Ejemplo n.º 1
 function remove_404($id)
     // find the user to delete
     if ($error = Record::findByIdFrom('Redirector404s', $id)) {
         if ($error->delete()) {
             Flash::set('success', __('404 Error has been deleted!'));
         } else {
             Flash::set('error', __('There was a problem deleting this 404 error!'));
     } else {
         Flash::set('error', __('404 Error not found!'));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function unapprove($id)
     // find the user to unapprove
     if ($comment = Record::findByIdFrom('Comment', $id)) {
         $comment->is_approved = 0;
         if ($comment->save()) {
             Flash::set('success', __('Comment has been unapproved!'));
             Observer::notify('comment_after_unapprove', $comment);
     } else {
         Flash::set('error', __('Comment not found!'));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function delete()
     $paths = func_get_args();
     $id = urldecode(join('/', $paths));
     $homeimage = Record::findByIdFrom('HomeImage', $id);
     //Remove folders and all images
     $dir = FILES_DIR . '/homeimage/images/' . $homeimage->filename;
     $dir2 = FILES_DIR . '/homeimage/images/' . $homeimage->filename_hover;
     // End remove folders and all images
     if ($homeimage->delete()) {
         Flash::set('success', __('This homeimage has been deleted.'));
     } else {
         Flash::set('error', __('This homeimage could not be deleted!'));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function delete_album()
     $paths = func_get_args();
     $id = urldecode(join('/', $paths));
     //Remove folders and all images
     $dir = FILES_DIR . '/gallery/images/' . $id . '/';
     foreach (glob($dir . '*.*') as $v) {
     // End remove folders and all images
     $galleries = Record::findAllFrom('Gallery', 'album_id="' . $id . '"');
     if (count($galleries) > 0) {
         foreach ($galleries as $gallery) {
             // find the image to delete
             if ($delete_gallery = Record::findByIdFrom('Gallery', $gallery->id)) {
     $album = Record::query('DELETE from ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'album where id="' . $id . '"');
     Flash::set('success', __('This album has been deleted.'));
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Checks if the cookie is still valid.
  * @param string $cookie    Cookie's content.
  * @return boolean          True if cookie is valid, otherwise false.
 private static final function challengeCookie($cookie)
     $params = self::explodeCookie($cookie);
     if (isset($params['exp'], $params['id'], $params['digest'])) {
         if (!($user = Record::findByIdFrom('User', $params['id']))) {
             return false;
         if (self::bakeUserCookie($params['exp'], $user) == $cookie && $params['exp'] > $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) {
             return $user;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
      <th class="size" width=50><?php 
echo __('Order');
      <th class="modify" width=50><?php 
echo __('Action');
foreach ($banners as $banner) {
    $page = Record::findByIdFrom('Page', $banner->page_id);
    $type_detail = $banner->type == 'home' ? $banner->location : '';
<!--ws 2/10/2015 for non-object prroperty problem-->
    <tr class="<?php 
    echo odd_even();
    echo $banner->name;
    echo $banner->filename != '' ? '<img src="' . BASE_FILES_DIR . '/banner/' . $banner->filename . '" width=100 />' : '';
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function delete_mainimage($id)
     $paths = func_get_args();
     $id = urldecode(join('/', $paths));
     $featureimage = Record::findByIdFrom('Facilities', $id);
     if ($featureimage) {
         $file = FILES_DIR . '/facilities/images/' . $featureimage->filename;
         $filename = array_pop($paths);
         $paths = join('/', $paths);
         if (is_file($file)) {
             if (!unlink($file)) {
                 Flash::set('error', __('Permission denied!'));
         // delete record
         if ($featureimage->update('Facilities', array('filename' => ''), 'id=' . $id)) {
             Flash::set('success', __('This  image has been deleted.'));
         } else {
             Flash::set('error', __('This image could not be deleted!'));
     } else {
         Flash::set('error', __('image could not be found!'));
     redirect(get_url('facilities/edit/' . $featureimage->id));
Ejemplo n.º 8
      <th class="size" width=50><?php 
echo __('Order');
      <th class="modify" width=50><?php 
echo __('Action');
foreach ($abouts as $about) {
    $page = Record::findByIdFrom('Page', $about->page_id);
    $type_detail = $about->type == 'home' ? $about->location : '';
<!--ws 2/10/2015 for non-object prroperty problem-->
    <tr class="<?php 
    echo odd_even();
    echo $about->name;
    echo $about->filename != '' ? '<img src="' . BASE_FILES_DIR . '/about/' . $about->filename . '" width=100 />' : '';
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Runs checks and stores a page.
