Ejemplo n.º 1
 /** -------------------------------------------
     /**  Import File and Find category info
     /** -------------------------------------------*/
 function perform_import()
     global $DSP, $IN, $FNS, $LANG, $PREFS, $DB;
     global $STAT, $IN, $LOC, $REGX, $SESS;
     /** --------------------------
         /**  MT Import Settings
         /** --------------------------*/
     $file_location = $PREFS->ini('mt_file_location');
     $weblog_selection = $PREFS->ini('mt_weblog_selection');
     $category_selection = $PREFS->ini('mt_category_selection');
     $summary_selection = $PREFS->ini('mt_excerpt_selection');
     $body_selection = $PREFS->ini('mt_body_selection');
     $extended_selection = $PREFS->ini('mt_extended_selection');
     $keywords_selection = $PREFS->ini('mt_keywords_selection');
     $status_default = $PREFS->ini('mt_status_default');
     $use_status = $PREFS->ini('mt_use_status');
     $format_default = $PREFS->ini('mt_format_default');
     $use_format = $PREFS->ini('mt_use_format');
     $member_id = $PREFS->ini('mt_member_id');
     $use_author = $PREFS->ini('mt_use_author');
     $create_comment_members = $PREFS->ini('mt_create_comment_members');
     $member_group_id = $PREFS->ini('mt_member_group_id');
     $members_created = 0;
     /** --------------------------
         /**  Create Categories defaults
         /** --------------------------*/
     $auto_sub = 'n';
     $auto_nosub = 'n';
     if (strpos($category_selection, 'auto_sub') !== false) {
         $auto_sub = 'y';
     } elseif (strpos($category_selection, 'auto_nosub') !== false) {
         $auto_nosub = 'y';
     /** ---------------------------------
     		/**  At Least One Field Must Be Used
     		/** ---------------------------------*/
     $fields = array('summary', 'body', 'extended', 'keywords');
     $set = 'n';
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $name = $field . '_selection';
         if (${$name} != '' && ${$name} != 'none') {
             $set = 'y';
     if ($set == 'n') {
         return $this->mt_import_main_page($LANG->line('unable_to_import'));
     /** ---------------------------------
     		/**  Extra Fields
     		/** ---------------------------------*/
     if ($this->extra_fields > 0) {
         $i = 1;
         while (TRUE) {
             // Preference
             $name = 'extra_field_' . $i . '_selection';
             ${$name} = $PREFS->ini('mt_extra_field_' . $i . '_selection');
             // Storage Array for Data
             $name = 'extra_field_' . $i;
             ${$name} = array();
             // Fields List for Processing
             $fields[] = $name;
             if ($i > $this->extra_fields) {
     /** -----------------------------
         /**  Valid Member Group Check
         /** -----------------------------*/
     if ($create_comment_members == 'y') {
         if ($SESS->userdata['group_id'] != 1) {
             $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count \n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM exp_member_groups \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE is_locked = 'n' \n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND group_id = '{$member_group_id}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND site_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($PREFS->ini('site_id')) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY group_title";
             $query = $DB->query($sql);
             if ($query->row['count'] == 0 || $member_group_id == '') {
                 return $this->mt_import_main_page($LANG->line('unable_to_import'));
     /** --------------------------
     		/**  Valid Stati for Weblog
     		/** --------------------------*/
     $query = $DB->query("SELECT status FROM exp_statuses, exp_weblogs\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE exp_weblogs.status_group = exp_statuses.group_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND exp_weblogs.weblog_id = '{$weblog_selection}'");
     if ($query->num_rows > 0) {
         foreach ($query->result as $row) {
             $this->status_array[] = strtolower($row['status']);
     } else {
         $this->status_array = array('open', 'closed');
     /** ----------------------------
     		/**  Valid Formatting Options
     		/** ----------------------------*/
     if (!class_exists('PublishAdmin')) {
         require PATH_CP . 'cp.publish_ad' . EXT;
     $PA = new PublishAdmin();
     $plugins = $PA->fetch_plugins();
     /** --------------------------------------
         /**  MT IMPORT BEGINS
         /** --------------------------------------*/
     if (!function_exists('file_get_contents')) {
         $lines = file($file_location);
         $data = implode('', $lines);
     } else {
         $data = file_get_contents($file_location);
     // All tabs into spaces.
     $data = preg_replace("/(\t)/", ' ', $data);
     // Make all line breaks into one type of identifiable line break marker.
     $LB = '9serLBR3ngti';
     $data = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\n|\r)/", $LB, $data);
     if (strpos($data, $LB . '--------' . $LB) === false) {
         return $this->mt_import_main_page($LANG->line('invalid_file'));
     // Break it up by entries.
