Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @see Console\Command\Command
 protected function execute(Input\InputInterface $input, Output\OutputInterface $output)
     $schemaFile = $input->getArgument('schema-file');
     $configFile = $input->getArgument('config-file');
     $dataSource = $input->getOption('datasource');
     $ignoreConstraints = $input->getOption('ignore-constraints');
     // initialize propel
     // get xml representation of schema file
     $schemaXml = simplexml_load_file($schemaFile);
     // intitialize doctrine DBAL with data from propel
     $config = \PropelCli\Configuration::getDataSourceConfiguration($dataSource, \Propel::getConfiguration());
     $conn = DBAL\DriverManager::getConnection($config->toArray(), new DBAL\Configuration());
     $sm = $conn->getSchemaManager();
     // create a schema of the existing db
     $fromSchema = $sm->createSchema();
     // initialize a schema for the updated db
     $toSchema = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema();
     // generate the schema object
     $generator = new \PropelCli\Schema\Generator($schemaXml);
     // generate the sql to migrate from fromSchema to toSchema
     $sql = $fromSchema->getMigrateToSql($toSchema, $conn->getDatabasePlatform());
     if ($input->getOption('dump-sql')) {
         foreach ($sql as $stmt) {
             if ($ignoreConstraints && preg_match('/CONSTRAINT/', $stmt)) {
             $output->write($stmt . ';' . PHP_EOL);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Get a list of all Propel-model classes.
  * @param bool $packages Group by package name.
  * @return array
 public static function getModels($packages = true)
     $classes = array();
     $configArray = Propel::getConfiguration();
     foreach ($configArray['classmap'] as $className => $file) {
         if (preg_match('@^(.*)/map/(\\w+)TableMap\\.php$@', $file, $match)) {
             $package = $match[1];
             $clazz = $match[2];
             if ($packages) {
                 if (!isset($classes[$package])) {
                     $classes[$package] = array();
                 $classes[$package][] = $clazz;
             } else {
                 $classes[] = $clazz;
     if ($packages) {
         ksort($classes, SORT_STRING);
         foreach ($classes as $package => &$cl) {
             sort($cl, SORT_STRING);
     return $classes;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static function enablePropelLogging()
     $logger = Logging::getLogger();
     $con = Propel::getConnection();
     $config = Propel::getConfiguration(PropelConfiguration::TYPE_OBJECT);
     $config->setParameter('debugpdo.logging.details.method.enabled', true);
     $config->setParameter('debugpdo.logging.details.time.enabled', true);
     $config->setParameter('debugpdo.logging.details.mem.enabled', true);
  * @return PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DB_IDatabaseConnection
 public function getConnection()
     if (self::$testCon === null) {
         self::$propelCon = Propel::getConnection();
         $propelConfig = Propel::getConfiguration(PropelConfiguration::TYPE_ARRAY);
         $dbConfig = $propelConfig['datasources'][PROJECT_NAME]['connection'];
         $this->assertTrue(isset($dbConfig['dsn'], $dbConfig['database'], $dbConfig['user'], $dbConfig['password']));
         self::$testCon = $this->createDefaultDBConnection(new PDO($dbConfig['dsn'], $dbConfig['user'], $dbConfig['password']), $dbConfig['database']);
     return self::$testCon;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Class constructor.