  * @param string $action   What kind of action this is: add or edit.
  * @param mixed $id        Page to edit if any.
 private function _store($action, $id = false)
     // Sanity checks
     if ($action == 'edit' && !$id) {
         throw new Exception('Trying to edit page when $id is false.');
     $data = $_POST['page'];
     $data['is_protected'] = !empty($data['is_protected']) ? 1 : 0;
     Flash::set('post_data', (object) $data);
     $pagesetting = array();
     //For homepage info & about page info okstmtcc
     if ($id == 1 || $id == 4) {
         $upload = $_POST['upload'];
         $pagesetting = $_POST['pagesetting'];
         //Flash::set('post_settingdata', (object) $pagesetting);
     // Add pre-save checks here
     $errors = false;
     $error_fields = false;
     // CSRF checks
     if (isset($_POST['csrf_token'])) {
         $csrf_token = $_POST['csrf_token'];
         $csrf_id = '';
         if ($action === 'edit') {
             $csrf_id = '/' . $id;
         if (!SecureToken::validateToken($csrf_token, BASE_URL . 'page/' . $action . $csrf_id)) {
             $errors[] = __('Invalid CSRF token found!');
     } else {
         $errors[] = __('No CSRF token found!');
     $data['title'] = trim($data['title']);
     if (empty($data['title'])) {
         $error_fields[] = __('Page Title');
     /** homepage setting check okstmtcc **/
     if ($id == 1) {
         /** homepage page title **/
         if (empty($pagesetting['homepage_discover_title'])) {
             $error_fields[] = __('Homepage Title');
         if (empty($pagesetting['homepage_discover_teaser'])) {
             $error_fields[] = __('Homepage Teaser');
         /** highlight 1 **/
         // if (empty($pagesetting['highlight_title'])){
         //     $error_fields[] = __('Highlight 1&acute;s Title');
         // }
         // if (empty($pagesetting['highlight_text1'])){
         //     $error_fields[] = __('Highlight 1&acute;s Text 1');
         // }
         // if (empty($pagesetting['highlight_url'])){
         //     $error_fields[] = __('Highlight 1&acute;s Read More URL');
         // }
         // $pagesetting_ori = PageSetting::init();
         // if (isset($_FILES)) {
         //     if(empty($_FILES['upload_highlight_image']['name'])){
         //         $pagesetting['highlight_image'] =  $pagesetting_ori->highlight_image;
         //     } else {
         //         $pagesetting['highlight_image'] = $_FILES['upload_highlight_image']['name'];
         //     }
         // } else {
         //     $pagesetting['highlight_image'] =  $pagesetting_ori->highlight_image;
         // }
         // if (empty($pagesetting['highlight_image'])){
         //     $error_fields[] = __('Highlight 1&acute;s Image');
         // }
         // /** highlight 2 **/
         // if (empty($pagesetting['highlight2_title'])){
         //     $error_fields[] = __('Highlight 2&acute;s Title');
         // }
         // if (empty($pagesetting['highlight2_text1'])){
         //     $error_fields[] = __('Highlight 2&acute;s Text 1');
         // }
         // if (empty($pagesetting['highlight2_url'])){
         //     $error_fields[] = __('Highlight 2&acute;s Read More URL');
         // }
         // if (isset($_FILES)) {
         //     if(empty($_FILES['upload_highlight2_image']['name'])){
         //         $pagesetting['highlight2_image'] =  $pagesetting_ori->highlight2_image;
         //     } else {
         //         $pagesetting['highlight2_image'] = $_FILES['upload_highlight2_image']['name'];
         //     }
         // } else {
         //     $pagesetting['highlight2_image'] =  $pagesetting_ori->highlight2_image;
         // }
         // if (empty($pagesetting['highlight2_image'])){
         //     $error_fields[] = __('Highlight 2&acute;s Image');
         // }
         // if (isset($_FILES)) {
         //     if(empty($_FILES['upload_newdev_image']['name'])){
         //         $pagesetting['newdev_image'] =  $pagesetting_ori->newdev_image;
         //     } else {
         //         $pagesetting['newdev_image'] = $_FILES['upload_newdev_image']['name'];
         //     }
         // } else {
         //     $pagesetting['newdev_image'] =  $pagesetting_ori->newdev_image;
         // }
         // if (empty($pagesetting['newdev_image'])){
         //     $error_fields[] = __('New Development Image');
         // }
     /** homepage setting check okstmtcc **/
     $data['slug'] = !empty($data['slug']) ? trim($data['slug']) : '';
     if (empty($data['slug']) && $id != '1') {
         $error_fields[] = __('Slug');
     } else {
         if ($data['slug'] == ADMIN_DIR) {
             $errors[] = __('You cannot have a slug named :slug!', array(':slug' => ADMIN_DIR));
         if (!Validate::slug($data['slug']) && (!empty($data['slug']) && $id == '1')) {
