public function init($params)
     $promoCodes = new PromoCodes();
     $options = array('popup_title_class_bg' => 'b-fon b-fon_bg_soap', 'popup_title_class_icon' => 'b-icon__soap', 'popup_title' => 'Покупка рассылки по разделам', 'popup_subtitle' => 'Параметры рассылки', 'popup_id' => $this->ID, 'unic_name' => $this->UNIC_NAME, 'payments_title' => 'Сумма и способ оплаты', 'payments_exclude' => array(self::PAYMENT_TYPE_BANK, self::PAYMENT_TYPE_PLATIPOTOM), 'ac_sum' => round($_SESSION['ac_sum'], 2), 'payment_account' => self::PAYMENT_TYPE_ACCOUNT, 'count' => $params['count'], 'count_pro' => $params['count_pro'], 'price' => $params['price'], 'send_id' => $params['send_id'], 'promo_code' => $promoCodes->render(PromoCodes::SERVICE_MASSSENDING));
     //Обязательно передаем родителю
     //Добавляем свойство к одному способу оплаты
     $this->options['payments'][self::PAYMENT_TYPE_CARD]['wait'] = 'Ждите ....';
 public function init($options)
     $promoCodes = new PromoCodes();
     $buffer = new buffer();
     $options = array('popup_title_class_bg' => 'b-fon_bg_po', 'popup_title_class_icon' => 'b-icon__po', 'popup_title' => 'Поднятие закрепления на 1 место', 'popup_id' => $this->ID, 'unic_name' => $this->UNIC_NAME, 'payments_title' => 'Сумма и способ оплаты', 'payments_exclude' => array(self::PAYMENT_TYPE_BANK), 'ac_sum' => round($_SESSION['ac_sum'], 2), 'payment_account' => self::PAYMENT_TYPE_ACCOUNT, 'is_show' => $options['autoshow'], 'buffer' => $buffer->getSum(), 'promo_code' => $promoCodes->render(PromoCodes::SERVICE_FRLBIND));
     //Обязательно передаем родителю
     //Добавляем свойство к одному способу оплаты
     $this->options['payments'][self::PAYMENT_TYPE_CARD]['wait'] = 'Ждите ....';
     $this->options['payments'][self::PAYMENT_TYPE_PLATIPOTOM]['content_after'] = sprintf($this->options['payments'][self::PAYMENT_TYPE_PLATIPOTOM]['content_after'], 'закрепление');
 public function init()
     //@todo: здесь можно получить список
     //услуг для данной бизнес модели
     $input_id = $this->ID . '_service';
     $promoCodes = new PromoCodes();
     $options = array('popup_title_class_bg' => 'b-fon_bg_po', 'popup_title_class_icon' => 'b-icon__po', 'popup_title' => 'Купить услуги автоответов', 'popup_subtitle' => '', 'items_title' => 'Подзаголовок тут', 'popup_id' => $this->ID, 'unic_name' => $this->UNIC_NAME, 'payments_title' => 'Сумма и способ оплаты', 'payments_exclude' => array(self::PAYMENT_TYPE_BANK), 'ac_sum' => round($_SESSION['ac_sum'], 2), 'payment_account' => self::PAYMENT_TYPE_ACCOUNT, 'promo_code' => $promoCodes->render(PromoCodes::SERVICE_AUTORESPONSE));
     //Обязательно передаем родителю
     //Добавляем свойство к одному способу оплаты
     $this->options['payments'][self::PAYMENT_TYPE_CARD]['wait'] = 'Ждите ....';
     $this->options['payments'][self::PAYMENT_TYPE_PLATIPOTOM]['content_after'] = sprintf($this->options['payments'][self::PAYMENT_TYPE_PLATIPOTOM]['content_after'], 'автоответы');
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * возвращает отзывы сервису в промоблок Безопасной Сделки.
function checkPromoCode($popup, $code, $service_id, $type = 'id')
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    $promoCodes = new PromoCodes();
    $services = strpos($service_id, '|') ? explode('|', $service_id) : $service_id;
    $codeInfo = $promoCodes->check($code, $services);
    $classAction = $codeInfo['success'] ? 'remove' : 'add';
    $inputSelector = '';
    switch ($type) {
        case 'pro':
            $scriptSelector = "info_block = \$('quick_pro_win_main').getElement('.promo_code_info');";
            $inputSelector = "code_input = \$('quick_pro_win_main').getElement('.promo_code_input');";
            $scriptRecalc = 'quickPRO_applyPromo();';
        case 'prj':
            $scriptSelector = "info_block = \$('quick_pro_win_main').getElement('.promo_code_info');";
            $inputSelector = "code_input = \$('quick_pro_win_main').getElement('.promo_code_input');";
            $scriptRecalc = '';
            $projectServices = array('contest' => PromoCodes::SERVICE_CONTEST, 'vacancy' => PromoCodes::SERVICE_VACANCY, 'project' => PromoCodes::SERVICE_PROJECT);
            foreach ($projectServices as $key => $value) {
                $use_discount = (int) (is_array($codeInfo['services']) && in_array($value, $codeInfo['services']));
                $scriptRecalc .= "info_block.set('data-service-{$key}', {$use_discount});\n                ";
            $scriptRecalc .= 'quickPRJ_applyPromo();';
        case 'mas':
            $scriptSelector = "info_block = \$('quick_mas_win_main').getElement('.promo_code_info');";
            $inputSelector = "code_input = \$('quick_mas_win_main').getElement('.promo_code_input');";
            $scriptRecalc = 'quickMAS_applyPromo();';
        case 'autoresponse':
            $scriptSelector = "info_block = \$('quick_payment_autoresponse').getElement('.promo_code_info');";
            $inputSelector = "code_input = \$('quick_payment_autoresponse').getElement('.promo_code_input');";
            $scriptRecalc = 'autoresponseApplyPromo();';
        case 'ext':
            $scriptSelector = " var qp = window.quick_ext_payment_factory.getQuickPayment('" . $popup . "');\n            if(qp) {\n                info_block = qp.promo_code_info;\n                code_input = qp.promo_code_input;\n            }";
            $scriptRecalc = 'qp.applyPromo();';
            $scriptSelector = " var qp = window.quick_payment_factory.getQuickPayment('" . $popup . "');\n            if(qp) {\n                info_block = qp.promo_code_info;\n                code_input = qp.promo_code_input;\n            }";
            $scriptRecalc = 'qp.applyPromo();';
    if ($popup == 'tservicebind') {
        $scriptSelector = "var qp = window.quick_payment_factory.getQuickPaymentById('tservicebind', '" . $type . "');\n        if(qp) {\n            info_block = qp.promo_code_info;\n            code_input = qp.promo_code_input;\n        }";
    $objResponse->script("\n            var info_block;\n            var code_input;\n            {$scriptSelector}\n            {$inputSelector}\n            if (code_input.get('value') == '{$code}') {\n                info_block.set('text', '{$codeInfo['message']}');\n                info_block.set('data-discount-percent', '{$codeInfo['discount_percent']}');\n                info_block.set('data-discount-price', '{$codeInfo['discount_price']}');\n                info_block.{$classAction}Class('b-layout__txt_color_c10600');\n                {$scriptRecalc}\n            }\n        ");
    return $objResponse;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function init($options)
     $input_id = $this->ID . '_service';
     $is_prolong = (bool) $options['date_stop'];
     $promoCodes = new PromoCodes();
     $options = array('popup_title_class_bg' => 'b-fon_bg_po', 'popup_title_class_icon' => 'b-icon__po', 'popup_title' => $is_prolong ? 'Продление закрепления в каталоге' : 'Закрепление в каталоге', 'popup_subtitle' => $is_prolong ? 'Срок продления закрепления' : 'Срок закрепления профиля', 'popup_id' => $this->ID, 'unic_name' => $this->UNIC_NAME, 'payments_title' => 'Сумма и способ оплаты', 'payments_exclude' => array(self::PAYMENT_TYPE_BANK), 'ac_sum' => round($_SESSION['ac_sum'], 2), 'payment_account' => self::PAYMENT_TYPE_ACCOUNT, 'profession' => $this->getProfessionText(), 'date_stop' => $options['date_stop'], 'is_show' => $options['autoshow'], 'addprof' => $options['addprof'], 'promo_code' => $promoCodes->render(PromoCodes::SERVICE_FRLBIND));
     //Обязательно передаем родителю
     //Добавляем свойство к одному способу оплаты
     $this->options['payments'][self::PAYMENT_TYPE_CARD]['wait'] = 'Ждите ....';
     $this->options['payments'][self::PAYMENT_TYPE_PLATIPOTOM]['content_after'] = sprintf($this->options['payments'][self::PAYMENT_TYPE_PLATIPOTOM]['content_after'], 'закрепление');
 public function init($uid, $type_place = 0)
     $promoCodes = new PromoCodes();
     $options = array('popup_title' => 'Размещение в Карусели', 'items_title' => 'Параметры объявления', 'payments_exclude' => array(self::PAYMENT_TYPE_BANK), 'price' => pay_place::getPrice(), 'promo_code' => $promoCodes->render(PromoCodes::SERVICE_CARUSEL));
     $form = new CaruselForm();
     //Если уже размещался то поумолчанию заполняем тексты
     $payPlace = new pay_place($type_place);
     $data = $payPlace->getUserRequest($uid);
     if ($data) {
         $form->setDefaults(array('title' => $data['ad_header'], 'description' => $data['ad_text']));
     $this->options['payments'][self::PAYMENT_TYPE_PLATIPOTOM]['content_after'] = sprintf($this->options['payments'][self::PAYMENT_TYPE_PLATIPOTOM]['content_after'], 'карусель');
 public function init($params)
     $kind = $params['kind'] ?: tservices_binds::KIND_LANDING;
     //По умолчанию ставим лендинг
     $prof_id = (int) $params['prof_id'];
     $tservices_binds = new tservices_binds($kind);
     $promoCodes = new PromoCodes();
     $buffer = new buffer();
     $options = array('popup_title_class_bg' => 'b-fon_bg_po', 'popup_title_class_icon' => 'b-icon__po', 'popup_title' => 'Поднятие закрепления на 1 место', 'popup_id' => $this->getPopupId(0), 'unic_name' => $this->UNIC_NAME, 'payments_title' => 'Сумма и способ оплаты', 'payments_exclude' => array(self::PAYMENT_TYPE_BANK), 'ac_sum' => round($_SESSION['ac_sum'], 2), 'payment_account' => self::PAYMENT_TYPE_ACCOUNT, 'kind' => $kind, 'profession' => $tservices_binds->getProfessionText(false, $prof_id), 'buffer' => $buffer->getSum(), 'ammount' => round($tservices_binds->getPrice(true, @$params['uid'], $prof_id), 2), 'disable_tservices' => false, 'prof_id' => $prof_id, 'promo_code' => $promoCodes->render(PromoCodes::SERVICE_TSERVICEBIND));
     //Обязательно передаем родителю
     //Добавляем свойство к одному способу оплаты
     $this->options['payments'][self::PAYMENT_TYPE_CARD]['wait'] = 'Ждите ....';
     $this->options['payments'][self::PAYMENT_TYPE_PLATIPOTOM]['content_after'] = sprintf($this->options['payments'][self::PAYMENT_TYPE_PLATIPOTOM]['content_after'], 'закрепление');
     $this->inited = true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 function initQuery($params)
     $id = $params['id'];
     $tables = PromoCodes::getTables();
     $c = $tables['promo_codes_coupons_table']['columns'];
     $this->addSelectField($c['products_affected'], 'prods');
     $this->addSelectField($c['categories_affected'], 'cats');
     $this->WhereValue($c['id'], DB_EQ, $id);
 public function init($params)
     $kind = $params['kind'] ?: 1;
     //По умолчанию ставим лендинг
     $prof_id = (int) $params['prof_id'];
     $profs = array();
