/** * Muestra el formulario para la creación de una nueva página enlazada */ function newLinkForm($edit = 0) { global $db, $mc, $xoopsModule, $myts; foreach ($_REQUEST as $k => $v) { ${$k} = $v; } $pag = isset($page) ? $page : 1; if ($edit) { $id = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? $_REQUEST['id'] : 0; if ($id <= 0) { redirectMsg("pages.php&cat={$cat}&page={$pag}", __('You must provide a page ID to edit', 'qpages'), 1); die; } $page = new QPPage($id); } xoops_cp_location('<a href="./">' . $xoopsModule->name() . '</a> » ' . ($edit ? __('Edit linked page', 'qpages') : __('New linked page', 'qpages'))); RMTemplate::get()->add_script('../include/js/forms_pages.js'); xoops_cp_header(); $form = new RMForm($edit ? __('Edit Linked Page', 'qpages') : __('New Linked Page', 'qpages'), 'frmNew', 'pages.php'); $form->addElement(new RMFormText(__('Page title', 'qpages'), 'titulo', 50, 255, $edit ? $page->getTitle() : ''), true); if ($edit) { $ele = new RMFormText(__('Friendly title', 'qpages'), 'titulo_amigo', 50, 255, $page->getFriendTitle()); $ele->setDescription(__('This title will be used in friendly url.', 'qpages')); $form->addElement($ele); $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('id', $page->getID())); } $ele = new RMFormSelect(__('Category', 'qpages'), 'catego', 0); $categos = array(); qpArrayCategos($categos); $ele->addOption('0', _SELECT, $edit ? 0 : 1); foreach ($categos as $k) { $ele->addOption($k['id_cat'], str_repeat("-", $k['saltos']) . " " . $k['nombre'], $edit ? $k['id_cat'] == $page->getCategory() ? 1 : 0 : 0); } $form->addElement($ele, true, "Select:0"); $form->addElement(new RMFormTextArea(__('Introduction', 'qpages'), 'desc', 5, 60, $edit ? $page->getDescription() : '')); // URL $form->addElement(new RMFormText(__('Target URL', 'qpages'), 'url', 50, 255, $edit ? $page->url() : ''), true); // Grupos $ele = new RMFormGroups(__('Allowed groups', 'qpages'), 'grupos', 1, 1, 3, $edit ? $page->getGroups() : array(0)); $ele->setDescription(__('Only selected groups can access to this document.', 'qpages')); $form->addElement($ele); $ele = new RMFormRadio(__('Status', 'qpages'), 'acceso', 1); $ele->addOption(__('Public', 'qpages'), '1', $edit ? $page->getAccess() ? 1 : 0 : 0); $ele->addOption(__('Draft', 'qpages'), '0', $edit ? $page->getAccess() ? 0 : 1 : 1); $form->addElement($ele); $page_metas = $edit ? $page->get_meta() : array(); $available_metas = qp_get_metas(); include 'metas.php'; $form->addElement(new RMFormLabel('', $meta_data)); $ele = new RMFormButtonGroup(); $ele->addButton('save', $edit ? __('Update Page', 'qpages') : __('Save Page', 'qpages'), 'submit'); $ele->addButton('cancel', __('Cancel', 'qpages'), 'button', 'onclick="history.go(-1);"'); $form->addElement($ele); $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('op', $edit ? 'saveedit' : 'save')); $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('type', 1)); $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('cat', $cat)); $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('page', $pag)); $form->display(); xoops_cp_footer(); }
function configure_rm_plugin() { $name = rmc_server_var($_GET, 'plugin', ''); if ($name == '') { redirectMsg('plugins.php', __('You must specify a existing plugin', 'rmcommon'), 1); die; } $plugin = new RMPlugin($name); if ($plugin->isNew()) { redirectMsg('plugins.php', __('Specified plugin is not installed yet!', 'rmcommon'), 1); die; } if (!$plugin->getVar('status')) { redirectMsg('plugins.php', __('Specified plugin is not active!', 'rmcommon'), 1); die; } $rmc_config = RMFunctions::configs(); $settings = RMFunctions::get()->plugin_settings($name, true); $form = new RMForm(sprintf(__('%s configuration', 'rmcommon'), $plugin->getVar('name')), 'frmconfig', 'plugins.php'); $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('plugin', $plugin->getVar('dir'))); $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('action', 'savesettings')); foreach ($plugin->options() as $config => $option) { if (isset($settings[$config])) { $option['value'] = $settings[$config]; } if (isset($option['separator']) && !empty($option['separator'])) { $form->addElement(new RMFormSubTitle($option['separator']['title'], 1, '', $option['separator']['desc'])); continue; } switch ($option['fieldtype']) { case 'checkbox_groups': case 'group_multi': $ele = new RMFormGroups($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 1, 1, 3, $option['value']); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'radio_groups': $ele = new RMFormGroups($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 0, 1, 3, $option['value']); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'group': case 'select_groups': $ele = new RMFormGroups($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 0, 0, 3, $option['value']); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'select_groups_multi': $ele = new RMFormGroups($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 1, 0, 3, $option['value']); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'editor': if ($rmc_config['editor_type'] == 'tiny') { $tiny = TinyEditor::getInstance(); $tiny->add_config('elements', 'conf_' . $config); } $ele = new RMFormEditor($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, is_numeric($option['size']) ? '90%' : $option['size'], '300px', $option['value'], '', 1, array('op')); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'theme': case 'select_theme': $ele = new RMFormTheme($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 0, 0, $option['value'], 3); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'theme_multi': case 'select_theme_multi': $ele = new RMFormTheme($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 0, 1, $option['value'], 3); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'checkbox_theme': $ele = new RMFormTheme($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 1, 1, $option['value'], 4); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'select_theme_admin': $ele = new RMFormTheme($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 0, 0, $option['value'], 3, 'GUI'); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'yesno': $ele = new RMFormYesNo($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, $option['value']); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'email': $ele = new RMFormText($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, $option['size'] > 0 ? $option['size'] : 50, null, $option['value']); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele, false, 'email'); break; case 'select': $ele = new RMFormSelect($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } foreach ($option['options'] as $op => $opvalue) { $ele->addOption($opvalue, $op, $opvalue == $option['value'] ? 1 : 0); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'select_multi': $ele = new RMFormSelect($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config . '[]', 1, $option['value']); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } foreach ($option['options'] as $op => $opvalue) { $ele->addOption($opvalue, $op); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'language': case 'select_language': $ele = new RMFormLanguageField($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 0, 0, $option['value'], 3); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'select_language_multi': $ele = new RMFormLanguageField($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 1, 0, $option['value'], 3); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'checkbox_language': $ele = new RMFormLanguageField($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 1, 1, $option['value'], 3); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'startpage': case 'select_modules': $ele = new RMFormModules($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 0, 0, $option['value'], 3); $ele->setInserted(array('--' => __('None', 'rmcommon'))); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'select_modules_multi': $ele = new RMFormModules($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 1, 0, $option['value'], 3); $ele->setInserted(array('--' => __('None', 'rmcommon'))); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'checkbox_modules': $ele = new RMFormModules($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 1, 1, $option['value'], 3); $ele->setInserted(array('--' => __('None', 'rmcommon'))); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'radio_modules': $ele = new RMFormModules($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 0, 1, $option['value'], 3); $ele->setInserted(array('--' => __('None', 'rmcommon'))); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'timezone': case 'select_timezone': $ele = new RMFormTimeZoneField($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 0, 0, $option['value'], 3); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'select_timezone_multi': $ele = new RMFormTimeZoneField($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 0, 1, $option['value'], 3); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'checkbox_timezone': $ele = new RMFormTimeZoneField($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 1, 1, $option['value'], 3); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'radio_timezone': $ele = new RMFormTimeZoneField($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 1, 0, $option['value'], 3); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'tplset': $ele = new RMFormSelect($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config); $tplset_handler =& exm_gethandler('tplset'); $tplsetlist =& $tplset_handler->getList(); asort($tplsetlist); foreach ($tplsetlist as $key => $name) { $ele->addOption($key, $name, $option['value'] == $key ? 1 : 0); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'textarea': $ele = new RMFormTextArea($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 5, $option['size'] > 0 ? $option['size'] : 50, $option['valuetype'] == 'array' ? $cleaner->htmlspecialchars(implode('|', $option['value'])) : $cleaner->htmlspecialchars($option['value'])); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'module_cache': $ele = new RMFormCacheModuleField($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, $option['value']); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'user_select': $ele = new RMFormUser($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, $form->getName(), $option['value'], 'select', $limit = '300', ''); $ele->setOnPage("document.forms[0].op.value='config';"); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'radio': $ele = new RMFormRadio($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 1); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } foreach ($option['options'] as $op => $opvalue) { $ele->addOption($op, $opvalue, $opvalue == $option['value'] ? 1 : 0); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'font_select': $ele = new RMFormSelect($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 0, array($option['value'])); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $fonts = EXMLists::getFileListAsArray(ABSPATH . '/rmcommon/fonts/'); foreach ($fonts as $font) { $info = pathinfo(ABSPATH . '/rmcommon/fonts/' . $font); if (strtoupper($info['extension']) != 'TTF') { continue; } $ele->addOption($font, $font); } $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'select_editor': $ele = new RMFormSelect($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, 0, array($option['value'])); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $ele->addOption('tiny', __('Visual Editor', 'rmcommon')); $ele->addOption('code', __('EXMCode Editor', 'rmcommon')); $ele->addOption('textarea', __('Simple Editor', 'rmcommon')); $ele->addOption('html', __('HTML Editor', 'rmcommon')); $form->addElement($ele); break; case 'textbox': case 'password': default: $ele = new RMFormText($option['caption'], 'conf_' . $config, $option['size'] > 0 ? $option['size'] : 50, null, $option['valuetype'] == 'array' ? implode('|', $option['value']) : $option['value'], $option['fieldtype'] == 'password' ? 1 : 0); if ($option['desc'] != '') { $ele->setDescription($option['desc']); } $form->addElement($ele, false, $option['valuetype'] == 'int' || $option['valuetype'] == 'float' ? 'num' : ''); break; } } $ele = new RMFormButtonGroup(); $ele->addButton('', __('Save Settings', 'rmcommon'), 'submit'); $ele->addButton('', __('Cancel', 'rmcommon'), 'button', 'onclick="history.go(-1);"'); $form->addElement($ele); // Other components can add items to database $form = RMEvents::get()->run_event("rmcommon.settings.form", $form, $plugin); RMFunctions::create_toolbar(); xoops_cp_header(); $form->display(); xoops_cp_footer(); }