  * @see initialize()
 public function __construct($url = 'http://voota.es')
     $this->serverUrl = $url;
     $dbConf = Propel::getConfiguration();
     $dsn = $dbConf['datasources']['propel']['connection']['dsn'];
     if (preg_match("/dbname=(.*);host=(.*)\$/", $dsn, $matches)) {
         $db = $matches[1];
         $host = $matches[2];
     $databaseArray = array('server' => $host, 'username' => $dbConf['datasources']['propel']['connection']['user'], 'password' => $dbConf['datasources']['propel']['connection']['password'], 'database' => $db);
     OAuthStore::instance('MySQL', OAuthStore::instance('MySQL', $databaseArray));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static function storeInstance()
     $dbConf = Propel::getConfiguration();
     $dsn = $dbConf['datasources']['propel']['connection']['dsn'];
     if (preg_match("/dbname=(.*);host=(.*)\$/", $dsn, $matches)) {
         $db = $matches[1];
         $host = $matches[2];
     $store = OAuthStore::instance('MySQL', array('server' => $host, 'username' => $dbConf['datasources']['propel']['connection']['user'], 'password' => $dbConf['datasources']['propel']['connection']['password'], 'database' => $db));
     if (!$store) {
         sfContext::getInstance()->getLogger()->err("Cannot connect to database.");
         throw new OAuthException("Cannot connect to database.");
     return $store;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * @static
  * @param string $connectionName
  * @return PropelPDO
 public static function instanciate($connectionName)
     $propelConfiguration = Propel::getConfiguration();
     if (isset($propelConfiguration['datasources'][$connectionName]['connection'])) {
         $parameters = $propelConfiguration['datasources'][$connectionName]['connection'];
     } else {
         if (isset($propelConfiguration['datasources'][Propel::getDefaultDB()])) {
             $propelConfiguration['datasources'][$connectionName] = $propelConfiguration['datasources'][Propel::getDefaultDB()];
             Propel::setConfiguration(new PropelConfiguration($propelConfiguration));
             $parameters = $propelConfiguration['datasources'][$connectionName]['connection'];
         } else {
             throw new Exception(sprintf("Unable to find connection parameters for connection '%s'", $connectionName));
     return Propel::initConnection($parameters, $connectionName);
 protected function setUp()
     if (Propel::isInit()) {
         $this->oldPropelConfiguration = Propel::getConfiguration();
     $xmlDom = new DOMDocument();
     $xmlDom->load(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../fixtures/reverse/mysql/runtime-conf.xml');
     $xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlDom->saveXML());
     $phpconf = PlatformDatabaseBuildTimeBaseTask::simpleXmlToArray($xml);
     $this->con = Propel::getConnection('reverse-bookstore');
     $this->parser = new MysqlSchemaParser(Propel::getConnection('reverse-bookstore'));
     $this->parser->setGeneratorConfig(new QuickGeneratorConfig(new MysqlPlatform()));
  * Databases and tables list helper
  * @return array
 public function processDatabaseList()
     $aConfiguration = Propel::getConfiguration();
     // Extract default connection
     $sDefault = '';
     if (isset($aConfiguration['datasources']['default'])) {
         $sDefault = $aConfiguration['datasources']['default'];
     $aDatabases = array();
     // Generating response
     foreach ($aConfiguration['datasources'] as $db_connection => $db_connecttion_info) {
         $sDsn = $db_connecttion_info['connection']['dsn'];
         $aDsnInfo = afsDatabaseQuery::parseDSN($sDsn);
         $aTables = afsDatabaseQuery::getTables($db_connection);
         // Generate list of databases and tables
         $aDatabases[] = array('name' => $aDsnInfo['dbname'], 'tables_num' => count($aTables), 'connection' => $db_connection, 'tables' => array_values((array) $aTables));
     return $aDatabases;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Load Propel config
  * @param      AgaviDatabaseManager The database manager of this instance.
  * @param      array                An assoc array of initialization params.
