function setOfflinePunch($data) { Debug::Text('Setting Offline Punches... Rows: ' . count($data), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); // //WHen in Offline mode, default Type/Status to "AUTO"... //That way once I get the punches, I can determine what they should be on my end. // if (!is_array($data) or count($data) == 0) { return FALSE; } ksort($data); //Debug::Arr($data, 'offlinePunchDataArr', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); /* //Original $data[] = array( 'user_id' => 1, 'time_stamp' => '12:00 PM', 'date_stamp' => '03-Dec-05', 'branch_id' => 1, 'department_id' => NULL, 'status_id' => 20, 'type_id' => 20, 'punch_control_id' => 0, 'station_id' => '7D00000023352A81' ); */ /* unset($data); $data[] = array( 'user_id' => 1001, 'time_stamp' => '08:00 AM', 'date_stamp' => '05-Dec-05', 'branch_id' => 5, 'department_id' => 3, 'status_id' => 0, 'type_id' => 0, 'punch_control_id' => 0, 'station_id' => '7D00000023352A81' ); $data[] = array( 'user_id' => 1001, 'time_stamp' => '12:00 PM', 'date_stamp' => '05-Dec-05', 'branch_id' => 0, 'department_id' => 3, 'status_id' => 20, 'type_id' => 0, 'punch_control_id' => 0, 'station_id' => '7D00000023352A81' ); */ /* $data[] = array( 'user_id' => 1001, 'time_stamp' => '1:00 PM', 'date_stamp' => '05-Dec-05', 'branch_id' => 6, 'department_id' => 0, 'status_id' => 0, 'type_id' => 20, 'punch_control_id' => 0, 'station_id' => '7D00000023352A81' ); */ /* $data[] = array( 'user_id' => 1001, 'time_stamp' => '5:00 PM', 'date_stamp' => '05-Dec-05', 'branch_id' => 0, 'department_id' => 0, 'status_id' => 0, 'type_id' => 0, 'punch_control_id' => 0, 'station_id' => '7D00000023352A81' ); */ //Debug::Arr($data, 'offlinePunchDataArr', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); //One punch per row foreach ($data as $row_key => $punch_row) { Debug::Text('--------------------------========================---------------------------', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); Debug::Text('--------------------------========================---------------------------', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); Debug::Text('Row Key: ' . $row_key . ' Date: ' . $punch_row['date_stamp'] . ' Time: ' . $punch_row['time_stamp'] . ' Station ID: ' . $punch_row['station_id'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if (isset($punch_row['station_id'])) { $slf = new StationListFactory(); $slf->getByStationId($punch_row['station_id']); if ($slf->getRecordCount() > 0) { Debug::Text('Found Station Data...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $current_station = $slf->getCurrent(); } else { Debug::Text('DID NOT Find Station Data...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); continue; } unset($slf); } if (isset($punch_row['user_id']) and $punch_row['user_id'] != '') { $ulf = new UserListFactory(); $ulf->getById($punch_row['user_id']); if ($ulf->getRecordCount() > 0) { $current_user = $ulf->getCurrent(); Debug::Text('Valid User ID: ' . $punch_row['user_id'] . ' User Name: ' . $current_user->getFullName(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); //Need to handle timezone somehow. The station should send us the system's timezone //so we can calculate based on that. //Or just use the employees date preference. $current_user->getUserPreferenceObject()->setDateTimePreferences(); } else { Debug::Text('aInValid User ID: ' . $punch_row['user_id'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); continue; } } else { Debug::Text('bInValid User ID: ' . $punch_row['user_id'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); continue; } //Check to make sure the station is allowed. if (is_object($current_station) and is_object($current_user) and $current_station->checkAllowed($current_user->getId(), $current_station->getStation(), $current_station->getType()) == FALSE) { Debug::text('Station NOT allowed: Station ID: ' . $current_station->getId() . ' User: '******'date_stamp'] . ' ' . $punch_row['time_stamp']); //Make sure time stamp converts properly, otherwise skip this punch. if (!is_int($punch_full_time_stamp)) { Debug::Text('Failed TimeStamp: ' . $punch_full_time_stamp, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); continue; } Debug::Text('Punch Date/Time: ' . $punch_full_time_stamp . ' Offset that was already applied: ' . $punch_row['offset'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $fail_transaction = FALSE; $pf = new PunchFactory(); $pf->StartTransaction(); $slf = new ScheduleListFactory(); //Auto Punch if (isset($punch_row['status_id']) and $punch_row['status_id'] == 0 or isset($punch_row['type_id']) and $punch_row['type_id'] == 0 or isset($punch_row['branch_id']) and $punch_row['branch_id'] == 0 or isset($punch_row['department_id']) and $punch_row['department_id'] == 0 or isset($punch_row['job_id']) and $punch_row['job_id'] == 0 or isset($punch_row['job_item_id']) and $punch_row['job_item_id'] == 0) { $plf = new PunchListFactory(); $plf->getPreviousPunchByUserIDAndEpoch($punch_row['user_id'], $punch_full_time_stamp); if ($plf->getRecordCount() > 0) { Debug::Text(' Found Previous Punch within Continuous Time from now: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $prev_punch_obj = $plf->getCurrent(); $branch_id = $prev_punch_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getBranch(); $department_id = $prev_punch_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getDepartment(); $job_id = $prev_punch_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJob(); $job_item_id = $prev_punch_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getJobItem(); $quantity = $prev_punch_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getQuantity(); $bad_quantity = $prev_punch_obj->getPunchControlObject()->getBadQuantity(); if ($branch_id == '' or empty($branch_id) or $department_id == '' or empty($department_id)) { Debug::Text(' Branch or department are null. ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $s_obj = $slf->getScheduleObjectByUserIdAndEpoch($punch_row['user_id'], $punch_full_time_stamp); if (is_object($s_obj)) { Debug::Text(' Found Schedule!: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if ($branch_id == '' or empty($branch_id)) { Debug::Text(' overrriding branch: ' . $s_obj->getBranch(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $branch_id = $s_obj->getBranch(); } if ($department_id == '' or empty($department_id)) { Debug::Text(' overrriding department: ' . $s_obj->getDepartment(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $department_id = $s_obj->getDepartment(); } } } $type_id = $prev_punch_obj->getNextType(); $status_id = $prev_punch_obj->getNextStatus(); $next_type = $prev_punch_obj->getNextType(); //Check for break policy window. if ($next_type != 30 and ($prev_punch_obj->getStatus() != 30 and $prev_punch_obj->getType() != 30)) { $prev_punch_obj->setUser($current_user->getId()); $prev_punch_obj->setScheduleID($prev_punch_obj->findScheduleID($punch_full_time_stamp)); if ($prev_punch_obj->inBreakPolicyWindow($punch_full_time_stamp, $prev_punch_obj->getTimeStamp()) == TRUE) { Debug::Text(' Setting Type to Break: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $next_type = 30; } } //Check for meal policy window. if ($next_type != 20 and ($prev_punch_obj->getStatus() != 20 and $prev_punch_obj->getType() != 20)) { $prev_punch_obj->setUser($current_user->getId()); $prev_punch_obj->setScheduleID($prev_punch_obj->findScheduleID($punch_full_time_stamp)); if ($prev_punch_obj->inMealPolicyWindow($punch_full_time_stamp, $prev_punch_obj->getTimeStamp()) == TRUE) { Debug::Text(' Setting Type to Lunch: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $next_type = 20; } } } else { Debug::Text(' DID NOT Find Previous Punch within Continuous Time from now: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $branch_id = NULL; $department_id = NULL; $job_id = NULL; $job_item_id = NULL; $s_obj = $slf->getScheduleObjectByUserIdAndEpoch($punch_row['user_id'], $punch_full_time_stamp); if (is_object($s_obj)) { Debug::Text(' Found Schedule!: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $branch_id = $s_obj->getBranch(); $department_id = $s_obj->getDepartment(); } else { $branch_id = $current_user->getDefaultBranch(); $department_id = $current_user->getDefaultDepartment(); //Check station for default/forced settings. if (is_object($current_station)) { if ($current_station->getDefaultBranch() !== FALSE and $current_station->getDefaultBranch() != 0) { $branch_id = $current_station->getDefaultBranch(); } if ($current_station->getDefaultDepartment() !== FALSE and $current_station->getDefaultDepartment() != 0) { $department_id = $current_station->getDefaultDepartment(); } if ($current_station->getDefaultJob() !== FALSE and $current_station->getDefaultJob() != 0) { $job_id = $current_station->getDefaultJob(); } if ($current_station->getDefaultJobItem() !== FALSE and $current_station->getDefaultJobItem() != 0) { $job_item_id = $current_station->getDefaultJobItem(); } } } $status_id = 10; //In $type_id = 10; //Normal } if (isset($punch_row['status_id']) and $punch_row['status_id'] != 0) { Debug::Text(' Status ID is NOT AUTO: ' . $punch_row['status_id'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $status_id = $punch_row['status_id']; } if (isset($punch_row['type_id']) and $punch_row['type_id'] != 0) { Debug::Text(' Type ID is NOT AUTO: ' . $punch_row['type_id'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $type_id = $punch_row['type_id']; } if (isset($punch_row['branch_id']) and $punch_row['branch_id'] != 0) { Debug::Text(' Branch ID is NOT AUTO: ' . $punch_row['branch_id'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $branch_id = $punch_row['branch_id']; } if (isset($punch_row['department_id']) and $punch_row['department_id'] != 0) { Debug::Text(' Department ID is NOT AUTO: ' . $punch_row['department_id'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $department_id = $punch_row['department_id']; } if (isset($punch_row['job_id']) and $punch_row['job_id'] != 0) { Debug::Text(' Job ID is NOT AUTO: ' . $punch_row['job_id'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $job_id = $punch_row['job_id']; } if (isset($punch_row['job_item_id']) and $punch_row['job_item_id'] != 0) { Debug::Text(' Job Item ID is NOT AUTO: ' . $punch_row['job_item_id'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $job_item_id = $punch_row['job_item_id']; } if (isset($punch_row['quantity'])) { Debug::Text(' Quantity is NOT AUTO: ' . $punch_row['quantity'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $quantity = $punch_row['quantity']; } if (isset($punch_row['bad_quantity'])) { Debug::Text(' Bad Quantity is NOT AUTO: ' . $punch_row['bad_quantity'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $bad_quantity = $punch_row['bad_quantity']; } } else { $status_id = $punch_row['status_id']; $type_id = $punch_row['type_id']; $branch_id = $punch_row['branch_id']; $department_id = $punch_row['department_id']; $job_id = $punch_row['job_id']; $job_item_id = $punch_row['job_item_id']; $quantity = $punch_row['quantity']; $bad_quantity = $punch_row['bad_quantity']; } //Set User before setTimeStamp so rounding can be done properly. $pf->setUser($punch_row['user_id']); if (isset($punch_row['transfer']) and $punch_row['transfer'] == 1) { Debug::Text(' Enabling Transfer!: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $type_id = 10; $status_id = 10; $pf->setTransfer(TRUE); } $pf->setType($type_id); $pf->setStatus($status_id); $pf->setTimeStamp($punch_full_time_stamp, TRUE); //Make sure we round here. if (isset($status_id) and $status_id == 20 and isset($punch_row['punch_control_id']) and $punch_row['punch_control_id'] != '' and $punch_row['punch_control_id'] != 0) { $pf->setPunchControlID($punch_row['punch_control_id']); } else { $pf->setPunchControlID($pf->findPunchControlID()); } $pf->setStation($current_station->getId()); if ($pf->isNew()) { $pf->setActualTimeStamp($punch_full_time_stamp); $pf->setOriginalTimeStamp($pf->getTimeStamp()); } if ($pf->isValid() == TRUE) { if ($pf->Save(FALSE) == TRUE) { $pcf = new PunchControlFactory(); $pcf->setId($pf->getPunchControlID()); $pcf->setPunchObject($pf); if (isset($branch_id) and $branch_id != '') { $pcf->setBranch($branch_id); } if (isset($department_id) and $department_id != '') { $pcf->setDepartment($department_id); } if (isset($job_id) and $job_id != '') { $pcf->setJob($job_id); } if (isset($job_item_id) and $job_item_id != '') { $pcf->setJobItem($job_item_id); } if (isset($quantity) and $quantity != '') { $pcf->setQuantity($quantity); } if (isset($bad_quantity) and $bad_quantity != '') { $pcf->setBadQuantity($bad_quantity); } if (isset($punch_row['note']) and $punch_row['note'] != '') { $pcf->setNote($punch_row['note']); } if (isset($punch_row['other_id1']) and $punch_row['other_id1'] != '') { $pcf->setOtherID1($punch_row['other_id1']); } if (isset($punch_row['other_id2']) and $punch_row['other_id2'] != '') { $pcf->setOtherID2($punch_row['other_id2']); } if (isset($punch_row['other_id3']) and $punch_row['other_id3'] != '') { $pcf->setOtherID3($punch_row['other_id3']); } if (isset($punch_row['other_id4']) and $punch_row['other_id4'] != '') { $pcf->setOtherID4($punch_row['other_id4']); } if (isset($punch_row['other_id5']) and $punch_row['other_id5'] != '') { $pcf->setOtherID5($punch_row['other_id5']); } $pcf->setEnableStrictJobValidation(TRUE); $pcf->setEnableCalcUserDateID(TRUE); $pcf->setEnableCalcTotalTime(TRUE); $pcf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime(TRUE); $pcf->setEnableCalcUserDateTotal(TRUE); $pcf->setEnableCalcException(TRUE); $pcf->setEnablePreMatureException(TRUE); //Enable pre-mature exceptions at this point. if ($pcf->isValid() == TRUE) { Debug::Text(' Punch Control is valid, saving...: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if ($pcf->Save(TRUE, TRUE) == TRUE) { //Force isNew() lookup. Debug::text('Saved Punch!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); } else { Debug::text('PCF Save failed... Failing Transaction!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $fail_transaction = TRUE; } } else { Debug::text('PCF Validate failed... Failing Transaction!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $fail_transaction = TRUE; } } else { Debug::text('PF Save failed... Failing Transaction!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $fail_transaction = TRUE; } } else { Debug::text('PF Validate failed... Failing Transaction!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $fail_transaction = TRUE; } if ($fail_transaction == FALSE) { $pf->CommitTransaction(); } else { $pf->FailTransaction(); } unset($punch_full_time_stamp, $current_station, $current_user); //End Foreach } return TRUE; }
function createPunchPair($user_id, $in_time_stamp, $out_time_stamp, $data = NULL, $calc_total_time = TRUE) { $fail_transaction = FALSE; Debug::Text('Punch Full In Time Stamp: (' . $in_time_stamp . ') ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $in_time_stamp) . ' Out: (' . $out_time_stamp . ') ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $out_time_stamp), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $pf = new PunchFactory(); $pf->StartTransaction(); //Out Punch //Save out punch first so the $pf object is for the In Punch if there is one. if ($out_time_stamp !== NULL) { $pf_in = new PunchFactory(); $pf_in->setTransfer(FALSE); $pf_in->setUser($user_id); $pf_in->setType($data['out_type_id']); $pf_in->setStatus(20); $pf_in->setTimeStamp($out_time_stamp); if ($pf_in->isNew()) { $pf_in->setActualTimeStamp($out_time_stamp); $pf_in->setOriginalTimeStamp($pf_in->getTimeStamp()); } $pf_in->setPunchControlID($pf_in->findPunchControlID()); if ($pf_in->isValid()) { if ($pf_in->Save(FALSE) === FALSE) { Debug::Text(' aFail Transaction: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $fail_transaction = TRUE; } } } if ($in_time_stamp !== NULL) { //In Punch $pf_out = new PunchFactory(); $pf_out->setTransfer(FALSE); $pf_out->setUser($user_id); $pf_out->setType($data['in_type_id']); $pf_out->setStatus(10); $pf_out->setTimeStamp($in_time_stamp); if ($pf_out->isNew()) { $pf_out->setActualTimeStamp($in_time_stamp); $pf_out->setOriginalTimeStamp($pf_out->getTimeStamp()); } if (isset($pf_in) and $pf_in->getPunchControlID() != FALSE) { //Get Punch Control ID from above Out punch. $pf_out->setPunchControlID($pf_in->getPunchControlID()); } else { $pf_out->setPunchControlID($pf_out->findPunchControlID()); } if ($pf_out->isValid()) { if ($pf_out->Save(FALSE) === FALSE) { Debug::Text(' aFail Transaction: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $fail_transaction = TRUE; } } } if ($fail_transaction == FALSE) { if (isset($pf_in) and is_object($pf_in)) { Debug::Text(' Using In Punch Object... TimeStamp: ' . $pf_in->getTimeStamp(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $pf = $pf_in; } elseif (isset($pf_out) and is_object($pf_out)) { Debug::Text(' Using Out Punch Object... TimeStamp: ' . $pf_out->getTimeStamp(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $pf = $pf_out; } $pcf = new PunchControlFactory(); $pcf->setId($pf->getPunchControlID()); $pcf->setPunchObject($pf); $pcf->setBranch($data['branch_id']); $pcf->setDepartment($data['department_id']); if (isset($data['job_id'])) { $pcf->setJob($data['job_id']); } if (isset($data['job_item_id'])) { $pcf->setJobItem($data['job_item_id']); } if (isset($data['quantity'])) { $pcf->setQuantity($data['quantity']); } if (isset($data['bad_quantity'])) { $pcf->setBadQuantity($data['bad_quantity']); } $pcf->setEnableCalcUserDateID(TRUE); $pcf->setEnableCalcTotalTime($calc_total_time); $pcf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime($calc_total_time); $pcf->setEnableCalcWeeklySystemTotalTime($calc_total_time); $pcf->setEnableCalcUserDateTotal($calc_total_time); $pcf->setEnableCalcException($calc_total_time); if ($pcf->isValid() == TRUE) { $punch_control_id = $pcf->Save(TRUE, TRUE); //Force lookup if ($fail_transaction == FALSE) { Debug::Text('Punch Control ID: ' . $punch_control_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $pf->CommitTransaction(); return TRUE; } } } Debug::Text('Failed Creating Punch!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $pf->FailTransaction(); return FALSE; }
} Redirect::Page(URLBuilder::getURL(array('refresh' => TRUE), '../CloseWindow.php')); break; case 'submit': //Debug::setBufferOutput(FALSE); //Debug::setVerbosity(11); Debug::Text('Submit!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $fail_transaction = FALSE; $pf->StartTransaction(); //Limit it to 31 days, just in case someone makes an error entering the dates or something. if ($pc_data['repeat'] > 31) { $pc_data['repeat'] = 31; } Debug::Text('Repeating Punch For: ' . $pc_data['repeat'] . ' Days', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); for ($i = 0; $i <= (int) $pc_data['repeat']; $i++) { $pf = new PunchFactory(); Debug::Text('Punch Repeat: ' . $i, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if ($i == 0) { $time_stamp = $punch_full_time_stamp; } else { $time_stamp = $punch_full_time_stamp + 86400 * $i; } Debug::Text('Punch Full Time Stamp: ' . date('r', $time_stamp) . '(' . $time_stamp . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); //Set User before setTimeStamp so rounding can be done properly. $pf->setUser($pc_data['user_id']); if ($i == 0) { $pf->setId($pc_data['punch_id']); } if (isset($data['transfer'])) { $pf->setTransfer(TRUE); }
function getDayReportByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria($company_id, $filter_data, $limit = NULL, $page = NULL, $where = NULL, $order = NULL) { //$order = array( 'b.pay_period_id' => 'asc', 'b.user_id' => 'asc' ); $order = array('tmp.pay_period_id' => 'asc', 'z.last_name' => 'asc', 'tmp.date_stamp' => 'asc'); /* if ( $order == NULL ) { $order = array( 'b.pay_period_id' => 'asc', 'b.user_id' => 'asc' ); $strict = FALSE; } else { $strict = TRUE; } */ $ulf = new UserListFactory(); $udf = new UserDateFactory(); $uwf = new UserWageFactory(); $pcf = new PunchControlFactory(); $pf = new PunchFactory(); $otpf = new OverTimePolicyFactory(); $apf = new AbsencePolicyFactory(); $ppf = new PremiumPolicyFactory(); $ph = array(); //Make it so employees with 0 hours still show up!! Very important! //Order dock hours first, so it can be deducted from regular time. $query = ' select, tmp.