if (is_file($cpath)) { include $cpath; $class = ucfirst($comment->getVar('id_obj')) . 'Controller'; $controller = new $class(); } $form = new RMForm(__('Edit Comment', 'rmcommon'), 'editComment', 'post_comment.php'); $form->addElement(new RMFormLabel(__('In reply to', 'rmcommon'), $controller ? $controller->get_item($comment->getVar('params'), $comment) : '')); $form->addElement(new RMFormLabel(__('Posted date', 'rmcommon'), formatTimestamp($comment->getVar('posted'), 'mysql'))); $form->addElement(new RMFormLabel(__('Module', 'rmcommon'), $comment->getVar('id_obj'))); if ($xoopsUser->isAdmin()) { $user = new RMCommentUser($comment->getVar('user')); $ele = new RMFormUser(__('Poster', 'rmcommon'), 'user', false, $user->getVar('xuid') > 0 ? $user->getVar('xuid') : 0); $form->addElement($ele); } if ($xoopsUser->isAdmin($comment->getVAr('id_obj'))) { $ele = new RMFormRadio(__('Status', 'rmcommon'), 'status', 1, 0, 2); $ele->addOption(__('Approved', 'rmcommon'), 'approved', $comment->getVar('status') == 'approved' ? 1 : 0); $ele->addOption(__('Unapproved', 'rmcommon'), 'waiting', $comment->getVar('status') == 'waiting' ? 1 : 0); $form->addElement($ele); } $form->addElement(new RMFormTextArea(__('Content', 'rmcommon'), 'content', null, null, $comment->getVar('content', 'e'), '100%', '150px'), true); $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('action', 'saveedit')); $ele = new RMFormButtonGroup(); $ele->addButton('sbt', __('Update Comment', 'rmcommon'), 'submit'); $ele->addButton('cancel', __('Cancel', 'rmcommon'), 'button', 'onclick="history.go(-1);"'); $form->addElement($ele); $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('ret', rmc_server_var($_GET, 'ret', XOOPS_URL))); $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('id', $id)); // Event to modify or add new elements to comments form $form = RMEvents::get()->run_event('rmcommon.edit.comment.form', $form); $form->display();
/** * This function prepares an option to show in confgiuration form * @param array Configuration option * @return string */ function xt_form_field($name, $option, $ret = 0) { global $xtAssembler, $xtFunctions; static $ids = 0; $form = new RMForm('', '', ''); if ($xtAssembler->theme()->settings($name) !== false) { $option['value'] = $xtAssembler->theme()->settings($name); } else { $option['value'] = $option['default']; } $cleaner = TextCleaner::getInstance(); $name = 'conf_' . $name; switch ($option['type']) { case 'checkbox_groups': case 'group_multi': $ele = new RMFormGroups($option['caption'], $name, 1, 1, 3, $option['value']); break; case 'radio_groups': $ele = new RMFormGroups($option['caption'], $name, 0, 1, 3, $option['value']); break; case 'group': case 'select_groups': $ele = new RMFormGroups($option['caption'], $name, 0, 0, 3, $option['value']); break; case 'select_groups_multi': $ele = new RMFormGroups($option['caption'], $name, 1, 0, 3, $option['value']); break; case 'editor': /*if ($rmc_config['editor_type']=='tiny'){ $tiny = TinyEditor::getInstance(); $tiny->add_config('elements',$name); }*/ $ele = new RMFormEditor($option['caption'], $name, isset($option['size']) ? $option['size'] : '100%', '300px', $option['value'], '', 1, array('op')); break; case 'theme': case 'select_theme': $ele = new RMFormTheme($option['caption'], $name, 0, 0, $option['value'], 3); break; case 'theme_multi': case 'select_theme_multi': case 'checkbox_theme': $ele = new RMFormTheme($option['caption'], $name, 1, 1, $option['value'], 3); break; case 'gui': $ele = new RMFormTheme($option['caption'], $name, 0, 0, $option['value'], 3, 'GUI'); break; case 'gui_multi': $ele = new RMFormTheme($option['caption'], $name, 1, 1, $option['value'], 3, 'GUI'); break; case 'yesno': $ele = new RMFormYesNo($option['caption'], $name, $option['value']); break; case 'email': $ele = new RMFormText($option['caption'], $name, isset($option['size']) && $option['size'] > 0 ? $option['size'] : 50, null, $option['value']); $ele->setClass('email'); break; case 'select': $ele = new RMFormSelect($option['caption'], $name); foreach ($option['options'] as $opvalue => $op) { $ele->addOption($opvalue, $op, $opvalue == $option['value'] ? 