Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function addDS2RRDFile($rrdFileName, $newDS)
     //Get Existing Datasources
     $datassources = self::getDSFromRRDFile($rrdFileName);
     //Add New DataSources
     $datassources[] = $newDS;
     //Create array with DS Options
     $dsoptions = array();
     foreach ($datassources as $ds) {
         $dsoptions[] = RRD::getDSOption($ds);
     //get RRD Options
     $rrdOptions = RRD::getRRDFileOptions($dsoptions);
     //Move OriginalFile to /tmp
     $tmpFileName = "/tmp/tmp.rrd";
     rename($rrdFileName, $tmpFileName);
     //add source options
     $rrdOptions[] = "-r";
     $rrdOptions[] = $tmpFileName;
     echo "\n\nUPDATE RRD\n\n";
     echo "\n\n+++++++++++\n\n";
     echo $rrdFileName;
     echo "\n\n###########\n\n";
     //create new RRDFile
     $cmd = "rrdcreate " . $rrdFileName . " " . implode(" ", $rrdOptions);
     echo $cmd;
     echo "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function testRRD()
     $RRD = new RRD("/tmp/test.rrd");
     // Add DS
     $RRD->AddDS(new RRDDS("test", "GAUGE", 3600));
     $RRD->AddDS(new RRDDS("test2", "GAUGE", 3600));
     // Add RRA
     $RRD->AddRRA(new RRA("HWPREDICT", array(1440, 0.1, 0.0035, 288)));
     $RRD->AddRRA(new RRA("AVERAGE", array(0.5, 1, 1000)));
     $this->assertTrue($RRD->Create(0, 3600) && file_exists("/tmp/test.rrd"), "Database created.");
     $this->assertTrue($RRD->Update(array(1, 2)), "Database updated.");
 private function createHardwareGraph($start, $title, $width, $height)
     $options = array("--slope-mode", "--start", "-" . $start, "--title={$title}", "--vertical-label=Hardware", "--width", $width, "--height", $height, "--lower=0");
     //$hardwareDS = RRD::getDSFromRRDFile($this->rrdHardwareFile);
     $hardwareDS = array();
     $hardwareDSsort = $this->hardwareMapper->getMappingSort();
     foreach ($hardwareDSsort as $key => $value) {
         $hardwareDS[] = $key;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($hardwareDS); $i++) {
         $hardware = $hardwareDS[$i];
         $options[] = "DEF:" . $hardware . "=" . $this->rrdHardwareFile . ":" . $hardware . ":AVERAGE";
         if ($i == 0) {
             $options[] = "AREA:" . $hardware . ColorTable::getColor($i) . ":" . $this->hardwareMapper->getNameForCode($hardware) . "\t";
         } else {
             $options[] = "STACK:" . $hardware . ColorTable::getColor($i) . ":" . $this->hardwareMapper->getNameForCode($hardware) . "\t";
         $options[] = 'GPRINT:' . $hardware . ':AVERAGE:%8.0lf %s\\l';
     $options[] = "--tabwidth";
     $options[] = "350";
     RRD::createRRDGraph($this->getFileName("hardware", $start, $width, $height), $options);
Ejemplo n.º 4
            foreach ($aggregrated_graph_traffic[$aggr_id] as $name => $file) {
                array_push($rrdfiles, "{$file}");
                $archives[$file] = $name;
    } else {
        foreach ($_GET['RRA'] as $file => $datasource) {
            $file = "{$rrd_dir}/{$file}";
            array_push($rrdfiles, "{$file}");
            $archives[$file] = $datasource;
        if (isset($_GET['color'])) {
            foreach ($_GET['color'] as $file => $color) {
                $file = "{$rrd_dir}/{$file}";
                if (array_key_exists($file, $archives)) {
                    $colors[$file] = $color;
    //$rrd = new RRD($rrdfiles,$rrdtool);
    $rrd = new RRD($nested_aggregrated_graph_traffic[$aggr_id], $rrdtool);
    $graph_params = array('type' => 'aggr_traf', 'colors' => $colors, 'archives' => $archives, 'title' => $title, 'legend' => $legend, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'total' => $total, 'start' => $from, 'end' => $to);
    $graphfile = $rrd->get_graph($graph_params);
} elseif ($type == "check") {
    #print "in check file is $file<br>";
    // Now determin if there are any datasources we want to be ignore
    $graph_params = array('type' => 'check', 'title' => $title, 'legend' => $legend, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'start' => $from, 'end' => $to, 'exclude_ds' => $exclude_ds, 'ds_colors' => $ds_colors);
