Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Clears all associated beans.
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean $bean
  * @param string $type type
  * @return mixed
 public static function clearRelations(RedBean_OODBBean $bean, $type, RedBean_OODBBean $bean2 = null, $extra = null)
     $r = self::$associationManager->clearRelations($bean, $type);
     if ($bean2) {
         self::associate($bean, $bean2, $extra);
     return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Tags a bean or returns tags associated with a bean.
  * If $tagList is NULL or omitted this method will return a
  * comma separated list of tags associated with the bean provided.
  * If $tagList is a comma separated list (string) of tags all tags will
  * be associated with the bean.
  * You may also pass an array instead of a string.
  * Tag list can be either an array with tag names or a comma separated list
  * of tag names.
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean $bean    bean to be tagged
  * @param array|string     $tagList a list of tags
  * @return array
 public function tag(RedBean_OODBBean $bean, $tagList = NULL)
     if (is_null($tagList)) {
         $tags = array();
         $keys = $this->associationManager->related($bean, 'tag');
         if ($keys) {
             $tags = $this->redbean->batch('tag', $keys);
         $foundTags = array();
         foreach ($tags as $tag) {
             $foundTags[] = $tag->title;
         return $foundTags;
     $this->associationManager->clearRelations($bean, 'tag');
     $this->addTags($bean, $tagList);
     return $tagList;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Clears all associated beans.
  * Breaks all many-to-many associations of a bean and a specified type.
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean $bean bean you wish to clear many-to-many relations for
  * @param string           $type type of bean you wish to break associatons with
  * @return void
 public static function clearRelations(RedBean_OODBBean $bean, $type)
     self::$associationManager->clearRelations($bean, $type);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Test legacy methods, backward compatibility with removed
  * setAssoc function.
  * @return void
 public function testBackwardCompat()
     $toolbox = R::$toolbox;
     $adapter = $toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter();
     $writer = $toolbox->getWriter();
     $redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean();
     $pdo = $adapter->getDatabase();
     $rb = $redbean;
     $testA = $rb->dispense('testA');
     $testB = $rb->dispense('testB');
     $a = new RedBean_AssociationManager($toolbox);
     try {
         $a->related($testA, "testB");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $user = $redbean->dispense("user");
     $user->name = "John";
     $page = $redbean->dispense("page");
     $page->name = "John's page";
     $page2 = $redbean->dispense("page");
     $page2->name = "John's second page";
     $a = new RedBean_AssociationManager($toolbox);
     $a->associate($page, $user);
     asrt(count($a->related($user, "page")), 1);
     $a->associate($user, $page2);
     asrt(count($a->related($user, "page")), 2);
     // Can we fetch the assoc ids themselves?
     $pageKeys = $a->related($user, "page");
     $pages = $redbean->batch("page", $pageKeys);
     $links = $redbean->batch("page_user", $a->related($user, "page", TRUE));
     asrt(count($links), 2);
     // Confirm that the link beans are ok.
