Ejemplo n.º 1
            /* optimize the SQL table */
            $action = "update";
        } elseif (isset($_POST['action_reset_x'])) {
            $query = "TRUNCATE TABLE sms_tour_decks";
            $result = mysql_query($query);
            /* optimize the SQL table */
            $action = "reset";
	<div class="body">
        $check = new QueryCheck();
        $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
        if (!empty($check->query)) {
            $check->message("deck listing", $action);
		<span class="fontTitle">Manage Deck Listing</span><br /><br />
		Use this feature to define the deck listing for your sim's vessel. The number of decks is determined by what is found in your specifications page. If you change your class of ship/starbase and need to reset your deck listing, use the button to the right.  <b class="red">WARNING:</b> you will lose all data in the deck listing by reseting it.<br /><br />
		<form method="post" action="<?php 
        echo $webLocation;
Ejemplo n.º 2
				var award = $(this).attr("myAward");
				var crew = $(this).attr("myID");

				jQuery.facebox(function() {
					jQuery.get('admin/ajax/award_remove.php?c=' + crew + '&a=' + award, function(data) {
				return false;
	<div class="body">
        $check = new QueryCheck();
        $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
        if (!empty($check->query)) {
            $check->message("crew award", "remove");
		<span class="fontTitle">Remove Award From <?php 
        printCrewName($crew, "rank", "noLink");
</span><br /><br />
		<b class="fontLarge">
			<a href="<?php 
        echo $webLocation;
Ejemplo n.º 3
				var award = $(this).attr("myAward");
				var crew = $(this).attr("myID");

				jQuery.facebox(function() {
					jQuery.get('admin/ajax/award_give.php?c=' + crew + '&a=' + award, function(data) {
				return false;
	<div class="body">
        $check = new QueryCheck();
        $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
        if (!empty($check->query)) {
            $check->message("player award", "add");
		<span class="fontTitle">Give Award To <?php 
        printCrewName($crew, "rank", "noLink");
</span><br /><br />
		<b class="fontMedium">
			<a href="<?php 
        echo $webLocation;
Ejemplo n.º 4
			var action = $(this).attr("myAction");
			jQuery.facebox(function() {
				jQuery.get('admin/ajax/department_' + action + '.php', function(data) {
			return false;

	<div class="body">
    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message($object, $action);
		<span class="fontTitle">Department Management</span><br /><br />
		Use the fields below to manage your departments. You can add a new department using the appropriate link below, or, you can manage which departments have access to departmental databases from the appropriate link. <strong class="yellow">Important</strong> &ndash; if you want to create a new rank, you will need to create a new department before you attempt to create the rank. (You can also use an existing department as well.)<br /><br />
		<a href="#" rel="facebox" class="fontMedium add" myAction="add"><strong>Add New Department &raquo;</strong></a><br />
		<a href="#" rel="facebox" class="fontMedium add" myAction="database"><strong>Update Departmental Database Access &raquo;</strong></a><br /><br />
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: news.php Proyecto: anodyne/sms
        while ($fetch_p = mysql_fetch_array($getPostsPR)) {
            extract($fetch_p, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
            $posts_array['pending'][] = array('id' => $fetch_p[0], 'title' => $fetch_p[1], 'author' => $fetch_p[2]);
	<script type="text/javascript">
		$(document).ready(function() {
			$('#container-1 > ul').tabs();
			$('.zebra tr:nth-child(even)').addClass('alt');
	<div class="body">
        $check = new QueryCheck();
        $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
        if (!empty($check->query)) {
            $check->message("news item", $action);
		<span class="fontTitle">Manage News Items</span><br /><br />
		<div id="container-1">
				<li><a href="#one"><span>Activated</span></a></li>
				<li><a href="#two"><span>Saved (<?php 
        echo count($posts_array['saved']);
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: log.php Proyecto: anodyne/sms
        $result = mysql_query($query);
        /* optimize the table */
        $action = "save";
    } elseif (isset($_POST['action_delete_x'])) {
        $query = "DELETE FROM sms_personallogs WHERE logid = {$id} LIMIT 1";
        $result = mysql_query($query);
        /* optimize the table */
        $action = "delete";
	<div class="body">
    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message("personal log", $action);
		<span class="fontTitle">Post Personal Log</span><br /><br />
    if (!isset($id)) {
		<form method="post" action="<?php 
        echo $webLocation;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        if (isset($_POST['catid']) && is_numeric($_POST['catid'])) {
            $catid = $_POST['catid'];
        } else {
            $catid = NULL;
        $query = "DELETE FROM sms_news_categories WHERE catid = {$catid} LIMIT 1";
        $result = mysql_query($query);
        /* optimize the table */
        $action = "delete";