     $entries = explode($LB . '--------' . $LB, $data);
     // Our various data arrays
     $titles = array();
     $dates = array();
     $body = array();
     $extended = array();
     $summary = array();
     $keywords = array();
     $author = array();
     // Author of entry
     $screen_names = array();
     // Screen names used
     $usernames = array();
     // Usernames used
     $ip_addresses = array();
     // IP addresses used
     $no_screen_names = array();
     // Confirmed screen name with no member
     $no_usernames = array();
     // Confirmed username with no member
     $comments = array();
     $trackbacks = array();
     $allow_comments = array();
     $allow_pings = array();
     $convert_breaks = array();
     $status = array();
     $primary_categories = array();
     $categories = array();
     $comment_members = array();
     $comment_members_data = array();
     $comment_members_email = array();
     $id = 0;
     foreach ($entries as $entry) {
         if (trim($entry) == '') {
         $sections = explode($LB . "-----" . $LB, $entry);
         // We expect at least two sections
         if (!isset($sections['1'])) {
         /** -----------------------------------
            	/**  Grab entry data and put into arrays 
            	/** -----------------------------------*/
         $first_section = explode($LB, $sections['0']);
         $allow_comments[$id] = 1;
         $allow_pings[$id] = 0;
         $convert_breaks[$id] = $format_default;
         $status[$id] = $status_default;
         $member[$id] = $member_id;
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($first_section); $i++) {
             if (trim($first_section[$i]) == '') {
             $parts = explode(':', $first_section[$i]);
             if (sizeof($parts) < 2) {
             // TITLE
             if (strpos($parts['0'], 'TITLE') !== false) {
                 $titles[$id] = trim(str_replace('TITLE:', '', $first_section[$i]));
             // DATE - keep in format, change later
             if (strpos($parts['0'], 'DATE') !== false) {
                 $dates[$id] = trim(str_replace('DATE:', '', $first_section[$i]));
             // STATUS
             if (strpos($parts['0'], 'STATUS') !== false && $use_status == 'y') {
                 $temp_status = trim(str_replace('STATUS:', '', $first_section[$i]));
                 if ($temp_status == 'Publish') {
                     $status[$id] = 'open';
                 } elseif ($temp_status == 'Draft') {
                     $status[$id] = 'closed';
                 } elseif (in_array(strtolower($temp_status), $this->status_array)) {
                     $which = array_search(strtolower($temp_status), $this->status_array);
                     $status[$id] = $this->status_array[$which];
             // AUTHOR
             if (strpos($parts['0'], 'AUTHOR') !== false && $use_author == 'y') {
                 $author[$id] = trim(str_replace('AUTHOR:', '', $first_section[$i]));
             // META DATA
             if (strpos($parts['0'], 'ALLOW COMMENTS') !== false) {
                 $allow_comments[$id] = trim(str_replace('ALLOW COMMENTS:', '', $first_section[$i]));
             if (strpos($parts['0'], 'ALLOW PINGS') !== false) {
                 $allow_pings[$id] = trim(str_replace('ALLOW PINGS:', '', $first_section[$i]));
             if (strpos($parts['0'], 'CONVERT BREAKS') !== false && $use_format == 'y') {
                 $temp_format = trim(str_replace('CONVERT BREAKS:', '', $first_section[$i]));
                 if ($temp_format == '1') {
                     $convert_breaks[$id] = 'br';
                 } elseif ($temp_format == '0') {
                     $convert_breaks[$id] = 'none';
                 } elseif ($temp_format == '__default__') {
                     $convert_breaks[$id] = $format_default;
                 } else {
                     foreach ($plugins as $val) {
                         if ($temp_format == $val) {
                             $convert_breaks[$id] = $val;
                         $name = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $val));
                         if ($name == 'Br') {
                             $name = $LANG->line('auto_br');
                         } elseif ($name == 'Xhtml') {
                             $name = $LANG->line('xhtml');
                         if ($temp_format == $val) {
                             $convert_breaks[$id] = $val;
             // PRIMARY CATEGORY
             if (strpos($parts['0'], 'PRIMARY CATEGORY') !== false) {
                 $primary_categories[$id] = trim(str_replace('PRIMARY CATEGORY:', '', $first_section[$i]));
             } elseif (strpos($parts['0'], 'CATEGORY') !== false) {
                 // Catch for people who make primary and category equal to each other.