     if ($kind == tservices_binds::KIND_SPEC) {
         $profs[] = $prof_id;
     } elseif ($kind == tservices_binds::KIND_GROUP) {
         $tservices_categories = new tservices_categories();
         $categories = $tservices_categories->getCategoriesByParent($prof_id);
         foreach ($categories as $category) {
             $profs[] = $category['id'];
     $tservices = new tservices($params['uid']);
     $data = $tservices->getNotBindedList($kind, $profs);
     $tservices_text = $tservices_cur_text = '';
     $tservices_cur = 0;
     if ($data) {
         foreach ($data as $tservice) {
             if (!$tservices_cur) {
                 $tservices_cur = $tservice['id'];
             if (!$tservices_cur_text) {
                 $tservices_cur_text = $tservice['title'];
             $tservices_list[] = $tservice['id'] . ": '" . addslashes($tservice['title']) . "'";
         $tservices_text = '{' . implode(', ', $tservices_list) . '}';
     } else {
         $tservices_text = '{}';
     $tservices_binds = new tservices_binds($kind);
     $promoCodes = new PromoCodes();
     $options = array('popup_title_class_bg' => 'b-fon_bg_po', 'popup_title_class_icon' => 'b-icon__po', 'popup_title' => $is_prolong ? 'Продление закрепления' : 'Закрепление услуги', 'popup_subtitle' => $is_prolong ? 'Срок продления закрепления' : 'Срок закрепления услуги', 'popup_id' => $this->getPopupId(0), 'unic_name' => $this->UNIC_NAME, 'payments_title' => 'Сумма и способ оплаты', 'payments_exclude' => array(self::PAYMENT_TYPE_BANK), 'ac_sum' => round($_SESSION['ac_sum'], 2), 'payment_account' => self::PAYMENT_TYPE_ACCOUNT, 'kind' => $kind, 'profession' => $tservices_binds->getProfessionText(false, $prof_id), 'tservices' => $tservices_text, 'tservices_cur' => $tservices_cur, 'tservices_cur_text' => $tservices_cur_text, 'ammount' => $tservices_binds->getPrice(false, $params['uid'], $prof_id), 'disable_tservices' => false, 'prof_id' => $prof_id, 'promo_code' => $promoCodes->render(PromoCodes::SERVICE_TSERVICEBIND));
     //Обязательно передаем родителю
     //Добавляем свойство к одному способу оплаты
     $this->options['payments'][self::PAYMENT_TYPE_CARD]['wait'] = 'Ждите ....';
     $this->options['payments'][self::PAYMENT_TYPE_PLATIPOTOM]['content_after'] = sprintf($this->options['payments'][self::PAYMENT_TYPE_PLATIPOTOM]['content_after'], 'закрепление');
     $this->inited = true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function saveUserRequestTrip()
     $latitude = Input::get('latitude');
     $longitude = Input::get('longitude');
     $d_latitude = Input::get('d_latitude');
     $d_longitude = Input::get('d_longitude');
     $type = Input::get('type');
     $owner_id = Session::get('user_id');
     $payment_type = Input::get('payment_type');
     if ($type == "") {
         $message = "Please Select the Service Type";
         $type = "warning";
         return Redirect::route('userrequestTrip')->with('message', $message)->with('type', $type);
     } else {
         if (Input::has('promo_code')) {
             $promo_code = Input::get('promo_code');
             $code_check = PromoCodes::where('coupon_code', $promo_code)->first();
             if ($code_check == NULL) {
                 $message = "Invalid Promo Code";
                 $type = "error";
                 return Redirect::route('userrequestTrip')->with('message', $message)->with('type', $type);
             } else {
                 if ($code_check->state == 1 && date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($code_check->expiry)) > date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) {
                     $code_id = $code_check->id;
                 } else {
                     $message = "Invalid Promo Code";
                     $type = "error";
                     return Redirect::route('userrequestTrip')->with('message', $message)->with('type', $type);
         } else {
             $code_id = NULL;
         $owner_data = Owner::find($owner_id);
         $settings = Settings::where('key', 'default_search_radius')->first();
         $distance = $settings->value;
         if (Input::has('type')) {
             $type = Input::get('type');
             if (!$type) {
                 // choose default type
                 $provider_type = ProviderType::where('is_default', 1)->first();
                 if (!$provider_type) {
                     $type = 1;
                 } else {
                     $type = $provider_type->id;
         $typequery = "SELECT distinct provider_id from walker_services where type IN({$type})";
         $typewalkers = DB::select(DB::raw($typequery));
         /* $var = Keywords::where('id', 1)->first(); */
         if (empty($typewalkers)) {
             /* $message = "No " . $var->keyword . " found matching the service type."; */
             $message = "No " . Config::get('app.generic_keywords.Provider') . " found matching the service type.";
         } else {
             Log::info('typewalkers = ' . print_r($typewalkers, true));
             foreach ($typewalkers as $key) {
                 $types[] = $key->provider_id;
             $typestring = implode(",", $types);
             Log::info('typestring = ' . print_r($typestring, true));
             if ($typestring == '') {
                 /* $message = "No " . $var->keyword . " found matching the service type."; */
                 $message = "No " . Config::get('app.generic_keywords.Provider') . " found matching the service type.";
             $settings = Settings::where('key', 'default_search_radius')->first();
             $distance = $settings->value;
             $settings = Settings::where('key', 'default_distance_unit')->first();
             $unit = $settings->value;
             if ($unit == 0) {
                 $multiply = 1.609344;
             } elseif ($unit == 1) {
                 $multiply = 1;
             $query = "SELECT walker.*, ROUND(" . $multiply . " * 3956 * acos( cos( radians('{$latitude}') ) * cos( radians(latitude) ) * cos( radians(longitude) - radians('{$longitude}') ) + sin( radians('{$latitude}') ) * sin( radians(latitude) ) ) ,8) as distance from walker where is_available = 1 and is_active = 1 and is_approved = 1 and ROUND((" . $multiply . " * 3956 * acos( cos( radians('{$latitude}') ) * cos( radians(latitude) ) * cos( radians(longitude) - radians('{$longitude}') ) + sin( radians('{$latitude}') ) * sin( radians(latitude) ) ) ) ,8) <= {$distance} and walker.deleted_at IS NULL and IN({$typestring}) order by distance";
             $walkers = DB::select(DB::raw($query));
             $walker_list = array();
             $owner = Owner::find($owner_id);
             $owner->latitude = $latitude;
             $owner->longitude = $longitude;
             $user_timezone = $owner->timezone;
             $default_timezone = Config::get('app.timezone');
             $offset = $this->get_timezone_offset($default_timezone, $user_timezone);
             $request = new Requests();
             $request->owner_id = $owner_id;
             if ($d_longitude != '' && $d_latitude != '') {
                 $request->D_latitude = $d_latitude;
                 $request->D_longitude = $d_longitude;
             $request->request_start_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) + $offset);
             $request_service = new RequestServices();
             $request_service->type = $type;
             $request_service->request_id = $request->id;
             $i = 0;
             $first_walker_id = 0;
             foreach ($walkers as $walker) {
                 $request_meta = new RequestMeta();
                 $request_meta->request_id = $request->id;
                 $request_meta->walker_id = $walker->id;
                 if ($i == 0) {
                     $first_walker_id = $walker->id;
             $req = Requests::find($request->id);
             $req->current_walker = $first_walker_id;
             $req->confirmed_walker = 0;
             $req->payment_mode = $payment_type;
             $req->promo_code = $code_id;
             $settings = Settings::where('key', 'provider_timeout')->first();
             $time_left = $settings->value;
             /* $var = Keywords::where('id', 1)->first();
                               $message = "Your Request is successful. Please wait while we are finding a nearest " . $var->keyword . " for you."; */
             $message = "Your Request is successful. Please wait while we are finding a nearest " . Config::get('app.generic_keywords.Provider') . " for you.";
             $type = "success";
         return Redirect::to('/user/request-trip')->with('message', $message)->with('type', $type);
         // Send Notification
         $walker = Walker::find($first_walker_id);
         if ($walker) {
             $msg_array = array();
             $msg_array['unique_id'] = 1;
             $msg_array['request_id'] = $request->id;
             $msg_array['time_left_to_respond'] = $time_left;
             $owner = Owner::find($owner_id);
             $request_data = array();
             $request_data['owner'] = array();
             $request_data['owner']['name'] = $owner->first_name . " " . $owner->last_name;
             $request_data['owner']['picture'] = $owner->picture;
             $request_data['owner']['phone'] = $owner->phone;
             $request_data['owner']['address'] = $owner->address;
             $request_data['owner']['latitude'] = $owner->latitude;
             $request_data['owner']['longitude'] = $owner->longitude;
             /* $request_data['owner']['rating'] = DB::table('review_dog')->where('owner_id', '=', $owner->id)->avg('rating') ? : 0; */
             $request_data['owner']['rating'] = $owner->rate;
             /* $request_data['owner']['num_rating'] = DB::table('review_dog')->where('owner_id', '=', $owner->id)->count(); */
             $request_data['owner']['num_rating'] = $owner->rate_count;
             $request_data['dog'] = array();
             if ($dog = Dog::find($owner->dog_id)) {
                 $request_data['dog']['name'] = $dog->name;
                 $request_data['dog']['age'] = $dog->age;
                 $request_data['dog']['breed'] = $dog->breed;
                 $request_data['dog']['likes'] = $dog->likes;
                 $request_data['dog']['picture'] = $dog->image_url;
             $msg_array['request_data'] = $request_data;
             $title = "New Request";
             $message = json_encode($msg_array);
             send_notifications($first_walker_id, "walker", $title, $message);
         // Send SMS
         $settings = Settings::where('key', 'sms_request_created')->first();
         $pattern = $settings->value;
