Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Stubbable method for setting timeouts on new keys
  * @param array<\sndsgd\rate\LimitInterface> The limits to set timeouts for
 protected function setTimeouts(array $limits)
     $pipe = $this->redis->multi(\Redis::PIPELINE);
     foreach ($limits as $limit) {
         $pipe->setTimeout($limit->getHash(), $limit->getDuration());
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * 将批量数据加入队列开头
  * @注意:当加入的数据量较大,比如超过10KB时,建议使用pipeline方式
  * @注意:当提交的数据条数较多时,$pipeline为FALSE效率更高
  * @param array $arrValues array('v1','v2') 按照数组的顺序,第一个元素将首先被加入队列,最后一个元素将最后加入队列
  * @param bool $pipeline 默认为FALSE。当为TRUE时,通过PIPELINE的模式提交,为FALSE时,通过原生的方式提交。
  * @return long 成功返回TRUE(可能是0),失败时返回FALSE
 public function pushMulti($arrValues, $pipeline = FALSE)
     if ($pipeline) {
         if (!$this->rd->isConnected()) {
             if (!$this->reconnRedis()) {
                 return FALSE;
         foreach ($arrValues as $v) {
             $this->rd->lPush($this->k, $v);
         $re = $this->rd->exec();
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         array_unshift($arrValues, $this->k);
         try {
             return call_user_func_array(array($this->rd, 'lPush'), $arrValues);
         } catch (\RedisException $e) {
             if ($this->reconnRedis()) {
                 return call_user_func_array(array($this->rd, 'lPush'), $arrValues);
     return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function enqueueRequests()
     if (!$this->has_requests) {
         return "No requests to send";
     $finished = "Error connecting to redis";
     try {
         $redis = new Redis();
         $multi = $redis->multi();
         //Executing all posts to Redis in one multi batch
         foreach ($this->data_requests as $key => $request) {
             $uuid = $request->getUUID();
             $multi->lPush(PENDING_QUEUE, $uuid);
             $multi->hSet(VALUES_HASH, $uuid, $request->getFormattedURL());
             $multi->hSet(VALUES_HASH, $uuid . ':method', $this->endpoint->method);
             $multi->hSet(STATS_HASH, $uuid . ':start', $this->start_time);
         $ret = $multi->exec();
         $finished = "Postback Delivered";
         //Seach results for any errors from Redis commands
         foreach ($ret as $idx => $result) {
             if (!$result) {
                 $finished = "Redis call failed: " . $idx;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return "Error posting to Redis";
     return $finished;
  * Disable a dark launch feature
  * @param $feature string - The name of the feature
 public function disable_feature($feature_name)
     $multi = $this->redis->multi();
     $this->redis->srem("{$this->feature_namespace()}:features", $feature_name);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Helper method for flushByTag()
  * Gets list of identifiers and tags and removes all relations of those tags
  * Scales O(1) with number of cache entries
  * Scales O(n^2) with number of tags
  * @param array $identifiers List of identifiers to remove
  * @param array $tags List of tags to be handled
  * @return void
 protected function removeIdentifierEntriesAndRelations(array $identifiers, array $tags)
     // Set a temporary entry which holds all identifiers that need to be removed from
     // the tag to identifiers sets
     $uniqueTempKey = 'temp:' . uniqid('', TRUE);
     $prefixedKeysToDelete = array($uniqueTempKey);
     $prefixedIdentifierToTagsKeysToDelete = array();
     foreach ($identifiers as $identifier) {
         $prefixedKeysToDelete[] = self::IDENTIFIER_DATA_PREFIX . $identifier;
         $prefixedIdentifierToTagsKeysToDelete[] = self::IDENTIFIER_TAGS_PREFIX . $identifier;
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $prefixedKeysToDelete[] = self::TAG_IDENTIFIERS_PREFIX . $tag;
     $tagToIdentifiersSetsToRemoveIdentifiersFrom = $this->redis->sUnion($prefixedIdentifierToTagsKeysToDelete);
     // Remove the tag to identifier set of the given tags, they will be removed anyway
     $tagToIdentifiersSetsToRemoveIdentifiersFrom = array_diff($tagToIdentifiersSetsToRemoveIdentifiersFrom, $tags);
     // Diff all identifiers that must be removed from tag to identifiers sets off from a
     // tag to identifiers set and store result in same tag to identifiers set again
     $queue = $this->redis->multi(\Redis::PIPELINE);
     foreach ($identifiers as $identifier) {
         $queue->sAdd($uniqueTempKey, $identifier);
     foreach ($tagToIdentifiersSetsToRemoveIdentifiersFrom as $tagToIdentifiersSet) {
         $queue->sDiffStore(self::TAG_IDENTIFIERS_PREFIX . $tagToIdentifiersSet, self::TAG_IDENTIFIERS_PREFIX . $tagToIdentifiersSet, $uniqueTempKey);
     $queue->delete(array_merge($prefixedKeysToDelete, $prefixedIdentifierToTagsKeysToDelete));
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * @param string|int $taskId
  * @return bool
 public function isFinished($taskId)
     $this->redis->hExists($this->getTaskKey(), $taskId);
     $this->redis->hExists($this->getTaskResultKey(), $taskId);
     list($taskExists, $taskResultExists) = $this->redis->exec();
     return !$taskExists && $taskResultExists;
Ejemplo n.º 7
	 * 开启事务
	public function multi() {
		try {
			return $this->_redis->multi(Redis::MULTI);
		} catch (Exception $e) {
			$this->_error = $e->getMessage();