                 if (isset($primary_categories[$id]) && trim($parts['1']) == $primary_categories[$id]) {
                 $categories[$id][] = trim(str_replace('CATEGORY:', '', $first_section[$i]));
         // End section 1
         // More MT logic:
         // If no primary category and there is a single category, then category becomes primary category
         if (!isset($primary_categories[$id]) && isset($categories[$id]) && sizeof($categories[$id]) > 0) {
             $primary_categories[$id] = $categories[$id]['0'];
         // Data Check
         if (!isset($dates[$id]) || !isset($titles[$id]) || str_replace($LB, '', trim($titles[$id])) == '' || str_replace($LB, '', trim($dates[$id])) == '') {
         // Go through the rest of the sections
         for ($i = 1; $i < sizeof($sections); $i++) {
             // EXTENDED BODY
             preg_match("/EXTENDED BODY:(.*)/", $sections[$i], $meta_info);
             if (isset($meta_info['1'])) {
                 $extended[$id] = trim($meta_info['1']);
             // EXTRA FIELD
             preg_match("/EXTRA FIELD\\-(\\d+?):(.*)/", $sections[$i], $meta_info);
             if (isset($meta_info['2'])) {
                 $name = 'extra_field_' . $meta_info['1'];
                 ${$name}[$id] = trim($meta_info['2']);
             // BODY
             preg_match("/BODY:(.*)/", $sections[$i], $meta_info);
             if (isset($meta_info['1'])) {
                 $body[$id] = trim($meta_info['1']);
             // EXCERPT
             preg_match("/EXCERPT:(.*)/", $sections[$i], $meta_info);
             if (isset($meta_info['1'])) {
                 $summary[$id] = trim($meta_info['1']);
             // KEYWORDS
             preg_match("/KEYWORDS:(.*)/", $sections[$i], $meta_info);
             if (isset($meta_info['1'])) {
                 $keywords[$id] = trim($meta_info['1']);
             // COMMENTS
             preg_match("/COMMENT:(.*)/", $sections[$i], $meta_info);
             if (isset($meta_info['1'])) {
                 if (!isset($c)) {
                     $c = 0;
                 $cparts = explode($LB, $meta_info['1']);
                 foreach ($cparts as $cpart) {
                     if (strpos($cpart, 'AUTHOR:') !== false) {
                         $comments[$id][$c]['author'] = trim(str_replace('AUTHOR:', '', $cpart));
                         $meta_info['1'] = str_replace($cpart . $LB, '', $meta_info['1']);
                     } elseif (strpos($cpart, 'DATE:') !== false) {
                         $comments[$id][$c]['date'] = trim(str_replace('DATE:', '', $cpart));
                         $meta_info['1'] = str_replace($cpart . $LB, '', $meta_info['1']);
                     } elseif (strpos($cpart, 'EMAIL:') !== false) {
                         $comments[$id][$c]['email'] = trim(str_replace('EMAIL:', '', $cpart));
                         $meta_info['1'] = str_replace($cpart . $LB, '', $meta_info['1']);
                     } elseif (strpos($cpart, 'URL:') !== false) {
                         $comments[$id][$c]['url'] = trim(str_replace('URL:', '', $cpart));
                         $meta_info['1'] = str_replace($cpart . $LB, '', $meta_info['1']);
                     } elseif (strpos($cpart, 'IP:') !== false) {
                         $comments[$id][$c]['ip'] = trim(str_replace('IP:', '', $cpart));
                         $meta_info['1'] = str_replace($cpart . $LB, '', $meta_info['1']);
                 // Required
                 if (!isset($comments[$id][$c]['author']) || !isset($comments[$id][$c]['date'])) {
                 // Clean up comment body
                 $meta_info['1'] = str_replace('COMMENT:' . $LB, '', $meta_info['1']);
                 while (substr($meta_info['1'], 0, strlen($LB)) == $LB) {
                     $meta_info['1'] = substr($meta_info['1'], strlen($LB));
                 while (substr($meta_info['1'], -strlen($LB)) == $LB) {
                     $meta_info['1'] = substr($meta_info['1'], 0, -strlen($LB));
                 /** -------------------------
                 				/**  Store comment body
                 				/** -------------------------*/
                 $comments[$id][$c]['body'] = trim($meta_info['1']);
                 /** ------------------------
                 				/**  Store Comment User
                 				/** ------------------------*/
                 if ($create_comment_members == 'y' && isset($comments[$id][$c]['email'])) {
                     if (!in_array(strtolower($comments[$id][$c]['author']), $comment_members) && !in_array(strtolower($comments[$id][$c]['email']), $comment_members_email)) {
                         $comment_members[] = $comments[$id][$c]['author'];
                         // Unique authors
                         $comment_members_email[] = $comments[$id][$c]['email'];
                         // Unique emails
                         $comment_members_data[] = $comments[$id][$c];
                 // C++, get it? Ha!
             // TRACKBACKS
             preg_match("/PING:(.*)/", $sections[$i], $meta_info);
             if (isset($meta_info['1'])) {
                 if (!isset($t)) {
                     $t = 0;
                 $tparts = explode($LB, $meta_info['1']);
                 foreach ($tparts as $tpart) {
                     if (strpos($tpart, 'TITLE:') !== false) {
                         $trackbacks[$id][$t]['title'] = trim(str_replace('TITLE:', '', $tpart));
                         $meta_info['1'] = str_replace($tpart, '', $meta_info['1']);
                     } elseif (strpos($tpart, 'DATE:') !== false) {
                         $trackbacks[$id][$t]['date'] = trim(str_replace('DATE:', '', $tpart));
                         $meta_info['1'] = str_replace($tpart, '', $meta_info['1']);
                     } elseif (strpos($tpart, 'URL:') !== false) {
                         $trackbacks[$id][$t]['url'] = trim(str_replace('URL:', '', $tpart));
                         $meta_info['1'] = str_replace($tpart, '', $meta_info['1']);
                     } elseif (strpos($tpart, 'IP:') !== false) {
                         $trackbacks[$id][$t]['ip'] = trim(str_replace('IP:', '', $tpart));
                         $meta_info['1'] = str_replace($tpart, '', $meta_info['1']);
                     } elseif (strpos($tpart, 'BLOG NAME:') !== false) {
                         $trackbacks[$id][$t]['blog_name'] = trim(str_replace('BLOG NAME', '', $tpart));
                         $meta_info['1'] = str_replace($tpart, '', $meta_info['1']);
                 // Required fields is four
                 // Only IP is not required.
