Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function takeQuiz()
     //check if quiz can be taken by student,
     //based on the time and the ID number
     $page_title = 'Cannot Take Quiz';
     $page_content = View::make('no_quiz');
     $id_number = Session::get('id_number');
     $quiz_code = Session::get('quiz_code');
     $current_datetime = Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString();
     $quiz_schedule = QuizSchedule::where('quiz_code', '=', $quiz_code)->whereRaw(DB::raw("'{$current_datetime}' BETWEEN datetime_from AND datetime_to"))->first();
     if ($quiz_schedule) {
         $quiz_schedule_id = $quiz_schedule->id;
         $class_id = $quiz_schedule->class_id;
         $quiz_id = $quiz_schedule->quiz_id;
         $student = StudentClass::where('student_id', '=', $id_number)->where('class_id', '=', $class_id)->first();
         if ($student) {
             //when a student takes a quiz, a row is created on the
             //student_quizzes table, add the started_at, quiz_id, and student_id
             //when another student comes along and inputs the same id number
             //and quiz code, they won't be allowed since the quiz is already taken
             $student_quiz_count = StudentQuiz::where('student_id', '=', $id_number)->where('quiz_id', '=', $quiz_id)->count();
             if ($student_quiz_count === 0) {
                 //can take
                 //get quiz details and show it to the student
                 $quiz = Quiz::where('id', '=', $quiz_id)->first();
                 Session::put('quiz_id', $quiz_id);
                 Session::put('quiz_title', $quiz->title);
                 $items = QuizItem::where('quiz_id', '=', $quiz_id)->orderByRaw("RAND()")->get();
                 $item_ids = DB::table('quiz_items')->where('quiz_id', '=', $quiz_id)->lists('id');
                 $quiz_items_answers = DB::table('quiz_items_answers')->whereIn('quiz_item_id', $item_ids)->get();
                 $quiz_items_choices = DB::table('quiz_items_choices')->whereIn('quiz_item_id', $item_ids)->get();
                 $quiz_items = array();
                 foreach ($items as $item) {
                     $quiz_items[$item->id] = array('question' => $item->question);
                 foreach ($quiz_items_choices as $qic) {
                     $quiz_items[$qic->quiz_item_id]['choices'][] = $qic->choice;
                 $seconds = $quiz->minutes * 60 + 1;
                 $page_data = array('quiz' => $quiz, 'quiz_items' => $quiz_items, 'seconds' => $seconds);
                 //create student quiz
                 $student_quiz = new StudentQuiz();
                 $student_quiz->student_id = $id_number;
                 $student_quiz->quiz_id = $quiz_id;
                 $student_quiz->quiz_schedule_id = $quiz_schedule_id;
                 $student_quiz->started_at = Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString();
                 $page_title = 'Take Quiz';
                 $page_content = View::make('quiz', $page_data);
     $this->layout->title = $page_title;
     $this->layout->quiz = true;
     $this->layout->content = $page_content;
 public function submitQuizByStudent($quizGroupPageID)
     $qgp = QuizGroupPage::where('delFlag', 0)->find($quizGroupPageID);
     $qgp ? $qItems = QuizItem::where('delFlag', 0)->where('quizID', $qgp->quizID)->get() : Redirect::to('/')->with('message', 'Error in submitting quiz.')->with('url', '');
     $in = Input::all();
     $numOfCorrectAns = 0;
     foreach ($in['item'] as $key => $value) {
         QuizItemAnswer::checkAnswer($key, $value) ? $numOfCorrectAns++ : '';
     QuizResult::create(['OwnerID' => Auth::user()->StudentID, 'quizgrouppageID' => $quizGroupPageID, 'score' => $numOfCorrectAns, 'totalItems' => $qItems->count()]);
     return Redirect::to('/')->with('message', 'Quiz has been successfully recorded')->with('url', '');
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function quiz($id)
     $user_id = Auth::user()->id;
     $quiz = Quiz::where('id', '=', $id)->where('user_id', '=', $user_id)->first();
     $items = QuizItem::where('quiz_id', '=', $id)->get();
     $item_ids = DB::table('quiz_items')->where('quiz_id', '=', $id)->lists('id');
     $quiz_items_answers = DB::table('quiz_items_answers')->whereIn('quiz_item_id', $item_ids)->get();
     $quiz_items_choices = DB::table('quiz_items_choices')->whereIn('quiz_item_id', $item_ids)->get();
     $quiz_items = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $quiz_items[$item->id] = array('question' => $item->question);
     foreach ($quiz_items_answers as $qia) {
         $quiz_items[$qia->quiz_item_id]['answers'][] = $qia->answer;
     foreach ($quiz_items_choices as $qic) {
         $quiz_items[$qic->quiz_item_id]['choices'][] = $qic->choice;
     $page_data = array('type' => 'old', 'quiz' => $quiz, 'quiz_items' => $quiz_items);
     $this->layout->title = $quiz->title;
     $this->layout->handlebars = true;
     $this->layout->quizcreator = true;
     $this->layout->content = View::make('admin.quiz', $page_data);