			return false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * @param string $key
  * @return \Redis
 protected function multi($key)
     if ($this->redis instanceof \RedisArray) {
         $host = $this->redis->_target($key);
         return $this->redis->multi($host);
     return $this->redis->multi();
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Disable a dark launch feature
  * @param $feature string - The name of the feature
 public function disable_feature($feature_name)
     $feature_name = str_replace('_', '-', $feature_name);
     $multi = $this->redis->multi();
     $this->redis->hdel("{$this->_feature_namespace()}:feature", $feature_name);
     $this->redis->srem("{$this->_feature_namespace()}:features", $feature_name);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function close()
     if ($this->redis instanceof \Redis) {
         $multi = $this->redis->multi();
         foreach ($this->buffer as $record) {
             $multi->rpush($this->key, $record);
     } else {
         $key =& $this->key;
         $buffer =& $this->buffer;
         $this->redis->multiExec(function ($multi) use($key, $buffer) {
             foreach ($buffer as $record) {
                 $multi->rpush($key, $record);
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * @param string $key
  * @return ProvidesKeyInformation
 public function getKeyInfoObject($key)
     list($type, $ttl) = $this->redis->multi()->type($key)->pttl($key)->exec();
     if ($type == \Redis::REDIS_HASH) {
         $subItems = $this->redis->hKeys($key);
     } else {
         $subItems = [];
     return new KeyInfo($key, $type, $ttl, $subItems);
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * 批量删除Redis Key
  * @param array $keys 键数组
 public function deleteKeys($keys)
     if (empty($keys)) {
         return false;
     $pipeLine = $this->connect->multi();
     foreach ($keys as $key) {
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public function defer($name, $params = array(), $callback = null)
     if ($this->_redis === null) {
     if (empty($this->_queue)) {
     $this->_queue[] = array('callback' => $callback, 'params' => $params);
     if ($this->_profiler) {
         $this->_profiler->log($name, $params);
     return call_user_func_array(array($this->_redis, $name), $params);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 private function requeueOldWorkingMessages($type)
     $messageIds = array_unique($this->redis->lRange($this->getMessageRunKey($type), 0, -1));
     foreach ($messageIds as $messageId) {
         $time = $this->redis->hGet($this->getMessageStartTimeKey($type), $messageId);
         if (!empty($time) && time() > $this->messageTimeout + (int) $time) {
             $this->redis->rPush($this->getMessageQueueKey($type), $messageId);
             $this->redis->lRem($this->getMessageRunKey($type), $messageId, 1);
             $this->redis->hDel($this->getMessageStartTimeKey($type), $messageId);
  * Freezes this cache backend.
  * All data in a frozen backend remains unchanged and methods which try to add
  * or modify data result in an exception thrown. Possible expiry times of
  * individual cache entries are ignored.
  * A frozen backend can only be thawn by calling the flush() method.
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @return void
 public function freeze()
     if ($this->isFrozen()) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot add or modify cache entry because the backend of cache "%s" is frozen.', $this->cacheIdentifier), 1323344192);
     do {
         $entriesKey = $this->buildKey('entries');
         $entries = $this->redis->lRange($entriesKey, 0, -1);
         foreach ($entries as $entryIdentifier) {
             $this->redis->persist($this->buildKey('entry:' . $entryIdentifier));
         $this->redis->set($this->buildKey('frozen'), 1);
         $result = $this->redis->exec();
     } while ($result === false);
     $this->frozen = true;
  * Send a message to the queue
  * @param  mixed   $message  Message to send to the active queue
  * @return string|null     job id
 public function send($message)
     try {
         $encodedMessage = serialize($message);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->err(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " failed to serialize message: '{$message}'");
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->err(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " exception message: " . $e->getMessage());
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->err(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " exception stacktrace: " . $e->getTraceAsString());
         return null;
     $jobId = Tinebase_Record_Abstract::generateUID();
     $data = array('data' => $encodedMessage, 'sha1' => sha1($encodedMessage), 'time' => date_create()->format(Tinebase_Record_Abstract::ISO8601LONG), 'retry' => 0, 'status' => 'inQueue');
     // run in transaction
     /** @noinspection PhpInternalEntityUsedInspection */
     /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */
     $this->_redis->multi()->hMset($this->_dataStructName . ':' . $jobId, $data)->lPush($this->_queueStructName, $jobId)->exec();
     return $jobId;
 * Places an email into our email queue, to be sent later (normally within a second or so).
