function delete_relation($params, $pod) { error_log('delete relation ' . json_encode($params) . '-' . json_encode($pod)); $evaluations = RelationModel::evaluations($params->id); error_log('rel evaluations ' . json_encode($evaluations)); foreach ($evaluations as $key => $evaluation) { wp_delete_post($evaluation->ID, true); } }
function __construct($tableName) { if (empty($tableName)) { $tableName = "Content"; } $this->name = $this->tableName = $tableName; parent::__construct(); $this->_link = array($tableName . "_data" => array("mapping_type" => HAS_ONE, "class_name" => $tableName . "_data", "foreign_key" => "id")); }
protected function _after_select(&$result, $options) { parent::_after_select($result, $options); foreach ($result as $k => $v) { /** 工作年限 **/ switch ($v['working_seniority']) { case self::WORING_SENIORITY_0_1: $result[$k]['working_seniority_name'] = "一年以下"; break; case self::WORING_SENIORITY_1_3: $result[$k]['working_seniority_name'] = "一到三年"; break; case self::WORING_SENIORITY_3_5: $result[$k]['working_seniority_name'] = "三到五年"; break; case self::WORING_SENIORITY_5_10: $result[$k]['working_seniority_name'] = "五到十年"; break; case self::WORING_SENIORITY_10_100: $result[$k]['working_seniority_name'] = "十年以上"; break; default: $result[$k]['working_seniority_name'] = "未知"; break; } /** 学历 **/ switch ($v['education']) { case self::EDUCATION_JUNIOR_COLLEGE: $result[$k]['education_name'] = "大专及以上"; break; case self::EDUCATION_COLLEGE: $result[$k]['education_name'] = "本科及以上"; break; case self::EDUCATION_POSTGRADUATE: $result[$k]['education_name'] = "研究生及以上"; break; } /** 关联字段 公司 **/ if (isset($v['company'])) { $param = array(0 => $v['company']); CompanyModel::after_select_filter($param, array()); $result[$k]['company'] = $param; } switch ($v['nature']) { case self::NATRUE_INTERNSHIP: $result[$k]['nature_name'] = "实习"; break; case self::NATURE_FULL_TIME: $result[$k]['nature_name'] = "全职"; break; case self::NATURE_PART_TIME: $result[$k]['nature_name'] = "兼职"; break; } } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); /** 加载函数库 **/ load("@.Admin.model"); /** 初始化提示语言数据 **/ $this->_iniData(); /** 过滤自动验证数组 **/ $this->_filterValidate(); /** 自动完成处理 **/ $this->_disposeAuto(); }
public function find($options = array()) { $data = parent::find($options); if (!$data) { return $data; } if ($data["groups"]) { foreach ($data["groups"] as $k => $g) { $data["usergroup"][] = $g["id"]; } $data["usergroup"] = implode(",", $data["usergroup"]); } return $data; }
/** * 插入一条物品与仓位关联表记录 * @para $data as array * return insert_id */ public static function insertGoodsWhRow($data) { self::initDB(); $sql = array2sql($data); $sql = "INSERT INTO `pc_goods_location_relation` SET " . $sql; $query = self::$dbConn->query($sql); if ($query) { $insertId = self::$dbConn->insert_id(); return $insertId; } else { self::$errCode = "003"; self::$errMsg = "444444444"; return false; } }
public function find($options = array()) { $data = parent::find($options); if (!$data) { return $data; } /** * 工作流 */ if ($this->workflowAlias) { import("@.Workflow.Workflow"); $workflow = new Workflow($this->workflowAlias); // var_dump($workflow);exit; $processData = $workflow->getCurrentProcess($data["id"]); $data["processes"] = $processData; } return $data; }