             $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => 'slug'));
     // Check all numerical fields for a page
     $fields = array('parent_id', 'layout_id', 'needs_login');
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if (!Validate::digit($data[$field])) {
             $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => $field));
     // Check all date fields for a page
     $fields = array('created_on', 'published_on', 'valid_until');
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if (isset($data[$field])) {
             $data[$field] = trim($data[$field]);
             if (!empty($data[$field]) && !(bool) preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$/D', (string) $data[$field])) {
                 $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => $field));
     // Check all time fields for a page
     $fields = array('created_on_time', 'published_on_time', 'valid_until_time');
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if (isset($data[$field])) {
             $data[$field] = trim($data[$field]);
             if (!empty($data[$field]) && !(bool) preg_match('/^[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$/D', (string) $data[$field])) {
                 $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => $field));
     // Check alphanumerical fields
     $fields = array('keywords', 'description');
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $data[$field] = kses(trim($data[$field]), array());
                     if (!empty($data[$field]) && !Validate::alpha_comma($data[$field])) {
            $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => $field));
     // Check behaviour_id field
     if (!empty($data['behaviour_id']) && !Validate::slug($data['behaviour_id'])) {
         $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => 'behaviour_id'));
     // Make sure the title doesn't contain HTML
     if (Setting::get('allow_html_title') == 'off') {
         $data['title'] = kses(trim($data['title']), array());
     // Create the page object to be manipulated and populate data
     if ($action == 'add') {
         $page = new Page($data);
     } else {
         $page = Record::findByIdFrom('Page', $id);
     // Upon errors, rebuild original page and return to screen with errors
     if (false !== $errors || $error_fields !== false) {
         $tags = $_POST['page_tag'];
         // Rebuild time fields
         if (isset($page->created_on) && isset($page->created_on_time)) {
             $page->created_on = $page->created_on . ' ' . $page->created_on_time;
         if (isset($page->published_on) && isset($page->published_on_time)) {
             $page->published_on = $page->published_on . ' ' . $page->published_on_time;
         if (isset($page->valid_until)) {
             $page->valid_until = $page->valid_until . ' ' . $page->valid_until_time;
         // Rebuild parts
         $part = '';
         if (!empty($_POST['part'])) {
             $part = $_POST['part'];
             $tmp = false;
             foreach ($part as $key => $val) {
                 $tmp[$key] = (object) $val;
             $part = $tmp;
         // Set the errors to be displayed.
         $err_msg = $errors != false ? implode('<br/>', $errors) : '';
         $err_msg .= $error_fields != false ? '<br />Please specify these fields: ' . implode(', ', $error_fields) : '';
         Flash::setNow('error', $err_msg);
         //$settingdata = 'aaa';
         // display things ...
         $pagesettingobj = new stdClass();
         foreach ($pagesetting as $name => $value) {
             $pagesettingobj->{$name} = $value;
         $this->display('page/edit', array('action' => $action, 'csrf_token' => SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'page/' . $action), 'page' => (object) $page, 'pagesetting' => $pagesettingobj, 'tags' => $tags, 'filters' => Filter::findAll(), 'behaviors' => Behavior::findAll(), 'page_parts' => $part, 'layouts' => Record::findAllFrom('Layout')));
     // Notify
     if ($action == 'add') {
         Observer::notify('page_add_before_save', $page);
     } else {
         Observer::notify('page_edit_before_save', $page);
     // Time to actually save the page
     // @todo rebuild this so parts are already set before save?
     // @todo determine lazy init impact
     $page->newwindow = !empty($data['newwindow']) ? '1' : '0';
     if ($page->save()) {
         // Get data for parts of this page
         $data_parts = $_POST['part'];
         Flash::set('post_parts_data', (object) $data_parts);
         if ($action == 'edit') {
             $old_parts = PagePart::findByPageId($id);
             // check if all old page part are passed in POST
             // if not ... we need to delete it!