 * @param array $email
 * @param string $priority an unsigned integer as a string, between 0 and 10. Lower has higher priority, so 0 is highest priority.
function queue_email($email, $priority = '9')
    $redis = new Redis();
    $host = '';
    $port = 6379;
    $redis_connected = $redis->pconnect($host, $port);
    echo "Redis Connected: {$redis_connected}\n";
    if ($redis_connected) {
        $email_job = [];
        $email_job['priority.created'] = $priority . '.' . time();
        $email_job['data'] = json_encode($email);
        // Increase job index
        $email_job_index = $redis->incr('mail_sender:email_job_index');
        $email_job['job_id'] = $email_job_index;
        // Insert job as an atomic transaction
        $redis->multi()->hMset("mail_sender:email_job:{$email_job_index}", $email_job)->zAdd("mail_sender:email_jobs", 0, $email_job_index)->exec();
  * Send a message to the queue
  * @param  mixed   $message  Message to send to the active queue
  * @return string            job id
 public function send($message)
     try {
         $encodedMessage = serialize($message);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::ERR)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->err(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " failed to serialize message for action: '{$action}'");
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::ERR)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->err(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " exception message: " . $e->getMessage());
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::ERR)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->err(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " exception stacktrace: " . $e->getTraceAsString());
     $jobId = Tinebase_Record_Abstract::generateUID();
     $data = array('data' => $encodedMessage, 'sha1' => sha1($encodedMessage), 'time' => date_create()->format(Tinebase_Record_Abstract::ISO8601LONG), 'retry' => 0, 'status' => 'inQueue');
     // run in transaction
     $this->_redis->multi()->hMset($this->_dataStructName . ':' . $jobId, $data)->lPush($this->_queueStructName, $jobId)->exec();
     return $jobId;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 protected function decr($res)
     $n = ~~$res[0];
     $max = ~~$res[1];
     $ex = ~~$res[2];
     $done = function () use(&$max, &$n, &$ex) {
         return ['total' => $max, 'remaining' => $n < 0 ? 0 : $n, 'reset' => $ex];
     if ($n <= 0) {
         return $done();
     // $date_now = round(microtime(true) * 1000);
     // pexpire 有问题,不能用
     $date_now = time();
     $replies = $this->db->multi()->set($this->count, $n - 1, ['xx', 'ex' => $ex - $date_now])->expire($this->limit, $ex - $date_now)->expire($this->reset, $ex - $date_now)->exec();
     $error = $this->db->getLastError();
     if ($error) {
         return $error;
     if (self::isFirstReplyNull($replies)) {
         return $this->mget();
     return $done();
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * 使redis开启PIPELINE模式,命令最终通过exec才会确定执行
  * @注意:pipeline能减少网络往来次数,提高效率,对于若干个写命令,可以开启此模式,最后exec执行
  * @return \Redis对象
 public function pipeline()
     return $this->rd->multi(\Redis::PIPELINE);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 protected function releaseLock()
     $this->redis->multi()->del('lock')->lPush('lock', 1)->exec();
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public function testEval()
     if (version_compare($this->version, "2.5.0", "lt")) {
     // Basic single line response tests
     $this->assertTrue(1 == $this->redis->eval('return 1'));
     $this->assertTrue(1.55 == $this->redis->eval("return '1.55'"));
     $this->assertTrue("hello, world" == $this->redis->eval("return 'hello, world'"));
      * Keys to be incorporated into lua results
     // Make a list
     $this->redis->rpush('mylist', 'a');
     $this->redis->rpush('mylist', 'b');
     $this->redis->rpush('mylist', 'c');
     // Make a set
     $this->redis->sadd('myset', 'd');
     $this->redis->sadd('myset', 'e');
     $this->redis->sadd('myset', 'f');
     // Basic keys
     $this->redis->set('key1', 'hello, world');
     $this->redis->set('key2', 'hello again!');
     // Use a script to return our list, and verify its response
     $list = $this->redis->eval("return redis.call('lrange', 'mylist', 0, -1)");
     $this->assertTrue($list === array('a', 'b', 'c'));
     // Use a script to return our set
     $set = $this->redis->eval("return redis.call('smembers', 'myset')");
     $this->assertTrue($set == array('d', 'e', 'f'));
     // Test an empty MULTI BULK response
     $empty_resp = $this->redis->eval("return redis.call('lrange', 'not-any-kind-of-list', 0, -1)");
     $this->assertTrue(is_array($empty_resp) && empty($empty_resp));
     // Now test a nested reply
