Ejemplo n.º 1
 function showForm()
     $l = dibi::fetch("SELECT * FROM " . self::TABLE . " WHERE id_node=%i", $_GET['id_modul']);
     MT::addTemplate(dirname(__FILE__) . '/default.phtml', 'Home');
     MT::addVar('Home', 'l', $l);
     $f = new Promo(self::MODULE_NAME, $_GET['id_modul']);
     MT::addVar('Home', 'showPromo', $f->render());
Ejemplo n.º 2
function document()
    set("title", "Documents");
    set("data", Document::getAll());
    set("promos", Promo::getAll());
    return html("list.html.php", "layout.html.php");
 public function run()
     Promo::create(['link' => 'img/resources/promos/promo1.png', 'description' => '', 'speciality_id' => '5']);
     Promo::create(['link' => 'img/resources/promos/promo2.png', 'description' => '', 'speciality_id' => '5']);
     Promo::create(['link' => 'img/resources/promos/promo3.png', 'description' => '', 'speciality_id' => '24']);
     Promo::create(['link' => 'img/resources/promos/promo4.png', 'description' => '', 'speciality_id' => '2']);
Ejemplo n.º 4
function alter_promo($promoid)
    $promo = new Promo($promoid);
    // We'll need to parse the PUT body to get our arguments
    $params = file_get_contents("php://input", "r");
    $putParams = array();
    while (preg_match("/&/", $params)) {
        $param = strstr($params, "&", true);
        $params = substr(strstr($params, "&"), 1);
        $putParams[strstr($param, "=", true)] = substr(strstr($param, "="), 1);
    // We need it one more time for the last argument
    $param = $params;
    $putParams[strstr($param, "=", true)] = substr(strstr($param, "="), 1);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function __construct($id)
     $bdd = new Connector();
     $document = $bdd->Select("*", "document", array("where" => array(array("id", "=", $id))));
     if (!$document) {
         throw new LengthException("Le fichier n'existe pas");
     $document = $document[0];
     $this->id = $document["id"];
     $this->rang = $document["rang"];
     $this->promo = $document["promo"];
     $this->libelle = $document["libelle"];
     $this->fichier = $document["fichier"];
     if (isset($document["promo"])) {
         $promo = new Promo($document["promo"]);
         $this->libelle_promo = $promo->getLibelle();
Ejemplo n.º 6
function updPromo()
    $promo = params("promo");
    $newLabel = params("newLabel");
    $promoToUpd = Promo::getPromoByPromo($promo);
    $status = $promoToUpd->update();
    set("status", $status);
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    return render("status.json.php");
 public function initialLoad()
     $advertisings = Advertising::orderBy('order', 'asc')->get();
     $budgets = Budget::orderBy('order', 'asc')->get();
     $doctors = Doctor::with('speciality')->get();
     $nav_menus = NavigationMenu::orderBy('order', 'asc')->get();
     $promos = Promo::all();
     $services = Service::orderBy('order', 'asc')->get();
     $slider_images = SliderImage::all();
     $specialities = Speciality::all();
     return View::make('layouts.main', array('advertisings' => $advertisings, 'budgets' => $budgets, 'doctors' => $doctors, 'nav_menus' => $nav_menus, 'promos' => $promos, 'services' => $services, 'slider_images' => $slider_images, 'specialities' => $specialities));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function validate($data)
     $response = ['grand_total' => 0, 'shipping_fee' => 0, 'promo_code' => null];
     $total = 0;
     foreach ($_SESSION['cart'] as $k => $v) {
         $total = $total + $v['linetotal'];
     $s = new ShippingCountry();
     switch ($data['shipping_country']) {
         case ShippingCountry::MALAYSIA:
             $fee = $s->calcMAL($_SESSION['cart'], $total);
         case ShippingCountry::SINGAPORE:
             $fee = $s->calcSIN($total);
         case ShippingCountry::BRUNEI:
             $fee = $s->calcBRU($total);
     $promo_code = isset($data['promo_code']) ? $data['promo_code'] : false;
     if ($promo_code) {
         $p = new Promo();
         if ($promo_code == Promo::PROMO_1) {
             $total = $p->promo1($_SESSION['cart']);
         } elseif ($promo_code == Promo::PROMO_2) {
             $total = $p->promo2($_SESSION['cart']);
         } else {
             $response['error'] = true;
             $response['message'] = 'Invalid Promo Code';
             return $response;
     $response['grand_total'] = $total + $fee;
     $response['shipping_fee'] = $fee;
     $response['shipping_country'] = $data['shipping_country'];
     $response['promo_code'] = $promo_code;
     $_SESSION['checkout'] = $response;
     return $response;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function index()