    $graphfile = $rrd->get_graph($graph_params);
Ejemplo n.º 5
function displayCheckGraphs($interval = 'day')
    global $tool, $form, $status_array, $status_collors;
    $my_colors = array("FF0000", "0404B4", "04B431", "B45F04", "F7FE2E", "8B008B", "4B0082", "FA8072", "4169E1", "D2B9D3", "B4CFEC", "eF6600", "77CEEB", "eFFF00", "6FFF00", "8E7BFF", "7B008B", "3B0082", "eA8072", "3169E1", "c2B9D3", "a4CFEC", "dF6600", "67CEEB", "dFFF00", "5FFF00", "7E7BFF", "6B008B", "2B0082", "dA8072", "2169E1", "b2B9D3", "94CFEC");
    if (is_numeric($_GET[checkid])) {
        $check = new Check($_GET[checkid]);
    } else {
        $form->warning("Invalid check id");
    $property = new Property();
    if ($rrd_dir = $property->get_property("path_rrddir")) {
    } else {
        return false;
    if ($rrdtool = $property->get_property("path_rrdtool")) {
    } else {
    $filename = "checks/checkid_" . $check->get_check_id() . ".rrd";
    $filepath = $rrd_dir . "/" . $filename;
    // Now check if there's are graphs for this check
    // Not all checks have these
    if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
        //$form->warning( "file $filename not there");
        return false;
    if ($interval == 'week') {
        $from = "-7d";
    } elseif ($interval == 'month') {
        $from = "-1m";
    } elseif ($interval == 'year') {
        $from = "-365d";
    } else {
        $from = "-24h";
    $rrd = new RRD("{$filepath}", $rrdtool);
    $datasources = $rrd->get_data_sources();
    ksort($datasources, SORT_STRING);
    $exclude_ds = array();
    $color_codes = "";
    $exclude = "";
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($datasources as $ds => $value) {
        $color_code .= "&ds_colors[{$ds}]={$my_colors[$i]}";
        if (isset($_GET[$ds]) && $_GET[$ds] == 'no') {
            array_push($exclude_ds, $ds);
            $exclude .= "&exclude_ds[{$ds}]=yes";
    $rrd_url = "rrdgraph.php?file=" . urlencode($filename) . "&type=check&title=" . urlencode($check->get_name()) . "&width=400&height=122&from={$from}" . "{$exclude}" . $color_code;
    return "<img src='{$rrd_url}'>";
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private function createGraphTrafficPackages($start, $title, $width, $height)
     $options = array("--slope-mode", "--start", "-" . $start, "--title={$title}", "--vertical-label=Traffic Packages", "--width", $width, "--height", $height, "--lower=0", "DEF:trafRxPa=" . $this->getRRDFileName() . ":trafRxPa:AVERAGE", "DEF:trafTxPa=" . $this->getRRDFileName() . ":trafTxPa:AVERAGE", "DEF:trafMgmtTxPa=" . $this->getRRDFileName() . ":trafMgmtTxPa:AVERAGE", "DEF:trafMgmtRxPa=" . $this->getRRDFileName() . ":trafMgmtRxPa:AVERAGE", "DEF:trafForwardPa=" . $this->getRRDFileName() . ":trafForwardPa:AVERAGE", "LINE2:trafRxPa#00FF00:trafRxPa", "LINE2:trafTxPa#F06FF0:trafTxPa", "LINE2:trafMgmtTxPa#0F0FF0:trafMgmtTxPa", "LINE2:trafMgmtRxPa#FFFF0F:trafMgmtRxPa", "LINE2:trafForwardPa#124f77:trafForwardPa");
     RRD::createRRDGraph($this->getFileName("trafficPackages", $start, $width, $height), $options);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function render_report()
     if (isset($_GET['pid']) && is_numeric($_GET['pid'])) {
         $pid = $_GET['pid'];
     } else {
         return "<b>Sorry invalid profile id " . $_GET['pid'] . "</b>";
     $profile_name = $this->get_accounting_profile_name($pid);
     // Menu bar
     $content .= "<div style='font-size:10px; font-weight:100px;'>\n\t\t\t<a href='{$this->url}'>Accounting</a> >> <a href='{$this->url}&pid={$pid}&action=show_accounting_profile'>{$profile_name}</a></div>";
     $content .= '<h2>Accounting Report</h2>';
     $from = $_GET[date1];
     $to = $_GET[date2];
     // Now render data
     $archives = '';
     $files = array();
     $query = "select accounting_sources.title, accounting_sources.scu_profile, \n\t\t\taccounting_sources.file \n\t\t\tFROM accounting_sources, accounting_profiles_files\n\t\t\tWHERE accounting_sources.id = accounting_profiles_files.accounting_source \n\t\t\tAND accounting_profiles_files.profile_id = '{$pid}' ";