     $nested_script = "\n\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\t1,2,3, {\n\t\t\t\t\tredis.call('get', 'key1'),\n\t\t\t\t\tredis.call('get', 'key2'),\n\t\t\t\t\tredis.call('lrange', 'not-any-kind-of-list', 0, -1),\n\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tredis.call('smembers','myset'),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tredis.call('lrange', 'mylist', 0, -1)\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t";
     $expected = array(1, 2, 3, array('hello, world', 'hello again!', array(), array(array('d', 'e', 'f'), array('a', 'b', 'c'))));
     // Now run our script, and check our values against each other
     $eval_result = $this->redis->eval($nested_script);
     $this->assertTrue(is_array($eval_result) && count($this->array_diff_recursive($eval_result, $expected)) == 0);
      * Nested reply wihin a multi/pipeline block
     $num_scripts = 10;
     foreach (array(Redis::PIPELINE, Redis::MULTI) as $mode) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $num_scripts; $i++) {
         $replies = $this->redis->exec();
         foreach ($replies as $reply) {
             $this->assertTrue(is_array($reply) && count($this->array_diff_recursive($reply, $expected)) == 0);
      * KEYS/ARGV
     $args_script = "return {KEYS[1],KEYS[2],KEYS[3],ARGV[1],ARGV[2],ARGV[3]}";
     $args_args = array('k1', 'k2', 'k3', 'v1', 'v2', 'v3');
     $args_result = $this->redis->eval($args_script, $args_args, 3);
     $this->assertTrue($args_result === $args_args);
     // turn on key prefixing
     $this->redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_PREFIX, 'prefix:');
     $args_result = $this->redis->eval($args_script, $args_args, 3);
     // Make sure our first three are prefixed
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($args_result); $i++) {
         if ($i < 3) {
             // Should be prefixed
             $this->assertTrue($args_result[$i] == 'prefix:' . $args_args[$i]);
         } else {
             // Should not be prefixed
             $this->assertTrue($args_result[$i] == $args_args[$i]);
Ejemplo n.º 23

$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect('', 6379);
$pipe = $redis->multi(Redis::PIPELINE);
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
    $pipe->set("key::{$i}", str_pad($i, 4, '0', 0));
$replies = $pipe->exec();
echo "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 24

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: xiehaowei
 * Date: 16/7/14
 * Time: 下午4:25
$redis = new Redis();
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public function beginTransaction()
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * 清空Redis队列
  * @param string $queue Redis队列名
  * @return array 队列条目
 public function clear($queue)
     $result = $this->redis->multi()->lPop($queue)->rPop($queue)->del($queue)->exec();
     return array('new' => $result[0], 'old' => $result[1]);
Ejemplo n.º 27
$key = isset($_POST['key']) ? $_POST['key'] : '';
$script = isset($_POST['script']) ? $_POST['script'] : '';
$startTime = isset($_POST['startTime']) ? $_POST['startTime'] : time();
$runTime = isset($_POST['runTime']) ? $_POST['runTime'] : 0;
$clientIp = isset($_POST['clientIp']) ? $_POST['clientIp'] : '';
$remoteIp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
if (empty($data) || empty($id) || empty($pid) || empty($key)) {
$host = '';
$port = 6381;
$length = 50000;
$rkey = $key;
$rdata = serialize(array('id' => $id, 'time' => $startTime, 'runTime' => $runTime, 'clientIp' => $clientIp, 'remoteIp' => $remoteIp, 'script' => $script));
$rd = new Redis();
$rd->connect($host, $port);
$r = $rd->multi()->lpush($rkey, $rdata)->ltrim($rkey, 0, $length - 1)->exec();
$mcServers = '';
$mcd = new Memcached();
// 一致性hash
$mcd->setOption(Memcached::OPT_DISTRIBUTION, Memcached::DISTRIBUTION_CONSISTENT);
$mcd->setOption(Memcached::OPT_LIBKETAMA_COMPATIBLE, true);
$mcd->setOption(Memcached::OPT_COMPRESSION, true);
$serverArr = explode(' ', $mcServers);
foreach ($serverArr as $k => $v) {
    $serverArr[$k] = explode(':', $v);
$r = $mcd->set($id, $data, 86400 * 14);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 protected function sequence($mode)
     $ret = $this->redis->multi($mode)->set('x', 42)->info()->type('x')->get('x')->exec();
     $i = 0;
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === Redis::REDIS_STRING);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i] === '42' || $ret[$i] === 42);
     $serializer = $this->redis->getOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER);
     $this->redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, Redis::SERIALIZER_NONE);
     // testing incr, which doesn't work with the serializer
     $ret = $this->redis->multi($mode)->delete('key1')->set('key1', 'value1')->get('key1')->getSet('key1', 'value2')->get('key1')->set('key2', 4)->incr('key2')->get('key2')->decr('key2')->get('key2')->renameKey('key2', 'key3')->get('key3')->renameNx('key3', 'key1')->renameKey('key3', 'key2')->incr('key2', 5)->get('key2')->decr('key2', 5)->get('key2')->exec();
     $i = 0;
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == 'value1');
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == 'value1');
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == 'value2');