     $filter = array_fill_keys($this->promo->getAllColumnsNames(), "");
     $stop_fields = array('filter');
     $input = Input::all();
     if (isset($input['filter']) && $input['filter'] == 'apply') {
         $filter = array_merge($filter, $input);
         Session::put("PROMOS_FILTER", $filter);
     if (isset($input['filter']) && $input['filter'] == 'reset') {
     if (isset($input['sort_value'])) {
         $sort = $input['sort_value'];
         $sort_dir = $input['sort_dir'];
         Session::put("PROMOS_SORT", array('value' => $sort, 'dir' => $sort_dir));
     $sort = Session::get('PROMOS_SORT');
     if (isset($input['filter']) && $input['filter'] == 'reset') {
     if (Session::has('PROMOS_FILTER')) {
         $filter = Session::get('PROMOS_FILTER');
         $promos = $this->promo->where('id', '>', '0');
         foreach ($filter as $k => $v) {
             if (!in_array($k, $stop_fields) && $v != '') {
                 $promos = $promos->where($k, 'like', '%' . $v . '%');
         if (Session::has('PROMOS_SORT') && $sort['value'] != '') {
             $promos = $promos->orderBy($sort['value'], $sort['dir'] == '1' ? 'desc' : '');
         $promos = $promos->paginate(Settings::getValue('TABLE_ELEMENTS'));
     } else {
         if (Session::has('PROMOS_SORT') && $sort['value'] != '') {
             $promos = $this->promo->orderBy($sort['value'], $sort['dir'] == '1' ? 'desc' : 'asc');
         } else {
             $promos = $this->promo;
         $promos = $promos->paginate(Settings::getValue('TABLE_ELEMENTS'));
     $sort_options = Promo::getSortOptions();
     return View::make('backend.promos.index', compact("promos", 'filter', 'sort_options', 'sort'));
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function send_cupon($id)
     $promo = Promo::where('id', '=', $id)->first();
     $user_id = AssigmentRoleHab::where('role_id', '=', 2)->where('colony_id', '=', $promo->colony_id)->pluck('user_id');
     $admin_user = DB::connection('habitaria_dev')->select('select email from users where id = ? ', [$user_id]);
     foreach ($admin_user as $user) {
         $admin_email = $user->email;
     $admin_neighbor = Neighbors::where('user_id', '=', $user_id)->first();
     $colony_data = Colony::where('id', '=', $promo->colony_id)->first();
     $colony_name = $colony_data->name;
     $data = array('email' => $admin_email, 'days' => $promo->days, 'code' => Crypt::decrypt($promo->code), 'colony' => $colony_name, 'admin' => $admin_neighbor->name . ' ' . $admin_neighbor->last_name);
     Mail::send('emails.cupon_promo', $data, function ($message) use($admin_email) {
         $message->subject('Promo de HABITARIA');
     $notice_msg = 'Promo enviada al administrador de la Colonia: ' . $colony_name;
     return Redirect::back()->with('error', false)->with('msg', $notice_msg)->with('class', 'info');
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function promo_store()
     $data = Input::all();
     $colonia = Input::get('colony_id');
     $code = Input::get('code');
     $promo_colonia = Promo::where('colony_id', '=', $colonia)->get();
     $code_exist = 0;
     foreach ($promo_colonia as $promo) {
         if ($code == Crypt::decrypt($promo->code)) {
             $code_exist = 1;
             $code_id = $promo->id;
             $promo_status = $promo->status;
     if ($code_exist == 1) {
         if ($promo_status == 0) {
             $promo = Promo::where('id', '=', $code_id)->first();
             $promo->status = 1;
             if ($promo->update(['id'])) {
                 $expiration = Expiration::where('colony_id', '=', $colonia)->first();
                 $expiration_old = date('Y-m-j', strtotime($expiration->expiration));
                 $newExpiration = strtotime('+' . $promo->days . ' day', strtotime($expiration_old));
                 $newExpiration = date('Y-m-j', $newExpiration);
                 $expiration->expiration = $newExpiration;
                 $datetime2 = new DateTime($expiration->expiration);
                 $datetime1 = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d'));
                 $interval = $datetime1->diff($datetime2);
                 $days_expiration = $interval->format('%a');
                 Session::put('days_expiration', $days_expiration);
                 $notice_msg = 'Código de la promo activado';
                 return Redirect::route('home')->with('notice_modal', $notice_msg);
         } else {
             $error_msg = 'Este Código de la promo ya se fue utilizado';
             return Redirect::back()->with('error_modal', $error_msg);
     } else {
         $error_msg = 'Código de la promo inválido';
         return Redirect::back()->with('error_modal', $error_msg);
Ejemplo n.º 12

