$calPublicationDate = isset($_ITEM->PublicationDate) ? $_ITEM->PublicationDate : 00 - 00 - 00; $tempstr = $strAuthor . '~' . $_ITEM->Binding . '~' . $intPages . '~' . $strPublisher . '~' . $calPublicationDate . '~' . $strISBN; $item_pass = $item_pass . '~' . $tempstr; break; case 'DVD': $tempstr = $strActor . '~' . $strDirector . '~' . $intRunningTime; $item_pass = $item_pass . '~' . $tempstr; break; case 'Music': $tempstr = $strArtist . '~' . $_ITEM->Label . '~' . $strNumberOfDiscs; $item_pass = $item_pass . '~' . $tempstr; break; } if ($owned == true) { $imgAddLink = new QImageButton($this->dtrAmazon); $imgAddLink->ImageUrl = '../assets/images/48x48/heart.png'; $imgAddLink->ToolTip = 'You Own this'; } else { $imgAddLink = new QImageButton($this->dtrAmazon); $imgAddLink->ImageUrl = '../assets/images/48x48/add.png'; $imgAddLink->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QServerAction('AddClicked')); $imgAddLink->ToolTip = 'Add to collection'; $imgAddLink->ActionParameter = $item_pass; } $imgAddLink->Render(); ?> </td> </tr> </table>
$img = $_ITEM->ImageURL; } else { $img = '../assets/images/48x48/help.png'; } ?> <img src='<?php _p($img); ?> ' width=95px height=110px></img> </div> <div> <?php if ($cnt <= 0) { $item_pass = $_ITEM->Id . '~' . $_ITEM->Title; $btnChoose = new QImageButton($this->dtrAssets); $btnChoose->ImageUrl = '../assets/images/32x32/add_to_shopping_cart.png'; $btnChoose->AlternateText = 'Add to Basket'; $btnChoose->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QServerAction('ChooseAssets_Click')); $btnChoose->ActionParameter = $item_pass; $btnChoose->Render(); } else { ?> <b> <?php _p('This item is shared with ' . $name); ?> </b><?php } ?> </div>
protected function Form_Create() { $this->txtText = new QTextBox($this); $this->txtText->Text = 'Default'; $this->txtText->Name = 'TextBox'; $this->txtText2 = new QTextBox($this); $this->txtText2->Text = 'Big'; $this->txtText2->Name = 'TextBox'; $this->txtText2->TextMode = QTextMode::MultiLine; $this->txtText2->Rows = 3; $this->chkCheck = new QCheckBox($this); $this->chkCheck->Name = 'CheckBox'; $this->chkCheck->WrapLabel = true; $items = array(1 => 'Item1', 2 => 'Item2', 3 => 'Item3', 4 => 'Item4'); $this->lstSelect = new QListBox($this); $this->lstSelect->AddItems($items); $this->lstSelect->Name = 'Select'; $this->lstSelect2 = new QListBox($this); $this->lstSelect2->AddItems($items); $this->lstSelect2->Name = 'Multiselect'; $this->lstSelect2->SelectionMode = QSelectionMode::Multiple; $this->lstCheck = new QCheckBoxList($this); $this->lstCheck->AddItems($items); $this->lstCheck->Name = 'Check List'; $this->lstCheck->RepeatDirection = QRepeatDirection::Horizontal; $this->lstCheck->RepeatColumns = 4; $this->lstCheck2 = new QCheckBoxList($this); $this->lstCheck2->AddItems($items); $this->lstCheck2->Name = 'Check List'; $this->lstCheck2->RepeatColumns = 1; $this->lstCheck2->MaxHeight = 100; $this->lstCheck2->WrapLabel = true; $this->lstCheck2->Name = 'Check List 2'; $this->lstRadio = new QRadioButtonList($this); $this->lstRadio->AddItems($items); $this->lstRadio->Name = 'Radio List'; $this->lstRadio->RepeatDirection = QRepeatDirection::Horizontal; $this->lstRadio->RepeatColumns = 4; $this->lstRadio->SelectedIndex = 1; $this->rdoRadio1 = new QRadioButton($this); $this->rdoRadio1->Name = 'Item 1'; $this->rdoRadio1->GroupName = 'MyGroup'; $this->rdoRadio2 = new QRadioButton($this); $this->rdoRadio2->Name = 'Item 2'; $this->rdoRadio2->GroupName = 'MyGroup'; $this->rdoRadio3 = new QRadioButton($this); $this->rdoRadio3->Name = 'Item 3'; $this->rdoRadio3->GroupName = 'MyGroup'; $this->btnImage = new QImageButton($this); $this->btnImage->Name = 'Image Button'; $this->btnImage->ImageUrl = __PHP_ASSETS__ . '/examples/images/data_model_thumbnail.png'; $this->btnImage->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QRegisterClickPositionAction()); $this->btnServer = new QButton($this); $this->btnServer->Text = 'Server Submit'; $this->btnServer->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QServerAction('submit_click')); $this->btnAjax = new QButton($this); $this->btnAjax->Text = 'Ajax Submit'; $this->btnAjax->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QAjaxAction('submit_click')); $this->btnSetItemsAjax = new QButton($this); $this->btnSetItemsAjax->Text = 'Ajax Set Items'; $this->btnSetItemsAjax->AddAction(new QClickEvent(), new QAjaxAction('setItems_click')); }