                 if (sizeof($trackbacks[$id][$t]) < 4 && isset($trackbacks[$id][$t]['ip'])) {
                 // Clean up Trackback body
                 $meta_info['1'] = str_replace('PING:' . $LB, '', $meta_info['1']);
                 while (substr($meta_info['1'], 0, strlen($LB)) == $LB) {
                     $meta_info['1'] = substr($meta_info['1'], strlen($LB));
                 while (substr($meta_info['1'], -strlen($LB)) == $LB) {
                     $meta_info['1'] = substr($meta_info['1'], 0, -strlen($LB));
                 // Store trackback body
                 $trackbacks[$id][$t]['body'] = trim($meta_info['1']);
         // End of all sections
         // Data Check
         if (!isset($body[$id]) || str_replace($LB, '', trim($body[$id]) == '')) {
         $c = 0;
         $t = 0;
     /** -----------------------------
         /**  Category Creation
         /** -----------------------------*/
     // Find category group for this weblog
     $query = $DB->query("SELECT cat_group, site_id FROM exp_weblogs WHERE weblog_id = '{$weblog_selection}'");
     $weblog_cat_id = $query->row['cat_group'];
     $site_id = $query->row['site_id'];
     if ($auto_sub == 'y' || $auto_nosub == 'y') {
         $cleaned_primary_categories = array_unique($primary_categories);
         $cleaned_categories = array();
         // Find Unique Categories, store via primary category name
         foreach ($categories as $eid => $cat_array) {
             foreach ($cat_array as $cat) {
                 $pim = isset($primary_categories[$eid]) && $primary_categories[$eid] != $cat ? $primary_categories[$eid] : 0;
                 $pim = $IN->clean_input_data($pim);
                 if (!isset($cleaned_categories[$pim])) {
                     $cleaned_categories[$pim][] = $cat;
                 if (!in_array($cat, $cleaned_categories[$pim])) {
                     $cleaned_categories[$pim][] = $cat;
         // Category ID Arrays
         $primary_cat_ids = array();
         $regular_cat_ids = array();
         // Check for these primary categories.  If not there, create
         if (sizeof($cleaned_primary_categories) > 0) {
             foreach ($cleaned_primary_categories as $key => $prim) {
                 $name = $IN->clean_input_data($prim);
                 if ($name == '') {
                 $query = $DB->query("SELECT cat_id\n\t\t\t    \t                   \tFROM exp_categories\n\t\t\t    \t                   \tWHERE exp_categories.cat_name = '" . $DB->escape_str($name) . "'\n\t\t\t    \t                   \tAND exp_categories.site_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($PREFS->ini('site_id')) . "'\n\t\t\t    \t                   \tAND exp_categories.parent_id = '0'\n\t\t\t    \t                   \tAND exp_categories.group_id IN ('" . str_replace('|', "','", $DB->escape_str($weblog_cat_id)) . "')");
                 if ($query->num_rows == 0) {
                     // Create primary category
                     $insert_array = array('group_id' => $weblog_cat_id, 'cat_name' => $name, 'cat_url_title' => $REGX->create_url_title($name, TRUE), 'cat_image' => '', 'parent_id' => '0', 'site_id' => $site_id);
                     $DB->query($DB->insert_string('exp_categories', $insert_array));
                     $primary_cat_ids[$name] = $DB->insert_id;
                     // Create category_field_data
                     $insert_array = array('cat_id' => $primary_cat_ids[$name], 'site_id' => $site_id, 'group_id' => $weblog_cat_id);
                     $DB->query($DB->insert_string('exp_category_field_data', $insert_array));
                 } else {
                     $primary_cat_ids[$name] = $query->row['cat_id'];
         // End creation of primary categories
         // Check for these categories.  If not there, create.