require_once "conf/top.php";
//$user = new User($_SESSION['user_session']);
include_once 'models/class.Promo.php';
if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
    $id = $_REQUEST['id'];
    if ($level == 1) {
        $promo = new Promo();
    } else {
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 13

namespace CoR2;

$promo = Promo::init();
$cart = new Cart();
$cart->add('A0001', 1);
$cart->add('A0002', 2);
$cart->add('B0001', 1);
$cart->add('B0002', 2);
$cart->add('C0001', 1);
$cart->add('C0002', 2);
echo $cart->getTotal(), "\n";
class Cart
    protected static $_priceTable = ['A0001' => 100, 'A0002' => 150, 'B0001' => 300, 'B0002' => 200, 'C0001' => 200, 'C0002' => 200];
    protected $_total = 0;
    protected $_items = [];
    protected $_promo = null;
    public function setPromo(Promo $promo)
        $this->_promo = $promo;
    public function add($sn, $quantity)
        $price = static::$_priceTable[$sn];
        $price = $this->_promo->calculate($sn, $price);
        $this->_items[$sn] = [$price, $quantity];
Ejemplo n.º 14
require_once "conf/top.php";
include_once "models/class.Promo.php";
$mail = new Mail();
$row = 1;
$ldb = "";
$promo = new Promo();
$promo_l = $promo->getAll();
$uploads_dir = 'uploads_csv';
$name = "";
$tmp_name = "";
if (isset($_FILES["bouton_file"])) {
    $tmp_name = $_FILES["bouton_file"]["tmp_name"];
    $name = $_FILES["bouton_file"]["name"];
    move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $uploads_dir . "/" . $name);
if (isset($_FILES["bouton_file"]) && isset($_REQUEST['promo'])) {
    $promo_id = $_REQUEST['promo'];
    if (file_exists($uploads_dir . "/" . $name)) {
        $file = $uploads_dir . "/" . $name;
        if (($handle = fopen($file, "r")) !== FALSE) {
            while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ";")) !== FALSE) {
                $num = count($data);
                $nom = $data[0];
                $prenom = $data[1];
                $mail_user = $data[2];
                if (isset($data[3])) {
                    $password = password_hash($data[3], PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
                } else {
Ejemplo n.º 15
    <h3>design project</h3>

  <a href=''>設計作品欣賞更多作品 »</a>

<article class='b3'>
foreach (Promo::all(array('order' => 'sort DESC', 'limit' => 4)) as $promo) {
      <a href='<?php 
    echo $promo->link;
    echo $promo->target == Promo::TARGET_BLANK ? ' target="_blank"' : '';
        <img src='<?php 
    echo $promo->cover->url('500w');
' alt='<?php 
    echo $promo->title;
Ejemplo n.º 16

require_once "conf/top.php";
//$user = new User($_SESSION['user_session']);
include_once 'models/class.Promo.php';
$promo = new Promo($_REQUEST['id']);
echo $twig->render("modif_promo.html.twig", array("id" => $promo->getId(), "libelle" => $promo->getLibelle(), "mail" => $promo->getMail()));
if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['nom']) && isset($_REQUEST['email'])) {
        $db = Database::getInstance();
        $promo = new Promo();
        $promo->updatePromo($_REQUEST['id'], $_REQUEST['nom'], $_REQUEST['email']);
        header('Location: promo_list.php');
Ejemplo n.º 17
if (!isset($utiliseo)) {
    $utiliseo = "";
if (!isset($illimiteo)) {
    $illimiteo = "";
$utilisen = "";
$illimiten = "";
$nbLimite = "";
$typep = "";