* from ' . $ulf->getTable() . ' as z LEFT JOIN ( select b.user_id, b.pay_period_id as pay_period_id, b.date_stamp as date_stamp, a.branch_id as branch_id, a.department_id as department_id, a.status_id as status_id, a.type_id as type_id, a.over_time_policy_id as over_time_policy_id, as over_time_policy_wage_id, n.effective_date as over_time_policy_wage_effective_date, a.absence_policy_id as absence_policy_id, as absence_policy_wage_id, p.effective_date as absence_policy_wage_effective_date, a.premium_policy_id as premium_policy_id, as premium_policy_wage_id, r.effective_date as premium_policy_wage_effective_date, as user_wage_id, z.effective_date as user_wage_effective_date, tmp2.min_punch_time_stamp as min_punch_time_stamp, tmp2.max_punch_time_stamp as max_punch_time_stamp, sum(total_Time) as total_time, sum(actual_total_Time) as actual_total_time from ' . $this->getTable() . ' as a LEFT JOIN ' . $udf->getTable() . ' as b ON a.user_date_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $otpf->getTable() . ' as m ON a.over_time_policy_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $uwf->getTable() . ' as n ON = (select from ' . $uwf->getTable() . ' as n where n.user_id = b.user_id and n.wage_group_id = m.wage_group_id and n.effective_date <= b.date_stamp and n.deleted = 0 order by n.effective_date desc limit 1) LEFT JOIN ' . $apf->getTable() . ' as o ON a.absence_policy_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $uwf->getTable() . ' as p ON = (select from ' . $uwf->getTable() . ' as p where p.user_id = b.user_id and p.wage_group_id = o.wage_group_id and p.effective_date <= b.date_stamp and p.deleted = 0 order by p.effective_date desc limit 1) LEFT JOIN ' . $ppf->getTable() . ' as q ON a.premium_policy_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $uwf->getTable() . ' as r ON = (select from ' . $uwf->getTable() . ' as r where r.user_id = b.user_id and r.wage_group_id = q.wage_group_id and r.effective_date <= b.date_stamp and r.deleted = 0 order by r.effective_date desc limit 1) LEFT JOIN ' . $uwf->getTable() . ' as z ON = (select from ' . $uwf->getTable() . ' as z where z.user_id = b.user_id and z.effective_date <= b.date_stamp and z.deleted = 0 order by z.effective_date desc limit 1) LEFT JOIN ( select, min(tmp3.min_punch_time_stamp) as min_punch_time_stamp, max(tmp3.max_punch_time_stamp) as max_punch_time_stamp from ( select, CASE WHEN tmp2_c.status_id = 10 THEN min(tmp2_c.time_stamp) ELSE NULL END as min_punch_time_stamp, CASE WHEN tmp2_c.status_id = 20 THEN max(tmp2_c.time_stamp) ELSE NULL END as max_punch_time_stamp from ' . $udf->getTable() . ' as tmp2_a LEFT JOIN ' . $pcf->getTable() . ' as tmp2_b ON = tmp2_b.user_date_id LEFT JOIN ' . $pf->getTable() . ' as tmp2_c ON = tmp2_c.punch_control_id WHERE 1=1 '; if (isset($filter_data['user_id']) and isset($filter_data['user_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['user_id'])) { $query .= ' AND tmp2_a.user_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['user_id'], $ph) . ') '; } if (isset($filter_data['pay_period_ids']) and isset($filter_data['pay_period_ids'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['pay_period_ids'])) { $query .= ' AND tmp2_a.pay_period_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['pay_period_ids'], $ph) . ') '; } if (isset($filter_data['start_date']) and trim($filter_data['start_date']) != '') { $ph[] = $this->db->BindDate($filter_data['start_date']); $query .= ' AND tmp2_a.date_stamp >= ?'; } if (isset($filter_data['end_date']) and trim($filter_data['end_date']) != '') { $ph[] = $this->db->BindDate($filter_data['end_date']); $query .= ' AND tmp2_a.date_stamp <= ?'; } $query .= ' AND tmp2_c.time_stamp is not null AND ( tmp2_a.deleted = 0 AND tmp2_b.deleted = 0 AND tmp2_c.deleted = 0 ) group by, tmp2_c.status_id ) as tmp3 group by ) as tmp2 ON = where 1=1 '; if (isset($filter_data['user_id']) and isset($filter_data['user_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['user_id'])) { $query .= ' AND b.user_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['user_id'], $ph) . ') '; } if (isset($filter_data['pay_period_ids']) and isset($filter_data['pay_period_ids'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['pay_period_ids'])) { $query .= ' AND b.pay_period_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['pay_period_ids'], $ph) . ') '; } if (isset($filter_data['start_date']) and trim($filter_data['start_date']) != '') { $ph[] = $this->db->BindDate($filter_data['start_date']); $query .= ' AND b.date_stamp >= ?'; } if (isset($filter_data['end_date']) and trim($filter_data['end_date']) != '') { $ph[] = $this->db->BindDate($filter_data['end_date']); $query .= ' AND b.date_stamp <= ?'; } $ph[] = $company_id; $query .= ' AND a.status_id in (10,20,30) AND ( a.deleted = 0 AND b.deleted = 0 ) group by b.user_id, b.pay_period_id, a.branch_id, a.department_id, b.date_stamp, user_wage_id, user_wage_effective_date, over_time_policy_wage_id, over_time_policy_wage_effective_date, absence_policy_wage_id, absence_policy_wage_effective_date, premium_policy_wage_id, premium_policy_wage_effective_date, a.status_id, a.type_id, a.over_time_policy_id, a.absence_policy_id, a.premium_policy_id, tmp2.min_punch_time_stamp, tmp2.max_punch_time_stamp ) as tmp ON = tmp.user_id WHERE z.company_id = ? '; if (isset($filter_data['user_id']) and isset($filter_data['user_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['user_id'])) { $query .= ' AND in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['user_id'], $ph) . ') '; } $query .= ' AND z.deleted = 0 '; $query .= $this->getSortSQL($order, FALSE); $this->rs = $this->db->Execute($query, $ph); return $this; }
function getTimesheetDetailReportByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria($company_id, $filter_data, $limit = NULL, $page = NULL, $where = NULL, $order = NULL) { //$order = array( 'b.pay_period_id' => 'asc', 'b.user_id' => 'asc' ); //$order = array( 'b.pay_period_id' => 'asc','uf.last_name' => 'asc', 'b.date_stamp' => 'asc' ); /* if ( $order == NULL ) { $order = array( 'b.pay_period_id' => 'asc', 'b.user_id' => 'asc' ); $strict = FALSE; } else { $strict = TRUE; } */ if (isset($filter_data['punch_branch_ids'])) { $filter_data['punch_branch_id'] = $filter_data['punch_branch_ids']; } if (isset($filter_data['punch_department_ids'])) { $filter_data['punch_department_id'] = $filter_data['punch_department_ids']; } if (isset($filter_data['branch_ids'])) { $filter_data['branch_id'] = $filter_data['branch_ids']; } if (isset($filter_data['department_ids'])) { $filter_data['department_id'] = $filter_data['department_ids']; } $uf = new UserFactory(); $udf = new UserDateFactory(); $bf = new BranchFactory(); $df = new DepartmentFactory(); $ppf_b = new PayPeriodFactory(); $uwf = new UserWageFactory(); $pcf = new PunchControlFactory(); $pf = new PunchFactory(); $otpf = new OverTimePolicyFactory(); $apf = new AbsencePolicyFactory(); $ppf = new PremiumPolicyFactory(); $ph = array('company_id' => $company_id); //Make it so employees with 0 hours still show up!! Very important! //Order dock hours first, so it can be deducted from regular time. //Show Min/Max punches based on day/branch/department, so we can split reports out day/branch/department and still show // when the employee punched in/out for each. $query = ' select b.user_id as user_id, as pay_period_id, ppf.start_date as pay_period_start_date, ppf.end_date as pay_period_end_date, ppf.transaction_date as pay_period_transaction_date, b.date_stamp as date_stamp, as branch, as department, a.status_id as status_id, a.type_id as type_id, a.over_time_policy_id as over_time_policy_id, a.absence_policy_id as absence_policy_id, a.premium_policy_id as premium_policy_id, z.hourly_rate as hourly_rate, z.labor_burden_percent as labor_burden_percent, min_punch.time_stamp as min_punch_time_stamp, max_punch.time_stamp as max_punch_time_stamp, sum(total_time) as total_time, sum(actual_total_time) as actual_total_time from ' . $this->getTable() . ' as a LEFT JOIN ' . $udf->getTable() . ' as b ON a.user_date_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $uf->getTable() . ' as uf ON b.user_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $bf->getTable() . ' as bf ON a.branch_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $df->getTable() . ' as df ON a.department_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $ppf_b->getTable() . ' as ppf ON b.pay_period_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $otpf->getTable() . ' as m ON (a.over_time_policy_id = AND m.deleted = 0) LEFT JOIN ' . $apf->getTable() . ' as o ON (a.absence_policy_id = AND o.deleted = 0) LEFT JOIN ' . $ppf->getTable() . ' as q ON (a.premium_policy_id = AND q.deleted = 0) LEFT JOIN ' . $uwf->getTable() . ' as z ON = (select from ' . $uwf->getTable() . ' as z where z.user_id = b.user_id and z.effective_date <= b.date_stamp and z.wage_group_id = (CASE WHEN a.over_time_policy_id > 0 THEN m.wage_group_id ELSE CASE WHEN a.absence_policy_id > 0 THEN o.wage_group_id ELSE CASE WHEN a.premium_policy_id > 0 THEN q.wage_group_id ELSE 0 END END END) and z.deleted = 0 order by z.effective_date desc limit 1) LEFT JOIN ' . $pf->getTable() . ' as min_punch ON = ( select from ' . $pf->getTable() . ' as pf_a LEFT JOIN ' . $pcf->getTable() . ' as pcf_a ON pf_a.punch_control_id = WHERE pcf_a.user_date_id = a.user_date_id AND pcf_a.branch_id = a.branch_id AND pcf_a.department_id = a.department_id AND pf_a.status_id = 10 ORDER BY pf_a.time_stamp ASC LIMIT 1 ) LEFT JOIN ' . $pf->getTable() . ' as max_punch ON = ( select from ' . $pf->getTable() . ' as pf_a LEFT JOIN ' . $pcf->getTable() . ' as pcf_a ON pf_a.punch_control_id = WHERE pcf_a.user_date_id = a.user_date_id AND pcf_a.branch_id = a.branch_id AND pcf_a.department_id = a.department_id AND pf_a.status_id = 20 ORDER BY pf_a.time_stamp DESC LIMIT 1 ) where uf.company_id = ? '; $query .= isset($filter_data['permission_children_ids']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('', $filter_data['permission_children_ids'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL; $query .= isset($filter_data['include_user_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('', $filter_data['include_user_id'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL; $query .= isset($filter_data['exclude_user_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('', $filter_data['exclude_user_id'], 'not_numeric_list', $ph) : NULL; $query .= isset($filter_data['user_status_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('uf.status_id', $filter_data['user_status_id'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL; if (isset($filter_data['include_user_subgroups']) and (bool) $filter_data['include_user_subgroups'] == TRUE) { $uglf = new UserGroupListFactory(); $filter_data['user_group_id'] = $uglf->getByCompanyIdAndGroupIdAndSubGroupsArray($company_id, $filter_data['user_group_id'], TRUE); } $query .= isset($filter_data['user_group_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('uf.group_id', $filter_data['user_group_id'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL; $query .= isset($filter_data['default_branch_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('uf.default_branch_id', $filter_data['default_branch_id'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL; $query .= isset($filter_data['default_department_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('uf.default_department_id', $filter_data['default_department_id'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL; $query .= isset($filter_data['user_title_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('uf.title_id', $filter_data['user_title_id'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL; $query .