  * @author     David Zülke <*****@*****.**>
  * @since      0.10.0
 public function initialize(AgaviDatabaseManager $databaseManager, array $parameters = array())
     parent::initialize($databaseManager, $parameters);
     $configPath = AgaviToolkit::expandDirectives($this->getParameter('config'));
     $datasource = $this->getParameter('datasource', null);
     $use_as_default = $this->getParameter('use_as_default', false);
     $config = (require $configPath);
     if ($datasource === null || $datasource == 'default') {
         if (isset($config['propel']['datasources']['default'])) {
             $datasource = $config['propel']['datasources']['default'];
         } elseif (isset($config['datasources']['default'])) {
             $datasource = $config['datasources']['default'];
         } else {
             throw new AgaviDatabaseException('No datasource given for Propel connection, and no default datasource specified in runtime configuration file.');
     if (!class_exists('Propel')) {
         include 'propel/Propel.php';
     if (!Propel::isInit()) {
     $is13 = version_compare(Propel::VERSION, '1.4', '<');
     // grab the configuration values and inject possibly defined overrides for this data source
     if ($is13) {
         // old-style config array; PropelConfiguration was added after 1.3.0, http://trac.agavi.org/ticket/1195
         $config = Propel::getConfiguration();
         $config['datasources'][$datasource]['adapter'] = $this->getParameter('overrides[adapter]', $config['datasources'][$datasource]['adapter']);
         $config['datasources'][$datasource]['connection'] = array_merge($config['datasources'][$datasource]['connection'], $this->getParameter('overrides[connection]', array()));
         // also the autoload classes
         $config['datasources'][$datasource]['classes'] = array_merge($config['datasources'][$datasource]['classes'], $this->getParameter('overrides[classes]', array()));
         // and init queries
         if (!isset($config['datasources'][$datasource]['connection']['settings']['queries']['query'])) {
             $config['datasources'][$datasource]['connection']['settings']['queries']['query'] = array();
         // array cast because "query" might be a string if just one init query was given, http://trac.agavi.org/ticket/1194
         $config['datasources'][$datasource]['connection']['settings']['queries']['query'] = array_merge((array) $config['datasources'][$datasource]['connection']['settings']['queries']['query'], (array) $this->getParameter('init_queries'));
         // set the new config
     } else {
         $config = Propel::getConfiguration(PropelConfiguration::TYPE_OBJECT);
         $overrides = (array) $this->getParameter('overrides');
         // set override values
         foreach ($overrides as $key => $value) {
             $config->setParameter($key, $value);
         // handle init queries in a cross-adapter fashion (they all support the "init_queries" param)
         $queries = (array) $config->getParameter('datasources.' . $datasource . '.connection.settings.queries.query', array());
         // yes... it's one array, [connection][settings][queries][query], with all the init queries from the config, so we append to that
         $queries = array_merge($queries, (array) $this->getParameter('init_queries'));
         $config->setParameter('datasources.' . $datasource . '.connection.settings.queries.query', $queries);
     if (true === $this->getParameter('enable_instance_pooling')) {
     } elseif (false === $this->getParameter('enable_instance_pooling')) {
  * Returns the slow query threshold.
  * @return integer|null
 protected function getSlowQueryThreshold()
     return Propel::getConfiguration(PropelConfiguration::TYPE_OBJECT)->getParameter('debugpdo.logging.details.slow.threshold');
Ejemplo n.º 12
        $result = $this->db->query("SELECT session_data FROM session WHERE session_id = '{$sess_id}'");
        if ($result->rowCount() === 0) {
            $this->db->exec("INSERT INTO session (session_id, date_created, last_updated, session_data) VALUES ('{$sess_id}', NOW(), NOW(), '')");
            return '';
        $res = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $this->db->exec("UPDATE session SET last_updated = NOW() WHERE session_id = '{$sess_id}'");
        return $res['session_data'];
    function write($sess_id, $data)
        $this->db->exec("UPDATE session SET session_data = '{$data}', last_updated = NOW() WHERE session_id = '{$sess_id}'");
        return true;
    function destroy($sess_id)
        $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM session WHERE session_id = '{$sess_id}'");
        return true;
    function gc($sess_maxlifetime)
        $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM session WHERE session_data = \"slim.flash|a:0:{}\" AND last_updated < '" . date('c', time() - 86400 * 30) . "'");
        return true;
$conf = Propel::getConfiguration(PropelConfiguration::TYPE_ARRAY);
$dbconf = $conf['datasources']['datawrapper']['connection'];
$pdo = new PDO($dbconf['dsn'], $dbconf['user'], $dbconf['password']);
$handler = new DatabaseSessionHandler($pdo);
session_set_save_handler(array($handler, 'open'), array($handler, 'close'), array($handler, 'read'), array($handler, 'write'), array($handler, 'destroy'), array($handler, 'gc'));
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Get the runtime configuration
  * @return    PropelConfiguration
 public function getConfiguration()
     if (null === $this->configuration) {