$promo = new Promo();
if ($promo->actif) {
    $utiliseo = "checked=\"checked\"";
} else {
    $utilisen = "checked=\"checked\"";
if ($promo->limite == 0) {
    $illimiteo = "checked=\"checked\"";
} else {
    $nbLimite = $promo->limite;
    $illimiten = "checked=\"checked\"";
if ($promo->type == Promo::TYPE_SOMME) {
    $types = "checked=\"checked\"";
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * @param Promo $promo
  * @return bool
 public function setPromo(Promo $promo)
     $this->promo = $promo;
     $this->id_promo = $promo->getId();
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 19

require_once "conf/top.php";
//$user = new User($_SESSION['user_session']);
include_once 'models/class.Promo.php';
$promo = new Promo();
header('Location: promo_list.php');
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Show the form for editing the specified resource.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function edit($id)
     $stock = $this->stock->find($id);
     if (is_null($stock)) {
         return Redirect::route('stocks.index');
     $terminals = Terminal::all();
     $arrTerminals = array();
     foreach ($terminals as $terminal) {
         $arrTerminals[$terminal->id] = $terminal->name;
     $productss = Product::all();
     $arrProducts = array();
     foreach ($productss as $products) {
         $arrProducts[$products->id] = $products->title;
     return View::make('stocks.edit', compact('stock'), array('terminals_selector' => $arrTerminals, 'products_selector' => $arrProducts, 'promo_type_selector' => Promo::getTypes()));
Ejemplo n.º 21
echo round($commande->remise, 2);
echo $devise->symbole;
	<ul class="ligne_claire_BlocDescription">
		<li class="designation" style="width:290px;"><?php 
echo trad('Code_promo', 'admin');
$promoutil = new Promoutil();
if ($promoutil->charger_commande($commande->id)) {
    $promo = new Promo();
    if ($promoutil->code == $promo->code && $promoutil->type == $promo->type && $promoutil->valeur == $promo->valeur) {
			<a href="promo_modifier.php?id=<?php 
        echo $promoutil->promo;
        echo $promoutil->code;
    } else {
        echo $promoutil->code;
Ejemplo n.º 22
function paiement($type_paiement)
    if (!$_SESSION['navig']->client->id || $_SESSION['navig']->panier->nbart < 1) {
    $total = 0;
    $nbart = 0;
    $poids = 0;
    $unitetr = 0;
    $modules = new Modules();
    if (!$modules->actif) {
        return 0;
    try {
        $modpaiement = ActionsModules::instance()->instancier($modules->nom);
        $commande = new Commande();
        $commande->transport = $_SESSION['navig']->commande->transport;
        $commande->client = $_SESSION['navig']->client->id;
        $commande->remise = 0;
        $devise = ActionsDevises::instance()->get_devise_courante();
        $commande->devise = $devise->id;
        $commande->taux = $devise->taux;
        $client = new Client();
        $adr = new Venteadr();
        $adr->raison = $client->raison;
        $adr->entreprise = $client->entreprise;
        $adr->nom = $client->nom;
        $adr->prenom = $client->prenom;
        $adr->adresse1 = $client->adresse1;
        $adr->adresse2 = $client->adresse2;
        $adr->adresse3 = $client->adresse3;
        $adr->cpostal = $client->cpostal;
        $adr->ville = $client->ville;
        $adr->tel = $client->telfixe . "  " . $client->telport;
        $adr->pays = $client->pays;
        $adrcli = $adr->add();
        $commande->adrfact = $adrcli;
        $adr = new Venteadr();
        $livraison = new Adresse();
        if ($livraison->charger($_SESSION['navig']->adresse)) {
            $adr->raison = $livraison->raison;
            $adr->entreprise = $livraison->entreprise;
            $adr->nom = $livraison->nom;
            $adr->prenom = $livraison->prenom;
            $adr->adresse1 = $livraison->adresse1;
            $adr->adresse2 = $livraison->adresse2;
            $adr->adresse3 = $livraison->adresse3;
            $adr->cpostal = $livraison->cpostal;
            $adr->ville = $livraison->ville;
            $adr->tel = $livraison->tel;
            $adr->pays = $livraison->pays;
        } else {
            $adr->raison = $client->raison;
            $adr->entreprise = $client->entreprise;
            $adr->nom = $client->nom;
            $adr->prenom = $client->prenom;
            $adr->adresse1 = $client->adresse1;
            $adr->adresse2 = $client->adresse2;
            $adr->adresse3 = $client->adresse3;
            $adr->cpostal = $client->cpostal;
            $adr->ville = $client->ville;
            $adr->tel = $client->telfixe . "  " . $client->telport;
            $adr->pays = $client->pays;
        $adrlivr = $adr->add();
        $commande->adrlivr = $adrlivr;
        $commande->facture = 0;
        $commande->statut = Commande::NONPAYE;
        $commande->paiement = $type_paiement;
        $commande->lang = ActionsLang::instance()->get_id_langue_courante();
        $commande->id = $commande->add();
        $pays = new Pays();
        $correspondanceParent = array(null);
        foreach ($_SESSION['navig']->panier->tabarticle as $pos => &$article) {
            $venteprod = new Venteprod();