         if (sizeof($cleaned_categories) > 0) {
             foreach ($cleaned_categories as $parent_name => $cat_array) {
                 if ($parent_name == '' || sizeof($cat_array) == 0) {
                 $pid = 0;
                 if ($auto_sub == 'y') {
                     $sql = "SELECT cat_id \n\t\t\t\t    \t\t\tFROM exp_categories\n\t\t\t\t    \t\t\tWHERE exp_categories.cat_name = '" . $DB->escape_str($parent_name) . "'\n\t\t\t\t    \t\t\tAND exp_categories.group_id = '{$weblog_cat_id}'\n\t\t\t\t    \t\t\tAND exp_categories.parent_id = '0'\n\t\t\t\t    \t\t\tAND exp_categories.site_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($PREFS->ini('site_id')) . "'";
                     $query = $DB->query($sql);
                     $pid = $query->num_rows > 0 ? $query->row['cat_id'] : '0';
                 foreach ($cat_array as $cid => $cat) {
                     $cat = $IN->clean_input_data($cat);
                     $query = $DB->query("SELECT cat_id\n\t\t\t    \t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM exp_categories\n\t\t\t    \t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE exp_categories.cat_name = '" . $DB->escape_str($cat) . "'\n\t\t\t    \t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND exp_categories.group_id = '{$weblog_cat_id}'\n\t\t\t    \t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND exp_categories.parent_id = '{$pid}'\n\t\t\t    \t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND exp_categories.site_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($PREFS->ini('site_id')) . "'");
                     if ($query->num_rows == 0) {
                         // Create category
                         $insert_array = array('group_id' => $weblog_cat_id, 'cat_name' => $cat, 'cat_url_title' => $REGX->create_url_title($cat, TRUE), 'cat_image' => '', 'parent_id' => $pid, 'site_id' => $site_id);
                         $sql = $DB->insert_string('exp_categories', $insert_array);
                         $cat_insert_id = $DB->insert_id;
                         $regular_cat_ids[$cat_insert_id] = array($cat, $pid);
                         // Create category_field_data
                         $insert_array = array('cat_id' => $cat_insert_id, 'site_id' => $site_id, 'group_id' => $weblog_cat_id);
                         $DB->query($DB->insert_string('exp_category_field_data', $insert_array));
                     } else {
                         $regular_cat_ids[$query->row['cat_id']] = array($cat, $pid);
     /** ----------------------------
     		/**  Create Comment Memberships
     		/** ----------------------------*/
     if ($create_comment_members == 'y' && sizeof($comment_members_data) > 0) {
         /** -------------------------------------
         			/**  Instantiate validation class
         			/** -------------------------------------*/
         if (!class_exists('Validate')) {
             require PATH_CORE . 'core.validate' . EXT;
         $members_data = array();
         foreach ($comment_members_data as $comment_data) {
             $com_name = !isset($comment_data['author']) ? 'Anonymous' : stripslashes($comment_data['author']);
             $com_email = !isset($comment_data['email']) ? '' : stripslashes($comment_data['email']);
             $com_url = !isset($comment_data['url']) ? '' : stripslashes($comment_data['url']);
             $com_ip = !isset($comment_data['ip']) ? '' : stripslashes($comment_data['ip']);
             $username = preg_replace("/[\\||\\'|\"|\\!]/", '', $com_name);
             $password = $FNS->random('alpha', 5);
             $VAL = new Validate(array('member_id' => '', 'val_type' => 'new', 'fetch_lang' => FALSE, 'require_cpw' => FALSE, 'enable_log' => TRUE, 'username' => $username, 'cur_username' => '', 'screen_name' => $com_name, 'cur_screen_name' => '', 'password' => $password, 'password_confirm' => $password, 'cur_password' => '', 'email' => $com_email, 'cur_email' => ''));
             if (count($VAL->errors) > 0) {
             $data['username'] = $username;
             $data['password'] = $password;
             $data['ip_address'] = $com_ip;
             $data['unique_id'] = $FNS->random('encrypt');
             $data['join_date'] = $LOC->now;
             $data['email'] = $com_email;
             $data['screen_name'] = $com_name;
             $data['url'] = $com_url;
             $data['group_id'] = $member_group_id;
             $DB->query($DB->insert_string('exp_members', $data));
             $new_member_id = $DB->insert_id;
             $members_data[] = "('{$new_member_id}')";
             $usernames[$new_member_id] = $username;
             $screen_names[$new_member_id] = $com_name;
             $ip_addresses[$new_member_id] = $com_ip;
         if (sizeof($members_data) > 0) {
             // Create records in the custom field table
             $DB->query("INSERT INTO exp_member_data (member_id) VALUES " . implode(',', $members_data));
             // Create records in the member homepage table
             $DB->query("INSERT INTO exp_member_homepage (member_id) VALUES " . implode(',', $members_data));
     // END Comment Memberships
     /** ----------------------------
     		/**  Data Arrays