         $pattern = str_replace('%user%', $owner_data->first_name . " " . $owner_data->last_name, $pattern);
         $pattern = str_replace('%id%', $request->id, $pattern);
         $pattern = str_replace('%user_mobile%', $owner_data->phone, $pattern);
         sms_notification(1, 'admin', $pattern);
         // send email
         /* $settings = Settings::where('key', 'email_new_request')->first();
            $pattern = $settings->value;
            $pattern = str_replace('%id%', $request->id, $pattern);
            $pattern = str_replace('%url%', web_url() . "/admin/request/map/" . $request->id, $pattern);
            $subject = "New Request Created";
            email_notification(1, 'admin', $pattern, $subject); */
         $settings = Settings::where('key', 'admin_email_address')->first();
         $admin_email = $settings->value;
         $follow_url = web_url() . "/user/signin";
         $pattern = array('admin_eamil' => $admin_email, 'trip_id' => $request->id, 'follow_url' => $follow_url);
         $subject = "Ride Booking Request";
         email_notification(1, 'admin', $pattern, $subject, 'new_request', null);
         return Redirect::to('/user/request-trip')->with('message', $message)->with('type', $type);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 echo sprintf2($walk->ledger_payment, 2);
 echo sprintf2($walk->card_payment, 2);
 if ($walk->promo_id !== NULL) {
     $promo = PromoCodes::where('id', $walk->promo_id)->first();
     if ($promo) {
         if ($promo->type == 2) {
             echo sprintf2($promo->value, 2);
         } elseif ($promo->type == 1) {
             echo sprintf2($promo->value * $walk->total / 100, 2);
         } else {
             echo "<span class='badge bg-red'>" . Config::get('app.blank_fiend_val') . "</span>";
     } else {
         echo "<span class='badge bg-red'>" . Config::get('app.blank_fiend_val') . "</span>";
 } else {
     echo "<span class='badge bg-red'>" . Config::get('app.blank_fiend_val') . "</span>";
Ejemplo n.º 12

define('IS_SITE_ADMIN', 1);
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/stdf.php';
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/template.php';
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/PromoCodes.php';
$no_banner = 1;
$rpath = '../../';
$uid = get_uid();
//if(!hasPermissions('sbr') && !hasPermissions('sbr_finance'))
//    header_location_exit('/404.php');
$promoCodes = new PromoCodes();
$content = '../content2.php';
$template = 'template2.php';
$services = array(10 => 'ПРО', 15 => 'платные опции в проектах', 20 => 'публикация конкурса', 25 => 'публикация вакансии', 30 => 'закрепление профиля', 35 => 'закрепление услуг', 40 => 'карусель', 45 => 'предложения фрилансеров', 55 => 'автоответы', 60 => 'рассылка по каталогу');
$action = __paramInit('string', 'action', null, 'add');
$id = __paramInit('int', 'id');
$card = null;
switch ($action) {
    case 'edit':
    case 'add':
        $form = __paramInit('bool', null, 'formname');
        if ($form) {
            $error = '';
            $code = trim(__paramInit('string', null, 'code'));
            if (!$code) {
                $error .= 'Не указан код<br />';
            $date_s = __paramInit('string', null, 'date_s_eng_format');
            $date = new DateTime($date_s);
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Совершить покупку
  * @param integer $id				возвращает id покупки
  * @param integer $transaction_id	идентификатор текущей транзакции
  * @param integer $op_code			идентификатор операции
  * @param integer $uid				UID
  * @param string  $descr			описание для системы
  * @param string  $comments			описание для истории юзера
  * @param integer $ammount			количество товара
  * @param integer $commit			завершать ли транзакцию?
  * @param integer $promo_code   	ИД промо-кода
  * @return integer					0
 function Buy(&$id, $transaction_id, $op_code, $uid, $descr = "", $comments = "", $ammount = 1, $commit = 1, $promo_code = 0, $payment_sys = 0, $trs_sum = 0)
     global $DB;
     if (!$transaction_id || $transaction_id != $this->check_transaction($transaction_id, $uid)) {
         return "Невозможно завершить транзакцию";
     } else {
         $res = $DB->query("SELECT op_codes.sum as op_sum, account.sum, FROM op_codes, account WHERE AND account.uid=?", $op_code, $uid);
         if (pg_errormessage()) {
             return "Ошибка при получении информации о счете!";
         list($op_sum, $ac_sum, $bill_id) = pg_fetch_row($res);
         $sum = $op_sum * $ammount;
         if ($promo_code) {
             $promoCodes = new PromoCodes();
             $sum = $sum - $promoCodes->getDiscount($promo_code, $sum);
         $ac_sum = round($ac_sum, 2);
         $sum = round($sum, 2);
         //@todo: зачем мемкеш? если занос денег deposit и покупка в отдной сессии php
         //можно было старое значение передать глобальной переменной или реестром
         $memBuff = new memBuff();
         $ac_sum_old = round($memBuff->get("ac_sum_old_" . $uid), 2);
         $memBuff->delete("ac_sum_old_" . $uid);
         $new_ac_sum = $ac_sum_old < 0 ? $ac_sum - $ac_sum_old : $ac_sum;
         if ($sum > 0 && $sum > $new_ac_sum) {
             return "Недостаточно средств на счету!";
         if ($sum < 0) {
             return "Покупка на отрицательную сумму!";
         $id = $DB->insert('account_operations', array('billing_id' => $bill_id, 'op_code' => $op_code, 'ammount' => -$sum, 'descr' => $descr, 'comments' => $comments, 'payment_sys' => $payment_sys, 'trs_sum' => $trs_sum), 'id');
         if ($DB->error) {
             return "Ошибка при записи счета!";
         } else {
             if ($uid == get_uid(false)) {
                 $_SESSION['ac_sum'] = $_SESSION['ac_sum'] - $sum;
         if ($promo_code) {
         // количество операций
         $_SESSION['account_operations'] = intval($_SESSION['account_operations']) + 1;
         // для счетчика (см. engine/templates/footer.tpl)
         if ($sum > 0) {
             $_SESSION['everesttech_conter'] = 1;
         if ($commit) {
             $this->commit_transaction($transaction_id, $uid, $id);
     return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public function searchpromo()
     $valu = $_GET['valu'];
     $type = $_GET['type'];
     $success = Input::get('success');
     Session::put('valu', $valu);
     Session::put('type', $type);
     if ($type == 'promo_id') {
         $promo_codes = PromoCodes::where('id', $valu)->paginate(10);
     } elseif ($type == 'promo_name') {
         $promo_codes = PromoCodes::where('coupon_code', 'like', '%' . $valu . '%')->paginate(10);
     } elseif ($type == 'promo_type') {
         if ($valu == '%') {
             $promo_codes = PromoCodes::where('type', 1)->paginate(10);
         } elseif ($val = '$') {
             $promo_codes = PromoCodes::where('type', 2)->paginate(10);
     } elseif ($type == 'promo_state') {
         if ($valu == 'active' || $valu == 'Active') {
             $promo_codes = PromoCodes::where('state', 1)->paginate(10);
         } elseif ($val = 'Deactivated' || ($val = 'deactivated')) {
             $promo_codes = PromoCodes::where('state', 2)->paginate(10);
     $title = ucwords(trans('customize.promo_codes') . " | Search Result");
     /* 'Promo Codes | Search Result' */
     return View::make('list_promo_codes')->with('title', $title)->with('page', 'promo_code')->with('success', $success)->with('promo_codes', $promo_codes);
 public function providerTripChangeState()
     $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $time_limit = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($date) - 3 * 60 * 60);
     $walker_id = Session::get('walker_id');
     $state = $request_id = Request::segment(4);
     $current_request = Requests::where('confirmed_walker', $walker_id)->where('is_cancelled', 0)->where('is_dog_rated', 0)->where('created_at', '>', $time_limit)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->where(function ($query) {
         $query->where('status', 0)->orWhere(function ($query_inner) {
             $query_inner->where('status', 1)->where('is_dog_rated', 0);
     if ($current_request && $state) {
         if ($state == 2) {
             $current_request->is_walker_started = 1;
             $owner = Owner::find($current_request->owner_id);
             $walker = Walker::find($walker_id);
             $location = get_location($owner->latitude, $owner->longitude);
             $latitude = $location['lat'];
             $longitude = $location['long'];
             $angle = get_angle($walker->latitude, $walker->longitude, $latitude, $longitude);
             $walker->old_latitude = $walker->latitude;
             $walker->old_longitude = $walker->longitude;
             $walker->latitude = $latitude;
             $walker->longitude = $longitude;
             $walker->bearing = $angle;
             $walk_location = new WalkLocation();
             $walk_location->request_id = $current_request->id;
             $walk_location->latitude = $latitude;
             $walk_location->longitude = $longitude;
             $walk_location->distance = 0;
         if ($state == 3) {
             $current_request->is_walker_arrived = 1;
         if ($state == 4) {
             $current_request->is_started = 1;
         if ($state == 6) {
             $rating = 0;
             if (Input::has('rating')) {
                 $rating = Input::get('rating');
             $current_request->is_dog_rated = 1;
             $review_dog = new DogReview();
             $review_dog->walker_id = $current_request->confirmed_walker;
             $review_dog->comment = Input::get('review');
             $review_dog->rating = $rating;
             $review_dog->owner_id = $current_request->owner_id;
             $review_dog->request_id = $current_request->id;
             if ($rating) {
                 if ($owner = Owner::find($current_request->owner_id)) {
                     $old_rate = $owner->rate;
                     $old_rate_count = $owner->rate_count;
                     $new_rate_counter = $owner->rate_count + 1;
                     $new_rate = ($owner->rate * $owner->rate_count + $rating) / $new_rate_counter;
                     $owner->rate_count = $new_rate_counter;
                     $owner->rate = $new_rate;
             $message = "You has successfully rated the owner.";
             $type = "success";
             return Redirect::to('/provider/trips')->with('message', $message)->with('type', $type);
         if ($state == 5) {
             $request_services = RequestServices::where('request_id', $current_request->id)->first();
             $request_typ = ProviderType::where('id', '=', $request_services->req_typ)->first();