1 : 0); } break; case 'select_multi': $ele = new RMFormSelect($option['caption'], $name . '[]', 1, $option['value']); foreach ($option['options'] as $opvalue => $op) { $ele->addOption($opvalue, $op); } break; case 'language': case 'select_language': $ele = new RMFormLanguageField($option['caption'], $name, 0, 0, $option['value'], 3); break; case 'select_language_multi': case 'checkbox_language': case 'language_multi': $ele = new RMFormLanguageField($option['caption'], $name, 1, 1, !is_array($option['value']) ? array($option['value']) : $option['value'], 3); break; case 'modules': $ele = new RMFormModules($option['caption'], $name, 0, 0, $option['value'], 3); $ele->setInserted(array('--' => __('None', 'rmcommon'))); break; case 'modules_multi': case 'checkbox_modules': $ele = new RMFormModules($option['caption'], $name, 1, 1, $option['value'], 3); $ele->setInserted(array('--' => __('None', 'rmcommon'))); break; case 'timezone': case 'select_timezone': $ele = new RMFormTimeZoneField($option['caption'], $name, 0, 0, $option['value'], 3); break; case 'timezone_multi': $ele = new RMFormTimeZoneField($option['caption'], $name, 0, 1, $option['value'], 3); break; case 'textarea': $ele = new RMFormTextArea($option['caption'], $name, 5, isset($option['size']) && $option['size'] > 0 ? $option['size'] : 50, $option['content'] == 'array' ? $cleaner->specialchars(implode('|', $option['value'])) : $cleaner->specialchars($option['value'])); break; case 'user': $ele = new RMFormUser($option['caption'], $name, false, $option['value'], 300); break; case 'user_multi': $ele = new RMFormUser($option['caption'], $name, true, !is_array($option['value']) ? array($option['value']) : $option['value'], 300); break; case 'radio': $ele = new RMFormRadio($option['caption'], $name, 1); foreach ($option['options'] as $opvalue => $op) { $ele->addOption($op, $opvalue, $opvalue == $option['value'] ? 1 : 0); } break; case 'webfonts': $ele = new RMFormWebfonts($option['caption'], $name, $option['value']); break; case 'imageurl': $ele = new RMFormImageUrl($option['caption'], $name, $option['value']); break; case 'slider': if ($ret) { return; } $ele = new RMFormSlider($option['caption'], $name, $option['value']); $ele->addField('title', array('caption' => __('Slider Title', 'xthemes'), 'description' => __('Show the slider title', 'xthemes'), 'type' => 'textbox')); $i = 0; foreach ($option['options'] as $id => $data) { $ele->addField($id, $data); } break; case 'color': $ele = new RMFormColorSelector($option['caption'], $name, $option['value'], true); break; case 'imageselect': $ele = new RMFormImageSelect($option['caption'], $name, $option['value']); foreach ($option['options'] as $v => $url) { $ele->addImage($v, $url); } break; case 'textbox': case 'password': default: $ele = new RMFormText($option['caption'], $name, isset($option['size']) && $option['size'] > 0 ? $option['size'] : 50, null, $option['value'], $option['type'] == 'password' ? 1 : 0); break; } if (isset($option['attributes'])) { $ele->attrs($option['attributes']); } $ele->setId('xtfield-' . $ids); $ids++; return $ret ? $ele : $ele->render(); }