= isset($filter_data['punch_branch_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('a.branch_id', $filter_data['punch_branch_id'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL; $query .= isset($filter_data['punch_department_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('a.department_id', $filter_data['punch_department_id'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL; $query .= isset($filter_data['pay_period_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('b.pay_period_id', $filter_data['pay_period_id'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL; $query .= isset($filter_data['tag']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('', array('company_id' => $company_id, 'object_type_id' => 200, 'tag' => $filter_data['tag']), 'tag', $ph) : NULL; if (isset($filter_data['start_date']) and trim($filter_data['start_date']) != '') { $ph[] = $this->db->BindDate($filter_data['start_date']); $query .= ' AND b.date_stamp >= ?'; } if (isset($filter_data['end_date']) and trim($filter_data['end_date']) != '') { $ph[] = $this->db->BindDate($filter_data['end_date']); $query .= ' AND b.date_stamp <= ?'; } //This isn't needed as it lists every status: AND a.status_id in (10,20,30) $query .= ' AND ( a.deleted = 0 AND b.deleted = 0 ) group by b.user_id,, ppf.start_date, ppf.end_date, ppf.transaction_date,,, b.date_stamp, z.hourly_rate, z.labor_burden_percent, a.status_id, a.type_id, a.over_time_policy_id, a.absence_policy_id, a.premium_policy_id, min_punch.time_stamp, max_punch.time_stamp '; $query .= $this->getSortSQL($order, FALSE); $this->ExecuteSQL($query, $ph); //Debug::Arr($ph, 'Query: '. $query, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); return $this; }
} //Get Permission Hierarchy Children first, as this can be used for viewing, or editing. $hlf = new HierarchyListFactory(); $permission_children_ids = $hlf->getHierarchyChildrenByCompanyIdAndUserIdAndObjectTypeID($current_company->getId(), $current_user->getId()); $filter_data = array(); //Debug::Arr($permission_children_ids,'Permission Children Ids:', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); if ($permission->Check('punch', 'edit') == FALSE) { if ($permission->Check('punch', 'edit_child')) { $filter_data['permission_children_ids'] = $permission_children_ids; } if ($permission->Check('punch', 'edit_own')) { $filter_data['permission_children_ids'][] = $current_user->getId(); } } $pcf = new PunchControlFactory(); $pf = new PunchFactory(); $ulf = new UserListFactory(); $action = Misc::findSubmitButton(); $action = strtolower($action); switch ($action) { case 'submit': //Debug::setVerbosity(11); Debug::Text('Submit!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $fail_transaction = FALSE; if (TTDate::getDayDifference($pc_data['start_date_stamp'], $pc_data['end_date_stamp']) > 31) { Debug::Text('Date Range Exceeds 31 days, truncating', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $pc_data['end_date_stamp'] = $pc_data['start_date_stamp'] + 86400 * 31; } if (isset($filter_user_id) and is_array($filter_user_id) and count($filter_user_id) > 0) { Redirect::Page(URLBuilder::getURL(array('action' => 'add_mass_punch', 'filter_user_id' => $filter_user_id, 'data' => $pc_data), '../progress_bar/ProgressBarControl.php')); } else {
function preSave() { if ($this->isNew()) { //Debug::text(' Setting Original TimeStamp: '. $this->getTimeStamp(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); $this->setOriginalTimeStamp($this->getTimeStamp()); } if ($this->getDeleted() == FALSE) { if ($this->getTransfer() == TRUE and $this->getEnableAutoTransfer() == TRUE) { Debug::text(' Transfer is Enabled, automatic punch out of last punch pair: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); //Check to make sure there is an open punch pair. $plf = new PunchListFactory(); $plf->getPreviousPunchByUserIdAndEpoch($this->getUser(), $this->getTimeStamp()); if ($plf->getRecordCount() > 0) { $p_obj = $plf->getCurrent(); Debug::text(' Found Last Punch: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if ($p_obj->getStatus() == 10) { Debug::text(' Last Punch was in. Auto Punch Out now: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); //Make sure the current punch status is IN $this->setStatus(10); //In $this->setType(10); //Normal (can't transfer in/out of lunches?) $pf = new PunchFactory(); $pf->setUser($this->getUser()); $pf->setEnableAutoTransfer(FALSE); $pf->setPunchControlID($p_obj->getPunchControlID()); $pf->setTransfer(TRUE); $pf->setType($p_obj->getNextType()); $pf->setStatus(20); //Out $pf->setTimeStamp($this->getTimeStamp(), FALSE); //Disable rounding. $pf->setActualTimeStamp($this->getTimeStamp()); $pf->setOriginalTimeStamp($this->getTimeStamp()); if ($pf->isValid()) { if ($pf->Save(FALSE) == TRUE) { $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->setEnableCalcTotalTime(TRUE); $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime(TRUE); $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->setEnableCalcUserDateTotal(TRUE); $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->setEnableCalcException(TRUE); $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->setEnablePreMatureException(TRUE); if ($p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->isValid()) { $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->Save(); } else { Debug::text(' aError saving auto out punch...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); } } else { Debug::text(' bError saving auto out punch...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); } } else { Debug::text(' cError saving auto out punch...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); } } else { Debug::text(' Last Punch was out. No Auto Punch ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); } } unset($plf, $p_obj, $pf); } //Split punch at midnight. //This has to be an Out punch, and the previous punch has to be an in punch in order for the split to occur. //Check to make sure there is an open punch pair. //Make sure this punch isn't right at midnight either, as no point in splitting a punch at that time. //FIXME: What happens if a supervisor edits a 11:30PM punch and makes it 5:00AM the next day? // We can't split punches when editing, because we have to split punch_control_ids prior to saving etc... if ($this->isNew() == TRUE and $this->getStatus() == 20 and $this->getEnableSplitAtMidnight() == TRUE and $this->getTimeStamp() != TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch($this->getTimeStamp()) and (is_object($this->getPunchControlObject()) and is_object($this->getPunchControlObject()->getPayPeriodScheduleObject()) and $this->getPunchControlObject()->getPayPeriodScheduleObject()->getShiftAssignedDay() == 40)) { $plf = new PunchListFactory(); $plf->getPreviousPunchByUserIdAndEpoch($this->getUser(), $this->getTimeStamp()); if ($plf->getRecordCount() > 0) { $p_obj = $plf->getCurrent(); Debug::text(' Found Last Punch: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if ($p_obj->getStatus() == 10 and TTDate::doesRangeSpanMidnight($this->getTimeStamp(), $p_obj->getTimeStamp())) { Debug::text(' Last Punch was in and this is an out punch that spans midnight. Split Punch at midnight now: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); //FIXME: This will fail if a shift spans multiple days! //Make sure the current punch status is OUT //But we can split LUNCH/Break punches, because someone could punch in at 8PM, then out for lunch at 1:00AM, this would need to be split. $this->setStatus(20); //Out //Reduce the out punch by 60 seconds, and increase the current punch by 60seconds so no time is lost. $this->setTimeStamp($this->getTimeStamp() + 60); //FIXME: May need to use ActualTimeStamp here so we aren't double rounding. //Get new punch control ID for the midnight punch and this one. $new_punch_control_id = $this->getPunchControlObject()->getNextInsertId(); $this->setPunchControlID($new_punch_control_id); Debug::text(' Split Punch: Punching out just before midnight yesterday...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); // //Punch out just before midnight // $pf = new PunchFactory(); $pf->setUser($this->getUser()); $pf->setEnableSplitAtMidnight(FALSE); $pf->setTransfer(FALSE); $pf->setEnableAutoTransfer(FALSE); $pf->setType(10); //Normal $pf->setStatus(20); //Out $before_midnight_timestamp = TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch($this->getTimeStamp()) - 60; $pf->setTimeStamp($before_midnight_timestamp, FALSE); //Disable rounding. $pf->setActualTimeStamp($before_midnight_timestamp); $pf->setOriginalTimeStamp($before_midnight_timestamp); $pf->setPunchControlID($p_obj->getPunchControlID()); if ($pf->isValid()) { if ($pf->Save(FALSE) == TRUE) { $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->setEnableCalcTotalTime(TRUE); $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime(TRUE); $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->setEnableCalcUserDateTotal(TRUE); $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->setEnableCalcException(TRUE); $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->setEnablePreMatureException(TRUE); $p_obj->getPunchControlObject()->Save(); } } unset($pf, $p_obj, $before_midnight_timestamp); Debug::text(' Split Punch: Punching int at midnight today...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); // //Punch in again right at midnight. // $pf = new PunchFactory(); $pf->setUser($this->getUser()); $pf->setEnableSplitAtMidnight(FALSE); $pf->setTransfer(FALSE); $pf->setEnableAutoTransfer(FALSE); $pf->setType(10); //Normal $pf->setStatus(10); //In $at_midnight_timestamp = TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch($this->getTimeStamp()); $pf->setTimeStamp($at_midnight_timestamp, FALSE); //Disable rounding. $pf->setActualTimeStamp($at_midnight_timestamp); $pf->setOriginalTimeStamp($at_midnight_timestamp); $pf->setPunchControlID($new_punch_control_id); if ($pf->isValid()) { if ($pf->Save(FALSE) == TRUE) { $pcf = new PunchControlFactory(); $pcf->setId($pf->getPunchControlID()); $pcf->setPunchObject($pf); $pcf->setBranch($this->getPunchControlObject()->getBranch()); $pcf->setDepartment($this->getPunchControlObject()->getDepartment()); $pcf->setJob($this->getPunchControlObject()->getJob()); $pcf->setJobItem($this->getPunchControlObject()->getJobItem()); $pcf->setOtherID1($this->getPunchControlObject()->getOtherID1()); $pcf->setOtherID2($this->getPunchControlObject()->getOtherID2()); $pcf->setOtherID3($this->getPunchControlObject()->getOtherID3()); $pcf->setOtherID4($this->getPunchControlObject()->getOtherID4()); $pcf->setOtherID5($this->getPunchControlObject()->getOtherID5()); $pcf->setEnableStrictJobValidation(TRUE); $pcf->setEnableCalcUserDateID(TRUE); $pcf->setEnableCalcTotalTime(TRUE); $pcf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime(TRUE); $pcf->setEnableCalcWeeklySystemTotalTime(TRUE); $pcf->setEnableCalcUserDateTotal(TRUE); $pcf->setEnableCalcException(TRUE); if ($pcf->isValid() == TRUE) { $pcf->Save(TRUE, TRUE); //Force isNEW() lookup. } } } unset($pf, $at_midnight_timestamp, $new_punch_control_id); } else { Debug::text(' Last Punch was out. No Auto Punch ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); } } } } return TRUE; }
