Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function clean_data($data)
     if (is_object($data) || is_array($data)) {
         $data_array = array();
         foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
             $clean_key = preg_replace("/[|`<>?;'\"]/", '', (string) $key);
             $data_array[$clean_key] = RarsAPI::clean_data($value);
         return $data_array;
     } elseif (is_string($data)) {
         // we do not have to do much checking here, the db class protects itself against harmfull chars
         if (defined("RARS_CLEAN_DATA_ALLOWED_TAGS")) {
             return strip_tags($data, RARS_CLEAN_DATA_ALLOWED_TAGS);
         } else {
             return $data;
     } elseif (is_bool($data) || is_int($data) || is_float($data)) {
         return $data;
     } else {
         return null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
$path_parts = explode("/", $_GET["path"]);
$filename = "";
$classname = "";
$found = false;
$c = 0;
foreach ($path_parts as $pp) {
    $filename .= "/" . preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9_-]/", '', strtolower($pp));
    $classname .= ucfirst(preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9_]/", '', strtolower($pp)));
    if (is_file(RARS_BASE_PATH . "api{$filename}.php")) {
        $found = true;
if (!$found) {
    RarsAPI::response(null, null, $code = 404);
// grab any data or id's data
if ($method == "delete" || $method == "get") {
    $data = count($path_parts) == $c + 1 ? RarsAPI::clean_data($path_parts[$c]) : (count($path_parts) == $c + 2 ? RarsAPI::clean_data($path_parts[$c + 1]) : null);
} else {
    $data = RarsAPI::clean_data(!empty($_POST) ? $_POST : json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input')));
// load resource or throw error
include RARS_BASE_PATH . "api{$filename}.php";
$resource = new $classname();
if (!method_exists($resource, $method)) {
    RarsAPI::response(null, null, $code = 405);
$response = $resource->{$method}($data);
/* EOF */