public function downloaded() { $messagebox = new QMessageBox(); if ($this->progressBar->value != $this->progressBar->maximum) { $this->hide(); $messagebox->critical(0, tr('PQCreator error'), tr('Error download PQPack! :-( Please, try later...'), tr('Quit')); qApp::quit(); } $this->textEdit->html .= "\n" . tr('Writing in file...'); file_put_contents($this->tempFilePath, $this->downloader->downloadedData()); $this->textEdit->html .= "\n" . sprintf(tr('Unzip data in `%s`'), $this->destinationDir); $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($this->tempFilePath) === TRUE) { if (!mkdir($this->destinationDir)) { $this->hide(); $messagebox->critical(0, tr('PQCreator error'), sprintf(tr('Error creating directory `%s`!'), $this->destinationDir), tr('Quit')); $zip->close(); qApp::quit(); } $zip->extractTo($this->destinationDir); $zip->close(); $this->textEdit->html .= "\n<b>" . tr('Done!') . '</b>'; $this->button->enabled = true; $messagebox->free(); unset($messagebox); qApp::beep(); return; } $this->hide(); $messagebox->critical(0, tr('PQCreator error'), sprintf(tr('Error unzip PQPack package `%s`!'), $this->tempFilePath), tr('Quit')); qApp::quit(); }
private function checkPQPack() { if (!file_exists($this->pqpackPath)) { $this->getPQPackDialog(); } else { if (!is_dir($this->pqpackPath)) { $messagebox = new QMessageBox(); $messagebox->critical(0, tr('PQCreator error'), sprintf(tr('Cannot access to PQPack directory `%s`'), $this->pqpackPath), tr('Quit')); } } }
private function get_def_dir() { if (empty(trim($this->user_projects_path))) { // TODO: replace // $c_def_dir = explode(':', __DIR__)[0] . ':/PQProjects_tmp'; // sets the value of $c_def_dir to [C|D|E|...]:/PQProjects_tmp $c_def_dir = c(PQNAME)->currentPath . '/PQProjects_tmp'; $def_dir = $c_def_dir; // Check that the PATH is not a file for ($index = 1; file_exists($def_dir) && is_file($def_dir); $index++) { $def_dir = $c_def_dir . $index; } // Create a directory if not exists if (!file_exists($def_dir) && !mkdir($def_dir)) { $messageBox = new QMessageBox(); $messageBox->critical(0, tr('Error creating directory'), sprintf(tr('Cannot create directory `%s`'), u($def_dir)), tr('Ok')); $messageBox->free(); return false; } $this->user_projects_path = ___pq_prepare_path_to_win($def_dir); } return $this->user_projects_path; }
private function checkUpdates() { /* Updater */ if ($this->updaterResult === true) { $needUpdate = false; $vcontrol = c(PQNAME)->pqpackPath . '/'; $currentVersion = 'unknown'; if (!file_exists($vcontrol)) { $needUpdate = true; } else { $preUpdater = new UpdateDSApp(); $result = $preUpdater->check($vcontrol); if ($result === true) { $currentVersion = $preUpdater->updateInfo("version") . ' ' . $preUpdater->updateInfo("date"); } } $lastVersion = $this->updater->updateInfo("version") . ' ' . $this->updater->updateInfo("date"); if ($needUpdate === true) { $msgbox = new QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Information, tr('PQCreator updater'), tr('Update for package %s is available!') . "\r\n" . "\r\n" . tr('Current version: ') . $currentVersion . "\r\n" . tr('Available version: ') . $lastVersion . "\r\n" . "\r\n" . tr('Update package?'), QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::No, 0, Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); $answer = $msgbox->exec(); if ($answer == QMessageBox::Ok) { $msgbox2 = new QMessageBox(QMessageBox::Warning, tr('PQCreator updater'), tr('Sorry, the updates not supported yet... :-('), QMessageBox::Ok, 0, Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); $answer = $msgbox2->exec(); } $this->canBeClosed = true; } } else { // error connection } }
public function messageClicked() { $box = new QMessageBox(); $box->information($this, new QString(tr("Systray")), tr("Sorry, I already gave what help I could.\nMaybe you should try asking a human?"), QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Cancel); }
public function pqRunAction($sender, $checked) { $filename = $this->projectDir . '/main.php'; $exec = $this->projectDir . '/pqengine.exe'; if (file_put_contents($filename, $this->codegen->getCode()) === false) { $messagebox = new QMessageBox(); $messagebox->warning(0, tr('PQCreator error'), sprintf(tr("Cannot write data to file: %1\r\n" . 'Please check that the file is not opened in another application'), $filename)); $messagebox->free(); } else { $pipes = array(); $this->runningProcess = proc_open($exec, array(), $pipes, $this->projectDir); $this->runAction->enabled = false; $this->stopAction->enabled = true; $this->processCheckTimer->start(); } }