function setPunchData($data) { //Debug::Arr($data, 'punchDataArray', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); /* <b>TimeTrexSoapServer::setPunchData()</b>: Data: <pre> array(10) { ["date_stamp"]=> string(9) "05-Nov-05" ["transfer"]=> int(0) ["branch_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["time_stamp"]=> string(7) "4:42 PM" ["user_date_id"]=> string(5) "14774" ["punch_control_id"]=> string(5) "26614" ["type_id"]=> string(2) "10" ["department_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["status_id"]=> string(2) "20" ["user_id"]=> string(1) "1" } </pre><br> */ //Debug::Arr($data, ' Data: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); //User prefs should be set before we parse the date/time. $punch_full_time_stamp = TTDate::parseDateTime($data['date_stamp'] . ' ' . $data['time_stamp']); Debug::Text(' Punch Full TimeStamp: ' . date('r' . $punch_full_time_stamp) . ' (' . $punch_full_time_stamp . ') TimeZone: ' . $this->getUserObject()->getUserPreferenceObject()->getTimeZone(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $pf = new PunchFactory(); $pf->StartTransaction(); //Set User before setTimeStamp so rounding can be done properly. $pf->setUser($this->getUserObject()->getId()); if (isset($data['transfer']) and $data['transfer'] == 1) { Debug::Text(' Enabling Transfer!: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $data['type_id'] = 10; $data['status_id'] = 10; $pf->setTransfer(TRUE); } $pf->setType($data['type_id']); $pf->setStatus($data['status_id']); $pf->setTimeStamp($punch_full_time_stamp); if (isset($data['status_id']) and $data['status_id'] == 20 and isset($data['punch_control_id']) and $data['punch_control_id'] != '') { $pf->setPunchControlID($data['punch_control_id']); } else { $pf->setPunchControlID($pf->findPunchControlID()); } $pf->setStation($this->getStationObject()->getId()); if ($pf->isNew()) { $pf->setActualTimeStamp($punch_full_time_stamp); $pf->setOriginalTimeStamp($pf->getTimeStamp()); } if ($pf->isValid() == TRUE) { $return_date = $pf->getTimeStamp(); if ($pf->getStatus() == 10) { $label = 'In'; } else { $label = 'Out'; } if ($pf->Save(FALSE) == TRUE) { $pcf = new PunchControlFactory(); $pcf->setId($pf->getPunchControlID()); $pcf->setPunchObject($pf); if (isset($data['branch_id']) and $data['branch_id'] != '') { $pcf->setBranch($data['branch_id']); } if (isset($data['department_id']) and $data['department_id'] != '') { $pcf->setDepartment($data['department_id']); } if (isset($data['job_id']) and $data['job_id'] != '') { $pcf->setJob($data['job_id']); } if (isset($data['job_item_id']) and $data['job_item_id'] != '') { $pcf->setJobItem($data['job_item_id']); } if (isset($data['quantity']) and $data['quantity'] != '') { $pcf->setQuantity($data['quantity']); } if (isset($data['bad_quantity']) and $data['bad_quantity'] != '') { $pcf->setBadQuantity($data['bad_quantity']); } //Don't overwrite note if a new one isn't set. This makes it more difficult to delete a note if they want to, //But thats better then accidently deleting it. if (isset($data['note']) and $data['note'] != '') { $pcf->setNote($data['note']); } if (isset($data['other_id1']) and $data['other_id1'] != '') { $pcf->setOtherID1($data['other_id1']); } if (isset($data['other_id2']) and $data['other_id2'] != '') { $pcf->setOtherID2($data['other_id2']); } if (isset($data['other_id3']) and $data['other_id3'] != '') { $pcf->setOtherID3($data['other_id3']); } if (isset($data['other_id4']) and $data['other_id4'] != '') { $pcf->setOtherID4($data['other_id4']); } if (isset($data['other_id5']) and $data['other_id5'] != '') { $pcf->setOtherID5($data['other_id5']); } //$pcf->setEnableStrictJobValidation( TRUE ); $pcf->setEnableCalcUserDateID(TRUE); $pcf->setEnableCalcTotalTime(TRUE); $pcf->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime(TRUE); $pcf->setEnableCalcUserDateTotal(TRUE); $pcf->setEnableCalcException(TRUE); $pcf->setEnablePreMatureException(TRUE); //Enable pre-mature exceptions at this point. if ($pcf->isValid() == TRUE) { Debug::Text(' Punch Control is valid, saving...: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if ($pcf->Save(TRUE, TRUE) == TRUE) { //Force isNew() lookup. Debug::text('Return Date: ' . $return_date, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $retval = '<div style="font-size:28px; font-weight: bold"> <table> <tr> <td>' . $this->getUserObject()->getFullName() . '</td> </tr> <tr> <td> Punch ' . $label . ': ' . TTDate::getDate('TIME', $return_date) . ' </td> </tr> </table> </div>'; Debug::text('RetVal: ' . $retval, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); //Set stations last punch time stamp so we can filter out duplicates later on. //$pf->FailTransaction(); $pf->CommitTransaction(); return $retval; } else { Debug::text('Punch Control save failed!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); } } else { Debug::text('Punch Control is NOT VALID!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); } } else { Debug::text('Punch save failed!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); } } else { Debug::text('Punch is NOT VALID: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); } $pf->FailTransaction(); Debug::text('Returning FALSE: Action Failed! ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); //Get text errors to display to the user. $errors = NULL; if (isset($pf) and is_object($pf)) { $errors .= $pf->Validator->getErrors(); } if (isset($pcf) and is_object($pcf)) { $errors .= $pcf->Validator->getErrors(); } $errors = wordwrap($errors, 40, "<br>\n"); $retval = '<table bgcolor="red"> <tr> <td style="font-size:28px; font-weight: bold">Action Failed!</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="font-size:14px; font-weight: bold"> ' . $errors . ' </td> </tr> </table>'; return $retval; //return FALSE; }
$pf_in->setTimeStamp($recurring_schedule_shift_start_time, TRUE); $pf_in->setPunchControlID($pf_in->findPunchControlID()); $pf_in->setActualTimeStamp($pf_in->getTimeStamp()); $pf_in->setOriginalTimeStamp($pf_in->getTimeStamp()); if ($pf_in->isValid()) { Debug::text('Punch In: Valid!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $pf_in->setEnableCalcTotalTime(FALSE); $pf_in->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime(FALSE); $pf_in->setEnableCalcUserDateTotal(FALSE); $pf_in->setEnableCalcException(FALSE); $pf_in->Save(FALSE); } else { Debug::text('Punch In: InValid!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); } Debug::text('Punch Out: ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $recurring_schedule_shift_end_time), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $pf_out = new PunchFactory(); $pf_out->setUser($user_id); $pf_out->setType(10); //Normal $pf_out->setStatus(20); //Out $pf_out->setTimeStamp($recurring_schedule_shift_end_time, TRUE); $pf_out->setPunchControlID($pf_in->findPunchControlID()); //Use the In punch object to find the punch_control_id. $pf_out->setActualTimeStamp($pf_out->getTimeStamp()); $pf_out->setOriginalTimeStamp($pf_out->getTimeStamp()); if ($pf_out->isValid()) { Debug::text('Punch Out: Valid!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $pf_out->setEnableCalcTotalTime(TRUE); $pf_out->setEnableCalcSystemTotalTime(TRUE); $pf_out->setEnableCalcUserDateTotal(TRUE);
function getAPISearchByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria($company_id, $filter_data, $limit = NULL, $page = NULL, $where = NULL, $order = NULL) { if ($company_id == '') { return FALSE; } if (!is_array($order)) { //Use Filter Data ordering if its set. if (isset($filter_data['sort_column']) and $filter_data['sort_order']) { $order = array(Misc::trimSortPrefix($filter_data['sort_column']) => $filter_data['sort_order']); } } if (isset($filter_data['user_group_id'])) { $filter_data['group_id'] = $filter_data['user_group_id']; } if (isset($filter_data['user_title_id'])) { $filter_data['title_id'] = $filter_data['user_title_id']; } if (isset($filter_data['include_user_id'])) { $filter_data['user_id'] = $filter_data['include_user_id']; } if (isset($filter_data['exception_policy_severity_id'])) { $filter_data['severity_id'] = $filter_data['exception_policy_severity_id']; } $additional_order_fields = array('', '', '', '', 'h.status_id', 'i.severity_id', 'i.type_id', 'c.first_name', 'c.last_name', '', 'c.province', 'b.date_stamp', '', '', ''); $sort_column_aliases = array('status' => 'status_id', 'type' => 'type_id'); $order = $this->getColumnsFromAliases($order, $sort_column_aliases); if ($order == NULL) { //$order = array( 'status_id' => 'asc', 'last_name' => 'asc', 'first_name' => 'asc', 'middle_name' => 'asc'); $order = array('i.severity_id' => 'desc', 'c.last_name' => 'asc', 'b.date_stamp' => 'asc', 'i.type_id' => 'asc'); $strict = FALSE; } else { //Do order by column conversions, because if we include these columns in the SQL //query, they contaminate the data array. if (isset($order['default_branch'])) { $order[''] = $order['default_branch']; unset($order['default_branch']); } if (isset($order['default_department'])) { $order[''] = $order['default_department']; unset($order['default_department']); } if (isset($order['user_group'])) { $order[''] = $order['user_group']; unset($order['user_group']); } if (isset($order['title'])) { $order[''] = $order['title']; unset($order['title']); } if (isset($order['exception_policy_type_id'])) { $order['i.type_id'] = $order['exception_policy_type_id']; unset($order['exception_policy_type_id']); } if (isset($order['severity_id'])) { $order['i.severity_id'] = $order['severity_id']; unset($order['severity_id']); } if (isset($order['severity'])) { $order['i.severity_id'] = $order['severity']; unset($order['severity']); } if (isset($order['exception_policy_type'])) { $order['i.type_id'] = $order['exception_policy_type']; unset($order['exception_policy_type']); } if (isset($order['exception_policy_type_id'])) { $order['i.type_id'] = $order['exception_policy_type_id']; unset($order['exception_policy_type_id']); } if (isset($order['first_name'])) { $order['c.first_name'] = $order['first_name']; unset($order['first_name']); } if (isset($order['last_name'])) { $order['c.last_name'] = $order['last_name']; unset($order['last_name']); } if (isset($order['country'])) { $order[''] = $order['country']; unset($order['country']); } if (isset($order['province'])) { $order['c.province'] = $order['province']; unset($order['province']); } if (isset($order['date_stamp'])) { $order['b.date_stamp'] = $order['date_stamp']; unset($order['date_stamp']); } if (isset($order['policy_group'])) { $order[''] = $order['policy_group']; unset($order['policy_group']); } if (isset($order['permission_group'])) { $order[''] = $order['permission_group']; unset($order['permission_group']); } if (isset($order['pay_period_schedule'])) { $order[''] = $order['pay_period_schedule']; unset($order['pay_period_schedule']); } //Always sort by last name,first name after other columns if (!isset($order['c.last_name'])) { $order['c.last_name'] = 'asc'; } if (!isset($order['c.first_name'])) { $order['c.first_name'] = 'asc'; } if (!isset($order['b.date_stamp'])) { $order['b.date_stamp'] = 'asc'; } if (!isset($order['i.severity_id'])) { $order['i.severity_id'] = 'desc'; } $strict = TRUE; } //Debug::Arr($order,'Order Data:', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); //Debug::Arr($filter_data,'Filter Data:', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); $udf = new UserDateFactory(); $uf = new UserFactory(); $bf = new BranchFactory(); $df = new DepartmentFactory(); $ugf = new UserGroupFactory(); $utf = new UserTitleFactory(); $ppf = new PayPeriodFactory(); $ppsf = new PayPeriodScheduleFactory(); $epf = new ExceptionPolicyFactory(); $epcf = new ExceptionPolicyControlFactory(); $pguf = new PolicyGroupUserFactory(); $pgf = new PolicyGroupFactory(); $pf = new PunchFactory(); $pcf = new PunchControlFactory(); $pscf = new PermissionControlFactory(); $puf = new PermissionUserFactory(); $ph = array('company_id' => $company_id); $query = ' select a.*, b.date_stamp as date_stamp, b.pay_period_id as pay_period_id, h.pay_period_schedule_id as pay_period_schedule_id, i.severity_id as severity_id, i.type_id as exception_policy_type_id, b.user_id as user_id, h.start_date as pay_period_start_date, h.end_date as pay_period_end_date, h.transaction_date as pay_period_transaction_date, c.first_name as first_name, c.last_name as last_name, as country, c.province as province, c.status_id as user_status_id, c.group_id as group_id, as "group", c.title_id as title_id, as title, c.default_branch_id as default_branch_id, as default_branch, c.default_department_id as default_department_id, as default_department, pcf.branch_id as branch_id, as branch, pcf.department_id as department_id, as department, as policy_group, as permission_group, as pay_period_schedule, y.first_name as created_by_first_name, y.middle_name as created_by_middle_name, y.last_name as created_by_last_name, z.first_name as updated_by_first_name, z.middle_name as updated_by_middle_name, z.last_name as updated_by_last_name from ' . $this->getTable() . ' as a LEFT JOIN ' . $pf->getTable() . ' as pf ON ( a.punch_id IS NOT NULL AND a.punch_id = AND pf.deleted = 0) LEFT JOIN ' . $pcf->getTable() . ' as pcf ON ( ( ( IS NOT NULL AND pf.punch_control_id = ) OR ( a.punch_control_id is NOT NULL AND a.punch_control_id = ) ) AND pcf.deleted = 0) LEFT JOIN ' . $bf->getTable() . ' as bf ON pcf.branch_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $df->getTable() . ' as df ON pcf.department_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $udf->getTable() . ' as b ON a.user_date_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $uf->getTable() . ' as c ON b.user_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $bf->getTable() . ' as d ON c.default_branch_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $df->getTable() . ' as e ON c.default_department_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $ugf->getTable() . ' as f ON c.group_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $utf->getTable() . ' as g ON c.title_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $ppf->getTable() . ' as h ON b.pay_period_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $ppsf->getTable() . ' as ppsf ON = h.pay_period_schedule_id LEFT JOIN ' . $epf->getTable() . ' as i ON a.exception_policy_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $epcf->getTable() . ' as epcf ON = i.exception_policy_control_id LEFT JOIN ' . $pguf->getTable() . ' as pguf ON b.user_id = pguf.user_id LEFT JOIN ' . $pgf->getTable() . ' as pgf ON pguf.policy_group_id = LEFT JOIN ' . $puf->getTable() . ' as puf ON = puf.user_id LEFT JOIN ' . $pscf->getTable() . ' as pscf ON = puf.permission_control_id LEFT JOIN ' . $uf->getTable() . ' as y ON ( a.created_by = AND y.deleted = 0 ) LEFT JOIN ' . $uf->getTable() . ' as z ON ( a.updated_by = AND z.deleted = 0 ) where c.company_id = ? '; if (isset($filter_data['permission_children_ids']) and isset($filter_data['permission_children_ids'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['permission_children_ids'])) { $query .= ' AND in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['permission_children_ids'], $ph) . ') '; } if (isset($filter_data['id']) and isset($filter_data['id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['id'])) { $query .= ' AND in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['id'], $ph) . ') '; } if (isset($filter_data['user_id']) and isset($filter_data['user_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['user_id'])) { $query .= ' AND in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['user_id'], $ph) . ') '; } $query .= isset($filter_data['exclude_user_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('', $filter_data['exclude_user_id'], 'not_numeric_list', $ph) : NULL; if (isset($filter_data['user_status_id']) and isset($filter_data['user_status_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['user_status_id'])) { $query .= ' AND c.status_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['user_status_id'], $ph) . ') '; } if (isset($filter_data['type_id']) and isset($filter_data['type_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['type_id'])) { $query .= ' AND a.type_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['type_id'], $ph) . ') '; } if (isset($filter_data['severity_id']) and isset($filter_data['severity_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['severity_id'])) { $query .= ' AND i.severity_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['severity_id'], $ph) . ') '; } if (isset($filter_data['exception_policy_type_id']) and isset($filter_data['exception_policy_type_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['exception_policy_type_id'])) { $query .= ' AND i.type_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['exception_policy_type_id'], $ph) . ') '; } if (isset($filter_data['pay_period_id']) and isset($filter_data['pay_period_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['pay_period_id'])) { $query .= ' AND b.pay_period_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['pay_period_id'], $ph) . ') '; } if (isset($filter_data['pay_period_status_id']) and isset($filter_data['pay_period_status_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['pay_period_status_id'])) { $query .= ' AND h.status_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['pay_period_status_id'], $ph) . ') '; } if (isset($filter_data['group_id']) and isset($filter_data['group_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['group_id'])) { if (isset($filter_data['include_subgroups']) and (bool) $filter_data['include_subgroups'] == TRUE) { $uglf = new UserGroupListFactory(); $filter_data['group_id'] = $uglf->getByCompanyIdAndGroupIdAndSubGroupsArray($company_id, $filter_data['group_id'], TRUE); } $query .= ' AND c.group_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['group_id'], $ph) . ') '; } if (isset($filter_data['default_branch_id']) and isset($filter_data['default_branch_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['default_branch_id'])) { $query .= ' AND c.default_branch_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['default_branch_id'], $ph) . ') '; } if (isset($filter_data['default_department_id']) and isset($filter_data['default_department_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['default_department_id'])) { $query .= ' AND c.default_department_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['default_department_id'], $ph) . ') '; } if (isset($filter_data['title_id']) and isset($filter_data['title_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['title_id'])) { $query .= ' AND c.title_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['title_id'], $ph) . ') '; } if (isset($filter_data['branch_id']) and isset($filter_data['branch_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['branch_id'])) { $query .= ' AND pcf.branch_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['branch_id'], $ph) . ') '; } if (isset($filter_data['department_id']) and isset($filter_data['department_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['department_id'])) { $query .= ' AND pcf.department_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['department_id'], $ph) . ') '; } if (isset($filter_data['start_date']) and trim($filter_data['start_date']) != '') { $ph[] = $this->db->BindDate($filter_data['start_date']); $query .= ' AND b.date_stamp >= ?'; } if (isset($filter_data['end_date']) and trim($filter_data['end_date']) != '') { $ph[] = $this->db->BindDate($filter_data['end_date']); $query .= ' AND b.date_stamp <= ?'; } $query .= isset($filter_data['created_by']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL(array('a.created_by', 'y.first_name', 'y.last_name'), $filter_data['created_by'], 'user_id_or_name', $ph) : NULL; $query .= isset($filter_data['updated_by']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL(array('a.updated_by', 'z.first_name', 'z.last_name'), $filter_data['updated_by'], 'user_id_or_name', $ph) : NULL; //Make sure we accept exception rows assign to pay_period_id = 0 (no pay period), as this can happen when punches exist in the future. $query .= ' AND ( a.deleted = 0 AND b.deleted = 0 AND c.deleted = 0 AND pgf.deleted = 0 AND ( h.deleted = 0 OR h.deleted is NULL ) ) '; $query .= $this->getWhereSQL($where); $query .= $this->getSortSQL($order, $strict, $additional_order_fields); //Debug::Arr($ph, 'Query: '. $query, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); $this->ExecuteSQL($query, $ph, $limit, $page); return $this; }
function getByPunchId($punch_id, $order = NULL) { if ($punch_id == '') { return FALSE; } $pf = new PunchFactory(); $ph = array('punch_id' => (int) $punch_id); $query = ' select a.* from ' . $this->getTable() . ' as a, ' . $pf->getTable() . ' as b where = b.punch_control_id AND = ? AND ( a.deleted = 0 AND b.deleted=0 ) '; $query .= $this->getSortSQL($order); $this->ExecuteSQL($query, $ph); return $this; }