* @param evaluation_id * @param step */ Ajax::run('getHistoricalResponses', 'both', function () { if (file_exists(LS_RPC_PATH)) { require_once LS_RPC_PATH; } else { die(print_r(LS_RPC_PATH, true)); } // get all evaluations for a given relation $relation_id = array_key_exists('relation_id', $_REQUEST) ? (int) $_REQUEST['relation_id'] : null; $relation_step = array_key_exists('step', $_REQUEST) ? (int) $_REQUEST['step'] : null; $evaluation_id = array_key_exists('evaluation_id', $_REQUEST) ? (int) $_REQUEST['evaluation_id'] : null; $evaluations = []; if ($relation_id) { $evaluations = RelationModel::evaluations($relation_id); } elseif ($evaluation_id) { $evaluations[] = pods('evaluation', $evaluation_id); } // instanciate a new client $myJSONRPCClient = new jsonRPCClient(LS_BASEURL); // receive session key $sessionKey = $myJSONRPCClient->get_session_key(LS_USER, LS_PASSWORD); // calculate averages for current evaluation $response = []; foreach ($evaluations as $key => $evaluation) { $limesurvey_id = EvaluationModel::surveyID($evaluation->ID, $relation_step); $type = $relation_step === '360' ? 'company' : 'agency'; // questions $questions_filename = $type . '_' . $limesurvey_id . '_questions.json'; $survey_questions = json_decode(file_get_contents(CABSPATH . 'cache/' . $questions_filename), true);
/** * 删除成功后的回调方法 * @param type $data * @param type $options */ public function _after_delete($data, $options) { parent::_after_delete($data, $options); M("Role_user")->where(array("user_id" => $data['id']))->delete(); }
function act_goodsAddXlsSave() { $uploadfile = date("Y") . date("m") . date("d") . rand(1, 3009) . ".xls"; if ($_FILES['upfile']['tmp_name'] == '') { echo "请选择上传的excel文件"; exit; } if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upfile']['tmp_name'], './upload/' . $uploadfile)) { echo "<font color=BLUE>文件上传成功!</font><br>"; } else { echo "<font color=red> 文件上传失败!</font><br>"; } echo $uploadfile; $fileName = 'upload/' . $uploadfile; $filePath = $fileName; $username = $_SESSION['userName']; $userId = $_SESSION['userId']; $stockdetailpower = UserModel::getUserPower($userId); $stockdetailpower = explode(',', $stockdetailpower[0]['powerName']); $PHPExcel = new PHPExcel(); $PHPReader = new PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007(); if (!$PHPReader->canRead($filePath)) { $PHPReader = new PHPExcel_Reader_Excel5(); if (!$PHPReader->canRead($filePath)) { echo 'no Excel'; return; } } $PHPExcel = $PHPReader->load($filePath); $currentSheet = $PHPExcel->getSheet(0); $allRow = $currentSheet->getHighestRow(); for ($c = 2; $c <= $allRow; $c++) { $data = array(); $nowtime = time(); $storeid = ''; $aa = 'A' . $c; $bb = 'B' . $c; $cc = 'C' . $c; $dd = 'D' . $c; $ee = 'E' . $c; $ff = 'F' . $c; $gg = 'G' . $c; $hh = 'H' . $c; $ii = 'I' . $c; $jj = 'J' . $c; $kk = 'K' . $c; $ll = 'L' . $c; $mm = 'M' . $c; $nn = 'N' . $c; $oo = 'O' . $c; $pp = 'P' . $c; $qq = 'Q' . $c; $rr = 'R' . $c; $ss = 'S' . $c; $tt = 'T' . $c; $sku = post_check(trim($currentSheet->getCell($bb)->getValue())); if (!preg_match("/^[A-Z0-9]+(_[A-Z0-9]+)*\$/", $sku)) { if ($sku != '') { echo "数据料号:<font color='#FF0000'>" . $sku . "</font>书写不规范,请认真检查再提交..."; exit; } } //检测是否导入完成 if (empty($sku)) { $mask++; if ($mask > 9) { break; } continue; } else { $mask = 1; } // 过滤下数据 $goodsCost = trim($currentSheet->getCell($dd)->getValue()); $goodsWeight = trim($currentSheet->getCell($ff)->getValue()); if (!preg_match("/[\\d]/", $goodsCost) && $goodsCost != '') { echo "货品成本数据有误"; exit; } else { if (!preg_match("/[\\d]/", $goodsWeight) && $goodsWeight != '') { echo "货品重量数据有误"; exit; } } $spu = post_check(trim($currentSheet->getCell($aa)->getValue())); $goodsName = post_check(trim($currentSheet->getCell($cc)->getValue())); $goodsCost = empty($goodsCost) ? 0 : round_num($goodsCost, 2); //仓位号 $goods_location = post_check(trim($currentSheet->getCell($ee)->getValue())); $goodsWeight = empty($goodsWeight) ? 0 : number_format($goodsWeight, 3, '.', ''); $goodsNote = post_check(trim($currentSheet->getCell($gg)->getValue())); $goodsDecNameByEN = post_check(trim($currentSheet->getCell($hh)->getValue())); $goodsCustomsCode = post_check(trim($currentSheet->getCell($ii)->getValue())); $goodsDecNameByCN = post_check(trim($currentSheet->getCell($jj)->getValue())); $goodsDecWorth = post_check(trim($currentSheet->getCell($kk)->getValue())); $goodsLength = post_check(trim($currentSheet->getCell($ll)->getValue())); $goodsWidth = post_check(trim($currentSheet->getCell($mm)->getValue())); $goodsHeight = post_check(trim($currentSheet->getCell($nn)->getValue())); //类别 $goods_categoryname = post_check(trim($currentSheet->getCell($oo)->getValue())); $pid_name = post_check(trim($currentSheet->getCell($pp)->getValue())); //仓库 $warehouseName = post_check(trim($currentSheet->getCell($qq)->getValue())); //采购员 $purchaseName = post_check(trim($currentSheet->getCell($rr)->getValue())); //包装材料 $packingmaterial = post_check(trim($currentSheet->getCell($ss)->getValue())); //供应商 $capacity = post_check(trim($currentSheet->getCell($tt)->getValue())); if ($goodsLength == '') { $goodsLength = 0; } if ($goodsWidth == '') { $goodsWidth = 0; } if ($goodsHeight == '') { $goodsHeight = 0; } $spu = strpos($spu, '_') === false ? str_pad($spu, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : $spu; $sku = strpos($sku, '_') === false ? str_pad($sku, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) : $sku; // if($department != '采购部' && $spu !=''){ // echo "<br/>非采购部人员不能导入或修改spu的值"; // exit(); // } /* 仓库对应的IDfactory */ if (!empty($warehouseName)) { /* $wh = RelationModel::getWarehouse("and warehouseName='{$warehouseName}'"); var_dump($wh);die; $storeid = $wh[0]['id']; */ $storeid = 1; } /* 货品类别 */ if (!empty($goods_categoryname) && !empty($pid_name)) { $pcate = CategoryModel::getCategoryList("id", "where name='{$pid_name}'"); if ($pcate) { $cate = CategoryModel::getCategoryList("path", "where pid='{$pcate[0]['id']}' and name='{$goods_categoryname}'"); if ($cate) { $goodsCategory = $cate[0]['path']; } else { echo "<br/>第<font color='red'>{$c}</font>条记录中<font color='orange'>货品类别或父类有误,</font>请检查后再提交...<br/>"; exit; } } else { echo "<br/>第<font color='red'>{$c}</font>条记录中<font color='orange'>货品类别或父类有误,</font>请检查后再提交...