     $link = array_pop($links);
     asrt(isset($link->page_id), TRUE);
     asrt(isset($link->user_id), TRUE);
     asrt(isset($link->id), TRUE);
     $link = array_pop($links);
     asrt(isset($link->page_id), TRUE);
     asrt(isset($link->user_id), TRUE);
     asrt(isset($link->id), TRUE);
     $a->unassociate($page, $user);
     asrt(count($a->related($user, "page")), 1);
     $a->clearRelations($user, "page");
     asrt(count($a->related($user, "page")), 0);
     $user2 = $redbean->dispense("user");
     $user2->name = "Second User";
     set1toNAssoc($a, $user2, $page);
     set1toNAssoc($a, $user, $page);
     asrt(count($a->related($user2, "page")), 0);
     asrt(count($a->related($user, "page")), 1);
     set1toNAssoc($a, $user, $page2);
     asrt(count($a->related($user, "page")), 2);
     $pages = $redbean->batch("page", $a->related($user, "page"));
     asrt(count($pages), 2);
     $apage = array_shift($pages);
     asrt($apage->name == "John's page" || $apage->name == "John's second page", TRUE);
     $apage = array_shift($pages);
     asrt($apage->name == "John's page" || $apage->name == "John's second page", TRUE);
     // Test save on the fly
     $page = $redbean->dispense("page");
     $page2 = $redbean->dispense("page");
     $page->name = "idless page 1";
     $page2->name = "idless page 1";
     $a->associate($page, $page2);
     asrt($page->id > 0, TRUE);
     asrt($page2->id > 0, TRUE);
     $idpage = $page->id;
     $idpage2 = $page2->id;
     $page = $redbean->dispense("page");
     $page->name = "test page";
     $id = $redbean->store($page);
     $user = $redbean->dispense("user");
     $a->unassociate($user, $page);
     // No error
     $a->unassociate($page, $user);
     // No error
     $a->clearRelations($page, "user");
     // No error
     $a->clearRelations($user, "page");
     // No error
     $a->associate($user, $page);
     asrt(count($a->related($user, "page")), 1);
     asrt(count($a->related($page, "user")), 1);
     $a->clearRelations($user, "page");
     // No error
     asrt(count($a->related($user, "page")), 0);
     asrt(count($a->related($page, "user")), 0);
     $page = $redbean->load("page", $id);
     asrt($page->name, "test page");
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Clears associations
 protected function clearRelations()
Ejemplo n.º 6
 $movies = $a2->related($movie1, "movie");
 asrt(count($movies), 1);
 asrt((int) $movies[0], (int) $movieid2);
 $movies = $a2->related($movie2, "movie");
 asrt(count($movies), 1);
 asrt((int) $movies[0], (int) $movieid);
 $genre = $redbean2->dispense("genre");
 $genre->name = "western";
 $a2->associate($movie, $genre);
 $movies = $a2->related($genre, "movie");
 asrt(count($movies), 1);
 asrt((int) $movies[0], (int) $movieid);
 $a2->unassociate($movie, $genre);
 $movies = $a2->related($genre, "movie");
 asrt(count($movies), 0);
 $a2->clearRelations($movie, "movie");
 $movies = $a2->related($movie1, "movie");
 asrt(count($movies), 0);
 testpack("Test Table Prefixes");
 R::setup("pgsql:host={$ini['pgsql']['host']} dbname={$ini['pgsql']['schema']}", $ini['pgsql']['user'], $ini['pgsql']['pass']);
 class MyTableFormatter implements RedBean_IBeanFormatter
     public function formatBeanTable($table)
         return "xx_{$table}";
     public function formatBeanID($table)
         return "id";
  * Clears all associated beans.
  * Breaks all many-to-many associations of a bean and a specified type.
  * Only breaks N-M relations.
  * @warning not a preferred method, use $bean->shared = array() if possible.
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean $bean bean you wish to clear many-to-many relations for
  * @param string           $type type of bean you wish to break associations with
  * @return void
 public function clearRelations(RedBean_OODBBean $bean, $type)
     $this->associationManager->clearRelations($bean, $type);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Test self referential N-M relations (page_page).
