public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); /* $token_value = $this->get('token'); $token = new Token(); $token->where('value',$token_value); $token->get(); if (!$token->exists()) { $this->response( array( 'error'=>'Invalid Token' ) ); } $this->user = $token->user; $this->application = $token->application; */ $this->user_id = $this->session->userdata('user_id'); if (!$this->user_id) { $this->response(array('error' => 'Not Logged In')); } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('prescription/prescription'); $this->load->model('sms/sms'); $simbanic_json = array(); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model("Property_model"); $this->load->database(); //$autoload['model'] = array('property_model'); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); if (!$this->session->userdata('auth')) { redirect('login', 'refresh'); } }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->ci =& get_instance(); $this->ci->load->database(); $this->load->model('Village_data_model'); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->library('common'); global $messages_lang; $messages_lang = $this->common->set_language_for_server_api('base_api', array('missing_fields', 'invalid_credential', 'authorized', 'not_authorized', 'logout_success', 'logout_failure', 'unexpected_errors')); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->library('form_validation'); // $this->load->helper(array('form','url')); $this->load->model('meeting_model'); }
function __construct() { // Construct the parent class parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('Evaluator_model', 'evaluator'); $this->load->helper('url'); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); // header("Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8"); $this->kq = new Kqavos(); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('Penduduk'); $this->baseCols = array('nama', 'tempat_lahir', 'tanggal_lahir', 'jenis_kelamin', 'golongan_darah', 'tanggal_diterbitkan', 'nip_pencatat', 'kewarganegaraan'); $this->baseUpdatableCols = array('nik', 'agama', 'foto', 'alamat', 'rt', 'rw', 'kecamatan', 'kelurahan', 'kabupaten', 'provinsi', 'status_perkawinan', 'pekerjaan', 'pendidikan_terakhir'); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->validate_user(); $this->load->helper('json'); $this->load->model(array('Project', 'Screen', 'Comment', 'Hotspot', 'Project_Statistic', 'Drawing')); }
public function __construct() { header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-API-KEY, Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Access-Control-Request-Method"); header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, HEAD, DELETE"); $method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; if ($method == "OPTIONS") { die; } parent::__construct(); $this->file_cache_base = FCPATH . '/files/'; $library_files = scandir('application/libraries'); foreach ($library_files as $file) { $end = '_task.php'; $pos = strpos($file, $end); if ($pos == strlen($file) - strlen($end)) { $lang = substr($file, 0, $pos); require_once "application/libraries/{$file}"; $class = $lang . '_Task'; $version = $class::getVersion(); $this->languages[$lang] = $version; } } if ($this->config->item('rest_enable_limits')) { $this->load->config('per_method_limits'); $limits = $this->config->item('per_method_limits'); foreach ($limits as $method => $limit) { $this->methods[$method]['limit'] = $limit; } } }
function __construct() { // Call the Model constructor parent::__construct(); date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Seoul'); $this->load->model('general_model'); $this->load->model('order_model'); $this->load->model('token_model'); $this->load->model('customer_model'); $this->load->model('email_model'); $result = $this->token_model->checkToken($this->get('token'), 1, false); if ($result['status'] != true) { $this->response(array('error' => 'Your token is not valid'), 404); } else { if (!$this->get('id')) { $this->response(array('error' => 'You must give order info'), 404); } else { //본 주문에 관련있는 사람인지 혹인 $order = $this->order_model->readOrder($this->get('id')); if ($order == false) { $this->response(array('error' => 'order is not valid'), 404); } else { $seller_number = $this->token_model->readSellerNumber($this->get('token')); $userkey = $this->token_model->readUserkey($this->get('token')); if ($order['customer_number'] != $userkey && $order['editor_number'] != $seller_number && $seller_number != 1) { $this->response(array('error' => "This info is not accessible"), 404); } } } } }