	<div class="body">
    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message("news category", $action);
		<span class="fontTitle">Create Site News Category</span><br /><br />
		<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
			<form method="post" action="admin.php?page=manage&sub=newscategories">
				<td valign="middle">
					<b>Category Name</b><br />
					<input type="text" class="name" name="catName" maxlength="50" />
Ejemplo n.º 8
        $update .= "hasFighters = %s, shuttles = %s, runabouts = %s, fighters = %s, hasTransports = %s, transports = %s WHERE specid = 1 LIMIT 1";
        $query = sprintf($update, escape_string($_POST['shipClass']), escape_string($_POST['shipRole']), escape_string($_POST['duration']), escape_string($_POST['durationUnit']), escape_string($_POST['refit']), escape_string($_POST['refitUnit']), escape_string($_POST['resupply']), escape_string($_POST['resupplyUnit']), escape_string($_POST['length']), escape_string($_POST['width']), escape_string($_POST['height']), escape_string($_POST['decks']), escape_string($_POST['complimentEmergency']), escape_string($_POST['complimentOfficers']), escape_string($_POST['complimentEnlisted']), escape_string($_POST['complimentMarines']), escape_string($_POST['complimentCivilians']), escape_string($_POST['warpCruise']), escape_string($_POST['warpMaxCruise']), escape_string($_POST['warpEmergency']), escape_string($_POST['warpMaxTime']), escape_string($_POST['warpEmergencyTime']), escape_string($_POST['phasers']), escape_string($_POST['torpedoLaunchers']), escape_string($_POST['torpedoCompliment']), escape_string($_POST['defensive']), escape_string($_POST['shields']), escape_string($_POST['shuttlebays']), escape_string($_POST['hasShuttles']), escape_string($_POST['hasRunabouts']), escape_string($_POST['hasFighters']), escape_string($_POST['shuttles']), escape_string($_POST['runabouts']), escape_string($_POST['fighters']), escape_string($_POST['hasTransports']), escape_string($_POST['transports']));
        $result = mysql_query($query);
        /* optimize table */
    $getSpecs = "SELECT * FROM sms_specs WHERE specid = 1";
    $getSpecsResult = mysql_query($getSpecs);
    while ($specFetch = mysql_fetch_array($getSpecsResult)) {
        extract($specFetch, EXTR_OVERWRITE);

	<div class="body">
    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message("specifications", "update");
		<span class="fontTitle"><?php 
    echo ucwords($simmType);
		<form method="post" action="<?php 
    echo $webLocation;
Ejemplo n.º 9
            $getCategoryResult = mysql_query($getCategory);
            $category = mysql_fetch_assoc($getCategoryResult);
            /* define the variables */
            $to = getCrewEmails("emailNews");
            $subject = $emailSubject . " " . stripslashes($category['catName']) . " - " . stripslashes($newsTitle);
            $message = "A News Item Posted By " . printCrewNameEmail($newsAuthor) . "\r\n\r\n";
            $message .= stripslashes($newsContent);
            /* send the email */
            mail($to, $subject, $message, "From: " . $from . "\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
	<div class="body">
    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message("news item", "add");
		<span class="fontTitle">Add News Item</span><br /><br />
		This page should be used in the event that a member of the crew has accidentally posted incorrectly.  For instance, if a player has replied to one of the emails sent out to the system instead of logging in and posting, you can copy and paste the contents of their email into this form and put the entry into the system. For all other news items, please use the <a href="<?php 
    echo $webLocation;
admin.php?page=post&sub=news"> Write News Item</a> page.<br /><br />
		<form method="post" action="<?php 
Ejemplo n.º 10
			var action = $(this).attr("myAction");
			jQuery.facebox(function() {
				jQuery.get('admin/ajax/award_' + action + '.php', function(data) {
			return false;