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == 5);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == 5);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == 4);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == 4);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == 4);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == FALSE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == 9);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == 4);
     $this->assertTrue(count($ret) == $i);
     $this->redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, $serializer);
     $ret = $this->redis->multi($mode)->delete('key1')->delete('key2')->set('key1', 'val1')->setnx('key1', 'valX')->setnx('key2', 'valX')->exists('key1')->exists('key3')->ping()->exec();
     $this->assertTrue($ret[0] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[1] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[2] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[3] == FALSE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[4] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[5] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[6] == FALSE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[7] == '+PONG');
     $ret = $this->redis->multi($mode)->randomKey()->exec();
     $ret = $this->redis->multi($mode)->exec();
     $this->assertTrue($ret == array());
     // ttl, mget, mset, msetnx, expire, expireAt
     $ret = $this->redis->multi($mode)->ttl('key')->mget(array('key1', 'key2', 'key3'))->mset(array('key3' => 'value3', 'key4' => 'value4'))->set('key', 'value')->expire('key', 5)->ttl('key')->expireAt('key', '0000')->exec();
     $i = 0;
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == -1);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array('val1', 'valX', FALSE));
     // mget
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === TRUE);
     // mset
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === TRUE);
     // set
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === TRUE);
     // expire
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 5);
     // ttl
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === TRUE);
     // expireAt
     $this->assertTrue(count($ret) == $i);
     $ret = $this->redis->multi($mode)->set('lkey', 'x')->set('lDest', 'y')->delete('lkey', 'lDest')->rpush('lkey', 'lvalue')->lpush('lkey', 'lvalue')->lpush('lkey', 'lvalue')->lpush('lkey', 'lvalue')->lpush('lkey', 'lvalue')->lpush('lkey', 'lvalue')->rpoplpush('lkey', 'lDest')->lGetRange('lDest', 0, -1)->lpop('lkey')->llen('lkey')->lRemove('lkey', 'lvalue', 3)->llen('lkey')->lget('lkey', 0)->lGetRange('lkey', 0, -1)->lSet('lkey', 1, "newValue")->lGetRange('lkey', 0, -1)->llen('lkey')->exec();
     $i = 0;
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === TRUE);
     // SET
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === TRUE);
     // SET
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 2);
     // deleting 2 keys
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // rpush, now 1 element
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 2);
     // lpush, now 2 elements
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 3);
     // lpush, now 3 elements
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 4);
     // lpush, now 4 elements
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 5);
     // lpush, now 5 elements
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 6);
     // lpush, now 6 elements
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 'lvalue');
     // rpoplpush returns the element: "lvalue"
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array('lvalue'));
     // lDest contains only that one element.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 'lvalue');
     // removing a second element from lkey, now 4 elements left ↓
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 4);
     // 4 elements left, after 2 pops.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 3);
     // removing 3 elements, now 1 left.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // 1 element left
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === "lvalue");
     // this is the current head.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array("lvalue"));
     // this is the current list.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === FALSE);
     // updating a non-existent element fails.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array("lvalue"));
     // this is the current list.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // 1 element left
     $this->assertTrue(count($ret) == $i);
     $ret = $this->redis->multi(Redis::PIPELINE)->delete('lkey', 'lDest')->rpush('lkey', 'lvalue')->lpush('lkey', 'lvalue')->lpush('lkey', 'lvalue')->rpoplpush('lkey', 'lDest')->lGetRange('lDest', 0, -1)->lpop('lkey')->exec();
     $i = 0;
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] <= 2);
     // deleted 0, 1, or 2 items