         $this->configuration = Propel::getConfiguration(PropelConfiguration::TYPE_OBJECT);
     return $this->configuration;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 private function _initPropel($propelConfig)
     if (!file_exists($propelConfig)) {
         throw new ZFscaffold_ZfTool_Exception("Propel config {$propelConfig} not exist");
     //require_once $this->cwd. . '/../library/propel/Propel.php';
     $propelConf = Propel::getConfiguration();
     if ($propelConf['classmap']) {
         foreach ($propelConf['classmap'] as $class => $file) {
             if (substr($class, -4) === 'Peer') {
     $this->tables = Propel::getDatabaseMap()->getTables();
     /** @var $table TableMap */
     foreach ($this->tables as $table) {
  * Returns the name of the database which is used by Propel
  * @return string the name of the database which is used by Propel
 private function getDatabaseName()
     $config = Propel::getConfiguration();
     $dsnString = $config['datasources'][Propel::getDefaultDB()]['connection']['dsn'];
     $dbNameStart = stripos($dsnString, 'dbname=') + strlen('dbname=');
     return substr($dsnString, $dbNameStart, strpos($dsnString, ';', $dbNameStart) - $dbNameStart);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 private function getDbConfig()
     $aResult = array();
     $aDbConfig = Propel::getConfiguration();
     $aDbConfig = $aDbConfig['datasources'][Propel::getDefaultDB()]['connection'];
     $aResult['user'] = isset($aDbConfig['user']) ? $aDbConfig['user'] : $aDbConfig['username'];
     $aResult['password'] = $aDbConfig['password'];
     $aResult['host'] = @$aDbConfig['hostspec'];
     $aResult['database'] = @$aDbConfig['database'];
     if (isset($aDbConfig['dsn'])) {
         $sDsn = $aDbConfig['dsn'];
         $sDsn = substr($sDsn, strpos($sDsn, ':') + 1);
         $aDsn = explode(';', $sDsn);
         $aDsnAssoc = array();
         foreach ($aDsn as $sDsnEntry) {
             $aDsnEntry = explode('=', $sDsnEntry);
             $aDsnAssoc[$aDsnEntry[0]] = $aDsnEntry[1];
         $aResult['host'] = $aDsnAssoc['host'];
         $aResult['database'] = $aDsnAssoc['dbname'];
     return $aResult;
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Check if the propel build files was built with the running Propel-version.
  * @return bool
 public static function isPropelBuildInvalid()
     $pc = Propel::getConfiguration();
     return $pc['generator_version'] != Propel::VERSION;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public function testDebugLog()
     $con = Propel::getConnection(BookPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
     $config = Propel::getConfiguration(PropelConfiguration::TYPE_OBJECT);
     // save data to return to normal state after test
     $logger = $con->getLogger();
     $testLog = new myLogger();
     $logEverything = array('PropelPDO::exec', 'PropelPDO::query', 'PropelPDO::beginTransaction', 'PropelPDO::commit', 'PropelPDO::rollBack', 'DebugPDOStatement::execute');
     Propel::getConfiguration(PropelConfiguration::TYPE_OBJECT)->setParameter("debugpdo.logging.methods", $logEverything, false);
     // test transaction log
     $this->assertEquals('log: Begin transaction', $testLog->latestMessage, 'PropelPDO logs begin transation in debug mode');
     $this->assertEquals('log: Commit transaction', $testLog->latestMessage, 'PropelPDO logs commit transation in debug mode');
     $this->assertEquals('log: Rollback transaction', $testLog->latestMessage, 'PropelPDO logs rollback transation in debug mode');
     $testLog->latestMessage = '';
     $this->assertEquals('', $testLog->latestMessage, 'PropelPDO does not log nested begin transation in debug mode');
     $this->assertEquals('', $testLog->latestMessage, 'PropelPDO does not log nested commit transation in debug mode');
     $this->assertEquals('', $testLog->latestMessage, 'PropelPDO does not log nested rollback transation in debug mode');
     // test query log
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(BookPeer::TITLE, 'Harry%s', Criteria::LIKE);
     $books = BookPeer::doSelect($c, $con);
     $latestExecutedQuery = "SELECT book.id, book.title, book.isbn, book.price, book.publisher_id, book.author_id FROM `book` WHERE book.title LIKE 'Harry%s'";
     $this->assertEquals('log: ' . $latestExecutedQuery, $testLog->latestMessage, 'PropelPDO logs queries and populates bound parameters in debug mode');
     $latestExecutedQuery = "DELETE FROM `book`";
     $this->assertEquals('log: ' . $latestExecutedQuery, $testLog->latestMessage, 'PropelPDO logs deletion queries in debug mode');
     $latestExecutedQuery = 'DELETE FROM book WHERE 1=1';
     $this->assertEquals('log: ' . $latestExecutedQuery, $testLog->latestMessage, 'PropelPDO logs exec queries in debug mode');
     // return to normal state after test
     $config->setParameter("debugpdo.logging.methods", array('PropelPDO::exec', 'PropelPDO::query', 'DebugPDOStatement::execute'));
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Sets database configuration parameter
  * @param string $key
  * @param mixed  $value
 public function setConnectionParameter($key, $value)
     if ('host' == $key) {
         $key = 'hostspec';
     Propel::getConfiguration(PropelConfiguration::TYPE_OBJECT)->setParameter('datasources.' . $this->getParameter('datasource') . '.connection.' . $key, $value);
     $this->setParameter($key, $value);
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Opens a new PDO connection for passed-in db name.