	<div class="body">
    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message("crew award", $action);
		<span class="fontTitle">Crew Award Management</span><br /><br />
		Awards are a great way to reward members of your sim for their hard work, be that in character or out of character. While Anodyne doesn&rsquo;t provide awards by default in SMS, you can use the awards from the fleet you are in or even create awards specific to your sim. When creating an award, we recommend having two images, one small image (that will be displayed in the character bio) and a larger image (that will be displayed in the list of awards). When you create the award, just type the name of the image <em class="orange">(i.e. award.jpg)</em> and not the full path.<br /><br />
		<strong class="yellow">Note:</strong> NPCs can only be given in-character awards. If no in-character awards exist, then nothing will appear in the NPC section of the award nomination form!<br /><br />
		<a href="#" rel="facebox" myAction="add" class="add fontMedium"><strong>Add New Award &raquo;</strong></a><br /><br />
		<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3">
Ejemplo n.º 11
                $from = $rankShortName . " " . $firstName . " " . $lastName . " < " . $email . " >";
                $name = $userFetchArray['rankName'] . " " . $userFetchArray['firstName'] . " " . $userFetchArray['lastName'];
            /* define the variables */
            $to = getCrewEmails("emailLogs");
            $subject = $emailSubject . " " . $name . "'s Personal Log - " . stripslashes($logTitle);
            $message = stripslashes($logContent);
            /* send the email */
            mail($to, $subject, $message, "From: " . $from . "\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
	<div class="body">
    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message("personal log", "add");
		<span class="fontTitle">Add Personal Log</span><br /><br />
		This page should be used in the event that a member of the crew has accidentally posted incorrectly.  For instance, if a player has replied to one of the emails sent out to the system instead of logging in and posting, you can copy and paste the contents of their email into this form and put the entry into the system. For all other personal logs, please use the <a href="<?php 
    echo $webLocation;
admin.php?page=post&sub=log"> Write Personal Log</a> page.<br /><br />
		<form method="post" action="<?php 
Ejemplo n.º 12
<script type="text/javascript">
	$(document).ready(function() {
		$('#container-1 > ul').tabs(<?php 
    echo $tab;
, { disabled: [<?php 
    echo $disable_string;

<div class="body">
    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message("crew award nomination", "submit");
	<span class="fontTitle">Award Nominations</span><br /><br />
	Awards can now be given to both playing characters as well as non-playing characters (NPCs can only be given in-character awards). If you want to nominate a fellow player for an award, use the playing character tab; if you&rsquo;d like to nominate an NPC for an award for their in character actions, use the non-playing character tab. Once you nominate someone for an award, it will be added to a queue for the CO to review. If the CO agrees with your award, they will be able to approve the award. Please refer to the <a href="<?php 
    echo $webLocation;
index.php?page=crewawards">Crew Awards page</a> for descriptions and any requirements for the awards.<br /><br />
	<div id="container-1">
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: join.php Proyecto: anodyne/sms
            $from = $realname . " <" . $email_address . ">";
            $message = "A new user has applied to join the " . $shipName . ".  Below you will find the information along with the link to the site to login and approve or deny the application.\n\t\n== USER INFORMATION ==\nReal Name: {$realname}\nEmail Address: {$email_address}\nInstant Messengers: \t\nAIM - {$aim}\nMSN - {$msn}\nYIM - {$yim}\nICQ - {$icq}\n\n== GENERAL INFORMATION ==\nNAME: {$firstName} {$middleName} {$lastName}\nPOSITION: " . $positioninfo['0'] . "\nRANK: To Be Assigned\nSPECIES: {$species}\nGENDER: {$gender}\nAGE: {$age}\n\n== APPEARANCE PROFILE ==\nHEIGHT: {$feet} ft. {$inches} in.\nWEIGHT: {$weight} lbs.\nEYE COLOR: {$eyeColor}\nHAIR COLOR: {$hairColor}\nDESCRIPTION: {$appearance}\n\n== PERSONALITY PROFILE ==\nPERSONALITY: {$personality}\nSTRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES: {$strengths}\nAMBITIONS: {$ambitions}\nHOBBIES: {$hobbies}\nLANGUAGES: {$languages}\n\n== HISTORY ==\n{$history}\n\n== FAMILY ==\nFATHER: {$father}\nMOTHER: {$mother}\nBROTHER(S): {$brothers}\nSISTER(S): {$sisters}\nSPOUSE: {$spouse}\nCHILDREN: {$children}\nOTHER FAMILY: {$otherFamily}\n\nIMAGE: {$image}\n\n== PLAYER EXPERIENCE ==\n{$playerExperience}\n\n== SAMPLE POST ==\n{$samplePost}\n\nLogin to your control panel at " . $webLocation . "login.php?action=login to approve or deny this application.";
            mail($to, $subject, $message, "From: " . $from . "\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
        /* close the if statement to send emails */
    /* close the spam check */
/* close the if statement on submitting the application */