             foreach ($old_parts as $old_part) {
                 $not_in = true;
                 foreach ($data_parts as $part_id => $data) {
                     $data['name'] = trim($data['name']);
                     if ($old_part->name == $data['name']) {
                         $not_in = false;
                         // this will not really create a new page part because
                         // the id of the part is passed in $data
                         $part = new PagePart($data);
                         $part->page_id = $id;
                         Observer::notify('part_edit_before_save', $part);
                         Observer::notify('part_edit_after_save', $part);
                 if ($not_in) {
         // add the new parts
         foreach ($data_parts as $data) {
             $data['name'] = trim($data['name']);
             $part = new PagePart($data);
             $part->page_id = $page->id;
             Observer::notify('part_add_before_save', $part);
             Observer::notify('part_add_after_save', $part);
         // save tags
         // save homepage banner info okstmtcc
         if ($id == 1) {
             // upload home banner image 1, 2
             if (isset($_FILES) && !empty($_FILES['upload_banner_image1']['name'])) {
                 //okstmtcc 20150827 Replace image filename spaces
                 $_FILES['upload_banner_image1']['name'] = str_replace(array(" ", "(", ")"), array("_", "", ""), $_FILES['upload_banner_image1']['name']);
                 $file = $this->upload_file($_FILES['upload_banner_image1']['name'], FILES_DIR . '/pagesetting/images/', $_FILES['upload_banner_image1']['tmp_name'], $overwrite);
                 if ($file === false) {
                     Flash::set('error', __('Home banner could not be uploaded!'));
                 } else {
                     $pagesetting['banner_image1'] = $file;
             if (isset($_FILES) && !empty($_FILES['upload_banner_image2']['name'])) {
                 //okstmtcc 20150827 Replace image filename spaces
                 $_FILES['upload_banner_image2']['name'] = str_replace(array(" ", "(", ")"), array("_", "", ""), $_FILES['upload_banner_image2']['name']);
                 $file = $this->upload_file($_FILES['upload_banner_image2']['name'], FILES_DIR . '/pagesetting/images/', $_FILES['upload_banner_image2']['tmp_name'], $overwrite);
                 if ($file === false) {
                     Flash::set('error', __('Home banner could not be uploaded!'));
                 } else {
                     $pagesetting['banner_image2'] = $file;
         // save homepage banner info okstmtcc
         // save about banner info okstmtcc
         if ($id == 4) {
             // upload about page image 1
             if (isset($_FILES) && !empty($_FILES['upload_about_image1']['name'])) {
                 //okstmtcc 20150827 Replace image filename spaces
                 $_FILES['upload_about_image1']['name'] = str_replace(array(" ", "(", ")"), array("_", "", ""), $_FILES['upload_about_image1']['name']);
                 $file = $this->upload_file($_FILES['upload_about_image1']['name'], FILES_DIR . '/pagesetting/images/', $_FILES['upload_about_image1']['tmp_name'], $overwrite);
                 if ($file === false) {
                     Flash::set('error', __('Home banner could not be uploaded!'));
                 } else {
                     $pagesetting['about_image1'] = $file;
         // save about banner info okstmtcc
         Flash::set('success', __('Page has been saved.'));
     } else {
         Flash::set('error', __('Page has not been saved!'));
         $url = 'page/';
         $url .= $action == 'edit' ? 'edit/' . $id : 'add/';
     if ($action == 'add') {
         Observer::notify('page_add_after_save', $page);
     } else {
         Observer::notify('page_edit_after_save', $page);
     // save and quit or save and continue editing ?
     if (isset($_POST['commit'])) {
     } else {
         redirect(get_url('page/edit/' . $page->id));
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Ajax action to copy a page or page tree
 function copy($parent_id)
     $page = Record::findByIdFrom('Page', $dragged_id);
     $new_root_id = Page::cloneTree($page, $parent_id);
     foreach ($pages as $position => $page_id) {
         if ($page_id == $dragged_id) {
             /* Move the cloned tree, not original. */
             $page = Record::findByIdFrom('Page', $new_root_id);
         } else {
             $page = Record::findByIdFrom('Page', $page_id);
         $page->position = (int) $position;
         $page->parent_id = (int) $parent_id;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 function delete_category()
     $paths = func_get_args();
     $id = urldecode(join('/', $paths));
     $category = Record::findByIdFrom('NewsCategory', $id);
     //Remove all news folders and all images
     $news_arr = News::findByCatId($id);
     foreach ($news_arr as $news) {
         $dir = FILES_DIR . '/news/images/' . $news->filename;
         if ($news->delete()) {
     // End remove all news folders and all images
     if ($category->delete()) {
         Flash::set('success', __('This category has been deleted.'));
     } else {
         Flash::set('error', __('This category could not be deleted!'));
Ejemplo n.º 12
      <th class="size" width=50><?php 
echo __('Order');
      <th class="modify" width=50><?php 
echo __('Action');
foreach ($latests as $latest) {
    $page = Record::findByIdFrom('Page', $latest->page_id);
    $type_detail = $latest->type == 'home' ? $latest->location : '';
<!--ws 2/10/2015 for non-object prroperty problem-->
    <tr class="<?php 
    echo odd_even();
    echo $latest->name;
    echo $latest->filename != '' ? '<img src="' . BASE_FILES_DIR . '/latest/' . $latest->filename . '" width=100 />' : '';
Ejemplo n.º 13
 function delete_location($id)
     $paths = func_get_args();
     $id = urldecode(join('/', $paths));
     $location = Record::findByIdFrom('Location', $id);
     if ($location) {
         $file = FILES_DIR . '/fnb/location/' . $location->filename;
         $filename = array_pop($paths);
         $paths = join('/', $paths);
         if (is_file($file)) {
             if (!unlink($file)) {
                 Flash::set('error', __('Permission denied!'));
         // delete record
         if ($location->delete()) {
             Flash::set('success', __('This location has been deleted.'));
         } else {
             Flash::set('error', __('This Location could not be deleted!'));
     } else {
         Flash::set('error', __('Location could not be found!'));
     redirect(get_url('fnb/edit/' . $location->fnbid));
  * View callback function. Adds the page_part_form to the admin page.