  * @param      array $conparams Connection paramters.
  * @param      string $name Datasource name.
  * @param      string $defaultClass The PDO subclass to instantiate if there is no explicit classname
  * 									specified in the connection params (default is Propel::CLASS_PROPEL_PDO)
  * @return     PDO A database connection of the given class (PDO, PropelPDO, SlavePDO or user-defined)
  * @throws     PropelException - if lower-level exception caught when trying to connect.
 public static function initConnection($conparams, $name, $defaultClass = Propel::CLASS_PROPEL_PDO)
     $dsn = $conparams['dsn'];
     if ($dsn === null) {
         throw new PropelException('No dsn specified in your connection parameters for datasource [' . $name . ']');
     if (isset($conparams['classname']) && !empty($conparams['classname'])) {
         $classname = $conparams['classname'];
         if (!class_exists($classname)) {
             throw new PropelException('Unable to load specified PDO subclass: ' . $classname);
     } else {
         $classname = $defaultClass;
     $user = isset($conparams['user']) ? $conparams['user'] : null;
     $password = isset($conparams['password']) ? $conparams['password'] : null;
     // load any driver options from the config file
     // driver options are those PDO settings that have to be passed during the connection construction
     $driver_options = array();
     if (isset($conparams['options']) && is_array($conparams['options'])) {
         try {
             self::processDriverOptions($conparams['options'], $driver_options);
         } catch (PropelException $e) {
             throw new PropelException('Error processing driver options for datasource [' . $name . ']', $e);
     try {
         $con = new $classname($dsn, $user, $password, $driver_options);
         $con->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
         if (Propel::getConfiguration(PropelConfiguration::TYPE_OBJECT)->getParameter('debugpdo.logging.enabled', false)) {
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         throw new PropelException("Unable to open PDO connection", $e);
     // load any connection options from the config file
     // connection attributes are those PDO flags that have to be set on the initialized connection
     if (isset($conparams['attributes']) && is_array($conparams['attributes'])) {
         $attributes = array();
         try {
             self::processDriverOptions($conparams['attributes'], $attributes);
         } catch (PropelException $e) {
             throw new PropelException('Error processing connection attributes for datasource [' . $name . ']', $e);
         foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) {
             $con->setAttribute($key, $value);
     // initialize the connection using the settings provided in the config file. this could be a "SET NAMES <charset>" query for MySQL, for instance
     $adapter = self::getDB($name);
     $adapter->initConnection($con, isset($conparams['settings']) && is_array($conparams['settings']) ? $conparams['settings'] : array());
     return $con;
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Initializes Propel.