            $dectexte = "\n";
            $produit = new Produit();
            $stock = new Stock();
            foreach ($article->perso as $perso) {
                $declinaison = new Declinaison();
                $declinaisondesc = new Declinaisondesc();
                if (is_numeric($perso->valeur) && $modpaiement->defalqcmd) {
                    // diminution des stocks de déclinaison si on est sur un module de paiement qui défalque de suite
                    $stock->charger($perso->valeur, $article->produit->id);
                    $stock->valeur -= $article->quantite;
                // recup valeur declidisp ou string
                if ($declinaison->isDeclidisp($perso->declinaison)) {
                    $declidisp = new Declidisp();
                    $declidispdesc = new Declidispdesc();
                    $dectexte .= "- " . $declinaisondesc->titre . " : " . $declidispdesc->titre . "\n";
                } else {
                    $dectexte .= "- " . $declinaisondesc->titre . " : " . $perso->valeur . "\n";
            // diminution des stocks classiques si on est sur un module de paiement qui défalque de suite
            $produit = new Produit($article->produit->ref);
            if ($modpaiement->defalqcmd) {
                $produit->stock -= $article->quantite;
            /* Gestion TVA */
            $prix = $article->produit->prix;
            $prix2 = $article->produit->prix2;
            $tva = $article->produit->tva;
            if ($pays->tva != "" && (!$pays->tva || $pays->tva && $_SESSION['navig']->client->intracom != "" && !$pays->boutique)) {
                $prix = round($prix / (1 + $tva / 100), 2);
                $prix2 = round($prix2 / (1 + $tva / 100), 2);
                $tva = 0;
            $venteprod->quantite = $article->quantite;
            if (!$article->produit->promo) {
                $venteprod->prixu = $prix;
            } else {
                $venteprod->prixu = $prix2;
            $venteprod->ref = $article->produit->ref;
            $venteprod->titre = $article->produitdesc->titre . " " . $dectexte;
            $venteprod->chapo = $article->produitdesc->chapo;
            $venteprod->description = $article->produitdesc->description;
            $venteprod->tva = $tva;
            $venteprod->commande = $commande->id;
            $venteprod->id = $venteprod->add();
            $correspondanceParent[] = $venteprod->id;
            // ajout dans ventedeclisp des declidisp associées au venteprod
            foreach ($article->perso as $perso) {
                $declinaison = new Declinaison();
                // si declidisp (pas un champs libre)
                if ($declinaison->isDeclidisp($perso->declinaison)) {
                    $vdec = new Ventedeclidisp();
                    $vdec->venteprod = $venteprod->id;
                    $vdec->declidisp = $perso->valeur;
            ActionsModules::instance()->appel_module("apresVenteprod", $venteprod, $pos);
            $total += $venteprod->prixu * $venteprod->quantite;
            $poids += $article->produit->poids;
        foreach ($correspondanceParent as $id_panier => $id_venteprod) {
            if ($_SESSION['navig']->panier->tabarticle[$id_panier]->parent >= 0) {
                $venteprod->parent = $correspondanceParent[$_SESSION['navig']->panier->tabarticle[$id_panier]->parent];
        $pays = new Pays($_SESSION['navig']->client->pays);
        if ($_SESSION['navig']->client->pourcentage > 0) {
            $commande->remise = $total * $_SESSION['navig']->client->pourcentage / 100;
        $total -= $commande->remise;
        if ($_SESSION['navig']->promo->id != "") {
            $commande->remise += calc_remise($total);
            $_SESSION['navig']->promo->utilise = 1;
            if (!empty($commande->remise)) {
                $commande->remise = round($commande->remise, 2);
            $temppromo = new Promo();
            $promoutil = new Promoutil();
            $promoutil->commande = $commande->id;
            $promoutil->promo = $temppromo->id;
            $promoutil->code = $temppromo->code;
            $promoutil->type = $temppromo->type;
            $promoutil->valeur = $temppromo->valeur;
        if ($commande->remise > $total) {
            $commande->remise = $total;
        $commande->port = port();
        if (intval($commande->port) <= 0) {
            $commande->port = 0;
        $_SESSION['navig']->promo = new Promo();
        $_SESSION['navig']->commande = $commande;
        $commande->transaction = genid($commande->id, 6);
        $total = $_SESSION['navig']->panier->total(1, $_SESSION['navig']->commande->remise) + $_SESSION['navig']->commande->port;
        if ($total < $_SESSION['navig']->commande->port) {
            $total = $_SESSION['navig']->commande->port;
        $_SESSION['navig']->commande->total = $total;
        ActionsModules::instance()->appel_module("aprescommande", $commande);
        // Appeler la méthode mail du plugin de paiement...
        // ... et la méthode paiement
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        // FIXME: Echec de commande -> cas à traiter ?
Ejemplo n.º 23