  * @param page the current page to edit
 public static function callback_view_page($page)
     // Because the metadata is not visible, we can't use $page->metadata[self::PLUGIN_ID]
     if (isset($page->id) && ($form = PageMetadata::FindOneByPageAndKeyword($page->id, self::PLUGIN_ID)) || ($form = PageMetadata::FindOneByPageAndKeyword($page->parent_id, self::PLUGIN_ID . '_children'))) {
         if ($definition = Record::findByIdFrom('PagePartForm', $form->value)) {
             // Convert page_parts array to hash
             $page_parts = array();
             if (isset($page->id)) {
                 foreach (PagePart::findByPageId($page->id) as $page_part) {
                     $page_parts[$page_part->name] = $page_part;
             // Add the page_part_form to the admin view
             self::Get_instance()->create_view('observers/page_form', array('page' => $page, 'page_parts' => $page_parts, 'structure' => self::Get_structure($definition)))->display();
Ejemplo n.º 15
      <th class="size" width=50><?php 
echo __('Order');
      <th class="modify" width=50><?php 
echo __('Action');
foreach ($menus as $menu) {
    $page = Record::findByIdFrom('Page', $menu->page_id);
    $type_detail = $menu->type == 'home' ? $menu->location : '';
<!--ws 2/10/2015 for non-object prroperty problem-->
    <tr class="<?php 
    echo odd_even();
    echo $menu->name;
    echo $menu->filename != '' ? '<img src="' . BASE_FILES_DIR . '/menu/' . $menu->filename . '" width=100 />' : '';
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public function edit($id)
     if ($_POST["action"] == "edit") {
         $data = $_POST['sidebarlink'];
         Flash::set('postdata', $data);
         $sidebarlink = Record::findByIdFrom('SidebarLink', $id);
         if (!$sidebarlink) {
             Flash::set('error', __('Sidebar link is not found!'));
         $sidebarlink->updated_by_id = AuthUser::getId();
         $sidebarlink->updated_on = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         if (!$sidebarlink->save()) {
             Flash::set('error', __('Sidebar link is not updated!'));
             redirect(get_url('sidebarlink/view/' . $id));
         } else {
             Flash::set('success', __('Sidebar link has been updated!'));
             if (isset($_POST['commit'])) {
             } else {
                 redirect(get_url('sidebarlink/view/' . $id));
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public static function cloneTree($page, $parent_id)
     /* This will hold new id of root of cloned tree. */
     static $new_root_id = false;
     /* Clone passed in page. */
     $clone = Record::findByIdFrom('Page', $page->id);
     $clone->parent_id = (int) $parent_id;
     $clone->id = null;
     $clone->title .= " (copy)";
     $clone->slug .= "-copy";
     /* Also clone the page parts. */
     $page_part = PagePart::findByPageId($page->id);
     if (count($page_part)) {
         foreach ($page_part as $part) {
             $part->page_id = $clone->id;
             $part->id = null;
     /* This gets set only once even when called recursively. */
     if (!$new_root_id) {
         $new_root_id = $clone->id;
     /* Clone and update childrens parent_id to clones new id. */
     if (Page::hasChildren($page->id)) {
         foreach (Page::childrenOf($page->id) as $child) {
             Page::cloneTree($child, $clone->id);
     return $new_root_id;
Ejemplo n.º 18
      <th class="size" width=50><?php 
echo __('Order');
      <th class="modify" width=50><?php 
echo __('Action');
foreach ($events as $event) {
    $page = Record::findByIdFrom('Page', $event->page_id);
    $type_detail = $event->type == 'home' ? $event->location : '';
