Ejemplo n.º 1

//Require the Bar Code authenticator. Circumvents the autoloader in this instance.
require_once '../BarCodeAuthenticator.class.php';
// Value to hash to MD5, and then encode into a Bar Code Image (that will then be output to the browser)
$toHash = "This Is A String To Encode";
// Create the Bar Code Authenticator Object
$bca = new \RLerner\BarCodeAuthenticator\BarCodeAuthenticator();
// 16 is the size you want to use for a 32 character string ((16*16)/8) = 32
$bca->imageSize = 16;
// Convert this string to MD5, and then convert it to a binary stream.
$binaryStream = $bca->stringToBinaryStream(md5($toHash));
// Now Convert the Binary Stream to a Bar Coded Image
$imageResource = $bca->streamToImage($binaryStream);
// Set the MIME Type to inform the browser that the document is an image, of type PNG
header("Content-Type: image/png");
// Output the PNG Image
Ejemplo n.º 2

//Require the Bar Code authenticator. Circumvents the autoloader in this instance.
require_once '../BarCodeAuthenticator.class.php';
// Create the Bar Code Authenticator Object
$bca = new \RLerner\BarCodeAuthenticator\BarCodeAuthenticator();
// Use GD Library to create an image resource for the image containing the bar code.
$im = imagecreatefrompng("demo.png");
// Since the demo.png image is 100x100, and the bar code is in the bottom right, we need to
// set the base reading offset to 84 for each coordinate.
$bca->baseReadingOriginX = $bca->baseReadingOriginY = 84;
// Convert the image to a binary stream of 100110010101 etc
$stream = $bca->imageToStream($im);
// Convert the binary stream back to ASCII characters, and output.
echo $bca->binaryStreamToString($stream);