             $address = urlencode(Input::get('address'));
             $end_address = json_decode(file_get_contents("{$address}"), TRUE);
             $end_location = $end_address['results'][0]['geometry'];
             $latitude = $end_location['location']['lat'];
             $longitude = $end_location['location']['lng'];
             $location = get_location($latitude, $longitude);
             $latitude = $location['lat'];
             $longitude = $location['long'];
             $request_id = $current_request->id;
             $walk_location_last = WalkLocation::where('request_id', $request_id)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first();
             if ($walk_location_last) {
                 $distance_old = $walk_location_last->distance;
                 $distance_new = distanceGeoPoints($walk_location_last->latitude, $walk_location_last->longitude, $latitude, $longitude);
                 $distance = $distance_old + $distance_new;
                 $settings = Settings::where('key', 'default_distance_unit')->first();
                 //$unit = $settings->value;
                 $distance = $distance;
             } else {
                 $distance = 0;
             $walker = Walker::find($walker_id);
             $angle = get_angle($walker->latitude, $walker->longitude, $latitude, $longitude);
             $walker->old_latitude = $walker->latitude;
             $walker->old_longitude = $walker->longitude;
             $walker->latitude = $latitude;
             $walker->longitude = $longitude;
             $walker->bearing = $angle;
             $walk_location = new WalkLocation();
             $walk_location->request_id = $request_id;
             $walk_location->latitude = $latitude;
             $walk_location->longitude = $longitude;
             $walk_location->distance = $distance;
             Walker::where('id', '=', $walker_id)->update(array('is_available' => 1));
             // Calculate Rerquest Stats
             $time = 0;
             $time_query = "SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,MIN(created_at),MAX(created_at)) as diff\n\t\t\t\tFROM walk_location where request_id = {$current_request->id}\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY request_id limit 1 ";
             $time_data = DB::select(DB::raw($time_query));
             foreach ($time_data as $time_diff) {
                 $time = $time_diff->diff;
             $time = $time / 60;
             $time = 0;
             $walker_data = Walker::find($current_request->confirmed_walker);
             $provider_type = ProviderServices::where('type', $walker_data->type)->where('provider_id', $walker_id)->first();
             if ($provider_type == NULL) {
                 /* $settings = Settings::where('key', 'price_per_unit_distance')->first();
                    $price_per_unit_distance = $settings->value;
                    $settings = Settings::where('key', 'price_per_unit_time')->first();
                    $price_per_unit_time = $settings->value;
                    $settings = Settings::where('key', 'base_price')->first();
                    $base_price = $settings->value; */
                 $setbase_distance = $request_typ->base_distance;
                 $base_price = $request_typ->base_price;
                 $price_per_unit_distance = $request_typ->price_per_unit_distance;
                 $price_per_unit_time = $request_typ->price_per_unit_time;
             } else {
                 // $setbase_distance = $request_typ->base_distance;
                 $setbase_distance = "";
                 $provider_type = ProviderServices::where('type', $walker_data->type)->where('provider_id', $walker_id)->first();
                 $base_price = $provider_type->base_price;
                 $price_per_unit_distance = $provider_type->price_per_unit_distance;
                 $price_per_unit_time = $provider_type->price_per_unit_time;
             $settings = Settings::where('key', 'default_charging_method_for_users')->first();
             $pricing_type = $settings->value;
             $settings = Settings::where('key', 'default_distance_unit')->first();
             //$unit = $settings->value;
             $distance = convert($distance);
             if ($pricing_type == 1) {
                 if ($distance <= $setbase_distance) {
                     $distance_cost = 0;
                 } else {
                     $distance_cost = $price_per_unit_distance * ($distance - $setbase_distance);
                 $time_cost = $price_per_unit_time * $time;
                 $total = $base_price + $distance_cost + $time_cost;
             } else {
                 $distance_cost = 0;
                 $time_cost = 0;
                 $total = $base_price;
             $current_request->is_completed = 1;
             $current_request->distance = $distance;
             $current_request->time = $time;
             $request_services->base_price = $base_price;
             $request_services->distance_cost = $distance_cost;
             $request_services->time_cost = $time_cost;
             $request_services->total = $total;
             $current_request->total = $total;
             // charge client
             // charge client
             $ledger = Ledger::where('owner_id', $current_request->owner_id)->first();
             if ($ledger) {
                 $balance = $ledger->amount_earned - $ledger->amount_spent;
                 if ($balance > 0) {
                     if ($total > $balance) {
                         $ledger_temp = Ledger::find($ledger->id);
                         $ledger_temp->amount_spent = $ledger_temp->amount_spent + $balance;
                         $total = $total - $balance;
                     } else {
                         $ledger_temp = Ledger::find($ledger->id);
                         $ledger_temp->amount_spent = $ledger_temp->amount_spent + $total;
                         $total = 0;
             $promo_discount = 0;
             if ($pcode = PromoCodes::where('id', $current_request->promo_code)->where('type', 1)->first()) {
                 $discount = $pcode->value / 100;
                 $promo_discount = $total * $discount;
                 $total = $total - $promo_discount;
                 if ($total < 0) {
                     $total = 0;
             $current_request->total = $total;
             $cod_sett = Settings::where('key', 'cod')->first();
             $allow_cod = $cod_sett->value;
             if ($current_request->payment_mode == 1 and $allow_cod == 1) {
                 // Pay by Cash
                 $current_request->is_paid = 1;
             } elseif ($current_request->payment_mode == 2) {
                 // paypal
                 Log::info('paypal payment');
             } else {
                 Log::info('normal payment. Stored cards');
                 // stored cards
                 if ($total == 0) {
                     $current_request->is_paid = 1;
                 } else {
                     $payment_data = Payment::where('owner_id', $current_request->owner_id)->where('is_default', 1)->first();
                     if (!$payment_data) {
                         $payment_data = Payment::where('owner_id', $current_request->owner_id)->first();
                     if ($payment_data) {
                         $customer_id = $payment_data->customer_id;
                         $setransfer = Settings::where('key', 'transfer')->first();
                         $transfer_allow = $setransfer->value;
                         if (Config::get('app.default_payment') == 'stripe') {
                             try {
                                 $charge = Stripe_Charge::create(array("amount" => ceil($total * 100), "currency" => "usd", "customer" => $customer_id));
                             } catch (Stripe_InvalidRequestError $e) {
                                 // Invalid parameters were supplied to Stripe's API
                                 $ownr = Owner::find($current_request->owner_id);
                                 $ownr->debt = $total;
                                 $message = array('error' => $e->getMessage());
                                 $type = "success";
                                 return Redirect::to('/provider/tripinprogress')->with('message', $message)->with('type', $type);
                             $current_request->is_paid = 1;
                             $settng = Settings::where('key', 'service_fee')->first();
                             $settng_mode = Settings::where('key', 'payment_mode')->first();
                             if ($settng_mode->value == 2 and $transfer_allow == 1) {
                                 $transfer = Stripe_Transfer::create(array("amount" => ($total - $settng->value * $total / 100) * 100, "currency" => "usd", "recipient" => $walker_data->merchant_id));
                                 $current_request->transfer_amount = $total - $settng->value * $total / 100;
                         } else {
                             try {
                                 if ($settng_mode->value == 2 and $transfer_allow == 1) {
                                     $sevisett = Settings::where('key', 'service_fee')->first();
                                     $service_fee = $sevisett->value * $total / 100;
                                     $result = Braintree_Transaction::sale(array('amount' => $total - $service_fee, 'paymentMethodNonce' => $customer_id, 'merchantAccountId' => $walker_data->merchant_id, 'options' => array('submitForSettlement' => true, 'holdInEscrow' => true), 'serviceFeeAmount' => $service_fee));
                                 } else {
                                     $result = Braintree_Transaction::sale(array('amount' => $total, 'paymentMethodNonce' => $customer_id));
                                 if ($result->success) {
                                     $request->is_paid = 1;
                                 } else {
                                     $request->is_paid = 0;
                             } catch (Exception $e) {
                                 $message = "Something went wrong in the payment. Please try again.";
                                 $type = "success";
                                 return Redirect::to('/provider/tripinprogress')->with('message', $message)->with('type', $type);
                         $current_request->card_payment = $total;
                         $current_request->ledger_payment = $current_request->total - $total;
     return Redirect::to('/provider/tripinprogress');
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Uninstall the module.