 private static function initPropel()
     if (!file_exists(self::$config->curry->propel->conf)) {
         self::log("Propel configuration missing, skipping propel initialization.");
     // Use Composer autoloader instead of the built-in propel autoloader
     $config = Propel::getConfiguration(PropelConfiguration::TYPE_OBJECT);
     $classmap = array();
     $projectClassPath = self::$config->curry->propel->projectClassPath;
     foreach ($config['classmap'] as $className => $file) {
         $classmap[$className] = $projectClassPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
     $level = error_reporting(error_reporting() & ~E_USER_WARNING);
     // Initialize debugging/logging
     if (self::$config->curry->propel->debug) {
         if (self::$logger && self::$config->curry->propel->logging) {
 private static function enableSlaveConf($dbName)
     $configuration = Propel::getConfiguration();
     if (!isset($configuration['datasources'][$dbName]['slaves']['connection'])) {
         $configuration['datasources'][$dbName]['slaves']['connection'] = self::$_slaveConfig[$dbName];
Ejemplo n.º 23
 private function search($data)
     $q = $this->getRequestParameter("q", '');
     if (!$q) {
         throw new BadRequestException('A search string must be provided.');
     $page = $this->getRequestParameter("page", '1');
     $limit = $this->getRequestParameter("limit", self::PAGE_SIZE);
     $culture = $this->getRequestParameter("culture", 'es');
     $type = $this->getRequestParameter("type", false);
     $cl = new SphinxClient();
     $dbConf = Propel::getConfiguration();
     $dsn = $dbConf['datasources']['propel']['connection']['dsn'];
     $sphinxServer = sfConfig::get('sf_sphinx_server');
     $cl->SetServer($sphinxServer, 3312);
     $this->limit = 1000;
     $cl->SetLimits(0, $this->limit, $this->limit);
     $entities = array();
     if ($type && $type != 'party' && $type != 'politician' && $type != 'proposal') {
         throw new BadRequestException('Invalid type.');
     if (!$type || $type == 'party') {
         $this->res = $cl->Query(SfVoUtil::stripAccents($q), "partido_{$culture}");
         if ($this->res !== false) {
             if (isset($this->res["matches"]) && is_array($this->res["matches"])) {
                 $c = new Criteria();
                 $list = array();
                 foreach ($this->res["matches"] as $idx => $match) {
                     $list[] = $match['id'];
                 $c->add(PartidoPeer::ID, $list, Criteria::IN);
                 $pager = new sfPropelPager('Partido', $limit);
                 $pager->setPage($this->getRequestParameter('page', $page));
                 foreach ($pager->getResults() as $partido) {
                     $entities[] = new Entity($partido);
     if (!$type || $type == 'politician') {
         $this->res = $cl->Query(SfVoUtil::stripAccents($q), "politico_{$culture}");
         if ($this->res !== false) {
             if (isset($this->res["matches"]) && is_array($this->res["matches"])) {
                 $c = new Criteria();
                 $list = array();
                 foreach ($this->res["matches"] as $idx => $match) {
                     $list[] = $match['id'];
                 $c = new Criteria();
                 $c->add(PoliticoPeer::ID, $list, Criteria::IN);
                 $pager = new sfPropelPager('Politico', $limit);
                 $pager->setPage($this->getRequestParameter('page', $page));
                 foreach ($pager->getResults() as $politico) {
                     $entities[] = new Entity($politico);
     if (!$type || $type == 'proposal') {
         $this->res = $cl->Query(SfVoUtil::stripAccents($q), "propuesta_{$culture}");
         if ($this->res !== false) {
             if (isset($this->res["matches"]) && is_array($this->res["matches"])) {
                 $c = new Criteria();
                 $list = array();
                 foreach ($this->res["matches"] as $idx => $match) {
                     $list[] = $match['id'];
                 $c = new Criteria();
                 $c->add(PropuestaPeer::ID, $list, Criteria::IN);
                 $pager = new sfPropelPager('Propuesta', $limit);
                 $pager->setPage($this->getRequestParameter('page', $page));
                 foreach ($pager->getResults() as $propuesta) {
                     $entities[] = new Entity($propuesta);