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // 1 element in the list
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 2);
     // 2 elements in the list
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 3);
     // 3 elements in the list
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 'lvalue');
     // rpoplpush returns the element: "lvalue"
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array('lvalue'));
     // rpoplpush returns the element: "lvalue"
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 'lvalue');
     // pop returns the front element: "lvalue"
     $this->assertTrue(count($ret) == $i);
     // general command
     $ret = $this->redis->multi($mode)->select(3)->set('keyAAA', 'value')->set('keyAAB', 'value')->dbSize()->lastsave()->exec();
     // back to normal
     $i = 0;
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === TRUE);
     // select
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === TRUE);
     // set
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === TRUE);
     // set
     // dbsize
     // lastsave
     $this->assertTrue(count($ret) === $i);
     $serializer = $this->redis->getOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER);
     $this->redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, Redis::SERIALIZER_NONE);
     // testing incr, which doesn't work with the serializer
     $ret = $this->redis->multi($mode)->delete('key1')->set('key1', 'value1')->get('key1')->getSet('key1', 'value2')->get('key1')->set('key2', 4)->incr('key2')->get('key2')->decr('key2')->get('key2')->renameKey('key2', 'key3')->get('key3')->renameNx('key3', 'key1')->renameKey('key3', 'key2')->incr('key2', 5)->get('key2')->decr('key2', 5)->get('key2')->exec();
     $i = 0;
     $this->assertTrue(is_long($ret[$i]) && $ret[$i] <= 1);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == 'value1');
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == 'value1');
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == 'value2');
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == 5);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == 5);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == 4);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == 4);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == 4);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == FALSE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == 9);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] == 4);
     $this->redis->setOption(Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, $serializer);
     $ret = $this->redis->multi($mode)->delete('key1')->delete('key2')->set('key1', 'val1')->setnx('key1', 'valX')->setnx('key2', 'valX')->exists('key1')->exists('key3')->ping()->exec();
     $this->assertTrue($ret[0] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[1] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[2] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[3] == FALSE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[4] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[5] == TRUE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[6] == FALSE);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[7] == '+PONG');
     $ret = $this->redis->multi($mode)->randomKey()->exec();
     $this->assertTrue(is_array($ret) && count($ret) === 1);
     // ttl, mget, mset, msetnx, expire, expireAt
     $ret = $this->redis->multi($mode)->ttl('key')->mget(array('key1', 'key2', 'key3'))->mset(array('key3' => 'value3', 'key4' => 'value4'))->set('key', 'value')->expire('key', 5)->ttl('key')->expireAt('key', '0000')->exec();
     $i = 0;
     $this->assertTrue(is_array($ret[$i]) && count($ret[$i]) === 3);
     // mget
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === TRUE);
     // mset always returns TRUE
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === TRUE);
     // set always returns TRUE
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === TRUE);
     // expire always returns TRUE
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 5);
     // TTL was just set.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === TRUE);
     // expireAt returns TRUE for an existing key
     $this->assertTrue(count($ret) === $i);
     // lists
     $ret = $this->redis->multi($mode)->delete('lkey', 'lDest')->rpush('lkey', 'lvalue')->lpush('lkey', 'lvalue')->lpush('lkey', 'lvalue')->lpush('lkey', 'lvalue')->lpush('lkey', 'lvalue')->lpush('lkey', 'lvalue')->rpoplpush('lkey', 'lDest')->lGetRange('lDest', 0, -1)->lpop('lkey')->llen('lkey')->lRemove('lkey', 'lvalue', 3)->llen('lkey')->lget('lkey', 0)->lGetRange('lkey', 0, -1)->lSet('lkey', 1, "newValue")->lGetRange('lkey', 0, -1)->llen('lkey')->exec();
     $i = 0;
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i] >= 0 && $ret[$i] <= 2);
     // delete
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // 1 value
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 2);
     // 2 values
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 3);