<!--ws 2/10/2015 for non-object prroperty problem-->
    <tr class="<?php 
    echo odd_even();
    echo $event->name;
    echo $event->filename != '' ? '<img src="' . BASE_FILES_DIR . '/event/' . $event->filename . '" width=100 />' : '';
Ejemplo n.º 19
 function delete_featureimage($id)
     $paths = func_get_args();
     $id = urldecode(join('/', $paths));
     $featureimage = Record::findByIdFrom('FeatureImage', $id);
     if ($featureimage) {
         $file = FILES_DIR . '/attraction/feature/' . $featureimage->filename;
         $filename = array_pop($paths);
         $paths = join('/', $paths);
         if (is_file($file)) {
             if (!unlink($file)) {
                 Flash::set('error', __('Permission denied!'));
         // delete record
         if ($featureimage->delete()) {
             Flash::set('success', __('This Feature image has been deleted.'));
         } else {
             Flash::set('error', __('This Feature image could not be deleted!'));
     } else {
         Flash::set('error', __('Feature image could not be found!'));
     redirect(get_url('attraction/edit/' . $featureimage->attractionid));
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Reorders a Snippet's position relative to other Snippets.
  * @todo Add input cleaning.
 public function reorder()
     foreach ($snippets as $position => $snippet_id) {
         $snippet = Record::findByIdFrom('Snippet', $snippet_id);
         $snippet->position = (int) $position + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 function reorder()
     foreach ($layouts as $position => $layout_id) {
         $layout = Record::findByIdFrom('Layout', $layout_id);
         $layout->position = (int) $position + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Ends relationship between page and tag
  * @since 1.1.0
  * @param string $ids
 public function endrelationship($ids)
     $id = explode('-', $ids);
     $page_id = $id[0];
     $tag_id = $id[1];
     if ($page = Record::findByIdFrom('Page', $page_id)) {
         if ($tag = Record::findByIdFrom('Tag', $tag_id)) {
             if (TaggerTag::deletePageTagRelationship($page_id, $tag_id)) {
                 Flash::set('success', __('Page :page_name has been deleted from association with Tag :tag_name!', array(':page_name' => $page->title, ':tag_name' => $tag->name)));
             } else {
                 Flash::set('error', __('Nothing was deleted!'));
     } else {
         Flash::set('error', __('Page not found!'));
Ejemplo n.º 23
 function delete()
     $paths = func_get_args();
     $id = urldecode(join('/', $paths));
     $news = Record::findByIdFrom('News', $id);
     //Remove folders and all images
     $dir = FILES_DIR . '/promo/images/' . $news->filename;
     // End remove folders and all images
     if ($news->delete()) {
         Flash::set('success', __('This promo has been deleted.'));
     } else {
         Flash::set('error', __('This promo could not be deleted!'));
Ejemplo n.º 24
 function delete()
     $paths = func_get_args();
     $id = urldecode(join('/', $paths));
     $event = Record::findByIdFrom('Event', $id);
     //Remove folders and all images
     $dir = FILES_DIR . '/event/images/' . $event->image;
     // End remove folders and all images
     if ($event->delete()) {
         Flash::set('success', __('This event has been deleted.'));
     } else {
         Flash::set('error', __('This event has not been deleted!'));
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * Runs checks and stores a page.
  * @param string $action   What kind of action this is: add or edit.
  * @param mixed $id        Page to edit if any.