     $result = mysql_query($query);
     if (!$result) {
         return "<b>Graph  information not found </b>";
     while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
         $file = $obj->file;
         $title = $obj->title;
         $url2 .= "&RRA[accounting/{$file}]={$title}";
         array_push($files, "{$this->rrd_dir}/accounting/{$file}");
         $archives["{$this->rrd_dir}/accounting/{$file}"] = $title;
     // Get summary
     list($year1, $month1, $day1) = split("-", $from);
     list($year2, $month2, $day2) = split("-", $to);
     $rrd_from = @mktime(0, 0, 0, $month1, $day1, $year1);
     #$rrd_from = "12am $month1/$day1/$year1";
     $rrd_to = @mktime(0, 0, 0, $month2, $day2, $year2);
     // -1 sec, so it aligns perfect
     $rrd_to = $rrd_to - 1;
     #print " $rrd_from  $rrd_to ->";
     #echo date("i:H M/d/Y",$rrd_from);
     if (!is_numeric($rrd_from)) {
         return "Invalid From date";
     if (!is_numeric($rrd_to)) {
         return "Invalid To date";
     $rrd_width = round(($rrd_to - $rrd_from) / 300) + 10;
     $rrd = new RRD($files, $this->rrdtool);
     $summary = $rrd->get_summary($rrd_from, $rrd_to, $archives);
     // Determine highest 95% number => Billing
     $billing_number = "N/A";
     $in_95 = $this->si_to_int($summary['95IN']);
     $out_95 = $this->si_to_int($summary['95OUT']);
     if ($in_95 > $out_95) {
         $billing_number = $summary['95IN'];
     } elseif ($out_95 >= $in_95) {
         $billing_number = $summary['95OUT'];
     /* if ($summary{'95IN'} > $summary{'95OUT'}) {
     			$billing_number = $summary{'95IN'};
     		} elseif  ($summary{'95OUT'} > $summary{'95IN'}) {
     			$billing_number = $summary{'95OUT'};
     		} */
     $content .= "<p><form><b>Save this report as: </b><input type=hidden name=pid value={$pid}>\n\t\t\t\t<input type=hidden name=pluginID value=" . $_GET['pluginID'] . ">\n\t\t\t\t<input type=hidden name=tab value=" . $_GET['tab'] . ">\n\t\t\t\t<input type=hidden name=from value={$rrd_from}>\n\t\t\t\t<input type=hidden name=to value={$rrd_to}>\n\t\t\t\t<input type=hidden name=action value=save_report>\n\t\t\t\t<input type=text name=report_name id=report_name size='40'>";
     $content .= " <input type='submit' name='mysubmit' value='Save Report'></form></p> <br>  ";
     #$content.= "<a href='$url&action=save_report&pid=$pid&from=$rrd_from&to=$rrd_to'><b>Save Report</b></a>";
     $content .= "<table><th colspan=2><b>Reporting Period {$from} - {$to}</b></th><tr><td>";
     $content .= "<img src='rrdgraph.php?type=aggr_traf" . $url2 . "&title=Reporting Period {$from} - {$to}&height=150&width=700&from={$rrd_from}&to={$rrd_to}&showtotal=0'>";
     $content .= "</td><td valign='top'><b><center>Summary</b></center><br>";
     $content .= "<table valign='top'><tr><th></th><th>In</th><th>Out</th></tr>";
     $content .= "<tr><td>Average</td><td>" . $summary['AVERAGEIN'] . "bs</td><td>" . $summary['AVERAGEOUT'] . "bs</td></tr>";
     $content .= "<tr><td>Max</td><td>" . $summary['MAXIN'] . "bs</td><td>" . $summary['MAXOUT'] . "bs</td></tr>";
     $content .= "<tr><td>95th Percentile</td><td>" . $summary['95IN'] . "bs</td><td>" . $summary['95OUT'] . "bs</td></tr>";
     $content .= "<tr><td>Total</td><td>" . $summary['TOTALIN'] . "B</td><td>" . $summary['TOTALOUT'] . "B</td></tr>";
     $content .= "</table><hr><table>";
     $content .= "<tr><td>First Measurement <br>sample</td><td>" . $summary['FROM'] . "</td></tr>";
     $content .= "<tr><td>Last Measurement <br>sample</td><td>" . $summary['TO'] . "</td></tr>";
     $content .= "<tr><td><p>Total Traffic for <br>this accounting period</td><td>  " . $summary['TOTAL'] . "B</td></tr>";
     $content .= "<tr><td>Billed 95th% for <br>for this accounting period</td><td>  " . $billing_number . "bs</td></tr></table>";
     $content .= "</td></tr></table>";
     return $content;