     return $entities;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 private function resetSphinxClient()
     $cl = new SphinxClient();
     $dbConf = Propel::getConfiguration();
     $dsn = $dbConf['datasources']['propel']['connection']['dsn'];
     $sphinxServer = sfConfig::get('sf_sphinx_server');
     $cl->SetServer($sphinxServer, 3312);
     $this->limit = 15;
     return $cl;
Ejemplo n.º 25
function get_DirDB($workspace)
    $dbFile = PATH_DB . $workspace . PATH_SEP . 'db.php';
    if (!file_exists($dbFile)) {
        throw new Exception("the db file does not exist, {$dbFile}");
    require_once $dbFile;
    require_once "propel/Propel.php";
    Propel::init(PATH_CORE . "config/databases.php");
    $configuration = Propel::getConfiguration();
    $connectionDSN = $configuration['datasources']['workflow']['connection'];
    //  printf("using DSN Connection %s \n", pakeColor::colorize( $connectionDSN, 'INFO'));
    $con = Propel::getConnection('workflow');
    $sql = "show variables like 'datadir'";
    $stmt = $con->createStatement();
    $rs = $stmt->executeQuery($sql, ResultSet::FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
    $row = $rs->getRow();
    if (!is_array($row)) {
        throw new Exception("unable to execute query in database");
    $dataDir = $row['Value'];
    if ($dataDir[count($dataDir) - 1] == '/') {
        $dataDir = substr($dataDir, count($dataDir) - 1);
    $info_db = array();
    $info_db['conx'] = $configuration['datasources']['workflow']['connection'];
    $info_db['adap'] = $configuration['datasources']['workflow']['adapter'];
    $info_db['datadir'] = $dataDir;
    $info_db['DB_ADAPTER'] = DB_ADAPTER;
    $info_db['DB_HOST'] = DB_HOST;
    $info_db['DB_NAME'] = DB_NAME;
    $info_db['DB_USER'] = DB_USER;
    $info_db['DB_PASS'] = DB_PASS;
    $info_db['DB_RBAC_HOST'] = DB_RBAC_HOST;
    $info_db['DB_RBAC_NAME'] = DB_RBAC_NAME;
    $info_db['DB_RBAC_USER'] = DB_RBAC_USER;
    $info_db['DB_RBAC_PASS'] = DB_RBAC_PASS;
    $info_db['DB_REPORT_HOST'] = DB_REPORT_HOST;
    $info_db['DB_REPORT_NAME'] = DB_REPORT_NAME;
    $info_db['DB_REPORT_USER'] = DB_REPORT_USER;
    $info_db['DB_REPORT_PASS'] = DB_REPORT_PASS;
    return $info_db;
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * Returns a named configuration item from the Propel runtime configuration, from under the
  * 'debugpdo.logging' prefix.  If such a configuration setting hasn't been set, the given default
  * value will be returned. 
  * @param      string $key Key for which to return the value.
  * @param      mixed $defaultValue Default value to apply if config item hasn't been set.
  * @return     mixed
 protected function getLoggingConfig($key, $defaultValue)
     return Propel::getConfiguration(PropelConfiguration::TYPE_OBJECT)->getParameter("debugpdo.logging.{$key}", $defaultValue);
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * Initializes Propel.
 protected function initPropel()
     if (!file_exists($this['propel.conf'])) {
         $this->logger->notice("Propel configuration missing, skipping propel initialization.");
     // Use Composer autoloader instead of the built-in propel autoloader
     $config = \Propel::getConfiguration(\PropelConfiguration::TYPE_OBJECT);
     $classmap = array();
     $projectClassPath = $this['propel.projectClassPath'];
     foreach ($config['classmap'] as $className => $file) {
         $classmap[$className] = $projectClassPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
     $level = error_reporting(error_reporting() & ~E_USER_WARNING);
     // Initialize debugging/logging
     if ($this['propel.debug']) {
         if ($this['propel.logging']) {
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * Returns the current PropelConfiguration.
  * @return PropelConfiguration
 protected function getPropelConfiguration()
     return Propel::getConfiguration(PropelConfiguration::TYPE_OBJECT);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public static function generateBuildXml()
     $aConfiguration = array('propel' => Propel::getConfiguration());
     $oDoc = new DOMDocument();
     $oRoot = $oDoc->createElement('config');
     self::writeConfiguration($oDoc, $aConfiguration, $oRoot);
     $sConfigOutputPath = MAIN_DIR . '/' . DIRNAME_GENERATED . '/buildtime-conf.xml';
     file_put_contents($sConfigOutputPath, $oDoc->saveXML());