/** * Index Page for this controller. * * Maps to the following URL * * - or - * * - or - * Since this controller is set as the default controller in * config/routes.php, it's displayed at * * So any other public methods not prefixed with an underscore will * map to /index.php/welcome/<method_name> * @see */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('user', '', TRUE); $this->load->model('device', '', TRUE); if (!in_array($this->router->method, $this->config->item('allowed_calls_without_token'))) { $headers = getallheaders(); if (isset($headers['Token'])) { if (isset($headers['Userid'])) { if (!$this->device->validToken($headers['Userid'], $headers['Token'])) { $data["header"]["error"] = "1"; $data["header"]["message"] = "Please provide valid token"; $this->response($data, 200); } } else { $data["header"]["error"] = "1"; $data["header"]["message"] = "Please provide user id (header)"; $this->response($data, 200); } } else { $data["header"]["error"] = "1"; $data["header"]["message"] = "Please provide access token"; $this->response($data, 200); } } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model("m_ebook", "", TRUE); $this->load->model("m_user", "", TRUE); $this->load->model("m_comment", "", TRUE); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->library('CORE_Controller'); $this->core_controller->set_response_helper($this); $this->load->model('transaction_model'); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->validate_user(); $this->load->helper('json'); $this->load->model(array('Team', 'Project', 'Activity')); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->library(array('session', 'ion_auth')); $this->load->helper(array('url')); $this->ion_auth->add_auth_rules(array('get_data_from_url' => true, 'save_review_data' => true, 'unicode_decode' => true, 'replace_unicode_escape_sequence' => true, 'get_batches_list' => true, 'start_export' => true, 'start_import' => true, 'get_crawled_data' => true, 'SendMailToSuppliers' => true)); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model("modelo"); header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE"); }
function __construct() { // Call the Model constructor parent::__construct(); date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Seoul'); $this->load->model('general_model'); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('reservaModel'); $this->load->model('clienteModel'); $this->load->model('facturaModel'); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('App_user_model'); $this->load->model('App_sms_model'); $this->load->model('App_otp_model'); }
function __construct() { // Construct the parent class parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('user_model'); $this->load->model('auth_model'); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->helper('url'); $qString = $this->get(); $this->start = isset($qString['st']) && $qString['st'] > 0 ? $qString['st'] : 0; $this->limit = isset($qString['lt']) && $qString['lt'] > 0 ? $qString['lt'] : 10; $this->order = isset($qString['od']) && $qString['od'] != '' ? $qString['od'] : 'ASC'; $this->order_by = isset($qString['ob']) && $qString['ob'] != '' ? $qString['ob'] : null; if (isset($qString['at']) && $qString['at'] != '') { $flag = $this->validrequest($qString['at']); if ($flag) { } else { $this->response(array('status' => 0, 'error' => 'Invalid App Token')); } } elseif (isset($qString['ut']) && $qString['ut'] != '') { $flag = $this->validrequest($qString['ut'], 'user'); if ($flag) { } else { $this->response(array('status' => 0, 'error' => 'Invalid User Token')); } } else { if ($this->uri->segment(2) == 'users' && $this->uri->segment(3) == 'applogin') { return true; } else { $this->response(array('status' => 0, 'error' => 'Invalid Request')); } } }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->validate_user(); $this->load->helper('json'); $this->load->model(array('Project', 'Project_Invite', 'Template', 'Screen', 'Comment', 'Project_Statistic')); }