<div class="body">
$check = new QueryCheck();
$check->checkQuery($result, $query);
if (!empty($check->query)) {
    $check->message("application", "submit");
	<span class="fontTitle">Join the <i><?php 
printText($shipPrefix . " " . $shipName);
	<br /><br />

if (!isset($agree)) {
Ejemplo n.º 14
            /* update each crew member */
            $query = "UPDATE sms_crew SET {$field} = '{$string}' WHERE crewid = '{$crewid}'";
            $result = mysql_query($query);
            /* set the appropriate action */
            if (isset($_POST['action_add_x'])) {
                $action = "add";
            } elseif (isset($_POST['action_remove_x'])) {
                $action = "remove";

	<div class="body">
    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message("crew access levels", $action);
		<span class="fontTitle">Crew Access Levels</span><br /><br />
		From here you can add or remove an access level for every member of the active crew. Just select an access level from the drop down and whether you want to add or remove that access level. <strong class="yellow">Use great caution when adding or removing access for the entire crew!</strong> The same rules/notes that apply for access levels also apply here. Please see the notes associated with the access levels for more information.<br /><br />
		<form method="post" action="<?php 
    echo $webLocation;
Ejemplo n.º 15
Archivo: coc.php Proyecto: anodyne/sms
    if (isset($action) && $action == "delete") {
        $getLastId = "SELECT cocid FROM sms_coc ORDER BY cocid DESC LIMIT 1";
        $getLastIdResult = mysql_query($getLastId);
        $lastID = mysql_fetch_assoc($getLastIdResult);
        $sql = "DELETE FROM sms_coc WHERE cocid = {$lastID['cocid']} LIMIT 1";
        $result = mysql_query($sql);
        /* optimize the table */

	<div class="body">
    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $sql);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message("chain of command", $action);
		<span class="fontTitle">Manage the Chain of Command</span><br /><br />
		<a href="<?php 
    echo $webLocation;
admin.php?page=manage&sub=coc&action=create" class="add fontMedium"><strong>Add CoC Position &raquo;</strong></a>
		<br />
		<a href="<?php 
Ejemplo n.º 16
                $message1 = $dockingShipCO . ", thank you for submitting a request to dock with " . $shipPrefix . " " . $shipName . ".  The CO has been sent a copy of your request and will be reviewing it shortly.  In the meantime, please feel free to browse our site (" . $webLocation . ") until the CO reviews your request.\n\t\t\nThis is an automatically generated message, please do not respond.";
                mail($to1, $subject1, $message1, "From: " . $from1 . "\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
                /* email the CO */
                $subject2 = $emailSubject . " Docking Request";
                $to2 = printCOEmail();
                $from2 = $dockingShipCO . " < " . $dockingShipCOEmail . " >";
                $message2 = "Greetings " . printCO() . ",\n\t\t\t\n\t{$dockingShipCO} of the {$dockingShipName} has sent a request to dock with the {$shipName}.  To answer the Commanding Officer and approve or deny his request, please log in to your Control Panel.\n\t\t\n" . $webLocation . "login.php?action=login";
                mail($to2, $subject2, $message2, "From: " . $from2 . "\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());

