Ejemplo n.º 1
//Format the meeting date
$dispmdt = date('l, F jS, Y \\a\\t g A', strtotime($meetdt));
//Format the due date
$dd = date('l, F jS, Y \\a\\t g A', strtotime($duedate));
//All cases
$case1 = $meetdt != 0 && $duedate < time() && $duedate != 0;
//And the item is on a return basis
$case2 = $meetdt != 0 && $meetdt < time() && $duedate == 0;
//If the exchange is permanent
$case3 = $meetdt != 0 && $meetdt < time() && $duedate != 0;
//And the item is due for exchange
//If the exchange is over (case1 or case2)
if ($case1 || $case2) {
    //Print out the rating tool
    $newRating = new Rater($other_id);
} else {
    if ($case3) {
        //Show the pickup countdown
        $newPickup = new Pickup($duedate);
    } else {
        //If the meeting date has not been determined...
        if ($meetdt == 0) {
            //...show the calender
            $newCal = new Calender(trim($oid));
        } else {
            //...print out the countdown to the meetup
            $newMeetup = new Meetup($meetdt);