Ejemplo n.º 1

header('Content-Type: text/plain');
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . PATH_SEPARATOR . '/Users/kpalmer/Projects/QuickBooks/');
require_once '../QuickBooks.php';
$username = '******';
$password = '';
$token = '';
$realmID = 192848234;
$IPP = new QuickBooks_IPP();
$Context = $IPP->authenticate($username, $password, $token);
$IPP->application($Context, 'bf4in6uym');
$Service = new QuickBooks_IPP_Service_UOM();
$list = $Service->findAll($Context, $realmID);
foreach ($list as $UOM) {
    print 'Unit of measure [' . $UOM->getName() . '] of type [' . $UOM->getBaseType() . ']' . "\n";
    for ($i = 0; $i < $UOM->countConvUnit(); $i++) {
        $ConvUnit = $UOM->getConvUnit($i);
        print "\t" . $ConvUnit->getName() . ', ' . $ConvUnit->getConvRatio() . "\n";
    print "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected function _handleSAML($SAML = null)
     $this->_log('Starting up (initialized with ' . strlen($SAML) . ' bytes)');
     if ($this->_config['test_username'] and $this->_config['test_password']) {
         $private_key_data = QUICKBOOKS_IPP_FEDERATOR_TEST_KEY;
     if (!$SAML) {
         if (!empty($_POST['SAMLResponse'])) {
             $SAML = base64_decode($_POST['SAMLResponse']);
         } else {
             $msg = 'No SAML request in $_POST vars.';
             $this->_setError(QuickBooks_IPP_Federator::ERROR_SAML, $msg);
             return false;
         $msg = 'SAML request seems unusually large, at ' . strlen($SAML) . ' bytes.';
         $this->_setError(QuickBooks_IPP_Federator::ERROR_SAML, $msg);
         return false;
     if ($this->_config['test_username'] and $this->_config['test_password']) {
         // Do nothing, we already fetched our private key data up there ^^^
     } else {
         $fp = fopen($this->_key, 'r');
         $private_key_data = fread($fp, 8192);
     // Decode the SAML request if it's base64 encoded
     if (false === strpos($SAML, '<')) {
         $SAML = base64_decode($SAML);
     $this->_log('Incoming SAML request: ' . substr($SAML, 0, 128) . '...');
     $this->_log($SAML, QUICKBOOKS_LOG_DEBUG);
     //print("\n\n" . $SAML . "\n\n");
     $private_key = openssl_get_privatekey($private_key_data);
     //$public_key = openssl_get_publickey($__publicKey);
     $use_backend = QuickBooks_XML_Parser::BACKEND_BUILTIN;
     $Parser = new QuickBooks_XML_Parser($SAML, $use_backend);
     if ($Doc = $Parser->parse($errnum, $errmsg)) {
         $Root = $Doc->getRoot();
         $auth_id = $Root->getChildDataAt('samlp:Response saml:Assertion saml:Subject saml:NameID');
         $this->_log('Auth ID: [' . $auth_id . ']');
         if (!$auth_id) {
             $this->_setError(QuickBooks_IPP_Federator::ERROR_INTERNAL, 'Could not extract Auth ID from SAML response.');
             return false;
         $AttributeStatement = $Root->getChildAt('samlp:Response saml:Assertion saml:AttributeStatement');
         foreach ($AttributeStatement->children() as $Node)
         	if ($Node->name() == 'saml:Attribute')
         		$Attribute = $Node;
         $encrypted_key = $Root->getChildDataAt('samlp:Response saml:Assertion saml:AttributeStatement saml:EncryptedAttribute xenc:EncryptedData ds:KeyInfo xenc:EncryptedKey xenc:CipherData xenc:CipherValue');
         $this->_log('Encrypted key: [' . $encrypted_key . ']');
         if (!$encrypted_key) {
             $this->_setError(QuickBooks_IPP_Federator::ERROR_INTERNAL, 'Could not extract encrypted key from SAML response.');
             return false;
         $encrypted_ticket = $Root->getChildDataAt('samlp:Response saml:Assertion saml:AttributeStatement saml:EncryptedAttribute xenc:EncryptedData xenc:CipherData xenc:CipherValue');
         $this->_log('Encrypted ticket: [' . $encrypted_ticket . ']');
         if (!$encrypted_ticket) {
             $this->_setError(QuickBooks_IPP_Federator::ERROR_INTERNAL, 'Could not extract encrypted ticket from SAML response.');
             return false;
         // Loop through the nodes, fetching the attributes from the SAML request
         $Node = $Root->getChildAt('samlp:Response saml:Assertion saml:AttributeStatement');
         $target_url = null;
         $realm_id_pseudonym = null;
         foreach ($Node->children() as $ChildNode) {
             if ($ChildNode->name() == 'saml:Attribute') {
                 $Attribute = $ChildNode;
                 if ($Attribute->getAttribute('Name') == 'targetUrl') {
                     $ChildChildNode = $Attribute->getChild(0);