     		/** ----------------------------*/
     // Get our default member's IP address
     $result = $DB->query("SELECT member_id, ip_address FROM exp_members WHERE member_id = '{$member_id}'");
     $ip_addresses[$member_id] = $result->num_rows == 0 ? '' : $result->row['ip_address'];
     $total = $id;
     $comments_entered = 0;
     $trackbacks_entered = 0;
     for ($id = 0; $id < $total; $id++) {
         // Function to create MT Export Date format to gmt
         $entry_date = $this->convert_mt_date_to_gmt($dates[$id]);
         $titles[$id] = $PREFS->ini('auto_convert_high_ascii') == 'y' ? $REGX->ascii_to_entities($titles[$id]) : $titles[$id];
         $url_title = $REGX->create_url_title($titles[$id], TRUE);
         $results = $DB->query("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM exp_weblog_titles WHERE url_title = '" . $DB->escape_str($url_title) . "' AND weblog_id = '{$weblog_selection}'");
         // Already have default title
         if ($results->row['count'] > 0) {
             /** ------------------------------------------------
             				/**  Check for multiple instances like default title
             				/** ------------------------------------------------*/
             $results = $DB->query("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM exp_weblog_titles WHERE url_title LIKE '" . $DB->escape_like_str($url_title) . "%' AND weblog_id = '{$weblog_selection}'");
             $url_title .= $results->row['count'] + 1;
         $comments_allowed = $allow_comments[$id] == 1 ? 'y' : 'n';
         $trackbacks_allowed = $allow_pings[$id] == 1 ? 'y' : 'n';
         /** -----------------------------
         			/**  Recent Comment date
         			/** -----------------------------*/
         if (isset($comments[$id]) && sizeof($comments[$id]) > 0) {
             $recent_comment_date = time();
             for ($c = 0; $c < sizeof($comments[$id]); $c++) {
                 $date = $this->convert_mt_date_to_gmt(stripslashes($comments[$id][$c]['date']));
                 if ($date < $recent_comment_date) {
                     $recent_comment_date = $date;
         } else {
             $recent_comment_date = 0;
         /** --------------------------------
         			/**  Recent Trackback date
         			/** --------------------------------*/
         if (isset($trackbacks[$id]) && sizeof($trackbacks[$id]) > 0) {
             $recent_trackback_date = time();
             for ($t = 0; $t < sizeof($trackbacks[$id]); $t++) {
                 $date = $this->convert_mt_date_to_gmt(stripslashes($trackbacks[$id][$t]['date']));
                 if ($date < $recent_trackback_date) {
                     $recent_trackback_date = $date;
         } else {
             $recent_trackback_date = 0;
         $comment_total = !isset($comments[$id]) ? 0 : sizeof($comments[$id]);
         $trackback_total = !isset($trackbacks[$id]) ? 0 : sizeof($trackbacks[$id]);
         /** -------------------------------
         			/**  Determine Author?
         			/** -------------------------------*/
         if ($use_author == 'y' && isset($author[$id])) {
             $temp_author = $author[$id];
             $temp_username = preg_replace("/[\\||\\'|\"|\\!]/", '', $temp_author);
             if (in_array($temp_author, $no_screen_names) || in_array($temp_username, $no_usernames)) {
                 // Nothing
                 // Check already done, not found, so it is default
             } elseif (in_array($temp_username, $usernames)) {
                 $which = array_search($temp_author, $usernames);
                 $member[$id] = $which;
             } elseif (in_array($temp_author, $screen_names)) {
                 $which = array_search($temp_author, $screen_names);
                 $member[$id] = $which;
             } else {
                 // Darn! Time for a query
                 $query = $DB->query("SELECT member_id, screen_name, username, ip_address FROM exp_members \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE screen_name = '{$temp_author}' OR username = '******'");
                 if ($query->num_rows == 1) {
                     $member[$id] = $query->row['member_id'];
                     $usernames[$query->row['member_id']] = $query->row['username'];
                     $screen_names[$query->row['member_id']] = $query->row['screen_name'];
                     $ip_addresses[$query->row['member_id']] = $query->row['ip_address'];
                 } elseif ($query->num_rows > 1) {
                     foreach ($query->result as $row) {
                         if ($row['username'] == $temp_username) {
                             $member[$id] = $row['member_id'];
                         $usernames[$row['member_id']] = $row['username'];
                         $screen_names[$row['member_id']] = $row['screen_name'];
                         $ip_addresses[$row['member_id']] = $row['ip_address'];
                 } else {
                     $no_screen_names[] = $temp_author;
                     $no_usernames[] = $temp_username;
         if (!isset($ip_addresses[$member[$id]])) {
             $result = $DB->query("SELECT member_id, ip_address FROM exp_members WHERE member_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($member[$id]) . "'");