  *                           .
  *       uninstall()                      .
  *                                          ,         ,
  * PromoCodes::getTables()        $this->getTables()
 function uninstall()
     $query = new DB_Table_Delete(PromoCodes::getTables());
     global $application;
Ejemplo n.º 17

require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/payed.php";
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/platipotom.php";
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/classes/PromoCodes.php";
if (isset($quickPRO_type) && $quickPRO_type == 'profi') {
    $quickPRO_proList = payed::getPayedPROFIList();
} else {
    $quickPRO_proList = payed::getPayedPROList(is_emp() ? 'emp' : 'frl');
$promoCodes = new PromoCodes();
$quickPRO_redirect = '';
$quickpro_ok_default = 'quickpro_ok';
switch ($quickPRO_type) {
    case 'profi':
        $quickPRO_title = 'Покупка аккаунта PROFI';
        $quickPRO_ok_close_btn = 'Закрыть';
        $quickpro_ok_default = 'quickprofi_ok';
        $quickpro_ok_title = 'Вы успешно купили аккаунт PROFI';
        $quickpro_ok_subtitle = '';
    case 'project':
        $quickPRO_title = 'Покупка аккаунта Pro для ответа на проект';
        $quickPRO_ok_close_btn = 'Закрыть и ответить на проект';
        $quickPRO_redirect = getFriendlyUrl('project', $project['id']);
    case 'promotion':
        $quickPRO_redirect = '/promotion/';
        $quickPRO_title = 'Покупка аккаунта Pro';
        $quickPRO_ok_close_btn = 'Закрыть';
 public function get_completed_requests()
     $token = Input::get('token');
     $owner_id = Input::get('id');
     $from = Input::get('from_date');
     // 2015-03-11 07:45:01
     $to_date = Input::get('to_date') . ' 23:59:59';
     //2015-03-11 07:45:01
     $validator = Validator::make(array('token' => $token, 'owner_id' => $owner_id), array('token' => 'required', 'owner_id' => 'required|integer'));
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         $error_messages = $validator->messages()->all();
         $response_array = array('success' => false, 'error' => 'Invalid Input', 'error_code' => 401, 'error_messages' => $error_messages);
         $response_code = 200;
     } else {
         $is_admin = $this->isAdmin($token);
         if ($owner_data = $this->getOwnerData($owner_id, $token, $is_admin)) {
             // check for token validity
             if (is_token_active($owner_data->token_expiry) || $is_admin) {
                 // Do necessary operations
                 if ($from != "" && $to_date != "") {
                     $request_data = DB::table('request')->where('request.owner_id', $owner_id)->where('is_completed', 1)->where('is_cancelled', 0)->whereBetween('request_start_time', array($from, $to_date))->leftJoin('walker', 'request.confirmed_walker', '=', '')->leftJoin('walker_services', '', '=', 'walker_services.provider_id')->leftJoin('walker_type', '', '=', 'walker_services.type')->leftJoin('request_services', 'request_services.request_id', '=', '')->select('request.*', 'request.request_start_time', 'request.promo_code', 'walker.first_name', ' as walker_id', 'walker.last_name', '', '', 'walker.picture', '', 'walker.rate', ' as type', 'walker_type.icon', 'request.distance', 'request.time', 'request_services.base_price as req_base_price', 'request_services.distance_cost as req_dis_cost', 'request_services.time_cost as req_time_cost', 'request_services.type as req_typ', '')->get();
                 } else {
                     $request_data = DB::table('request')->where('request.owner_id', $owner_id)->where('is_completed', 1)->where('is_cancelled', 0)->leftJoin('walker', 'request.confirmed_walker', '=', '')->leftJoin('walker_services', '', '=', 'walker_services.provider_id')->leftJoin('walker_type', '', '=', 'walker_services.type')->leftJoin('request_services', 'request_services.request_id', '=', '')->select('request.*', 'request.request_start_time', 'request.promo_code', 'walker.first_name', ' as walker_id', 'walker.last_name', '', '', 'walker.picture', '', 'walker.rate', ' as type', 'walker_type.icon', 'request.distance', 'request.time', 'request_services.base_price as req_base_price', 'request_services.distance_cost as req_dis_cost', 'request_services.time_cost as req_time_cost', 'request_services.type as req_typ', '')->get();
                 $requests = array();
                 $settings = Settings::where('key', 'default_distance_unit')->first();
                 $unit = $settings->value;
                 if ($unit == 0) {
                     $unit_set = 'kms';
                 } elseif ($unit == 1) {
                     $unit_set = 'miles';
                 /* $currency_selected = Keywords::find(5); */
                 foreach ($request_data as $data) {
                     $request_typ = ProviderType::where('id', '=', $data->req_typ)->first();
                     /* $setbase_price = Settings::where('key', 'base_price')->first();
                        $setdistance_price = Settings::where('key', 'price_per_unit_distance')->first();
                        $settime_price = Settings::where('key', 'price_per_unit_time')->first(); */
                     $setbase_distance = $request_typ->base_distance;
                     $setbase_price = $request_typ->base_price;
                     $setdistance_price = $request_typ->price_per_unit_distance;
                     $settime_price = $request_typ->price_per_unit_time;
                     $locations = WalkLocation::where('request_id', $data->id)->orderBy('id')->get();
                     $start = $end = $map = "";
                     $id = $data->id;
                     if (count($locations) >= 1) {
                         $start = WalkLocation::where('request_id', $id)->orderBy('id')->first();
                         $end = WalkLocation::where('request_id', $id)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first();
                         $map = "|scale:2|icon:|{$start->latitude},{$start->longitude}&markers=shadow:false|scale:2|icon:|{$end->latitude},{$end->longitude}&path=color:0x2dbae4ff|weight:4";
                         foreach ($locations as $location) {
                             $map .= "|{$location->latitude},{$location->longitude}";
                         /* $map.="&key=" . Config::get('app.gcm_browser_key'); */
                     $request['start_lat'] = "";
                     if (isset($start->latitude)) {
                         $request['start_lat'] = $start->latitude;
                     $request['start_long'] = "";
                     if (isset($start->longitude)) {
                         $request['start_long'] = $start->longitude;
                     $request['end_lat'] = "";
                     if (isset($end->latitude)) {
                         $request['end_lat'] = $end->latitude;
                     $request['end_long'] = "";
                     if (isset($end->longitude)) {
                         $request['end_long'] = $end->longitude;
                     $request['map_url'] = $map;
                     $walker = Walker::where('id', $data->walker_id)->first();
                     if ($walker != NULL) {
                         $user_timezone = $walker->timezone;
                     } else {
                         $user_timezone = 'UTC';
                     $default_timezone = Config::get('app.timezone');
                     $date_time = get_user_time($default_timezone, $user_timezone, $data->request_start_time);
                     $dist = number_format($data->distance, 2, '.', '');
                     $request['id'] = $data->id;
                     $request['date'] = $date_time;
                     $request['distance'] = (string) $dist;
                     $request['unit'] = $unit_set;
                     $request['time'] = $data->time;
                     $discount = 0;
                     if ($data->promo_code != "") {
                         if ($data->promo_code != "") {
                             $promo_code = PromoCodes::where('id', $data->promo_code)->first();
                             if ($promo_code) {
                                 $promo_value = $promo_code->value;
                                 $promo_type = $promo_code->type;
                                 if ($promo_type == 1) {
                                     // Percent Discount
                                     $discount = $data->total * $promo_value / 100;
                                 } elseif ($promo_type == 2) {
                                     // Absolute Discount
                                     $discount = $promo_value;
                     $request['promo_discount'] = currency_converted($discount);
                     $is_multiple_service = Settings::where('key', 'allow_multiple_service')->first();
                     if ($is_multiple_service->value == 0) {
                         if ($data->req_base_price) {
                             $request['base_price'] = currency_converted($data->req_base_price);
                         } else {
                             /* $request['base_price'] = currency_converted($setbase_price->value); */
                             $request['base_price'] = currency_converted($setbase_price);
                         if ($data->req_dis_cost) {
                             $request['distance_cost'] = currency_converted($data->req_dis_cost);
                         } else {
                             /* $request['distance_cost'] = currency_converted($setdistance_price->value * $data->distance); */
                             if ($data->distance <= $setbase_distance) {
                                 $request['distance_cost'] = 0;
                             } else {
                                 $request['distance_cost'] = currency_converted($setdistance_price->value * ($data->distance - $setbase_distance));
                         if ($data->req_time_cost) {
                             $request['time_cost'] = currency_converted($data->req_time_cost);
                         } else {
                             /* $request['time_cost'] = currency_converted($settime_price->value * $data->time); */
                             $request['time_cost'] = currency_converted($settime_price * $data->time);
                         $request['setbase_distance'] = $setbase_distance;
                         $request['total'] = currency_converted($data->total);
                         $request['actual_total'] = currency_converted($data->total + $data->ledger_payment + $discount);
                         $request['type'] = $data->type;
                         $request['type_icon'] = $data->icon;
                         $rserv = RequestServices::where('request_id', $data->id)->get();
                         $typs = array();
                         $typi = array();
                         $typp = array();
                         $total_price = 0;
                         foreach ($rserv as $typ) {