function __construct() { header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: CC-API-KEY'); header('Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Authorized'); // Construct our parent class parent::__construct(); $this->headers = getallheaders(); $this->_check_key($this->headers['CC-API-KEY']); $this->load->library('ion_auth'); // Configure limits on our controller methods. Ensure // you have created the 'limits' table and enabled 'limits' // within application/config/rest.php $this->methods['user_get']['limit'] = 500; //500 requests per hour per user/key $this->methods['user_post']['limit'] = 100; //100 requests per hour per user/key $this->methods['user_delete']['limit'] = 50; //50 requests per hour per user/key if ($this->request->method == 'options') { $this->response('', 200); } if ($this->ion_auth->logged_in()) { $this->user = new Person($this->ion_auth->user()->row()->id); print_r($this->user()); } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->helper('url'); $this->load->library('mmsecurity'); $this->mmUser = $this->mmsecurity->getMmUser(); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->library(array('session', 'ion_auth')); $this->load->library('form_validation'); $this->load->helper(array('url')); $this->ion_auth->add_auth_rules(array('GetAllFeaturesForCustomer' => true, 'GetAllBucketsForCustomer' => true, 'GetAssessData' => true, 'UpdateBucketValues' => true, 'UpdateFeatureValues' => true, 'CreateBucket' => true, 'DeleteBucket' => true, 'CreateFeature' => true, 'DeleteFeature' => true, 'RecalcMedianContentHealthScore' => true, 'UpdateMedianAndFactor' => true, 'GetMedianContentHealthScore' => true, 'GetNormalizedScores' => true, 'GetFeaturesToCreate' => true, 'UploadCategoriesFile' => true, 'StartMedianRecalc' => true, 'AddMatchPair' => true, 'UploadMatchFile' => true, 'GetNumberofItemsInBatch' => true, 'GetBatchStatus' => true, 'UploadBatchFile' => true, 'GetAllQueuedOrLockedCount' => true, 'GetBatchID' => true, 'GetBatchCrawlStatus' => true, 'GenerateFiltersCombo' => true, 'SetBatchCrawlStatus' => true, 'GetNonAdminInstances' => true, 'SaveSummaryGroups' => true, 'AddSecondary' => true, 'GetBatchNameFromID' => true, 'QueueBatch' => true, 'QueueURLs' => true, 'GetCrawlData' => true, 'GetAllBatchesToCrawl' => true, 'GetSummaryData' => true, 'GetCreateCrawlersStatus' => true, 'UpdateCreateCrawlersStatus' => true, 'curl_request' => true, 'CreateProcess' => true, 'ExportTemplate' => true, 'GetNumInstances' => true, 'delete_scheduled_batch' => true, 'GetNumURLsForDoStats' => true, 'GetTrendlineDatesStatus' => true, 'GetFiltersStatus' => true, 'GetInstanceSize' => true, 'GetURLsForRecrawl' => true, 'ImportTemplate' => true, 'UrlMatchesFiles' => true, 'CreateBatch' => true, 'generate_xml_from_array' => true, 'RunInstances' => true, 'getChangedProducts' => true, 'TerminateInstances' => true, 'DoStatsByBatch' => true, 'StartTrendlineDates' => true, 'GenerateFilters' => true, 'RememberBatches' => true, 'GetFiltersIds' => true, 'GetBatchValues' => true, 'results_details_export' => true, 'read_session_for_export' => true, 'GetBatchesByCustomerName' => true, 'GetAllCustomers' => true, 'GetCategoriesByBatch' => true, 'ChangeBatchSorting' => true, 'GetBrandsByTermAndBatch' => true, 'SaveExcludeState' => true, 'GetColumnsOfProductsTable' => true, 'ChangeColumnsOfProductsTable' => true, 'GetFilters' => true, 'keywordsSuggestion' => true, 'GetAssessInfo' => true, 'RecieveInsightActions' => true, 'RecieveFavoriteInsightActions' => true, 'GetBrandsAndFilters' => true, 'StoreInsightActions' => true, 'SaveFiltersValuesViewConf' => true, 'SaveUserActiveFilters' => true, 'SaveUserFiltersGroupVisibilities' => true, 'ResetUserOrders' => true, 'ScheduleBatch' => true, 'CustomBatchIndex' => true, 'CustomersList' => true, 