function edit_comment() { $id = rmc_server_var($_GET, 'id', 0); $page = rmc_server_var($_GET, 'page', 1); $filter = rmc_server_var($_GET, 'filter', ''); $w = rmc_server_var($_GET, 'w', '1'); $qs = "w={$w}&page={$page}&filter={$filter}"; if ($id <= 0) { redirectMsg('comments.php?' . $qs, __('Sorry, comment id is not valid', 'rmcommon'), 1); die; } $comment = new RMComment($id); if ($comment->isNew()) { redirectMsg('comments.php?' . $qs, __('Sorry, comment does not found', 'rmcommon'), 1); die; } $cpath = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $comment->getVar('id_obj') . '/class/' . $comment->getVar('id_obj') . 'controller.php'; if (is_file($cpath)) { include $cpath; $class = ucfirst($comment->getVar('id_obj')) . 'Controller'; $controller = new $class(); } $form = new RMForm(__('Edit Comment', 'rmcommon'), 'editComment', 'comments.php'); $form->addElement(new RMFormLabel(__('In reply to', 'rmcommon'), $controller ? $controller->get_item($comment->getVar('params'), $comment) : '')); $form->addElement(new RMFormLabel(__('Posted date', 'rmcommon'), formatTimestamp($comment->getVar('posted'), 'mysql'))); $form->addElement(new RMFormLabel(__('Module', 'rmcommon'), $comment->getVar('id_obj'))); $form->addElement(new RMFormLabel(__('IP', 'rmcommon'), $comment->getVar('ip'))); $user = new RMCommentUser($comment->getVar('user')); $ele = new RMFormUser(__('Poster', 'rmcommon'), 'user', false, $user->getVar('xuid') > 0 ? $user->getVar('xuid') : 0); $form->addElement($ele); $ele = new RMFormRadio(__('Status', 'rmcommon'), 'status', 1, 0, 2); $ele->addOption(__('Approved', 'rmcommon'), 'approved', $comment->getVar('status') == 'approved' ? 1 : 0); $ele->addOption(__('Unapproved', 'rmcommon'), 'waiting', $comment->getVar('status') == 'waiting' ? 1 : 0); $form->addElement($ele); $form->addElement(new RMFormTextArea(__('Content', 'rmcommon'), 'content', null, null, $comment->getVar('content', 'e'), '100%', '150px'), true); $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('page', $page)); $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('filter', $filter)); $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('w', $w)); $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('id', $id)); $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('action', 'save')); $ele = new RMFormButtonGroup(); $ele->addButton('sbt', __('Update Comment', 'rmcommon'), 'submit'); $ele->addButton('cancel', __('Cancel', 'rmcommon'), 'button', 'onclick="history.go(-1);"'); $form->addElement($ele); RMFunctions::create_toolbar(); xoops_cp_header(); $form->display(); xoops_cp_footer(); }
/** * @desc Presenta el formulario para creación o edición de un anuncio */ function showForm($edit = 0) { global $tpl, $xoopsModule, $db; if ($edit) { $id = rmc_server_var($_GET, 'id', 0); if ($id <= 0) { redirectMsg('announcements.php', __('Provided ID is not valid!', 'bxpress'), 1); die; } $an = new bXAnnouncement($id); if ($an->isNew()) { redirectMsg('announcements.php', __('Specified announcement does not exists!', 'bxpress'), 1); die; } } RMTemplate::get()->set_help('http://www.redmexico.com.mx/docs/bxpress-forums/anuncios/standalone/1/#crear-un-anuncio'); bXFunctions::menu_bar(); xoops_cp_location("<a href='./'>" . $xoopsModule->name() . "</a> » " . ($edit ? __('Edit Announcement', 'bxpress') : __('New Announcement', 'bxpress'))); xoops_cp_header(); $form = new RMForm($edit ? __('Edit Announcement', 'bxpress') : __('New Announcement', 'bxpress'), 'frmAnnouncements', 'announcements.php'); $form->oddClass('oddForm'); $form->addElement(new RMFormEditor(__('Text', 'bxpress'), 'text', '100%', '300px', $edit ? $an->text('e') : ''), true); // Caducidad $ele = new RMFormDate(__('Expire on', 'bxpress'), 'expire', $edit ? $an->expire() : time()); $form->addElement($ele); // Mostran en $ele = new RMFormRadio(__('Show on', 'bxpress'), 'where', 1, 0); $ele->addOption(__('Module home page', 'bxpress'), 0, $edit ? $an->where() == 0 : 1); $ele->addOption(__('Forum', 'bxpress'), 1, $edit ? $an->where() == 1 : 0); $ele->addOption(__('All module', 'bxpress'), 2, $edit ? $an->where() == 2 : 0); $form->addElement($ele); // Foros $ele = new RMFormSelect(__('Forum', 'bxpress'), 'forum', 0, $edit ? array($an->forum()) : array()); $ele->setDescription(__('Please select the forum where this announcement will be shown. This option only is valid when "In Forum" has been selected.', 'bxpress')); $tbl1 = $db->prefix("bxpress_categories"); $tbl2 = $db->prefix("bxpress_forums"); $sql = "SELECT b.