	<div class="body">
    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message("docking request", "submit");
		<span class="fontTitle">Docking Request Form</span><br /><br />
		<form method="post" action="<?php 
    echo $webLocation;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /* optimize the table */
    $mission_array = array('current' => array(), 'completed' => array(), 'upcoming' => array());
    $missions = "SELECT * FROM sms_missions ORDER BY missionOrder DESC";
    $missionsResult = mysql_query($missions);
    while ($notes = mysql_fetch_array($missionsResult)) {
        extract($notes, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
        $mission_array[$missionStatus][] = array('id' => $missionid, 'title' => $missionTitle, 'order' => $missionOrder, 'summary' => $missionSummary);

	<div class="body">
    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message("mission summary", "update");
		<script type="text/javascript">
				$('#container-1 > ul').tabs(<?php 
    echo $tab;
Ejemplo n.º 18
admin.php?page=manage&sub=accessall" class="add">Set Access Levels for Entire Crew &raquo;</a></b><br /><br />
        $getCrew = "SELECT crew.crewid, crew.firstName, crew.lastName, rank.rankName ";
        $getCrew .= "FROM sms_crew AS crew, sms_ranks AS rank WHERE crew.rankid = rank.rankid ";
        $getCrew .= "AND crew.crewType = 'active' ORDER BY crew.rankid ASC";
        $getCrewResult = mysql_query($getCrew);
        while ($userFetch = mysql_fetch_assoc($getCrewResult)) {
            extract($userFetch, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
            echo "<a href='" . $webLocation . "admin.php?page=manage&sub=access&crew=" . $userFetch['crewid'] . "'>" . stripslashes($userFetch['rankName'] . " " . $userFetch['firstName'] . " " . $userFetch['lastName']) . "</a><br />";
        /* close while loop */
    } elseif (isset($crew)) {
        /* query check */
        $check = new QueryCheck();
        $check->checkQuery($result, $updateAccess);
        if (!empty($check->query)) {
            $check->message("player access levels", "update");
        $getCrewAccess = "SELECT accessPost, accessManage, accessReports, accessUser, accessOthers ";
        $getCrewAccess .= "FROM sms_crew WHERE crewid = '{$crew}' LIMIT 1";
        $getCrewAccessResult = mysql_query($getCrewAccess);
        $fetchAccess = mysql_fetch_array($getCrewAccessResult);
        $crewAccessRaw = $fetchAccess[0] . "," . $fetchAccess[1] . "," . $fetchAccess[2] . "," . $fetchAccess[3] . "," . $fetchAccess[4];
        $crewAccess = explode(",", $crewAccessRaw);
		<span class="fontTitle">User Access Levels - <?php 
        printCrewName($crew, "noRank", "noLink");
Ejemplo n.º 19
Archivo: site.php Proyecto: anodyne/sms
    foreach ($array2 as $a => $b) {
        if (!in_array($b[2], $sessionAccess)) {
    /* loop through the database items and put them into a 2d array */
    while ($fetch3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result3)) {
        extract($fetch3, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
        $array3[] = array($fetch3['dbid'], $fetch3['dbTitle']);
	<div class="body">
    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message($type, "update");
		<span class="fontTitle">Site Options</span><br /><br />
		SMS gives users more control of what they see when they&rsquo;re logged in now. From this page,
		you can set the skin you use when you&rsquo;re logged in, the rank set you see as well as control
		panel options and personalized menu items.<br />
    $getUserInfo = "SELECT cpShowPosts, cpShowLogs, cpShowNews, cpShowPostsNum, ";
Ejemplo n.º 20
			jQuery.facebox(function() {
				jQuery.get('admin/ajax/database_' + action + '.php?id=' + id, function(data) {
			return false;
		$('.zebra tr:nth-child(even)').addClass('alt');

<div class="body">

    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message("database entry", $action_type);