     // 3 values
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 4);
     // 4 values
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 5);
     // 5 values
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 6);
     // 6 values
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 'lvalue');
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array('lvalue'));
     // 1 value only in lDest
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 'lvalue');
     // now 4 values left
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 4);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 3);
     // removing 3 elements.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // length is now 1
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 'lvalue');
     // this is the head
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array('lvalue'));
     // 1 value only in lkey
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === FALSE);
     // can't set list[1] if we only have a single value in it.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array('lvalue'));
     // the previous error didn't touch anything.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // the previous error didn't change the length
     $this->assertTrue(count($ret) === $i);
     // sets
     $ret = $this->redis->multi($mode)->delete('skey1', 'skey2', 'skeydest', 'skeyUnion', 'sDiffDest')->sadd('skey1', 'sValue1')->sadd('skey1', 'sValue2')->sadd('skey1', 'sValue3')->sadd('skey1', 'sValue4')->sadd('skey2', 'sValue1')->sadd('skey2', 'sValue2')->sSize('skey1')->sRemove('skey1', 'sValue2')->sSize('skey1')->sMove('skey1', 'skey2', 'sValue4')->sSize('skey2')->sContains('skey2', 'sValue4')->sMembers('skey1')->sMembers('skey2')->sInter('skey1', 'skey2')->sInterStore('skeydest', 'skey1', 'skey2')->sMembers('skeydest')->sUnion('skey2', 'skeydest')->sUnionStore('skeyUnion', 'skey2', 'skeydest')->sMembers('skeyUnion')->sDiff('skey1', 'skey2')->sDiffStore('sDiffDest', 'skey1', 'skey2')->sMembers('sDiffDest')->sPop('skey2')->sSize('skey2')->exec();
     $i = 0;
     $this->assertTrue(is_long($ret[$i]) && $ret[$i] >= 0 && $ret[$i] <= 5);
     // deleted at most 5 values.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // skey1 now has 1 element.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // skey1 now has 2 elements.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // skey1 now has 3 elements.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // skey1 now has 4 elements.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // skey2 now has 1 element.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // skey2 now has 2 elements.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 4);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // we did remove that value.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 3);
     // now 3 values only.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === TRUE);
     // the move did succeed.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 3);
     // sKey2 now has 3 values.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === TRUE);
     // sKey2 does contain sValue4.
     foreach (array('sValue1', 'sValue3') as $k) {
         // sKey1 contains sValue1 and sValue3.
         $this->assertTrue(in_array($k, $ret[$i]));
     $this->assertTrue(count($ret[$i++]) === 2);
     foreach (array('sValue1', 'sValue2', 'sValue4') as $k) {
         // sKey2 contains sValue1, sValue2, and sValue4.
         $this->assertTrue(in_array($k, $ret[$i]));
     $this->assertTrue(count($ret[$i++]) === 3);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array('sValue1'));
     // intersection
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // intersection + store → 1 value in the destination set.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array('sValue1'));
     // sinterstore destination contents
     foreach (array('sValue1', 'sValue2', 'sValue4') as $k) {
         // (skeydest U sKey2) contains sValue1, sValue2, and sValue4.
         $this->assertTrue(in_array($k, $ret[$i]));
     $this->assertTrue(count($ret[$i++]) === 3);
     // union size
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 3);
     // unionstore size
     foreach (array('sValue1', 'sValue2', 'sValue4') as $k) {
         // (skeyUnion) contains sValue1, sValue2, and sValue4.
         $this->assertTrue(in_array($k, $ret[$i]));
     $this->assertTrue(count($ret[$i++]) === 3);
     // skeyUnion size
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array('sValue3'));
     // diff skey1, skey2 : only sValue3 is not shared.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // sdiffstore size == 1
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array('sValue3'));
     // contents of sDiffDest
     $this->assertTrue(in_array($ret[$i++], array('sValue1', 'sValue2', 'sValue4')));
     // we removed an element from sKey2
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 2);
     // sKey2 now has 2 elements only.