             $ip_addresses[$member[$id]] = $result->num_rows == 0 ? '' : $result->row['ip_address'];
         /** -------------------------
            	/**  Weblog Entry's Data
            	/** -------------------------*/
         $data = array('entry_id' => '', 'weblog_id' => $weblog_selection, 'author_id' => $member[$id], 'ip_address' => $ip_addresses[$member[$id]], 'title' => $titles[$id], 'url_title' => $url_title, 'status' => $status[$id], 'allow_comments' => $comments_allowed, 'allow_trackbacks' => $trackbacks_allowed, 'entry_date' => $entry_date, 'year' => date("Y", $entry_date), 'month' => date("m", $entry_date), 'day' => date("d", $entry_date), 'expiration_date' => 0, 'recent_comment_date' => $recent_comment_date, 'recent_trackback_date' => $recent_trackback_date, 'comment_total' => $comment_total, 'trackback_total' => $trackback_total, 'site_id' => $site_id);
         $DB->query($DB->insert_string('exp_weblog_titles', $data));
         $entry_id = $DB->insert_id;
         /** ------------------------------------
         			/**  Insert the custom field data
         			/** ------------------------------------*/
         $cust_fields = array('entry_id' => $entry_id, 'weblog_id' => $weblog_selection, 'site_id' => $site_id);
         // $summary_selection, $body_selection, $extended_selection, $keywords_selection
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             $name = $field . '_selection';
             if (${$name} != '' && ${$name} != 'none' && isset(${$field}[$id])) {
                 $field_data = trim(str_replace($LB, "\n", ${$field}[$id]));
                 $key = 'field_id_' . ${$name};
                 // Make sure the field data was not just some line breaks
                 if (strlen($field_data) > 0) {
                     $field_data = $PREFS->ini('auto_convert_high_ascii') == 'y' ? $REGX->ascii_to_entities($field_data) : $field_data;
                     $cust_fields[$key] = !isset($cust_fields[$key]) ? $field_data : $cust_fields[$key] . "\n" . $field_data;
                     $key2 = str_replace('field_id_', 'field_ft_', $key);
                     $cust_fields[$key2] = $convert_breaks[$id];
         $DB->query($DB->insert_string('exp_weblog_data', $cust_fields));
         if ($auto_sub == 'y' || $auto_nosub == 'y') {
             /** --------------------------------
             				/**  Insert primary categories
             				/** --------------------------------*/
             if (isset($primary_categories[$id])) {
                 if (isset($primary_cat_ids[$primary_categories[$id]])) {
                     $parent_id = $primary_cat_ids[$primary_categories[$id]];
                     $DB->query("INSERT INTO exp_category_posts (entry_id, cat_id) VALUES ('{$entry_id}', '{$parent_id}')");
             /** ------------------------------
             				/**  Insert categories
             				/** ------------------------------*/
             if (isset($categories[$id]) && sizeof($categories[$id]) > 0) {
                 $cats_insert = '';
                 foreach ($categories[$id] as $cat) {
                     $parent_id = !isset($parent_id) ? '0' : $parent_id;
                     foreach ($regular_cat_ids as $cat_id => $cat_id_array) {
                         if (is_array($cat_id_array) && $cat_id_array['0'] == $cat) {
                             if (isset($cat_id_array['1']) && ($parent_id == $cat_id_array['1'] || $auto_nosub == 'y' && $cat_id_array['1'] == '0')) {
                                 $cats_insert .= "('{$entry_id}', '{$cat_id}'),";
                 if ($cats_insert != '') {
                     $DB->query("INSERT INTO exp_category_posts (entry_id, cat_id) VALUES " . substr($cats_insert, 0, -1));
         /** --------------------------------------------
         			/**  Additional Selected Categories for Entries
         			/** --------------------------------------------*/
         // Note, these are possible, even if a user has chosen to
         // auto create categories for the imported entries.
         // This way an admin can have the categories inserted for these
         // entries and still assign them to a new EE category or two
         if ($category_selection != '' && $category_selection != 'none') {
             $cat_inserts = explode('|', $category_selection);
             if (sizeof($cat_inserts) > 0) {
                 $vsql = '';
                 foreach ($cat_inserts as $cat_insert) {
                     if ($cat_insert != '' && is_numeric($cat_insert)) {
                         $vsql .= "('{$entry_id}', '" . $DB->escape_str($cat_insert) . "'),";
                 if (strlen($vsql) > 0) {
                     $DB->query("INSERT INTO exp_category_posts (entry_id, cat_id) VALUES " . substr($vsql, 0, -1));
         /** ---------------------------------
         			/**  Insert the comment data
         			/** -------------------------------*/
         if (isset($comments[$id]) && sizeof($comments[$id]) > 0) {
             // $comments[$id][$c]['body'], ['ip'], ['author'], ['url'], ['email'], ['date']
             $comments_insert = '';