'GetBatchType' => true, 'FilterStyleByCustomerName' => true, 'GetBatchInfo' => true, 'GetCustomerByBatchId' => true, 'GetUrlsByBatch' => true, 'getChronicleSource' => true, 'GetBatchesExcludeOwnCustomer' => true, 'CreateNewCustomBatch' => true, 'CreateNewSubset' => true, 'GetBatchesSummaryCombinations' => true, 'UpdateBatchesSummaryCombinationsItem' => true, 'DeleteBatchesSummaryCombinationsItem' => true, 'DeleteBatch' => true, 'RenameBatch' => true, 'UploadCsv' => true, 'ImportCsvBatch' => true, 'AddUrlsToBatch' => true, 'DeleteUrlsFromBatch' => true, 'ShareUrls' => true, 'CustomGradesIndex' => true, 'updatePendingEditsCount' => true, 'refreshModalTabsCounts' => true, 'GradesViewSelected' => true, 'SaveCustomGrades' => true, 'WorkOrderHistoryIndex' => true, 'SendMailCreateWorkOrder' => true, 'ExportAssess' => true, 'DeleteExportedFile' => true, 'UpdateFavoriteInsightActions' => true, 'RemoveFavoriteInsightActions' => true, 'StoreFavoriteInsightActions' => true, 'ExportBrandsAndFilters' => true, 'SaveBatchesSummaryCombinationsItem' => true, 'AddFlaggedItems' => true, 'ExcludeFromBatch' => true, 'CountFlaggedItems' => true, 'GetSubsetsWithDatesList' => true, 'DeleteFromBatch' => true, 'IncludeInAssessReportCheck' => true, 'GetCListStatusByResDataID' => true, 'StringDiff' => true, 'DeleteSecondaryMatch' => true, 'CrawlAll' => true, 'setSupplierBatches' => true, 'SaveItemToStatisticsNewArchive' => true, 'FetchUrlDates' => true, 'getSecondaryBatchCustomers' => true, 'FetchUrlData' => true, 'FetchSummaryData' => true, 'FetchFilterNumbers' => true, 'FetchFilterUrls' => true, 'UpdateRankingViewForUser' => true, 'GetCustomersByUserId' => true, 'AlertsTableIndex' => true, 'GetDefaultRecipient' => true, 'GetAvailableBrandsForSite' => true, 'GetAvailableKeywordGroup' => true, 'GetAvailableDatesForSite' => true, 'GetAssociatedKeywords' => true, 'GetRecentQueryParams' => true, 'GetTermRanking' => true, 'SaveRecentQueryParams' => true, 'GetSavedQueryParams' => true, 'GetRecentQueryParamsById' => true, 'SaveSavedQueryParams' => true, 'GetSavedQueryParamsById' => true, 'UpdateSavedQueryParam' => true, 'RemoveSavedQueryParam' => true, 'DeleteRecentQueryParams' => true, 'EditAlertView' => true, 'UpdateAlert' => true, 'GetAlertsTabs' => true, 'AddAlert' => true, 'getLogo' => true, 'GetRecipientsListBySearchTerm' => true, 'RefreshRecipientsGroupsList' => true, 'AddRecipientGroup' => true, 'GetRecipientsListByGroupId' => true, 'UpdateRecipient' => true, 'AddRecipientsToGroup' => true, 'UpdateRecipientGroup' => true, 'RemoveRecipientFromGroup' => true, 'DeleteRecipientGroup' => true, 'RevertRecipientsGroupChanges' => true, 'AlertsTableManage' => true, 'AddRecipientToAlert' => true, 'DeleteRecipientFromAlert' => true, 'DeleteAlert' => true, 'SendOrShowAlert' => true, 'ChartsGetRankingViewData' => true, 'exportApproveRejectProducts' => true, 'GetBrandingTableColumns' => true, 'approveRejectChangedProduct' => true, 'SaveRankingTableSettings' => true, 'AddKeywordToGroup' => true, 'GetKeywordGroupsList' => true, 'GetKeywordsListByGroupId' => true, 'SaveGearPopupState' => true, 'GetGearPopupState' => true, 'EditKeyword' => true, 'EditKeywordGroup' => true, 'GetSitesByKeywordGroupId' => true, 'KeywordGroupExists' => true, 'AddSitesToGroup' => true, 'AddKeywordCronJobs' => true, 'RemoveKeywordGroup' => true, 'GetBrandGroup' => true, 'AddNewRankingBrandGroup' => true, 'GetBrandsListByName' => true, 'AddBrandToGroup' => true, 'CHExportSku' => true, 'UpdateRankingBrandGroup' => true, 'GetRankingBrandsByGroupId' => true, 'RemoveRankingBrandGroup' => true, 'UndoBrandGroupChanges' => true, 'RemoveBrandFromGroup' => true, 'submitChangesToRetailer' => true, 'submitContentToRetailer' => true, 'RemoveKeywordFromGroup' => true, 'getAllDatesForBatch' => true, 'getPendingEdits' => true, 'getTotalPendingProductsCount' => true, 'getSupplier' => true, 'addSupplier' => true, 'deleteSupplier' => true, 'updateSupplier' => true, 'getNewChangedProducts' => true, 'GetDashboardSummary' => true, 'getOriginalProductDescriptions' => true, 'RefreshRecipientsList' => true, 'CreateRecipient' => true, 