " . Money::show_money($repay_sum_already) . "\n"; $ret_text .= "\n"; // $ret_text .= "在投项目(个): " . $prj_count . "\n"; $ret_text .= "待收本金(元): " . Money::show_money($repay_sum_need->total_amount - $repay_sum_need->total_interest + $bxjh_repay_new->total_amount - $bxjh_repay_new->total_interest) . "\n"; $ret_text .= "零钱金额(元): " . Money::show_money($lqjh_amount) . "\n"; // $ret_text .= "待收利息(元): " . Money::show_money($repay_sum_need->total_interest+ $platform_interest_new) . "\n"; $ret_text .= "\n"; $ret_text .= "未用投资券总价值(元): " . Money::show_money($unuse_coupon) . "\n\n"; $ret_text = preg_replace('/<\\/?span>/', '', $ret_text); $news_arr = array(array('title' => '账户概览', 'desc' => $ret_text, 'link' => $url)); $this->wx_reply->imm_reply_news($to, $from, $news_arr); }
public function repay() { $id = $this->data['id']; unset($this->data['id']); return Repay::doRepay($id, $this->data); }