                             $typ1 = ProviderType::where('id', $typ->type)->first();
                             $typ_price = ProviderServices::where('provider_id', $data->confirmed_walker)->where('type', $typ->type)->first();
                             if ($typ_price->base_price > 0) {
                                 $typp1 = 0.0;
                                 $typp1 = $typ_price->base_price;
                             } elseif ($typ_price->price_per_unit_distance > 0) {
                                 $typp1 = 0.0;
                                 foreach ($rserv as $key) {
                                     $typp1 = $typp1 + $key->distance_cost;
                             } else {
                                 $typp1 = 0.0;
                             $typs['name'] = $typ1->name;
                             $typs['price'] = currency_converted($typp1);
                             $total_price = $total_price + $typp1;
                             array_push($typi, $typs);
                         $request['type'] = $typi;
                     } else {
                         $rserv = RequestServices::where('request_id', $data->id)->get();
                         $typs = array();
                         $typi = array();
                         $typp = array();
                         $total_price = 0;
                         foreach ($rserv as $typ) {
                             $typ1 = ProviderType::where('id', $typ->type)->first();
                             $typ_price = ProviderServices::where('provider_id', $data->confirmed_walker)->where('type', $typ->type)->first();
                             if ($typ_price->base_price > 0) {
                                 $typp1 = 0.0;
                                 $typp1 = $typ_price->base_price;
                             } elseif ($typ_price->price_per_unit_distance > 0) {
                                 $typp1 = 0.0;
                                 foreach ($rserv as $key) {
                                     $typp1 = $typp1 + $key->distance_cost;
                             } else {
                                 $typp1 = 0.0;
                             $typs['name'] = $typ1->name;
                             $typs['price'] = currency_converted($typp1);
                             $total_price = $total_price + $typp1;
                             array_push($typi, $typs);
                         $request['type'] = $typi;
                         $base_price = 0;
                         $distance_cost = 0;
                         $time_cost = 0;
                         foreach ($rserv as $key) {
                             $base_price = $base_price + $key->base_price;
                             $distance_cost = $distance_cost + $key->distance_cost;
                             $time_cost = $time_cost + $key->time_cost;
                         $request['base_price'] = currency_converted($base_price);
                         $request['distance_cost'] = currency_converted($distance_cost);
                         $request['time_cost'] = currency_converted($time_cost);
                         $request['total'] = currency_converted($total_price);
                     $rate = WalkerReview::where('request_id', $data->id)->where('walker_id', $data->confirmed_walker)->first();
                     if ($rate != NULL) {
                         $request['walker']['rating'] = $rate->rating;
                     } else {
                         $request['walker']['rating'] = '0.0';
                     /* $request['currency'] = $currency_selected->keyword; */
                     $request['base_price'] = currency_converted($data->req_base_price);
                     $request['distance_cost'] = currency_converted($data->req_dis_cost);
                     $request['time_cost'] = currency_converted($data->req_time_cost);
                     $request['total'] = currency_converted($data->total - $data->ledger_payment - $data->promo_payment);
                     $request['main_total'] = currency_converted($data->total);
                     $request['referral_bonus'] = currency_converted($data->ledger_payment);
                     $request['promo_bonus'] = currency_converted($data->promo_payment);
                     $request['payment_type'] = $data->payment_mode;
                     $request['is_paid'] = $data->is_paid;
                     $request['promo_id'] = $data->promo_id;
                     $request['promo_code'] = $data->promo_code;
                     $request['currency'] = Config::get('app.generic_keywords.Currency');
                     $request['walker']['first_name'] = $data->first_name;
                     $request['walker']['last_name'] = $data->last_name;
                     $request['walker']['phone'] = $data->phone;
                     $request['walker']['email'] = $data->email;
                     $request['walker']['picture'] = $data->picture;
                     $request['walker']['bio'] = $data->bio;
                     $request['walker']['type'] = $data->type;
                     /* $request['walker']['rating'] = $data->rate; */
                     array_push($requests, $request);
                 $response_array = array('success' => true, 'requests' => $requests);
                 $response_code = 200;
             } else {
                 $response_array = array('success' => false, 'error' => 'Token Expired', 'error_code' => 405);
                 $response_code = 200;
         } else {
             if ($is_admin) {
                 /* $var = Keywords::where('id', 2)->first();
                    $response_array = array('success' => false, 'error' => '' . $var->keyword . ' ID not Found', 'error_code' => 410); */
                 $response_array = array('success' => false, 'error' => '' . Config::get('app.generic_keywords.User') . ' ID not Found', 'error_code' => 410);
             } else {
                 $response_array = array('success' => false, 'error' => 'Not a valid token', 'error_code' => 406);
             $response_code = 200;
     $response = Response::json($response_array, $response_code);
     return $response;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public function check_promo_code()
     $promo_code = Input::get('promo_code');
     $token = Input::get('token');
     $owner_id = Input::get('id');
     $validator = Validator::make(array('promo_code' => $promo_code, 'token' => $token, 'owner_id' => $owner_id), array('promo_code' => 'required', 'token' => 'required', 'owner_id' => 'required|integer'));
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         $error_messages = $validator->messages()->all();
         $response_array = array('success' => false, 'error' => 'Invalid Input', 'error_code' => 401, 'error_messages' => $error_messages);
         $response_code = 200;
     } else {
         $is_admin = $this->isAdmin($token);
         if ($owner_data = $this->getOwnerData($owner_id, $token, $is_admin)) {
             // check for token validity
             if (is_token_active($owner_data->token_expiry) || $is_admin) {
                 $settings = Settings::where('key', 'promotional_code_activation')->first();
                 $prom_act = $settings->value;
                 if ($prom_act) {
                     // check promo code
                     $check_code = PromoCodes::where('coupon_code', $promo_code)->where('uses', '>', 0)->first();
                     if ($check_code != NULL) {
                         if ($check_code->state == 1 && date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($check_code->expiry)) > date('Y-m-d H:i:s') && date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($check_code->start_date)) <= date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) {
                             if ($check_code->type == 1) {
                                 $discount = $check_code->value . " %";
                             } elseif ($check_code->type == 2) {
                                 $discount = "\$ " . $check_code->value;
                             $response_array = array('success' => true, 'discount' => $discount);
                         } else {
                             $response_array = array('success' => false, 'error' => 'Invalid Promo Code', 'error_code' => 418);
                     } else {
                         $response_array = array('success' => false, 'error' => 'Invalid Promo Code', 'error_code' => 419);
                 } else {
                     $response_array = array('success' => false, 'error' => 'Promotion feature is not active.', 'error_code' => 419);
             } else {
                 $response_array = array('success' => false, 'error' => 'Request ID Not Found', 'error_code' => 408);
         } else {
             $response_array = array('success' => false, 'error' => 'Token Expired', 'error_code' => 405);
         $response_code = 200;
     $response = Response::json($response_array, $response_code);
     return $response;
Ejemplo n.º 20

require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/PromoCodes.php';
$promoCodes = new PromoCodes();
<div id="quick_mas_win_main" class="b-shadow b-shadow_center b-shadow_width_520 b-shadow_pad_15_20 b-shadow_zindex_11 b-shadow_hide" style="display:block;">
    <div class="b-fon b-fon_bg_soap">
        <div class="b-layout__title b-layout__title_padbot_5"><span class="b-icon b-icon__soap b-icon_float_left b-icon_top_4"></span>Покупка рассылки по фрилансерам
            <div class="b-layout__txt b-layout__txt_fontsize_11 b-layout__txt_lineheight_1">с поиском и привлечением лучших исполнителей</div>

    <div id="quick_mas_div_main" class="b-layout">

        <div class="b-layout__txt b-layout__txt_fontsize_15 b-layout__txt_padbot_20">Параметры рассылки</div>

        <div class="b-layout__txt b-layout__txt_padleft_20 b-layout__txt_bold">Количество получателей — <span class="b-layout__txt b-layout__txt_color_6db335" id="quickmas_f_mas_u_count">0</span></div>
        <div class="b-layout__txt b-layout__txt_padleft_20 b-layout__txt_fontsize_11 b-layout__txt_padbot_20"><span id="quickmas_f_mas_u_count_pro_txt">из них с аккаунтом PRO</span> — <span id="quickmas_f_mas_u_count_pro">0</span></div>

        <div id="quickmas_f_mas_subcat_m" class="b-layout__txt b-layout__txt_padleft_20 b-layout__txt_bold">Выбранных разделов/специализаций — <span class="b-layout__txt b-layout__txt_color_6db335" id="quickmas_f_mas_c_count">0</span></div>
        <div id="quickmas_f_mas_subcat" class="b-layout__txt b-layout__txt_padleft_20 b-layout__txt_fontsize_11 b-layout__txt_padbot_20"></div>

        <input type="hidden" id="quick_mas_f_account_sum" value="<?php 
echo round($_SESSION['ac_sum'], 2) < 0 ? 0 : round($_SESSION['ac_sum'], 2);
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Обработка входящей операции помещения услуги в "Список услуг" согласно входящей op_code.