'UploadBatch' => true, 'BrandReportRanking' => true, 'sendMailApproveRejectProduct' => true, 'GetSitebyBrandId' => true, 'GetKeywordsAndBrandsByItsGroups' => true, 'GetRanking' => true, 'getDefaultSetings' => true, 'GetRakingChartData' => true, 'CreateBatchFromRanking' => true, 'AlertRecipientsManage' => true, 'DropSelectionScan' => true, 'GetScheduleCrawlsList' => true, 'CheckBatchDatesCount' => true, 'GetFamilyNamesList' => true, 'GetBrandsInFamily' => true, 'SaveFamily' => true, 'DeleteFamily' => true, 'RemoveBrandsFromFamily' => true, 'GetBrandsToAddInFamily' => true, 'RecrawlBatch' => true, 'getAverageGroupVals' => true, 'getColumns' => true, 'getCustomerList' => true, 'getExcludeLists' => true, 'getExcluded' => true, 'getFilterItemsWithGroups' => true, 'getFiltersValuesViewConf' => true, 'string_diff2' => true, 'getModeToFilterClassPair' => true, 'getModeToGroupClassPair' => true, 'getRole' => true, 'getSelectableColumns' => true, 'SortByBatch' => true, 'getUserFilters' => true, 'UserIsAdmin' => true, 'getUserVisibleGroups' => true, 'getTableColumns' => true, 'SetChangeOrderItem' => true, 'CreateChangeOrder' => true, 'getScraperOutputUrl' => true, 'Export_Product' => true, 'ViewChangeOrderItem' => true, 'DeleteChangeOrderItem' => true, 'ViewChangeOrder' => true, 'GetUserDateFormat' => true, 'checkSuperFilters' => true, 'SetTime' => true, 'Get_Last_Change_Of_Product' => true, 'Get_Product_By_Id' => true, 'Get_Changed_Products' => true, 'Get_Date_If_Product_Changed' => true, 'Delete_All_Changed_Products' => true, 'Set_Status_Of_Product' => true, 'Get_History' => true, 'StoreRejectComment' => true, 'Export_Changed_Products' => true, 'getBatchesForZabbix' => true, 'setBatchDisplayedOnDashBoard' => true, 'getBatchDisplayedOnDashBoard' => true, 'isAnalysingBatch' => true, 'updateBatch' => true, 'lookUpChronicleId' => true, 'saveChangedFiltersConfig' => true, 'getUniqueSpecifications' => true, 'exportBatchUrls' => true, 'exportBatchUrlsProgress' => true, 'GetChronicles' => true, 'GetSummaryInfo' => true, 'GetDetails' => true, 'ChangeUrlsStatus' => true, 'ch_save_get_delete_selection' => true, 'GetSkuFilters' => true, 'GetSkusByFilter' => true, 'GetTrafficData' => true, 'purgeBatchDate' => true, 'exportBatchDate' => true, 'importBatchDate' => true, 'VadGetSettings' => true, 'VadSaveSettings' => true, 'createBatchContent' => true, 'VadGetUniqueSkusTotal' => true, 'checkExportStatus' => true, 'checkImportStatus' => true, 'importBatchCrawl' => true, 'exportBatchCrawl' => true, 'checkExportedFile' => true, 'renameExportedFile' => true, 'getLastExpoertedFiles' => true, 'getChronicleInfo' => true, 'validateChronicle' => true, 'checkValidationChronicleStatus' => true, 'uploadImagesFromSite' => true, 'uploadImagesFromComputer' => true, 'saveUploadedImages' => true, 'deleteUploadedImage' => true, 'imageUploadAndDeleteState' => true, 'archiveBatchDate' => true, 'downloadProductImages' => true, 'downloadTabImages' => true, 'downloadFromRedyForSubmission' => true)); //$this->action = trim($this->input->post('action')); //$this->timestump = trim($this->input->post('timestamp')); //$this->signature = trim($this->input->post('signature')); //$string = $this->action . $this->timestump . $this->access_id; //$string = strtolower($string); if ($this->input->get_post('access_id')) { $this->access_id = trim($this->input->get_post('access_id')); } else { $this->response(array('type' => 'missing_parameter_error', 'message' => 'Missing access id.'), 400); } if (!$this->check_access_id($this->access_id)) { $this->response(array('type' => 'processing_error', 'message' => 'Wrong access id.'), 400); } else { $this->user_data = $this->check_access_id($this->access_id); $this->user_id = $this->user_data['id']; $this->number_of_items = 0; } $this->uuid = $this->config->item('uuid'); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->module = 'customer'; $this->load->model('customer/customer'); $simbanic_json = array(); }
public function __construct($config = 'rest') { parent::__construct(); header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE"); $this->load->model('Karyawan'); }