*, a.title FROM {$tbl1} a, {$tbl2} b WHERE b.cat=a.id_cat AND b.active='1' ORDER BY a.order, b.order"; $result = $db->query($sql); $categories = array(); while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $cforum = array('id' => $row['id_forum'], 'name' => $row['name']); if (isset($categores[$row['cat']])) { $categories[$row['cat']]['forums'][] = $cforum; } else { $categories[$row['cat']]['title'] = $row['title']; $categories[$row['cat']]['forums'][] = $cforum; } } foreach ($categories as $cat) { $ele->addOption(0, $cat['title'], 0, true, 'color: #000; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; border-bottom: 1px solid #c8c8c8;'); foreach ($cat['forums'] as $cforum) { $ele->addOption($cforum['id'], $cforum['name'], 0, false, 'padding-left: 10px;'); } } $form->addElement($ele); $ele = new RMFormButtonGroup(); $ele->addButton('sbt', $edit ? __('Save Changes', 'bxpress') : __('Create Announcement', 'bxpress'), 'submit'); $ele->addButton('cancel', __('Cancel', 'bxpress'), 'button', 'onclick="window.location=\'announcements.php\';"'); $form->addElement($ele); $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('action', $edit ? 'saveedit' : 'save')); if ($edit) { $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('id', $id)); } $form = RMEvents::get()->run_event('bxpress.form.announcement', $form); $form->display(); xoops_cp_footer(); }
function formTeams($edit = 0) { global $db, $xoopsModule, $mc, $xoopsConfig; if ($edit) { $id = TCFunctions::get('id'); if ($id <= 0) { redirectMsg('teams.php', __('Id not valid', 'admin_team'), 1); die; } $team = new TCTeam($id); if ($team->isNew()) { redirectMsg('teams.php', __('No existe el equipo especificado', 'admin_team'), 1); die; } } xoops_cp_location("<a href='./'>" . $xoopsModule->name() . "</a> » <a href='./teams.php'>" . __('Equipos', 'admin_team') . "</a>\n\t\t\t» " . ($edit ? __('Editar Equipo', 'admin_team') : __('Crear Equipo', 'admin_team'))); xoops_cp_header(); $form = new RMForm($edit ? __('Editar Equipo', 'admin_team') : __('Crear Equipo', 'admin_team'), 'frmTeam', 'teams.php'); $form->setExtra('enctype="multipart/form-data"'); $form->oddClass('oddForm'); $ele = new RMFormRadio(__('Categoría', 'admin_team'), 'cat', 0, 1, 1); $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $db->prefix("coach_categos") . " ORDER BY name"); while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $ele->addOption($row['name'], $row['id_cat'], $edit ? $team->category() == $row['id_cat'] ? 1 : 0 : 0); } $form->addElement($ele, true, 'checked'); $form->addElement(new RMFormText(__('Nombre', 'admin_team'), 'name', 50, 100, $edit ? $team->name() : ''), true); if ($edit) { $form->addElement(new RMFormText(__('Nombre corto', 'admin_team'), 'nameid', 50, 100, $edit ? $team->nameId() : '')); } $form->addElement(new RMFormFile(__('Imagen', 'admin_team'), 'image', 46, $mc['filesize'] * 1024)); if ($edit && $team->image() != '') { $form->addElement(new RMFormLabel(__('Imagen actual', 'admin_team'), '<img src="' . XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/teams/ths/' . $team->image() . '" alt="" />')); } $form->addElement(new RMFormEditor(__('Información', 'admin_team'), 'desc', '90%', '300px', $edit ? $team->desc('e') : '')); if ($edit) { $html = $team->getVar('dohtml'); $xcode = $team->getVar('doxcode'); $doimage = $team->getVar('doimage'); $smiley = $team->getVar('dosmiley'); $br = $team->getVar('dobr'); } else { $html = $xoopsConfig['editor_type'] == 'tiny' ? 1 : 0; $xcode = $xoopsConfig['editor_type'] == 'tiny' ? 0 : 1; $doimage = $xoopsConfig['editor_type'] == 'tiny' ? 0 : 1; $smiley = $xoopsConfig['editor_type'] == 'tiny' ? 0 : 1; $br = $xoopsConfig['editor_type'] == 'tiny' ? 0 : 1; } $form->addElement(new RMFormTextOptions(__('Opciones', 'admin_team'), $html, $xcode, $doimage, $smiley, $br)); $form->addElement(new RMFormSubTitle(__('Entrenadores', 'admin_team'), 1)); $ele = new RMFormCheck(__('Entrenadores', 'admin_team')); $ele->asTable(3); $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $db->prefix("coach_coachs") . " ORDER BY name"); if ($edit) { $coachs = $team->coachs(false); } while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $coach = new TCCoach(); $coach->assignVars($row); $ele->addOption($coach->name(), 'coachs[]', $coach->id(), $edit ? in_array($coach->id(), $coachs) ? 1 : 0 : 0); } $form->addElement($ele); $ele = new RMFormButtonGroup(); $ele->addButton('sbt', __('Enviar', 'admin_team'), 'submit'); $ele->addButton('cancel', __('Cancelar', 'admin_team'), 'button', 'onclick="window.location=\'teams.php\';"'); $form->addElement($ele); $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('op', $edit ? 'saveedit' : 'save')); if ($edit) { $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('id', $team->id())); } $form->display(); xoops_cp_footer(); }
