Ejemplo n.º 1
	public function process($doAudit = true) {
		// get the highest sort order if not set
		if ($this->row['sortOrder'] == -1) {
			$this->row['sortOrder'] = 100;
			$query = "SELECT MAX(`sortOrder`) sortOrder FROM navigation_items WHERE trackId = {$this->row['trackId']} AND parentId = {$this->row['parentId']}";
			$rows = $db->fetchAll($query);
			$numRows = count($rows);
			if ($numRows) {
				$this->row['sortOrder'] = $rows[0]['sortOrder'] + 1;
		else {
			// check if any siblings have the same sort order
			$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) num FROM navigation_items WHERE trackId = {$this->row['trackId']} AND parentId = {$this->row['parentId']} AND sortOrder = {$this->row['sortOrder']} AND itemId <> {$this->row['itemId']}";
			$rows = $db->fetchAll($query);
			$numRows = count($rows);
			if ($numRows) {
				if ($rows[0]['num']) {
					// raise the sort order by one on all siblings above this item
					$query = "UPDATE navigation_items SET sortOrder = (sortOrder + 1) WHERE trackId = {$this->row['trackId']} AND parentId = {$this->row['parentId']} AND sortOrder >= {$this->row['sortOrder']} AND itemId <> {$this->row['itemId']}";
		// if there is no track id set, get the track id of the parent
		if (!$this->row['trackId']) {
			$query = "SELECT trackId FROM navigation_items WHERE itemId = {$this->row['parentId']}";
			$rows = $db->fetchAll($query);
			$numRows = count($rows);
			if ($numRows) {
				$this->row['trackId'] = $rows[0]['trackId'];
		// make sure there is a track id just in case it was added as a child
		// of a deleted item
		if ($this->row['trackId']) {