<br/>"; exit; } //$goodsCategory = "1-3-5"; //调用类别接口获取类别id } if ($purchaseName == "") { echo "有部分数据没填采购名字,请认真检查再提交..."; exit; } else { $purchaseId = 1; //需调用接口获取采购员id } /* 需要调接口获取用户部门 if($department == '采购部' && trim($goodsCategory) == ''){//采购部人员操作时,导入货品类别不能为空 echo "有部分数据没填货品类别,请认真检查再提交..."; exit(); } */ //统计供应商id if (!empty($capacity)) { $capacity_a = array(); $capacity_a = array_filter(explode(',', $capacity)); $capacityid = 1; //调用供应商接口获取id } $data = array('goodsName' => $goodsName, 'goodsDecNameByEN' => $goodsDecNameByEN, 'goodsDecNameByCN' => $goodsDecNameByCN, 'spu' => $spu, 'sku' => $sku, 'goodsCost' => $goodsCost, 'goodsWeight' => $goodsWeight, 'goodsNote' => $goodsNote, 'goodsLength' => $goodsLength, 'goodsWidth' => $goodsWidth, 'goodsHeight' => $goodsHeight, 'goodsCategory' => $goodsCategory, 'goodsCustomsCode' => $goodsCustomsCode, 'goodsDecWorth' => $goodsDecWorth, 'purchaseId' => $purchaseId); $result = GoodsModel::getGoodsList("id", "where sku='{$sku}'"); if (empty($result)) { $data['goodsCreatedTime'] = $nowtime; $data['isNew'] = 1; //默认是新品 /* if(empty($goodsCategory) && $department == '采购部'){//拦截错误的货品类别和父类记录 $cn = $c - 2; echo "<br/>第<font color='red'>$cn</font>条记录中<font color='orange'>货品类别或父类有误,</font>请检查后再提交...<br/>"; exit(); } */ //if(empty($spu) && $department == '采购部'){//首次插入数据时spu必须非空且要符合规范 if (empty($spu)) { //首次插入数据时spu必须非空且要符合规范 echo "spu存在为空的列,请认真检查再提交..."; exit; } //if(!preg_match("/^[A-Z0-9]+(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$/",$spu) && $department == '采购部'){ if (!preg_match("/^[A-Z0-9]+(_[A-Z0-9]+)*\$/", $spu)) { echo "SPU号:<font color='#FF0000'>" . $spu . "</font>书写不规范,请认真检查再提交..."; exit; } /* foreach($sqlnew as $arrnew){//如果在料号转换中存在和导入的sku相同的新料号,则认为该sku仍然是老品 if($arrnew['new_sku'] == $goods_sn){ $isNew = 0; break; } } */ $goodsid = GoodsModel::insertRow($data); if ($goodsid) { $goodsCode = $goodsid + 1000000; $u_data = array('goodsCode' => $goodsCode); $where = "AND id='{$goodsid}'"; if (GoodsModel::update($u_data, $where)) { //插入物品与仓位关联表 if (!empty($storeid)) { $good_wh_data = array('goodsId' => $goodsid, 'locationId' => $storeid); } //跟新sku自动表进入系统 $u_sku_data = array('status' => 2); SpuModel::update($u_sku_data, "AND sku='{$spu}'"); $status = " -[<font color='#33CC33'>物品编号:{$sku} 导入成功 </font>]"; echo $status . '<br>'; } else { $status = " -[<font color='#FF0000'>物品编号:{$sku} 导入失败<br/></font>]"; echo $status . '<br>'; } } /* if($goods_cost){ //增加价格变化到价格表 add by guanyongjun 2013-06-08 $sqlcost = "INSERT INTO ebay_goods_cost (goods_sn,goods_cost,add_time,cguser,storeid,mainsku) VALUES('{$goods_sn}','{$goods_cost}','{$nowtime}','{$cguser}','{$storeid}','".get_mainsku($goods_sn)."')"; echo $sqlcost."<br/>"; $dbcon->execute($sqlcost); } */ } else { if ($spu == '' || !in_array('stock_name', $stockdetailpower)) { unset($data['spu']); } if ($goodsName == '' || !in_array('stock_name', $stockdetailpower)) { unset($data['goodsName']); } if ($goodsDecNameByEN == '' || !in_array('stock_name', $stockdetailpower)) { unset($data['goodsDecNameByEN']); } if ($goodsDecNameByCN == '' || !in_array('stock_name', $stockdetailpower)) { unset($data['goodsDecNameByCN']); } if ($sku == '' || !in_array('stock_name', $stockdetailpower)) { unset($data['sku']); } if ($goodsCost == '' || !in_array('stock_name', $stockdetailpower)) { unset($data['goodsCost']); } if ($goodsWeight == '' || !in_array('stock_name', $stockdetailpower)) { unset($data['goodsWeight']); } if ($goodsNote == '' || !in_array('stock_name', $stockdetailpower)) { unset($data['goodsNote']); } if ($goodsLength == '' || !in_array('stock_name', $stockdetailpower)) { unset($data['goodsLength']); } if ($goodsWidth == '' || !in_array('stock_name', $stockdetailpower)) { unset($data['goodsWidth']); } if ($goodsHeight == '' || !in_array('stock_name', $stockdetailpower)) { unset($data['goodsHeight']); } if ($goodsCategory == '' || !in_array('stock_name', $stockdetailpower)) { unset($data['goodsCategory']); } if ($goodsCustomsCode == '' || !in_array('stock_name', $stockdetailpower)) { unset($data['goodsCustomsCode']); } if ($goodsDecWorth == '' || !in_array('stock_name', $stockdetailpower)) { unset($data['goodsDecWorth']); } if ($purchaseName == '' || !in_array('stock_name', $stockdetailpower)) { unset($data['purchaseId']); } $where = "AND sku='{$sku}'"; if (!empty($data)) { if (GoodsModel::update($data, $where)) { //插入物品与仓位关联表 if (!empty($storeid)) { $good_wh_data = array('goodsId' => $goodsid, 'locationId' => $storeid); RelationModel::insertGoodsWhRow($good_wh_data); } $status = " -[<font color='#FF0000'>物品编号:{$sku} 更新失败</font>]"; echo $status . '<br>'; } else { $status = " -[<font color='#FF0000'>物品编号:{$sku} 更新失败</font>]"; echo $status . '<br>'; } /* if($goods_cost != '' && $goods_cost && in_array('stock_cost', $stockdetailpower) ) { //增加价格变化到价格表 add by guanyongjun 2013-06-08 $sqlcost = "SELECT goods_cost FROM ebay_goods WHERE goods_sn = '{$goods_sn}' AND goods_cost = '{$goods_cost}'"; //echo $sqlcost; //exit; $sqlcost = $dbcon->execute($sqlcost); $sqlcost = $dbcon->getResultArray($sqlcost); if(!$sqlcost){ $costtime = time(); $sqlcost = "INSERT INTO ebay_goods_cost (goods_sn,goods_cost,add_time,cguser,storeid,mainsku) VALUES('{$goods_sn}','{$goods_cost}','{$costtime}','{$cguser}','{$storeid}','".get_mainsku($goods_sn)."')"; echo $sqlcost."<br/>"; $dbcon->execute($sqlcost); } } if($isuse!=='' && in_array('stock_status', $stockdetailpower) ){ //更新价格表状态 add by guanyongjun 2013-06-08 $sqlcost = "UPDATE ebay_goods_cost SET isuse = '".intval($isuse)."' WHERE goods_sn = '{$goods_sn}'"; $dbcon->execute($sqlcost); } */ } else { $status = " -[<font color='#FF0000'>物品编号:{$sku} 已经是最新</font>]"; echo $status . '<br>'; } } echo '<br>'; } }
public function _after_insert($data, $options) { parent::_after_insert($data, $options); $this->behavior_cache(); }
/** * 自动表单验证 * @access protected * @param array $data 创建数据 * @param string $type 创建类型 * @return boolean */ protected function autoValidation($data, $type) { $options = $this->options; $autoValidation = parent::autoValidation($data, $type); $this->options = $options; return $autoValidation; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); /** 加载函数库 **/ load("@.Home.model"); }
protected function _initialize() { parent::_initialize(); $nowtime = LocalTime::getInstance()->gmtime(); $this->_link['Coupons']['condition'] .= ' AND expiry>=' . $nowtime; }
protected function _after_select(&$result, $options) { parent::_after_select($result, $options); self::after_select_filter($result, $options); }