public function store() { $issues = Input::get('issues'); $points = Input::get('points'); if ($this->quizzed(Input::get('course_id'), Input::get('subject_id'), Input::get('quiz_date'))) { $quiz = Quiz::where('course_id', '=', Input::get('course_id'))->where('subject_id', '=', Input::get('subject_id'))->where('quiz_date', '=', Input::get('quiz_date'))->first(); } else { $quiz = new Quiz(); $quiz->project_id = Auth::user()->curr_project_id; $quiz->location_id = Auth::user()->location_id; $quiz->course_id = Input::get('course_id'); $quiz->subject_id = Input::get('subject_id'); $quiz->employee_id = Input::get('employee_id'); $quiz->name = Input::get('name'); $quiz->quiz_date = Input::get('quiz_date'); $quiz->save(); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($issues); $i++) { if (!$this->existed('Quiz', $quiz->id, $issues[$i])) { $point = new Point(); $point->project_id = Auth::user()->curr_project_id; $point->location_id = Auth::user()->location_id; $point->issue_id = $issues[$i]; $point->pointable_type = 'Quiz'; $point->pointable_id = $quiz->id; $point->point = $points[$i]; $point->save(); } } }
/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. */ public function actionCreate() { $model = new Quiz(); // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed // $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (isset($_POST['Quiz'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Quiz']; if ($model->save()) { $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id)); } } $this->render('create', array('model' => $model)); }
public function createQuiz() { $user_id = Auth::user()->id; $title = Input::get('title'); $minutes = Input::get('minutes'); $details = Input::get('details'); $questions = Input::get('question'); $answers = Input::get('answer'); $choices = Input::get('choice'); $quiz = new Quiz(); $quiz->user_id = $user_id; $quiz->title = $title; $quiz->minutes = $minutes; $quiz->details = $details; $quiz->save(); $quiz_id = $quiz->id; if (!empty($questions['new'])) { $new_questions = $questions['new']; $new_answers = $answers['new']; $new_choices = $choices['new']; foreach ($new_questions as $index => $question) { $quiz_item = new QuizItem(); $quiz_item->quiz_id = $quiz_id; $quiz_item->question = $question; $quiz_item->save(); $quiz_item_id = $quiz_item->id; if (!empty($new_answers[$index])) { $item_answers = $new_answers[$index]; foreach ($item_answers as $answer) { $quiz_item_answer = new QuizItemAnswer(); $quiz_item_answer->quiz_item_id = $quiz_item_id; $quiz_item_answer->answer = $answer; $quiz_item_answer->save(); } } if (!empty($new_choices[$index])) { $item_choices = $new_choices[$index]; foreach ($item_choices as $choice) { $quiz_item_choice = new QuizItemChoice(); $quiz_item_choice->quiz_item_id = $quiz_item_id; $quiz_item_choice->choice = $choice; $quiz_item_choice->save(); } } } } return Redirect::back()->with('message', array('type' => 'success', 'text' => 'Quiz Created!')); }
protected function beforeSave() { //删除文件 // if(!$this->isNewRecord){ // if($this->mediaType!==$this->_oldMediaType // ||($this->mediaType===$this->_oldMediaType && $this->mediaId!==$this->_oldMediaId)){ // error_log(print_r($this,true)); // if($this->_oldMediaType=="video"){ // $this->file->delete(); // }else if($this->_oldMediaType=="link"){ // $this->mediaLink->delete(); // } // } // } //创建quiz if ($this->mediaType == "quiz" && $this->mediaId == 0) { $quiz = new Quiz(); $quiz->save(); $this->mediaId = $quiz->getPrimaryKey(); } if ($this->mediaType == "text" && $this->mediaId == 0) { $quiz = new Text(); $quiz->save(); $this->mediaId = $quiz->getPrimaryKey(); } //设置课时数 if (!$this->weight || !$this->number) { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->condition = "courseId=" . intval($this->courseId); $criteria->select = "max(weight) as maxWeight,max(number) as maxNumber"; $lesson = Lesson::model()->find($criteria); $chapter = Chapter::model()->find($criteria); } if (!$this->weight) { if (!$lesson && !chapter) { $this->weight = 1; } else { if (!$lesson) { $this->weight = $chapter->maxWeight + 1; } else { if (!$chapter) { $this->weight = $lesson->maxWeight + 1; } else { $this->weight = max(array($chapter->maxWeight, $lesson->maxWeight)) + 1; } } } } if (!$this->number) { if ($lesson) { $this->number = $lesson->maxNumber + 1; } else { $this->number = 1; } } return parent::beforeSave(); }
<?php Ajax::requireLoggedIn(); $id = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : null; $color = isset($_GET['color']) ? $_GET['color'] : Quiz::DEFAULT_CUSTOMIZE_BGCOLOR; $quiz = new Quiz($id); $match = '/^[a-f0-9]{6}$/i'; if (!preg_match($match, $color)) { Ajax::outputError('Invalid color'); } if (empty($quiz->id) || !$quiz->hasAccess()) { Ajax::outputError('You don\'t have access to this quiz'); } $quiz->customize_bgcolor = $color; $quiz->save();
protected function beforeSave() { if ($this->mediaType !== $this->_oldMediaType || $this->mediaType === $this->_oldMediaType && $this->mediaId == $this->_oldMediaId) { if ($this->_oldMediaType == "video") { $this->file->delete(); } else { if ($this->_oldMediaType == "link") { $this->mediaLink->delete(); } } } if ($this->mediaType == "quiz" && $this->mediaId == 0) { $quiz = new Quiz(); $quiz->save(); $this->mediaId = $quiz->getPrimaryKey(); } if (!$this->weight || !$this->number) { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->condition = "courseId=" . intval($this->courseId); $criteria->select = "max(weight) as maxWeight,max(number) as maxNumber"; $lesson = Lesson::model()->find($criteria); $chapter = Chapter::model()->find($criteria); } if (!$this->weight) { if (!$lesson && !chapter) { $this->weight = 1; } else { if (!$lesson) { $this->weight = $chapter->maxWeight + 1; } else { if (!$chapter) { $this->weight = $lesson->maxWeight + 1; } else { $this->weight = max(array($chapter->maxWeight, $lesson->maxWeight)) + 1; } } } } if (!$this->number) { if ($lesson) { $this->number = $lesson->maxNumber + 1; } else { $this->number = 1; } } return parent::beforeSave(); }
public function storeQuiz() { $lab_id = Input::get('lab_id'); $praktikum_id = Input::get('praktikum_id'); $modul_id = Input::get('modul_id'); $quiz = new Quiz(); $quiz->quiz_nama = Input::get('quiz_nama'); $quiz->quiz_keterangan = Input::get('quiz_keterangan'); $quiz->quiz_intro = Input::get('quiz_intro'); $quiz->modul_id = Input::get('modul_id'); $quiz->quiz_durasi = Input::get('quiz_durasi'); $quiz->save(); return Redirect::to('lab/' . $lab_id . '/praktikum/' . $praktikum_id . '/modul/' . $modul_id . '/listsoal'); }
public function actionUpdateQuiz($id) { $lesson = $this->loadModel($id); if (!$lesson->quiz) { $quiz = new Quiz(); $quiz->save(); $lesson->deleteMedia(); $lesson->mediaId = $quiz->getPrimaryKey(); $lesson->save(); } $this->redirect(array('quiz/view', 'id' => $quiz->id)); }