 private function _store($action, $id = false)
     // Sanity checks
     if ($action == 'edit' && !$id) {
         throw new Exception('Trying to edit page when $id is false.');
     $data = $_POST['page'];
     $data['is_protected'] = !empty($data['is_protected']) ? 1 : 0;
     Flash::set('post_data', (object) $data);
     // Add pre-save checks here
     $errors = false;
     // CSRF checks
     if (isset($_POST['csrf_token'])) {
         $csrf_token = $_POST['csrf_token'];
         if (!SecureToken::validateToken($csrf_token, BASE_URL . 'page/' . $action)) {
             $errors[] = __('Invalid CSRF token found!');
     } else {
         $errors[] = __('No CSRF token found!');
     $data['title'] = trim($data['title']);
     if (empty($data['title'])) {
         $errors[] = __('You have to specify a title!');
     $data['slug'] = trim($data['slug']);
     if (empty($data['slug']) && $id != '1') {
         $errors[] = __('You have to specify a slug!');
     } else {
         if ($data['slug'] == ADMIN_DIR) {
             $errors[] = __('You cannot have a slug named :slug!', array(':slug' => ADMIN_DIR));
         if (!Validate::slug($data['slug']) && (!empty($data['slug']) && $id == '1')) {
             $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => 'slug'));
     // Check all numerical fields for a page
     $fields = array('parent_id', 'layout_id', 'needs_login');
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if (!Validate::digit($data[$field])) {
             $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => $field));
     // Check all date fields for a page
     $fields = array('created_on', 'published_on', 'valid_until');
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if (isset($data[$field])) {
             $data[$field] = trim($data[$field]);
             if (!empty($data[$field]) && !(bool) preg_match('/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$/D', (string) $data[$field])) {
                 $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => $field));
     // Check all time fields for a page
     $fields = array('created_on_time', 'published_on_time', 'valid_until_time');
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if (isset($data[$field])) {
             $data[$field] = trim($data[$field]);
             if (!empty($data[$field]) && !(bool) preg_match('/^[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$/D', (string) $data[$field])) {
                 $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => $field));
     // Check alphanumerical fields
     $fields = array('keywords', 'description');
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $data[$field] = kses(trim($data[$field]), array());
                     if (!empty($data[$field]) && !Validate::alpha_comma($data[$field])) {
            $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => $field));
     // Check behaviour_id field
     if (!empty($data['behaviour_id']) && !Validate::slug($data['behaviour_id'])) {
         $errors[] = __('Illegal value for :fieldname field!', array(':fieldname' => 'behaviour_id'));
     // Make sure the title doesn't contain HTML
     if (Setting::get('allow_html_title') == 'off') {
         $data['title'] = kses(trim($data['title']), array());
     // Create the page object to be manipulated and populate data
     if ($action == 'add') {
         $page = new Page($data);
     } else {
         $page = Record::findByIdFrom('Page', $id);
     // Upon errors, rebuild original page and return to screen with errors
     if (false !== $errors) {
         $tags = $_POST['page_tag'];
         // Rebuild time fields
         if (isset($page->created_on)) {
             $page->created_on = $page->created_on . ' ' . $page->created_on_time;
         if (isset($page->published_on)) {
             $page->published_on = $page->published_on . ' ' . $page->published_on_time;
         if (isset($page->valid_until)) {
             $page->valid_until = $page->valid_until . ' ' . $page->valid_until_time;
         // Rebuild parts
         $part = $_POST['part'];
         if (!empty($part)) {
             $tmp = false;
             foreach ($part as $key => $val) {
                 $tmp[$key] = (object) $val;
             $part = $tmp;
         // Set the errors to be displayed.
         Flash::setNow('error', implode('<br/>', $errors));
         // display things ...
         $this->display('page/edit', array('action' => $action, 'csrf_token' => SecureToken::generateToken(BASE_URL . 'page/' . $action), 'page' => (object) $page, 'tags' => $tags, 'filters' => Filter::findAll(), 'behaviors' => Behavior::findAll(), 'page_parts' => (object) $part, 'layouts' => Record::findAllFrom('Layout')));
     // Notify
     if ($action == 'add') {
         Observer::notify('page_add_before_save', $page);
     } else {
         Observer::notify('page_edit_before_save', $page);
     // Time to actually save the page
     // @todo rebuild this so parts are already set before save?
     // @todo determine lazy init impact
     if ($page->save()) {
         // Get data for parts of this page
         $data_parts = $_POST['part'];
         Flash::set('post_parts_data', (object) $data_parts);
         if ($action == 'edit') {
             $old_parts = PagePart::findByPageId($id);
             // check if all old page part are passed in POST
             // if not ... we need to delete it!
             foreach ($old_parts as $old_part) {
                 $not_in = true;
                 foreach ($data_parts as $part_id => $data) {
                     $data['name'] = trim($data['name']);
                     if ($old_part->name == $data['name']) {
                         $not_in = false;
                         // this will not really create a new page part because
                         // the id of the part is passed in $data
                         $part = new PagePart($data);
                         $part->page_id = $id;
                         Observer::notify('part_edit_before_save', $part);
                         Observer::notify('part_edit_after_save', $part);
                 if ($not_in) {
         // add the new parts
         foreach ($data_parts as $data) {
             $data['name'] = trim($data['name']);
             $part = new PagePart($data);
             $part->page_id = $page->id;
             Observer::notify('part_add_before_save', $part);
             Observer::notify('part_add_after_save', $part);
         // save tags
         Flash::set('success', __('Page has been saved!'));
     } else {
         Flash::set('error', __('Page has not been saved!'));
         $url = 'page/';
         $url .= $action == 'edit' ? 'edit/' . $id : 'add/';
     if ($action == 'add') {
         Observer::notify('page_add_after_save', $page);
     } else {
         Observer::notify('page_edit_after_save', $page);
     // save and quit or save and continue editing ?