  * @param int   $op_code ИД операции
  * @param array $code    Данные операции (если есть на момент вызова функции)
  * @return array
 public function prepareOperationCode($op_code, $code = null)
     $code = $code == null ? current(op_codes::getCodes($op_code)) : $code;
     $_op_code = self::getOpCodeByDiscount($op_code);
     $data = array();
     switch ($_op_code) {
         // Конкурс
         case 9:
         case 106:
         case 121:
         case 122:
         case 123:
         case 124:
         case 125:
         case 126:
         case 127:
         case 128:
         case 129:
         case 130:
             //Платный конкурс
         //Платный конкурс
         case 86:
             //Платный проект (вакансия, устаревший опкод)
         //Платный проект (вакансия, устаревший опкод)
         case 53:
             //Покупка вакансии
         //Покупка вакансии
         case 113:
             //пользователь не PRO
         //пользователь не PRO
         case 192:
             //пользователь PRO
             //Платные услуги проектов
         //пользователь PRO
         //Платные услуги проектов
         case 138:
         case 139:
         case 140:
         case 141:
             if (is_emp($this->user['role'])) {
                 $data = array('ammount' => 0, 'pro_ammount' => 0, 'descr' => '', 'comment' => 'Платный проект / ', 'service' => 'projects');
                 if (!empty($this->_option)) {
                     $i = 0;
                     if ($this->_option['items']['bold'] > 0) {
                         $data['option'] = 'bold';
                         $data['comment'] .= ($i++ ? ', ' : '') . 'жирный шрифт';
                         $data['ammount'] += $this->_option['items']['bold'];
                     if ($this->_option['items']['color'] > 0) {
                         $data['option'] = 'color';
                         $data['comment'] .= ($i++ ? ', ' : '') . 'подсветка фоном';
                         $data['ammount'] += $this->_option['items']['color'];
                     if ($this->_option['items']['urgent'] > 0) {
                         $data['option'] = 'urgent';
                         $data['comment'] .= ($i++ ? ', ' : '') . 'срочный';
                         $data['ammount'] += $this->_option['items']['urgent']['no_pro'];
                         $data['pro_ammount'] += (int) $this->_option['items']['urgent']['pro'];
                     if ($this->_option['items']['hide'] > 0) {
                         $data['option'] = 'hide';
                         $data['comment'] .= ($i++ ? ', ' : '') . 'скрытый';
                         $data['ammount'] += $this->_option['items']['hide']['no_pro'];
                         $data['pro_ammount'] += (int) $this->_option['items']['hide']['pro'];
                     if ($this->_option['items']['logo'] > 0) {
                         $data['option'] = 'logo';
                         $data['descr'] = $this->_option['logo_link'];
                         $data['src_id'] = $this->_option['logo_id'];
                         $data['comment'] .= ($i++ ? ', ' : '') . 'логотип';
                         $data['ammount'] += $this->_option['items']['logo']['no_pro'];
                         $data['pro_ammount'] += (int) $this->_option['items']['logo']['pro'];
                     if ($this->_option['items']['office'] > 0) {
                         $data['option'] = 'office';
                         $data['comment'] .= ($i++ ? ', ' : '') . 'в офис';
                         $data['ammount'] += $this->_option['items']['office'];
                     if ($this->_option['items']['top'] > 0) {
                         $data['option'] = 'top';
                         $data['op_count'] = $this->_option['addTop'];
                         $topDays = $this->_option['addTop'];
                         $data['comment'] .= ($i++ ? ', ' : '') . 'закрепление наверху на ' . $topDays . ' ' . getTermination($topDays, array(0 => 'день', 1 => 'дня', 2 => 'дней'));
                         $data['ammount'] += $this->_option['items']['top']['no_pro'];
                         $data['pro_ammount'] += (int) $this->_option['items']['top']['pro'];
                     if ($this->_option['items']['contest'] > 0) {
                         $data['option'] = 'contest';
                         $data['comment'] = 'Публикация конкурса';
                         $data['ammount'] += is_pro() ? $this->_option['items']['contest']['pro'] : $this->_option['items']['contest']['no_pro'];
                         $data['pro_ammount'] += $this->_option['items']['contest']['pro'];
                     $data['parent_id'] = $this->_option['prj_id'];
                     if ($this->_option['is_edit']) {
                         $data['parent_table'] = 'projects';
                     } else {
                         $data['parent_table'] = 'draft_projects';
             // Поднятие платных мест
         // Поднятие платных мест
         case 21:
             if (!is_emp($this->user['role'])) {
                 $data = array('ammount' => round($code['sum'], 2), 'descr' => '', 'comment' => $code['op_name'], 'service' => 'first_page_up');
                 if (!empty($this->_option)) {
                     $data['descr'] = $this->_option['prof_id'];
                     $data['src_id'] = $this->_option['prof_id'];
                     $data['ammount'] = $this->_option['sum'];
                     if ($this->_option['prof_id'] == -1) {
                         $data['comment'] = 'Поднятие платного места на главной';
                     } else {
                         $data['comment'] = 'Поднятие платного места в каталоге';
             // Поднятие на первое место в платных местах
         // Поднятие на первое место в платных местах
         case 145:
         case 146:
         case 154:
             if (!is_emp($this->user['role'])) {
                 $data = array('ammount' => $code['sum'], 'descr' => '', 'comment' => $code['op_name'], 'service' => 'first_page_top');
                 if (!empty($this->_option)) {
                     $data['descr'] = $this->_option['prof_id'];
                     $data['src_id'] = $this->_option['prof_id'];
                     $data['comment'] = $this->_option['comment'];
             // Пополнение счета
         // Пополнение счета
         case 135:
             $data = array('ammount' => $this->_option['acc_sum'], 'descr' => '', 'comment' => 'Погашение задолженности - ' . $this->_option['acc_sum']);
             //Резервирование средств
         //Резервирование средств
         case 136:
             require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/reserves/ReservesModelFactory.php';
             $reserve_data = @$this->_option['reserve_data'];
             if (!$reserve_data) {
             $comment = ReservesModelFactory::getInstance($reserve_data['type'])->getBillComment($reserve_data['src_id']);
             $data = array('ammount' => $this->_option['acc_sum'], 'parent_id' => $reserve_data['id'], 'parent_table' => 'reserves', 'comment' => $comment);
             // Автоответы
         // Автоответы
         case 137:
             $data = array('ammount' => $this->_option['acc_sum'], 'comment' => 'Покупка автоответа', 'parent_id' => $this->_option['autoresponse_id'], 'parent_table' => 'autoresponse');
             // Платное место в карусели
         // Платное место в карусели
         case 65:
             // На главной странице
         // На главной странице
         case 73:
             // В каталоге
             if (!is_emp($this->user['role'])) {
                 $data = array('ammount' => round($code['sum'], 2), 'descr' => 'Оплачено', 'comment' => 'Оплата новых платных мест', 'service' => 'pay_place');
                 if (!empty($this->_option)) {
                     $data['option'] = serialize($this->_option);
                     //поддержка старого режима где небыло возможности
                     //приобрести несколько размещений
                     if (isset($this->_option['num'])) {
                         $data['ammount'] = $data['ammount'] * $this->_option['num'];
                         $data['op_count'] = $this->_option['num'];
             // Аккаунт PROFI для фрилансера
         // Аккаунт PROFI для фрилансера
         case 164:
             // Аккаунт PROFI на 1 месяц
             $to = 'на 1 месяц';
             if (!is_emp($this->user['role'])) {
                 $data = array('ammount' => round($code['sum'] * 10, 2), 'descr' => 'Все разделы', 'comment' => "Аккаунт PROFI {$to}", 'service' => 'pro');
             // Аккаунт ПРО для фрилансера
         // Аккаунт ПРО для фрилансера
         case 47:
             // Тестовый аккаунт ПРО
             if ($this->IsUserWasPro()) {
             $to = 'на 1 неделю';
         case 132:
             // Аккаунт ПРО на 1 день