foreach ($errors as $error_arr) { echo " ERROR: " . $error_arr[0] . "\n"; } } } } else { echo " \t\t\t1. Failed!\n"; //$commit_trans = FALSE; $e++; echo " ERROR: No punch In timestamp...\n"; } if (isset($mapped_row['end_time_stamp']) and $mapped_row['end_time_stamp'] != '' and isset($pf) and is_object($pf)) { // // End Punch // $pf_b = new PunchFactory(); $pf_b->setUser($u_obj->getId()); if (isset($mapped_row['end_type_id']) and $mapped_row['end_type_id'] != '') { $pf_b->setType(Misc::importCallInputParseFunction('end_type_id', $mapped_row['end_type_id'], $filtered_import_map['end_type_id']['default_value'], $filtered_import_map['end_type_id']['parse_hint'])); } else { $pf_b->setType(10); //Normal } $pf_b->setStatus(20); //Out if (isset($mapped_row['disable_rounding']) and $mapped_row['disable_rounding'] != '') { $disable_rounding = (bool) $mapped_row['disable_rounding']; } //Reverse boolean. if (isset($disable_rounding) and $disable_rounding == TRUE) { $enable_rounding = FALSE;
/* * Get FORM variables */ extract(FormVariables::GetVariables(array('action', 'id', 'data'))); if (isset($data) and isset($data['time_stamp'])) { $data['punch_full_time_stamp'] = $data['time_stamp']; //Make sure employees don't try to circumvent the disabled timestamp field. By allowing a small variance. $max_variance = 300; //5minutes. if ($data['punch_full_time_stamp'] > TTDate::getTime() + $max_variance or $data['punch_full_time_stamp'] < TTDate::getTime() - $max_variance) { Debug::Text('TimeStamp is outside allowed variance window, resetting to actual time.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $data['punch_full_time_stamp'] = TTDate::getTime(); } } $pcf = new PunchControlFactory(); $pf = new PunchFactory(); $action = Misc::findSubmitButton(); switch ($action) { case 'submit': //Debug::setVerbosity(11); Debug::Text('Submit!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $pf->StartTransaction(); //Set User before setTimeStamp so rounding can be done properly. $pf->setUser($current_user->getId()); if (isset($data['transfer'])) { $data['type_id'] = 10; $data['status_id'] = 10; $pf->setTransfer(TRUE); } $pf->setType($data['type_id']); $pf->setStatus($data['status_id']);
/** * Get all data for displaying the timesheet. * @return array */ function getTimeSheetData($user_id, $base_date, $data = FALSE) { if ($user_id == '') { //This isn't really permission issue, but in cases where the user can't see any employees timesheets, we want to display an error to them at least. //return $this->returnHandler( FALSE ); return $this->getPermissionObject()->PermissionDenied(); } if ($base_date == '') { return $this->returnHandler(FALSE); } $profile_start = microtime(TRUE); if (!$this->getPermissionObject()->Check('punch', 'enabled') or !($this->getPermissionObject()->Check('punch', 'view') or $this->getPermissionObject()->Check('punch', 'view_child') or $this->getPermissionObject()->Check('punch', 'view_own'))) { return $this->getPermissionObject()->PermissionDenied(); } //Get Permission Hierarchy Children first, as this can be used for viewing, or editing. //Check for ===FALSE on permission_children_ids, as that means their are no children assigned to them and they don't have view all permissions. $data['filter_data']['permission_children_ids'] = $this->getPermissionObject()->getPermissionChildren('punch', 'view'); if ($data['filter_data']['permission_children_ids'] === FALSE or is_array($data['filter_data']['permission_children_ids']) and !in_array($user_id, $data['filter_data']['permission_children_ids'])) { return $this->getPermissionObject()->PermissionDenied(); } // //Get timesheet start/end dates. // $timesheet_dates = $this->getTimesheetDates($base_date); //Include all dates within the timesheet range. $timesheet_dates['pay_period_date_map'] = array(); //Add array containing date => pay_period_id pairs. // //Get PayPeriod information // $pplf = TTnew('PayPeriodListFactory'); $pplf->StartTransaction(); //Make sure we all pay periods that fall within the start/end date, so we can properly display the timesheet range at the top. $primary_pay_period_id = 0; $pay_period_ids = array(); $pplf->getByUserIdAndOverlapStartDateAndEndDate($user_id, $timesheet_dates['start_date'], $timesheet_dates['end_date']); if ($pplf->getRecordCount() > 0) { foreach ($pplf as $pp_obj) { $pay_period_ids[] = $pp_obj->getId(); if ($pp_obj->getStartDate() <= $timesheet_dates['base_date'] and $pp_obj->getEndDate() >= $timesheet_dates['base_date']) { $primary_pay_period_id = $pp_obj->getId(); } $timesheet_dates['pay_period_date_map'] += (array) $pp_obj->getPayPeriodDates($timesheet_dates['start_date'], $timesheet_dates['end_date'], TRUE); } unset($pp_obj); } //Debug::Text('Pay Periods: '. $pplf->getRecordCount() .' Primary Pay Period: '. $primary_pay_period_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); //Debug::Arr($timesheet_dates, 'TimeSheet Dates: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); // //Get punches // $punch_data = array(); $filter_data = $this->initializeFilterAndPager(array('filter_data' => array('start_date' => $timesheet_dates['start_date'], 'end_date' => $timesheet_dates['end_date'], 'user_id' => $user_id)), TRUE); //Carry over timesheet filter options. if (isset($data['filter_data']['branch_id'])) { $filter_data['filter_data']['branch_id'] = $data['filter_data']['branch_id']; } if (isset($data['filter_data']['department_id'])) { $filter_data['filter_data']['department_id'] = $data['filter_data']['department_id']; } if (isset($data['filter_data']['job_id'])) { $filter_data['filter_data']['job_id'] = $data['filter_data']['job_id']; } if (isset($data['filter_data']['job_item_id'])) { $filter_data['filter_data']['job_item_id'] = $data['filter_data']['job_item_id']; } $plf = TTnew('PunchListFactory'); $plf->getAPISearchByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria($this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId(), $filter_data['filter_data'], $filter_data['filter_items_per_page'], $filter_data['filter_page'], NULL, $filter_data['filter_sort']); Debug::Text('Punch Record Count: ' . $plf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if ($plf->getRecordCount() > 0) { foreach ($plf as $p_obj) { //$punch_data[] = $p_obj->getObjectAsArray( NULL, $data['filter_data']['permission_children_ids'] ); //Don't need to pass permission_children_ids, as Flex uses is_owner/is_child from the timesheet user record instead, not the punch record. $punch_data[] = $p_obj->getObjectAsArray(); } } $meal_and_break_total_data = PunchFactory::calcMealAndBreakTotalTime($punch_data, TRUE); if ($meal_and_break_total_data === FALSE) { $meal_and_break_total_data = array(); } // //Get total time for day/pay period // $user_date_total_data = array(); $udt_filter_data = $this->initializeFilterAndPager(array('filter_data' => array('start_date' => $timesheet_dates['start_date'], 'end_date' => $timesheet_dates['end_date'], 'user_id' => $user_id)), TRUE); //Carry over timesheet filter options. if (isset($data['filter_data']['branch_id'])) { $udt_filter_data['filter_data']['branch_id'] = $data['filter_data']['branch_id']; } if (isset($data['filter_data']['department_id'])) { $udt_filter_data['filter_data']['department_id'] = $data['filter_data']['department_id']; } if (isset($data['filter_data']['job_id'])) { $udt_filter_data['filter_data']['job_id'] = $data['filter_data']['job_id']; } if (isset($data['filter_data']['job_item_id'])) { $udt_filter_data['filter_data']['job_item_id'] = $data['filter_data']['job_item_id']; } $udtlf = TTnew('UserDateTotalListFactory'); $udtlf->getAPISearchByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria($this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId(), $udt_filter_data['filter_data'], $udt_filter_data['filter_items_per_page'], $udt_filter_data['filter_page'], NULL, $udt_filter_data['filter_sort']); Debug::Text('User Date Total Record Count: ' . $udtlf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if ($udtlf->getRecordCount() > 0) { foreach ($udtlf as $udt_obj) { //Don't need to pass permission_children_ids, as Flex uses is_owner/is_child from the timesheet user record instead, not the punch record. //$user_date_total = $udt_obj->getObjectAsArray( NULL, $data['filter_data']['permission_children_ids'] ); $user_date_total = $udt_obj->getObjectAsArray(); $user_date_total_data[] = $user_date_total; //Get all pay periods that have total time assigned to them. $timesheet_dates['pay_period_date_map'][$user_date_total['date_stamp']] = $pay_period_ids[] = $user_date_total['pay_period_id']; //Adjust primary pay period if the pay period schedules were changed mid-way through perhaps. if ($timesheet_dates['base_display_date'] == $user_date_total['date_stamp'] and $timesheet_dates['pay_period_date_map'][$user_date_total['date_stamp']] != $primary_pay_period_id) { $primary_pay_period_id = $user_date_total['pay_period_id']; Debug::Text('Changing primary pay period to: ' . $primary_pay_period_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); } } unset($user_date_total); } Debug::Arr($timesheet_dates['pay_period_date_map'], 'Date/Pay Period IDs. Primary Pay Period ID: ' . $primary_pay_period_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $accumulated_user_date_total_data = UserDateTotalFactory::calcAccumulatedTime($user_date_total_data, TRUE); if ($accumulated_user_date_total_data === FALSE) { $accumulated_user_date_total_data = array(); } //Get data for all pay periods $pay_period_data = array(); $pplf->getByIDList($pay_period_ids); if ($pplf->getRecordCount() > 0) { foreach ($pplf as $pp_obj) { $pay_period_data[$pp_obj->getId()] = $pp_obj->getObjectAsArray(); $pay_period_data[$pp_obj->getId()]['timesheet_verify_type_id'] = $pp_obj->getTimeSheetVerifyType(); } } unset($pp_obj); $pp_user_date_total_data = array(); $pay_period_accumulated_user_date_total_data = array(); if (isset($primary_pay_period_id) and $primary_pay_period_id > 0) { $pp_udt_filter_data = $this->initializeFilterAndPager(array('filter_data' => array('pay_period_id' => $primary_pay_period_id, 'user_id' => $user_id)), TRUE); //Carry over timesheet filter options. if (isset($data['filter_data']['branch_id'])) { $pp_udt_filter_data['filter_data']['branch_id'] = $data['filter_data']['branch_id']; } if (isset($data['filter_data']['department_id'])) { $pp_udt_filter_data['filter_data']['department_id'] = $data['filter_data']['department_id']; } if (isset($data['filter_data']['job_id'])) { $pp_udt_filter_data['filter_data']['job_id'] = $data['filter_data']['job_id']; } if (isset($data['filter_data']['job_item_id'])) { $pp_udt_filter_data['filter_data']['job_item_id'] = $data['filter_data']['job_item_id']; } $udtlf = TTnew('UserDateTotalListFactory'); $udtlf->getAPISearchByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria($this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId(), $pp_udt_filter_data['filter_data'], $pp_udt_filter_data['filter_items_per_page'], $pp_udt_filter_data['filter_page'], NULL, $pp_udt_filter_data['filter_sort']); Debug::Text('PP User Date Total Record Count: ' . $udtlf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if ($udtlf->getRecordCount() > 0) { foreach ($udtlf as $udt_obj) { $pp_user_date_total_data[] = $udt_obj->getObjectAsArray(); } $pay_period_accumulated_user_date_total_data = UserDateTotalFactory::calcAccumulatedTime($pp_user_date_total_data, TRUE); if (isset($pay_period_accumulated_user_date_total_data['total'])) { $pay_period_accumulated_user_date_total_data = $pay_period_accumulated_user_date_total_data['total']; } else { $pay_period_accumulated_user_date_total_data = array(); } } } // //Get Exception data, use the same filter data as punches. // $exception_data = array(); $elf = TTnew('ExceptionListFactory'); $elf->getAPISearchByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria($this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId(), $filter_data['filter_data'], $filter_data['filter_items_per_page'], $filter_data['filter_page'], NULL, $filter_data['filter_sort']); Debug::Text('Exception Record Count: ' . $elf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if ($elf->getRecordCount() > 0) { foreach ($elf as $e_obj) { $exception_data[] = $e_obj->getObjectAsArray(); } } // //Get request data, so authorized/pending can be shown in a request row for each day. //If there are two requests for both authorized and pending, the pending is displayed. // $request_data = array(); $rlf = TTnew('RequestListFactory'); $rlf->getAPISearchByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria($this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId(), $filter_data['filter_data'], $filter_data['filter_items_per_page'], $filter_data['filter_page'], NULL, $filter_data['filter_sort']); Debug::Text('Request Record Count: ' . $rlf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if ($rlf->getRecordCount() > 0) { foreach ($rlf as $r_obj) { $request_data[] = $r_obj->getObjectAsArray(); } } // //Get timesheet verification information. // $timesheet_verify_data = array(); if (isset($primary_pay_period_id) and $primary_pay_period_id > 0) { $pptsvlf = TTnew('PayPeriodTimeSheetVerifyListFactory'); $pptsvlf->getByPayPeriodIdAndUserId($primary_pay_period_id, $user_id); if ($pptsvlf->getRecordCount() > 0) { $pptsv_obj = $pptsvlf->getCurrent(); $pptsv_obj->setCurrentUser($this->getCurrentUserObject()->getId()); } else { $pptsv_obj = $pptsvlf; $pptsv_obj->setCurrentUser($this->getCurrentUserObject()->getId()); $pptsv_obj->setUser($user_id); $pptsv_obj->setPayPeriod($primary_pay_period_id); //$pptsv_obj->setStatus( 45 ); //Pending Verification } $verification_window_dates = $pptsv_obj->getVerificationWindowDates(); if (is_array($verification_window_dates)) { $verification_window_dates['start'] = TTDate::getAPIDate('DATE', $verification_window_dates['start']); $verification_window_dates['end'] = TTDate::getAPIDate('DATE', $verification_window_dates['end']); } $timesheet_verify_data = array('id' => $pptsv_obj->getId(), 'user_verified' => $pptsv_obj->getUserVerified(), 'user_verified_date' => $pptsv_obj->getUserVerifiedDate(), 'status_id' => $pptsv_obj->getStatus(), 'status' => Option::getByKey($pptsv_obj->getStatus(), $pptsv_obj->getOptions('status')), 'pay_period_id' => $pptsv_obj->getPayPeriod(), 'user_id' => $pptsv_obj->getUser(), 'authorized' => $pptsv_obj->getAuthorized(), 'authorized_users' => $pptsv_obj->getAuthorizedUsers(), 'is_hierarchy_superior' => $pptsv_obj->isHierarchySuperior(), 'display_verify_button' => $pptsv_obj->displayVerifyButton(), 'verification_box_color' => $pptsv_obj->getVerificationBoxColor(), 'verification_status_display' => $pptsv_obj->getVerificationStatusDisplay(), 'previous_pay_period_verification_display' => $pptsv_obj->displayPreviousPayPeriodVerificationNotice(), 'verification_confirmation_message' => $pptsv_obj->getVerificationConfirmationMessage(), 'verification_window_dates' => $verification_window_dates, 'created_date' => $pptsv_obj->getCreatedDate(), 'created_by' => $pptsv_obj->getCreatedBy(), 'updated_date' => $pptsv_obj->getUpdatedDate(), 'updated_by' => $pptsv_obj->getUpdatedBy(), 'deleted_date' => $pptsv_obj->getDeletedDate(), 'deleted_by' => $pptsv_obj->getDeletedBy()); unset($pptsvlf, $pptsv_obj, $verification_window_dates); if (isset($pay_period_data[$primary_pay_period_id])) { $timesheet_verify_data['pay_period_verify_type_id'] = $pay_period_data[$primary_pay_period_id]['timesheet_verify_type_id']; } } // //Get holiday data. // $holiday_data = array(); $hlf = TTnew('HolidayListFactory'); $hlf->getAPISearchByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria($this->getCurrentCompanyObject()->getId(), array('start_date' => $timesheet_dates['start_date'], 'end_date' => $timesheet_dates['end_date'], 'user_id' => $user_id), $filter_data['filter_items_per_page'], $filter_data['filter_page'], NULL, $filter_data['filter_sort']); Debug::Text('Holiday Record Count: ' . $hlf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); if ($hlf->getRecordCount() > 0) { foreach ($hlf as $h_obj) { $holiday_data[] = $h_obj->getObjectAsArray(); } } unset($hlf, $h_obj); $pplf->CommitTransaction(); $retarr = array('timesheet_dates' => $timesheet_dates, 'pay_period_data' => $pay_period_data, 'punch_data' => $punch_data, 'holiday_data' => $holiday_data, 'user_date_total_data' => $user_date_total_data, 'accumulated_user_date_total_data' => $accumulated_user_date_total_data, 'pay_period_accumulated_user_date_total_data' => $pay_period_accumulated_user_date_total_data, 'meal_and_break_total_data' => $meal_and_break_total_data, 'exception_data' => $exception_data, 'request_data' => $request_data, 'timesheet_verify_data' => $timesheet_verify_data); //Debug::Arr($retarr, 'TimeSheet Data: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10); Debug::Text('TimeSheet Data: User ID:' . $user_id . ' Base Date: ' . $base_date . ' in: ' . (microtime(TRUE) - $profile_start) . 's', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); return $this->returnHandler($retarr); }
function getMidDayExceptionsByStartDateAndEndDateAndPayPeriodStatus($start_date, $end_date, $pay_period_status_id) { if ($start_date == '') { return FALSE; } if ($end_date == '') { return FALSE; } if ($pay_period_status_id == '') { return FALSE; } $epf = new ExceptionPolicyFactory(); $ef = new ExceptionFactory(); $epcf = new ExceptionPolicyControlFactory(); $pgf = new PolicyGroupFactory(); $pguf = new PolicyGroupUserFactory(); $uf = new UserFactory(); $cf = new CompanyFactory(); $udf = new UserDateFactory(); $sf = new ScheduleFactory(); $pcf = new PunchControlFactory(); $pf = new PunchFactory(); $ppf = new PayPeriodFactory(); $current_epoch = time(); if (strncmp($this->db->databaseType, 'mysql', 5) == 0) { $to_timestamp_sql = 'FROM_UNIXTIME'; } else { $to_timestamp_sql = 'to_timestamp'; } $ph = array('current_time1' => $this->db->BindTimeStamp($current_epoch), 'current_time2' => $this->db->BindTimeStamp($current_epoch), 'current_epoch1' => $current_epoch, 'start_date' => $this->db->BindDate($start_date), 'end_date' => $this->db->BindDate($end_date)); //Exceptions that need to be calculated in the middle of the day: //Definitely: In Late, Out Late, Missed CheckIn //Possible: Over Daily Scheduled Time, Over Weekly Scheduled Time, Over Daily Time, Over Weekly Time, Long Lunch (can't run this fast enough), Long Break (can't run this fast enough), //Optimize calcQuickExceptions: // Loop through exception policies where In Late/Out Late/Missed CheckIn are enabled. // Loop through ACTIVE users assigned to these exceptions policies. // Only find days that are scheduled AND ( NO punch after schedule start time OR NO punch after schedule end time ) // For Missed CheckIn they do not need to be scheduled. // Exclude days that already have the exceptions triggered on them (?) (What about split shifts?) // - Just exclude exceptions not assigned to punch/punch_control_id, if there is more than one in the day I don't think it helps much anyways. // //Currently Over Weekly/Daily time exceptions are only triggered on a Out punch. $query = ' select distinct udf.* FROM ' . $epf->getTable() . ' as epf LEFT JOIN ' . $epcf->getTable() . ' as epcf ON ( epf.exception_policy_control_id = ) LEFT JOIN ' . $pgf->getTable() . ' as pgf ON ( = pgf.exception_policy_control_id ) LEFT JOIN ' . $pguf->getTable() . ' as pguf ON ( = pguf.policy_group_id ) LEFT JOIN ' . $uf->getTable() . ' as uf ON ( pguf.user_id = ) LEFT JOIN ' . $cf->getTable() . ' as cf ON ( uf.company_id = ) LEFT JOIN ' . $udf->getTable() . ' as udf ON ( = udf.user_id ) LEFT JOIN ' . $ppf->getTable() . ' as ppf ON ( = udf.pay_period_id ) LEFT JOIN ' . $ef->getTable() . ' as ef ON ( = ef.user_date_id AND ef.exception_policy_id = AND ef.type_id != 5 ) LEFT JOIN ' . $sf->getTable() . ' as sf ON ( = sf.user_date_id AND ( sf.start_time <= ? OR sf.end_time <= ? ) ) LEFT JOIN ' . $pcf->getTable() . ' as pcf ON ( = pcf.user_date_id AND pcf.deleted = 0 ) LEFT JOIN ' . $pf->getTable() . ' as pf ON ( = pf.punch_control_id AND pf.deleted = 0 AND ( ( epf.type_id = \'S4\' AND ( pf.time_stamp >= sf.start_time OR pf.time_stamp <= sf.end_time ) ) OR ( epf.type_id = \'S6\' AND ( pf.time_stamp >= sf.end_time ) ) OR ( epf.type_id = \'C1\' AND ( pf.status_id = 10 AND pf.time_stamp <= ' . $to_timestamp_sql . '(?-epf.grace) ) ) ) ) WHERE ( epf.type_id in (\'S4\',\'S6\', \'C1\') AND = 1 ) AND ( uf.status_id = 10 AND cf.status_id != 30 ) AND ( udf.date_stamp >= ? AND udf.date_stamp <= ? ) AND ppf.status_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($pay_period_status_id, $ph) . ') AND ( ( ( epf.type_id in (\'S4\',\'S6\') AND ( IS NOT NULL AND sf.deleted = 0 ) AND IS NULL ) OR epf.type_id = \'C1\' ) AND IS NULL ) AND ( epf.deleted = 0 AND epcf.deleted = 0 AND pgf.deleted = 0 AND uf.deleted = 0 AND cf.deleted = 0 AND udf.deleted = 0 ) '; //Don't check deleted = 0 on PCF/PF tables, as we need to check IS NULL on them instead. //Debug::Arr($ph, 'Query: '. $query, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10); $this->ExecuteSQL($query, $ph); return $this; }
function getMealAndBreakTotalTime($data, $disable_paging = FALSE) { return PunchFactory::calcMealAndBreakTotalTime($this->getPunch($data, TRUE)); }