     if (isset($_POST['commit'])) {
     } else {
         redirect(get_url('page/edit/' . $page->id));
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public function delete($id)
     if (!AuthUser::hasPermission('user_delete')) {
         Flash::set('error', __('You do not have permission to access the requested page!'));
     // Sanity checks
     if (!Validate::numeric($id)) {
         Flash::set('error', __('Invalid input found!'));
     // CSRF checks
     if (isset($_GET['csrf_token'])) {
         $csrf_token = $_GET['csrf_token'];
         if (!SecureToken::validateToken($csrf_token, BASE_URL . 'user/delete/' . $id)) {
             Flash::set('error', __('Invalid CSRF token found!'));
     } else {
         Flash::set('error', __('No CSRF token found!'));
     // security (dont delete the first admin)
     if ($id > 1) {
         // find the user to delete
         if ($user = Record::findByIdFrom('User', $id)) {
             if ($user->delete()) {
                 Flash::set('success', __('User <strong>:name</strong> has been deleted!', array(':name' => $user->name)));
                 Observer::notify('user_after_delete', $user->name);
             } else {
                 Flash::set('error', __('User <strong>:name</strong> has not been deleted!', array(':name' => $user->name)));
         } else {
             Flash::set('error', __('User not found!'));
     } else {
         Flash::set('error', __('Action disabled!'));
Ejemplo n.º 27
 function delete($id)
     $testimonial = Record::findByIdFrom('Testimonial', $id);
     // find the testimonial to delete
     if ($testimonial) {
         if ($testimonial->delete()) {
             Flash::set('success', __('This testimonial has been deleted.'));
         } else {
             Flash::set('error', __('This testimonial has not been deleted!'));
     } else {
         Flash::set('error', __('Testimonial not found!'));
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public function delete($id)
     if (!AuthUser::hasPermission('user_delete')) {
         Flash::set('error', __('You do not have permission to access the requested page!'));
     // security (dont delete the first admin)
     if ($id > 1) {
         // find the user to delete
         if ($user = Record::findByIdFrom('User', $id)) {
             if ($user->delete()) {
                 Flash::set('success', __('User <strong>:name</strong> has been deleted!', array(':name' => $user->name)));
                 Observer::notify('user_after_delete', $user->name);
             } else {
                 Flash::set('error', __('User <strong>:name</strong> has not been deleted!', array(':name' => $user->name)));
         } else {
             Flash::set('error', __('User not found!'));
     } else {
         Flash::set('error', __('Action disabled!'));
Ejemplo n.º 29
 function delete_image($id)
     $paths = func_get_args();
     $id = urldecode(join('/', $paths));
     $about = Record::findByIdFrom('About', $id);
     $file = FILES_DIR . '/about/' . $about->filename;
     $filename = array_pop($paths);
     $paths = join('/', $paths);
     if (is_file($file)) {
         if (!unlink($file)) {
             Flash::set('error', __('Permission denied!'));
     // find the about to delete
     if ($about = Record::findByIdFrom('About', $id)) {
         if ($about->update('About', array('filename' => '', 'source' => ''), 'id=' . $id)) {
             Flash::set('success', __('This image has been deleted.'));
         } else {
             Flash::set('error', __('This image has not been deleted!'));
     } else {
         Flash::set('error', __('Image not found!'));
     redirect(get_url('about/view/' . $id));
Ejemplo n.º 30
 function delete($id)
     $pdf = Record::findByIdFrom('Pdf', $id);
     // find the pdf to delete
     if ($pdf) {
         $file = FILES_DIR . '/pdf/' . $pdf->filename;
         //$file2 = FILES_DIR.'/pdf/bg/'.$pdf->left_bg;
         //$file3 = FILES_DIR.'/pdf/bg/'.$pdf->right_bg;
         $filename = array_pop($paths);
         $paths = join('/', $paths);
         if (is_file($file)) {
             if (!unlink($file)) {
                 Flash::set('error', __('Permission denied!'));
         if ($pdf->delete()) {
             Flash::set('success', __('This pdf has been deleted.'));
         } else {
             Flash::set('error', __('This pdf has not been deleted!'));
     } else {
         Flash::set('error', __('Menu not found!'));