/** * Form to create or edit products * * @param int Indicates if we are editing an existing product or creating new one */ function shop_new_product($edit = 0) { global $xoopsModuleConfig, $xoopsModule, $xoopsConfig, $xoopsSecurity; if ($edit) { $id = rmc_server_var($_REQUEST, 'id', 0); if ($id <= 0) { redirectMsg('products.php', __('You must provide a valid product ID!', 'shop'), 1); die; } $product = new ShopProduct($id); if ($product->isNew()) { redirectMsg('products.php', __('Specified product does not exists!', 'shop'), 1); die; } } define('RMCSUBLOCATION', 'new_product'); xoops_cp_location('<a href="./">' . $xoopsModule->name() . '</a> » ' . ($edit ? sprintf(__('Editing %s', 'shop'), $product->getVar('name')) : __('Create Product', 'shop'))); xoops_cp_header(); ShopFunctions::include_required_files(); RMTemplate::get()->assign('xoops_pagetitle', $edit ? sprintf(__('Edit "%s"', 'shop'), $product->getVar('name')) : __('Create Product', 'shop')); RMTemplate::get()->add_style('admin.css', 'shop'); RMTemplate::get()->add_local_script('dashboard.js', 'shop'); $form = new RMForm($edit ? __('Edit Product', 'shop') : __('New Product', 'shop'), 'frmProduct', 'products.php'); $form->setExtra('enctype="multipart/form-data"'); $form->addElement(new RMFormText(__('Name', 'shop'), 'name', 50, 200, $edit ? $product->getVar('name') : ''), true); $form->addElement(new RMFormEditor(__('Description', 'shop'), 'description', '100%', '250px', $edit ? $product->getVar("description", 'e') : '', $xoopsModuleConfig['editor']), true); $form->addElement(new RMFormText(__('Price', 'shop'), 'price', 10, 100, $edit ? $product->getVar('price') : '')); $form->addElement(new RMFormText(__('Buy link', 'shop'), 'buy', 50, 255, $edit ? $product->getVar('buy') : 'http://')); $categories = array(); ShopFunctions::categos_list($categories); if ($edit) { $pcats = $product->get_categos(); } else { $pcats = array(); } $cats = new RMFormCheck(''); foreach ($categories as $c) { $cats->addOption(str_repeat("—", $c['indent']) . ' ' . $c['name'], 'cats[]', $c['id_cat'], in_array($c['id_cat'], $pcats) ? 1 : 0); } $form->addElement(new RMFormLabel(__('Categories', 'shop'), '<div class="cats_field">' . $cats->render() . '</div>')); $ele = new RMFormRadio(__('Type', 'shop'), 'type', 1); $ele->addOption(__('Normal', 'shop'), 0, 1); $ele->addOption(__('Digital', 'shop'), 1, 0); $form->addElement($ele); unset($ele); $form->addElement(new RMFormYesNo(__('Available', 'shop'), 'available', 1)); $form->addElement(new RMFormFile(__('Default image', 'shop'), 'image')); if ($edit && $product->getVar('image') != '') { $form->addElement(new RMFormLabel(__('Current Image', 'shop'), '<img src="' . XOOPS_UPLOAD_URL . '/minishop/ths/' . $product->getVar('image') . '" />')); } $metas = $edit ? $product->get_meta() : array(); ob_start(); include RMTemplate::get()->get_template('admin/shop_products_form.php', 'module', 'shop'); $metas_tpl = ob_get_clean(); $form->addElement(new RMFormLabel(__('Custom Fields', 'shop'), $metas_tpl)); $buts = new RMFormButtonGroup(''); $buts->addButton('cancel', __('Cancel', 'shop'), 'button', 'onclick="window.location.href=\'products.php\'"'); $buts->addButton('sbt', $edit ? __('Save Changes', 'shop') : __('Create Product', 'shop'), 'submit'); $form->addElement($buts); $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('action', $edit ? 'saveedit' : 'save')); if ($edit) { $form->addElement(new RMFormHidden('id', $product->id())); } $form->display(); xoops_cp_footer(); }