                     $target_url = $ChildChildNode->data();
                 } else {
                     if ($Attribute->getAttribute('Name') == 'Intuit.Federation.realmIDPseudonym') {
                         $ChildChildNode = $Attribute->getChild(0);
                         $realm_id_pseudonym = $ChildChildNode->data();
         $this->_log('Target URL: [' . $target_url . ']');
         $this->_log('Realm ID Pseudonym: [' . $realm_id_pseudonym . ']');
         if (!$target_url) {
             $this->_setError(QuickBooks_IPP_Federator::ERROR_INTERNAL, 'Could not extract target URL from SAML response.');
             return false;
         // Get the signatureValue
         $node = $xml->xpath('/samlp:Response/saml:Assertion/ds:Signature/ds:SignatureValue');
         $signatureValue = $node[0];
         # Get the signed node
         $signInfo = $xml->xpath('/samlp:Response/saml:Assertion/ds:Signature/ds:SignedInfo');
         // The key and ticket are base64 encoded, decode them
         $decoded_key = base64_decode($encrypted_key);
         $decoded_ticket = base64_decode($encrypted_ticket);
         // Decrypt the key
         $decrypted_key = null;
         $result = $this->_segfault_openssl_private_decrypt($decoded_key, $decrypted_key, $private_key_data);
         $this->_log('Key: [' . $decrypted_key . ']');
         if (!$decrypted_key) {
             $this->_setError(QuickBooks_IPP_Federator::ERROR_INTERNAL, 'Could not extract decrypted key from SAML response.');
             return false;
         // @todo Swap out for QuickBooks_Encrypt implementation
         // Get the key size for decryption
         $iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC);
         // $decoded_ticket is stored as:
         //	16-byte IV
         //		CONCAT WITH
         // 	XX-byte actual encrypted ticket in XML format
         // Get the IV
         $iv = substr($decoded_ticket, 0, $iv_size);
         // This is the actual encrypted ticket
         $cipher = substr($decoded_ticket, $iv_size);
         // @todo Swap out for QuickBooks_Encrypt implementation
         // Decrypt the ticket
         $decrypted_ticket = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $decrypted_key, $cipher, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv);
         // Remove the padding from the ticket
         $last_byte = substr($decrypted_ticket, -1, 1);
         $padding = -ord($last_byte);
         $decrypted_ticket = substr($decrypted_ticket, 0, $padding);
         $this->_log('Decrypted ticket is ' . strlen($decrypted_ticket) . ' bytes long...');
         $this->_log($decrypted_ticket, QUICKBOOKS_LOG_DEBUG);
         // Parse the XML format to get at the actual ticket value
         $ticket = null;
         $errnum = null;
         $errmsg = null;
         $use_backend = QuickBooks_XML_Parser::BACKEND_BUILTIN;
         $Parser = new QuickBooks_XML_Parser($decrypted_ticket, $use_backend);
         if ($Doc = $Parser->parse($errnum, $errmsg)) {
             $Root = $Doc->getRoot();
             $ticket = $Root->getChildDataAt('Attribute saml:AttributeValue');
             $this->_log('Ticket: [' . $ticket . ']');
             // Check for test mode overrides
             if ($this->_config['test_username'] and $this->_config['test_password']) {
                 $username = $this->_config['test_username'];
                 $password = $this->_config['test_password'];
                 $token = 'blablabla';
                 $test_replace = array('{dbid}' => $this->_config['test_param_dbid'], '{realm}' => $this->_config['test_param_realm'], '{state}' => $this->_config['test_param_state']);
                 $target_url = str_replace(array_keys($test_replace), array_values($test_replace), $this->_config['test_target']);
                 // Grab a ticket
                 $IPP = new QuickBooks_IPP();
                 $Context = $IPP->authenticate($username, $password, $token);
                 $ticket = $Context->ticket();
                 $this->_log('TEST MODE [authid=' . $auth_id . ', ticket=' . $ticket . ', target_url=' . $target_url . ']');
             return $this->_doCallback($auth_id, $ticket, $target_url, $realm_id_pseudonym);
         } else {
             $this->_setError(QuickBooks_IPP_Federator::ERROR_XML, 'XML parser error while parsing SAML ticket: ' . $errnum . ':' . $errmsg);
             return false;
     } else {
         $this->_setError(QuickBooks_IPP_Federator::ERROR_XML, 'XML parser error while parsing SAML response: ' . $errnum . ': ' . $errmsg);
         return false;