             $to = !$to ? 'на 1 день' : $to;
         case 131:
             // Аккаунт ПРО на 1 неделю
             $to = !$to ? 'на 1 неделю' : $to;
         case 163:
             //Тестовый ПРО на месяц
         //Тестовый ПРО на месяц
         case 48:
             // Аккаунт ПРО на 1 месяц
             $to = !$to ? 'на 1 месяц' : $to;
         case 49:
             // Аккаунт ПРО на 3 месяца
             $to = !$to ? 'на 3 месяца' : $to;
         case 50:
             // Аккаунт ПРО на 6 месяцев
             $to = !$to ? 'на 6 месяцев' : $to;
         case 51:
             // Аккаунт ПРО на 12 месяцев
             $to = !$to ? 'на 1 год' : $to;
             if (!is_emp($this->user['role'])) {
                 $data = array('ammount' => round($code['sum'] * 10, 2), 'descr' => 'Все разделы', 'comment' => "Аккаунт PRO {$to}", 'service' => 'pro');
             // Аккаунт ПРО для работодателей
         // Аккаунт ПРО для работодателей
         case 15:
             // Аккаунт ПРО на 1 месяц
             $code['sum'] = $code['sum'] * payed::PRICE_EMP_PRO / 10;
             $to = 'на 1 месяц';
         case 118:
             // Аккаунт ПРО на 3 месяца
             $to = !$to ? 'на 3 месяца' : $to;
         case 119:
             // Аккаунт ПРО на 6 месяцев
             $to = !$to ? 'на 6 месяцев' : $to;
         case 120:
             // Аккаунт ПРО на 12 месяцев
             $to = !$to ? 'на 1 год' : $to;
             if (is_emp($this->user['role'])) {
                 $data = array('ammount' => round($code['sum'] * 10, 2), 'descr' => 'Все разделы', 'comment' => "Аккаунт PRO {$to}", 'service' => 'pro');
         case 45:
             $data = array('ammount' => round($this->_option['amount'], 2), 'parent_id' => $this->_option['masssending_id'], 'parent_table' => 'mass_sending', 'descr' => 'Рассылка по каталогу', 'comment' => 'Рассылка по каталогу', 'service' => 'massending');
         case 117:
             // Оплата верификации
             $data = array('option' => serialize($this->_option['data']), 'src_id' => $this->_option['prev']['id'], 'ammount' => round($code['sum'], 2), 'descr' => 'Верификация через сервис FF.RU', 'comment' => 'Верификация через сервис FF.RU', 'service' => 'verify_ff');
         case 133:
             $data = array('ammount' => round($code['sum'] * 10, 2), 'descr' => 'Верификация WebMoney', 'comment' => 'Верификация WebMoney', 'service' => 'verify_webmoney');
             //Верификация банковской картой через ЯКассу
         //Верификация банковской картой через ЯКассу
         case 191:
             $data = array('ammount' => round($code['sum'], 2), 'descr' => 'Верификация банковской картой', 'comment' => 'Верификация банковской картой', 'option' => serialize($this->_option));
             // Закрепление в каталоге фрилансеров
         // Закрепление в каталоге фрилансеров
         case 142:
             // Корневой каталог
         // Корневой каталог
         case 143:
             // Раздел
         // Раздел
         case 144:
             // Подраздел
         // Подраздел
         case 148:
             // Продление в корневом каталоге
         // Продление в корневом каталоге
         case 149:
             // Продление в разделе
         // Продление в разделе
         case 150:
             // Продление в подразделе
             if (!is_emp($this->user['role'])) {
                 //Получаем диф.цену
                 $sum = op_codes_price::getOpCodePrice($op_code, $this->_option['prof_id']);
                 $code['sum'] = $sum ? $sum : $code['sum'];
                 $data = array('ammount' => $code['sum'], 'descr' => '', 'comment' => 'Закрепление в каталоге фрилансеров', 'service' => 'frlbind');
                 if (!empty($this->_option)) {
                     $data['src_id'] = $this->_option['prof_id'];
                     $data['ammount'] = $data['ammount'] * $this->_option['weeks'];
                     $data['op_count'] = $this->_option['weeks'];
             // Поднятие закрепления в каталоге фрилансеров
         // Поднятие закрепления в каталоге фрилансеров
         case 151:
             // Корневой каталог
         // Корневой каталог
         case 152:
             // Раздел
         // Раздел
         case 153:
             // Подраздел
         // Подраздел
         case 194:
             // Оплата из буфера
             if (!is_emp($this->user['role'])) {
                 //Получаем диф.цену
                 $sum = op_codes_price::getOpCodePrice($op_code, $this->_option['prof_id']);
                 $code['sum'] = $sum ? $sum : $code['sum'];
                 $data = array('ammount' => $code['sum'], 'descr' => '', 'comment' => 'Поднятие закрепления в каталоге фрилансеров', 'service' => 'frlbindup');
                 if (!empty($this->_option)) {
                     $data['src_id'] = $this->_option['prof_id'];
                     $data['op_count'] = 1;
             // Закрепление в каталоге услуг
         // Закрепление в каталоге услуг
         case 155:
             // Лендинг
         // Лендинг
         case 156:
             // Корневой каталог
         // Корневой каталог
         case 157:
             // Раздел
         // Раздел
         case 158:
             // Подраздел
             if (!is_emp($this->user['role'])) {
                 //Получаем диф.цену
                 $sum = op_codes_price::getOpCodePrice($op_code, $this->_option['prof_id']);
                 $code['sum'] = $sum ? $sum : $code['sum'];
                 $data = array('ammount' => $code['sum'], 'descr' => '', 'comment' => 'Закрепление в каталоге услуг', 'service' => 'tservicebind');
                 if (!empty($this->_option)) {
                     $data['src_id'] = $this->_option['prof_id'];
                     $data['ammount'] = $data['ammount'] * $this->_option['weeks'];
                     $data['op_count'] = $this->_option['weeks'];
                     $data['option'] = serialize(array('tservice_id' => $this->_option['tservice_id'], 'is_prolong' => $this->_option['is_prolong']));
             // Поднятие закрепления в каталоге услуг
         // Поднятие закрепления в каталоге услуг
         case 159:
             // Лендинг
         // Лендинг
         case 160:
             // Корневой каталог
         // Корневой каталог
         case 161:
             // Раздел
         // Раздел
         case 162:
             // Подраздел
         // Подраздел
         case 193:
             // Оплата из буфера
             if (!is_emp($this->user['role'])) {
                 //Получаем диф.цену
                 $sum = op_codes_price::getOpCodePrice($op_code, $this->_option['prof_id']);
                 $code['sum'] = $sum ? $sum : $code['sum'];
                 $data = array('ammount' => $code['sum'], 'descr' => '', 'comment' => 'Поднятие закрепления в каталоге услуг', 'service' => 'tservicebindup');
                 if (!empty($this->_option)) {
                     $data['src_id'] = $this->_option['bind_id'];
                     $data['op_count'] = 1;
     // Сбрасываем опции чтобы не путалось при покупке сразу нескольких услуг на странице
     //Перебиваем примечание к платежу по опкоду (любому и скидочному тоже)
     if ($_descr = $this->getDescrByOpCode($op_code)) {
         $data['descr'] = $_descr;
     if ($this->promoCode) {
         $data['promo_code'] = $this->promoCode['id'];
         if (!isset($this->promoCode['is_original_price'])) {
             $promoCodes = new PromoCodes();
             $data['ammount'] = $data['ammount'] - $promoCodes->getDiscount($this->promoCode, $data['ammount']);
             //@todo: для чего pro_ammount ?
             if (isset($data['pro_ammount']) && $data['pro_ammount'] > 0) {
                 $data['pro_ammount'] = $data['pro_ammount'] - $promoCodes->getDiscount($this->promoCode, $data['pro_ammount']);
     return $data;
Ejemplo n.º 22
    $action = 'next';
} elseif ($draft_id && !$drafts->getDraft($draft_id, $uid, 1)) {
    // если дан id черновика, но такой черновик не существует
    header("Location: /403.php");
$account = new account();
$_SESSION['ac_sum'] = $account->sum;
$_SESSION['ac_sum_rub'] = $account->sum_rub;
$_SESSION['bn_sum'] = $account->bonus_sum;
$konk_price = new_projects::getPriceByCode(is_pro() ? new_projects::OPCODE_KON : new_projects::OPCODE_KON_NOPRO);
//Определяем доступные коды для покупки
$promoCodes = new PromoCodes();
$allowedPromoCodes = array(PromoCodes::SERVICE_PROJECT);
if ($kind == projects::KIND_VACANCY) {
    $allowedPromoCodes[] = PromoCodes::SERVICE_VACANCY;
} elseif ($kind == 7) {
    $allowedPromoCodes[] = PromoCodes::SERVICE_CONTEST;
$promoCodesForm = $promoCodes->render($allowedPromoCodes);
switch ($step) {
    case 2:
    case 1:
        if (!$PDA) {
            $js_file = array();
            $js_file[] = 'attachedfiles2.js';
            $js_file[] = 'public_step_1.js';