     $this->assertTrue(count($ret) === $i);
     // sorted sets
     $ret = $this->redis->multi($mode)->delete('zkey1', 'zkey2', 'zkey5')->zadd('zkey1', 1, 'zValue1')->zadd('zkey1', 5, 'zValue5')->zadd('zkey1', 2, 'zValue2')->zRange('zkey1', 0, -1)->zDelete('zkey1', 'zValue2')->zRange('zkey1', 0, -1)->zadd('zkey1', 11, 'zValue11')->zadd('zkey1', 12, 'zValue12')->zadd('zkey1', 13, 'zValue13')->zadd('zkey1', 14, 'zValue14')->zadd('zkey1', 15, 'zValue15')->zDeleteRangeByScore('zkey1', 11, 13)->zrange('zkey1', 0, -1)->zReverseRange('zkey1', 0, -1)->zRangeByScore('zkey1', 1, 6)->zCard('zkey1')->zScore('zkey1', 'zValue15')->zadd('zkey2', 5, 'zValue5')->zadd('zkey2', 2, 'zValue2')->zInter('zInter', array('zkey1', 'zkey2'))->zRange('zkey1', 0, -1)->zRange('zkey2', 0, -1)->zRange('zInter', 0, -1)->zUnion('zUnion', array('zkey1', 'zkey2'))->zRange('zUnion', 0, -1)->zadd('zkey5', 5, 'zValue5')->zIncrBy('zkey5', 3, 'zValue5')->zScore('zkey5', 'zValue5')->zScore('zkey5', 'unknown')->exec();
     $i = 0;
     $this->assertTrue(is_long($ret[$i]) && $ret[$i] >= 0 && $ret[$i] <= 3);
     // deleting at most 3 keys
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array('zValue1', 'zValue2', 'zValue5'));
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array('zValue1', 'zValue5'));
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // adding zValue11
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // adding zValue12
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // adding zValue13
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // adding zValue14
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // adding zValue15
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 3);
     // deleted zValue11, zValue12, zValue13
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array('zValue1', 'zValue5', 'zValue14', 'zValue15'));
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array('zValue15', 'zValue14', 'zValue5', 'zValue1'));
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array('zValue1', 'zValue5'));
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 4);
     // 4 elements
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 15.0);
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // added value
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // added value
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // zinter only has 1 value
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array('zValue1', 'zValue5', 'zValue14', 'zValue15'));
     // zkey1 contents
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array('zValue2', 'zValue5'));
     // zkey2 contents
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array('zValue5'));
     // zinter contents
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 5);
     // zUnion has 5 values (1,2,5,14,15)
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array('zValue1', 'zValue2', 'zValue5', 'zValue14', 'zValue15'));
     // zunion contents
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // added value to zkey5, with score 5
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 8.0);
     // incremented score by 3 → it is now 8.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 8.0);
     // current score is 8.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === FALSE);
     // score for unknown element.
     $this->assertTrue(count($ret) === $i);
     // hash
     $ret = $this->redis->multi($mode)->delete('hkey1')->hset('hkey1', 'key1', 'value1')->hset('hkey1', 'key2', 'value2')->hset('hkey1', 'key3', 'value3')->hmget('hkey1', array('key1', 'key2', 'key3'))->hget('hkey1', 'key1')->hlen('hkey1')->hdel('hkey1', 'key2')->hdel('hkey1', 'key2')->hexists('hkey1', 'key2')->hkeys('hkey1')->hvals('hkey1')->hgetall('hkey1')->hset('hkey1', 'valn', 1)->hset('hkey1', 'val-fail', 'non-string')->hget('hkey1', 'val-fail')->exec();
     $i = 0;
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] <= 1);
     // delete
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // added 1 element
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // added 1 element
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // added 1 element
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === array('key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2', 'key3' => 'value3'));
     // hmget, 3 elements
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 'value1');
     // hget
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 3);
     // hlen
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // hdel succeeded
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 0);
     // hdel failed
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === FALSE);
     // hexists didn't find the deleted key
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i] === array('key1', 'key3') || $ret[$i] === array('key3', 'key1'));
     // hkeys
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i] === array('value1', 'value3') || $ret[$i] === array('value3', 'value1'));
     // hvals
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i] === array('key1' => 'value1', 'key3' => 'value3') || $ret[$i] === array('key3' => 'value3', 'key1' => 'value1'));
     // hgetall
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // added 1 element
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 1);
     // added the element, so 1.
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 'non-string');
     // hset succeeded
     $this->assertTrue(count($ret) === $i);
     $ret = $this->redis->multi($mode)->delete('test')->set('test', 'xyz')->get('test')->exec();
     $i = 0;
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] <= 1);
     // delete
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === TRUE);
     // added 1 element
     $this->assertTrue($ret[$i++] === 'xyz');
     $this->assertTrue(count($ret) === $i);
     // GitHub issue 78
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
         $this->redis->zadd('test', $i, (string) $i);
     $result = $this->redis->multi($mode)->zscore('test', "1")->zscore('test', "6")->zscore('test', "8")->zscore('test', "2")->exec();
     $this->assertTrue($result === array(1.0, FALSE, FALSE, 2.0));
Ejemplo n.º 29
$redis->expire($key, 60);
$redis->pExpire($key, 60000);
$redis->expireAt($key, 1476868380);
//使用Unix timestamp,指定时间过期
$redis->pExpireAt($key, 1476868380000.0);
//使用Unix timestamp在指定时间过期,区别是毫秒作为单位
$ret = $redis->multi(Redis::MULTI)->get($key)->incr($key1)->del($key2)->exec();
$ret = $pip->exec();
$ret = $redis->incr('test-num2')->incr('test-num2')->exec();
exit('aa' . $redis->get('test-num2'));
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * Remove and return all members of a set
  * @param string $key
  * @return string[]
 public function sFlush($key)
     $values = $this->_redis->multi()->sMembers($key)->delete($key)->exec();
     return $values[0];