  * @return void
 public function testSelfReferential()
     $toolbox = R::$toolbox;
     $adapter = $toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter();
     $writer = $toolbox->getWriter();
     $redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean();
     $pdo = $adapter->getDatabase();
     $a = new RedBean_AssociationManager($toolbox);
     $page = $redbean->dispense("page");
     $page->name = "John's page";
     $idpage = $redbean->store($page);
     $page2 = $redbean->dispense("page");
     $page2->name = "John's second page";
     $idpage2 = $redbean->store($page2);
     $a->associate($page, $page2);
     $ids = $a->related($page, "page");
     asrt(count($ids), 1);
     asrt(intval(array_pop($ids)), intval($idpage2));
     $ids = $a->related($page2, "page");
     asrt(count($ids), 1);
     asrt(intval(array_pop($ids)), intval($idpage));
     $page3 = $redbean->dispense("page");
     $page3->name = "third";
     $page4 = $redbean->dispense("page");
     $page4->name = "fourth";
     $a->associate($page3, $page2);
     $a->associate($page2, $page4);
     $a->unassociate($page, $page2);
     asrt(count($a->related($page, "page")), 0);
     $ids = $a->related($page2, "page");
     asrt(count($ids), 2);
     asrt(in_array($page3->id, $ids), TRUE);
     asrt(in_array($page4->id, $ids), TRUE);
     asrt(in_array($page->id, $ids), FALSE);
     asrt(count($a->related($page3, "page")), 1);
     asrt(count($a->related($page4, "page")), 1);
     $a->clearRelations($page2, "page");
     asrt(count($a->related($page2, "page")), 0);
     asrt(count($a->related($page3, "page")), 0);
     asrt(count($a->related($page4, "page")), 0);
     try {
         $a->associate($page2, $page2);
     } catch (RedBean_Exception_SQL $e) {
     $pageOne = $redbean->dispense("page");
     $pageOne->name = "one";
     $pageMore = $redbean->dispense("page");
     $pageMore->name = "more";
     $pageEvenMore = $redbean->dispense("page");
     $pageEvenMore->name = "evenmore";
     $pageOther = $redbean->dispense("page");
     $pageOther->name = "othermore";
     set1toNAssoc($a, $pageOther, $pageMore);
     set1toNAssoc($a, $pageOne, $pageMore);
     set1toNAssoc($a, $pageOne, $pageEvenMore);
     asrt(count($a->related($pageOne, "page")), 2);
     asrt(count($a->related($pageMore, "page")), 1);
     asrt(count($a->related($pageEvenMore, "page")), 1);
     asrt(count($a->related($pageOther, "page")), 0);
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Tests freezing the database.
  * After freezing the database, schema modifications are no longer
  * allowed and referring to missing columns will now cause exceptions.
  * @return void
 public function testFreezer()
     $toolbox = R::$toolbox;
     $adapter = $toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter();
     $writer = $toolbox->getWriter();
     $redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean();
     $pdo = $adapter->getDatabase();
     $a = new RedBean_AssociationManager($toolbox);
     $post = $redbean->dispense('post');
     $post->title = 'title';
     $page = $redbean->dispense('page');
     $page->name = 'title';
     $page = $redbean->dispense("page");
     $page->name = "John's page";
     $idpage = $redbean->store($page);
     $page2 = $redbean->dispense("page");
     $page2->name = "John's second page";
     $idpage2 = $redbean->store($page2);
     $a->associate($page, $page2);
     $page = $redbean->dispense("page");
     $page->sections = 10;
     $page->name = "half a page";
     try {
         $id = $redbean->store($page);
     } catch (RedBean_Exception_SQL $e) {
     $post = $redbean->dispense("post");
     $post->title = "existing table";
     try {
         $id = $redbean->store($post);
     } catch (RedBean_Exception_SQL $e) {
     asrt(in_array("name", array_keys($writer->getColumns("page"))), TRUE);
     asrt(in_array("sections", array_keys($writer->getColumns("page"))), FALSE);
     $newtype = $redbean->dispense("newtype");
     $newtype->property = 1;
     try {
         $id = $redbean->store($newtype);
     } catch (RedBean_Exception_SQL $e) {
     $logger = RedBean_Plugin_QueryLogger::getInstanceAndAttach($adapter);
     // Now log and make sure no 'describe SQL' happens
     $page = $redbean->dispense("page");
     $page->name = "just another page that has been frozen...";
     $id = $redbean->store($page);
     $page = $redbean->load("page", $id);
     $page->name = "just a frozen page...";
     $page2 = $redbean->dispense("page");
     $page2->name = "an associated frozen page";
     $a->associate($page, $page2);
     $a->related($page, "page");
     $a->unassociate($page, $page2);
     $a->clearRelations($page, "page");
     $items = $redbean->find("page", array(), array("1"));
     asrt(count($logger->grep("SELECT")) > 0, TRUE);
     asrt(count($logger->grep("describe")) < 1, TRUE);
     asrt(is_array($logger->getLogs()), TRUE);