	<span class="fontTitle">Database Entry Management</span><br /><br />
	The database feature in SMS 2 allows for the creation of an easy-to-manage list of important links, both on-site and off-site, as well as the option to create a database entry for those things that don&rsquo;t require a complete new page created.
    if (in_array("m_database2", $sessionAccess)) {
	<strong class="yellow">Note:</strong> admins can give and take access to the database feature through the Department management page.
Ejemplo n.º 21
			<a href="<?php 
        echo $webLocation;
admin.php?page=manage&sub=accesslevels&sec=pl">&raquo; Standard Player Access Levels</a>
    } elseif (isset($sec)) {
        /* get the group access levels for the specified section */
        $getCrewAccess = "SELECT * FROM sms_accesslevels WHERE id = {$id} LIMIT 1";
        $getCrewAccessResult = mysql_query($getCrewAccess);
        $fetchAccess = mysql_fetch_array($getCrewAccessResult);
        $access_raw = $fetchAccess[1] . "," . $fetchAccess[2] . "," . $fetchAccess[3] . "," . $fetchAccess[4] . "," . $fetchAccess[5];
        $crewAccess = explode(',', $access_raw);
        /* query check */
        $check = new QueryCheck();
        $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
        if (!empty($check->query)) {
            $check->message("default access level", "update");
		<span class="fontTitle">Default User Access Levels -
        /* setup the title based on the section */
        switch ($sec) {
            case 'co':
                echo "Commanding Officers";
            case 'xo':
Ejemplo n.º 22
Archivo: npcs.php Proyecto: anodyne/sms
				var action = $(this).attr("myAction");
				var id = $(this).attr("myID");

				jQuery.facebox(function() {
					jQuery.get('admin/ajax/npc_' + action + '.php?id=' + id, function(data) {
				return false;
	<div class="body">
    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message("non-playing character", $action_type);
		<span class="fontTitle">Manage Non-Playing Characters</span>
		<p>From this page, you can select any of the NPCs that exist in your own department. You can edit their bios, promote (or demote) them to another position or rank (below your own). If you want to move an NPC from your own department to another department, please contact the CO or XO. In addition, you can also add your own NPCs for your department.
    if (in_array("m_npcs2", $sessionAccess)) {
			If you would like to make an NPC a playing character, simply activate them.  You will then be able to edit their account.
Ejemplo n.º 23
            $to = getCrewEmails("emailPosts");
            $subject = $emailSubject . " " . printMissionTitle($postMission) . " - " . $postTitle;
            $message = "A Post By " . displayEmailAuthors($postAuthors, 'noLink') . "\r\n";
            $message .= "Location: " . stripslashes($postLocation) . "\r\n";
            $message .= "Timeline: " . stripslashes($postTimeline) . "\r\n";
            $message .= "Tag: " . stripslashes($postTag) . "\r\n\r\n";
            $message .= stripslashes($postContent);
            /* send the email */
            mail($to, $subject, $message, "From: " . $from . "\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());
	<div class="body">
    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message("mission entry", "add");
		<span class="fontTitle">Add Mission Entry</span><br /><br />
		This page should be used in the event that a member of the crew has accidentally posted incorrectly.  For instance, if a player has replied to one of the emails sent out to the system instead of logging in and posting, you can copy and paste the contents of their email into this form and put the entry into the system. For all other mission posts, please use the <a href="<?php 
    echo $webLocation;
admin.php?page=post&sub=mission"> Write Mission Post</a> page.<br /><br />
		<form method="post" action="<?php 
Ejemplo n.º 24
			var type = $(this).attr("myType");
			var action = $(this).attr("myAction");
			jQuery.facebox(function() {
				jQuery.get('admin/ajax/activate_' + type + "_" + action + '.php?id=' + id, function(data) {
			return false;

<div class="body">
    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message($action_category, $action_type);
	<span class="fontTitle">Manage Pending Items</span><br /><br />

	<div id="container-1">
			<li><a href="#one"><span>Users (<?php 
    echo $countPendingUsers;
			<li><a href="#two"><span>Mission Posts (<?php 
Ejemplo n.º 25
Archivo: bio.php Proyecto: anodyne/sms
		$("a[rel*=facebox]").click(function() {
			jQuery.facebox(function() {
				jQuery.get('admin/ajax/bio_rank_change.php', function(data) {
			return false;