             for ($c = 0; $c < sizeof($comments[$id]); $c++) {
                 $com_name = !isset($comments[$id][$c]['author']) ? 'Anonymous' : stripslashes($comments[$id][$c]['author']);
                 $com_email = !isset($comments[$id][$c]['email']) ? '' : stripslashes($comments[$id][$c]['email']);
                 $com_url = !isset($comments[$id][$c]['url']) ? '' : stripslashes($comments[$id][$c]['url']);
                 $com_ip = !isset($comments[$id][$c]['ip']) ? '' : stripslashes($comments[$id][$c]['ip']);
                 $com_body = str_replace($LB, "\n", stripslashes($comments[$id][$c]['body']));
                 $com_date = $this->convert_mt_date_to_gmt($comments[$id][$c]['date']);
                 $com_username = preg_replace("/[\\||\\'|\"|\\!]/", '', $com_name);
                 if (in_array($com_username, $usernames)) {
                     $author_id = array_search($com_username, $usernames);
                 } elseif (in_array($com_name, $screen_names)) {
                     $author_id = array_search($com_name, $screen_names);
                 } else {
                     $author_id = 0;
                 $data = array('weblog_id' => $weblog_selection, 'entry_id' => $entry_id, 'author_id' => $author_id, 'name' => $com_name, 'email' => $com_email, 'url' => $com_url, 'location' => '', 'comment' => $com_body, 'comment_date' => $com_date, 'ip_address' => $com_ip, 'notify' => 'n', 'site_id' => $site_id);
                 $DB->query($DB->insert_string('exp_comments', $data));
         /** ---------------------------------
         			/**  Insert the trackback data
         			/** ---------------------------------*/
         if (isset($trackbacks[$id]) && sizeof($trackbacks[$id]) > 0) {
             // $trackbacks[$id][$t]['title'], ['date'], ['url'], ['ip'],['blog_name'], ['body']
             for ($t = 0; $t < sizeof($trackbacks[$id]); $t++) {
                 $ping_title = stripslashes($trackbacks[$id][$t]['title']);
                 $blog_name = stripslashes($trackbacks[$id][$t]['blog_name']);
                 $ping_url = stripslashes($trackbacks[$id][$t]['url']);
                 $ping_ip = !isset($trackbacks[$id][$t]['ip']) ? '' : stripslashes($trackbacks[$id][$t]['ip']);
                 $ping_body = str_replace($LB, "\n", stripslashes($trackbacks[$id][$t]['body']));
                 $ping_date = $this->convert_mt_date_to_gmt($trackbacks[$id][$t]['date']);
                 $data = array('weblog_id' => $weblog_selection, 'entry_id' => $entry_id, 'title' => $ping_title, 'content' => $ping_body, 'weblog_name' => $blog_name, 'trackback_url' => $ping_url, 'trackback_date' => $ping_date, 'trackback_ip' => $ping_ip, 'site_id' => $site_id);
                 $DB->query($DB->insert_string('exp_trackbacks', $data));
     // END of importing entries
     /** --------------------------
     		/**  OPTIMIZE
     		/** --------------------------*/
     $DB->query("OPTIMIZE TABLE exp_comments");
     $DB->query("OPTIMIZE TABLE exp_members");
     $DB->query("OPTIMIZE TABLE exp_trackbacks");
     $DB->query("OPTIMIZE TABLE exp_weblogs");
     $DB->query("OPTIMIZE TABLE exp_weblog_titles");
     $DB->query("OPTIMIZE TABLE exp_weblog_data");
     /** --------------------------
     		/**  Clear out config.php
     		/** --------------------------*/
     /** ---------------------------
     		/**  Display Success Message
     		/** ---------------------------*/
     if ($auto_sub == 'y' || $auto_nosub == 'y') {
         $cats = 0;
         foreach ($cleaned_categories as $parent_name => $cats_array) {
             $cats = $cats + sizeof($cats_array);
         $categories_entered = sizeof($cleaned_primary_categories) + $cats;
     $DSP->title = $LANG->line('mt_import_utility');
     $DSP->crumb = $DSP->anchor(BASE . AMP . 'C=admin' . AMP . 'M=utilities' . AMP . 'P=mt_import', $LANG->line('mt_import_utility')) . $DSP->crumb_item($LANG->line('import_complete'));
     $r = $DSP->qdiv('tableHeading', $LANG->line('import_complete'));
     $r .= $DSP->div('box');
     $r .= $DSP->qdiv('success', $LANG->line('you_are_done_importing'));
     $r .= $DSP->qdiv('itemWrapper', $LANG->line('total_weblog_entries') . NBS . $id);
     $r .= $DSP->qdiv('itemWrapper', $LANG->line('total_weblog_comments') . NBS . $comments_entered);
     $r .= $DSP->qdiv('itemWrapper', $LANG->line('total_weblog_trackbacks') . NBS . $trackbacks_entered);
     if (isset($categories_entered) && $categories_entered > 0) {
         $r .= $DSP->qdiv('itemWrapper', $LANG->line('total_categories_entered') . NBS . $categories_entered);
     if ($members_created > 0) {
         $r .= $DSP->qdiv('itemWrapper', $LANG->line('members_created') . NBS . $members_created);
     $r .= $DSP->qdiv('itemWrapper', BR . $DSP->qdiv('highlight', $LANG->line('more_importing_info')));
     $r .= $DSP->qdiv('itemWrapper', $DSP->anchor(BASE . AMP . 'C=admin' . AMP . 'M=utilities' . AMP . 'P=mt_import', $LANG->line('return_to_import')));
     $r .= $DSP->heading($LANG->line('recalculate_statistics'), 2);
     $r .= $DSP->qdiv('itemWrapper', $DSP->anchor(BASE . AMP . 'C=admin' . AMP . 'M=utilities' . AMP . 'P=recount_stats', $LANG->line('click_to_reset_statistics')));
     $r .= $DSP->div_c();
     $DSP->body = $r;