	<div class="body">
        $check = new QueryCheck();
        $check->checkQuery($result, $updateCrew);
        if (!empty($check->query)) {
            $check->message("biography", "update");
		<span class="fontTitle">Manage <?php 
        echo $type;
        if ($fetchCrew['crewType'] == "pending") {
Ejemplo n.º 26
    $welcomeMessage = stripslashes($welcomeMessage);
    $shipMessage = stripslashes($shipMessage);
    $simmMessage = stripslashes($simmMessage);
    $shipHistory = stripslashes($shipHistory);
    $cpMessage = stripslashes($cpMessage);
    $joinDisclaimer = stripslashes($joinDisclaimer);
    $samplePostQuestion = stripslashes($samplePostQuestion);
    $rules = stripslashes($rules);
    $acceptMessage = stripslashes($acceptMessage);
    $rejectMessage = stripslashes($rejectMessage);
    $siteCredits = stripslashes($siteCredits);

	<div class="body">
    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message("site messages", "update");
		<span class="fontTitle">Site Messages</span>
		<form method="post" action="<?php 
    echo $webLocation;
Ejemplo n.º 27
				var action = $(this).attr("myAction");
				var id = $(this).attr("myID");
				jQuery.facebox(function() {
					jQuery.get('admin/ajax/docking_' + action + '.php?id=' + id, function(data) {
				return false;

	<div class="body">
    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message("ship", $action);
		<span class="fontTitle">Docked Ship Management</span><br /><br />
		From here you can edit any ships that are currently docked or have previously docked with your starbase. You cannot edit or activate pending docking requests from this page, you must use the <a href="<?php 
    echo $webLocation;
admin.php?page=manage&sub=activate">activation page</a> to do so.<br /><br />
		<div id="container-1">
Ejemplo n.º 28
			$("a[rel*=facebox]").click(function() {
				var id = $(this).attr("myID");

				jQuery.facebox(function() {
					jQuery.get('admin/ajax/moderate_edit.php?id=' + id, function(data) {
				return false;
	<div class="body">
    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message("user moderation flags", "update");
		<span class="fontTitle">Crew Post Moderation</span><br /><br />
		From this page you can view and change the moderation levels for various players. A green icon means that the type of post (the column) is being moderated for that particular player, while nothing in the column means the type of post is not being moderated.<br /><br />
		Moderated posts will require approval before being sent out to the crew. If a player is moderated and they attempted to post a joint post, the joint post will require approval before it is sent out to the crew, even if the other members are not moderated. Unmoderated posts will be sent out without any need for activation. These values can also be changed from each user&rsquo;s account page.<br /><br />
		<table class="zebra" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
			<tr class="fontMedium">
				<th>Crew Member</td>
				<th>Mission Posts</td>
Ejemplo n.º 29
	<script type="text/javascript">
		$(document).ready(function() {
				var number = $(this).val();
				window.location = "<?php 
    echo $webLocation;
admin.php?page=post&sub=addjp&number=" + number;
	<div class="body">
    $check = new QueryCheck();
    $check->checkQuery($result, $query);
    if (!empty($check->query)) {
        $check->message("joint post", "add");
		<span class="fontTitle">Add Joint Mission Entry</span><br /><br />
		This page should be used in the event that a member of the crew has accidentally posted incorrectly.  For instance, if a player has replied to one of the emails sent out to the system instead of logging in and posting, you can copy and paste the contents of their email into this form and put the entry into the system. For all other joint posts, please use the <a href="<?php 
    echo $webLocation;
admin.php?page=post&sub=jp"> Write Joint Post</a> page.<br /><br />
		<span class="fontNormal">
Ejemplo n.º 30
        /* close the array check */
        /* optimize the table */
    /* close if action is set */
    $accountInfo = "SELECT username, password, loa, realName, email, aim, yim, msn, icq, contactInfo, emailPosts, emailLogs, ";
    $accountInfo .= "emailNews, crewType, moderatePosts, moderateLogs, moderateNews FROM sms_crew WHERE crewid = {$crew} LIMIT 1";
    $accountInfoResult = mysql_query($accountInfo);
    while ($account = mysql_fetch_assoc($accountInfoResult)) {
        extract($account, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
	<div class="body">
        $check = new QueryCheck();
        $check->checkQuery($result, $updateAcct);
        if (!empty($check->query)) {
            $check->message("account", "update");
		<span class="fontTitle">User Account for <?php 
        printCrewName($crew, "noRank", "noLink");
		<font class="fontNormal">
			[ <a href="<?php 
        echo $webLocation;