require_once "conf/top.php";
include_once 'models/class.Promo.php';
$promo = new Promo($_REQUEST['id']);
$user_list = new User();
echo $twig->render("add_user_promo.html.twig", array("user_list" => $user_list->getAllNoneAttributePromo(), "libelle_promo" => $promo->getLibelle(), "id_promo" => $promo->getId()));
if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
    $db = Database::getInstance();
    foreach ($_REQUEST['list_eleve'] as $e) {
        $promo->add_user_promo($e, $_REQUEST['id']);
    header('Location: promo_list.php');
Ejemplo n.º 24
function supprimer($id)
    $promo = new Promo();
    $promo->actif = -1;
    ActionsModules::instance()->appel_module("suppromo", $promo);
Ejemplo n.º 25

require_once "conf/top.php";
//$user = new User($_SESSION['user_session']);
include_once 'models/class.Promo.php';
echo $twig->render("new_promo.html.twig");
if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['nom']) && isset($_REQUEST['email'])) {
        $db = Database::getInstance();
        $promo = new Promo();
        $promo->addPromo($_REQUEST['nom'], $_REQUEST['email']);
        header('Location: promo_list.php');
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public function destroy()
     $promo = $this->promo;
     $delete = Promo::transaction(function () use($promo) {
         return $promo->destroy();
     if (!$delete) {
         return redirect_message(array('admin', $this->get_class()), array('_flash_message' => '刪除失敗!'));
     return redirect_message(array('admin', $this->get_class()), array('_flash_message' => '刪除成功!'));
Ejemplo n.º 27

require_once "conf/top.php";
include_once "models/class.Cours.php";
include_once "models/class.Doc.php";
include_once "models/class.Year.php";
include_once "models/class.Promo.php";
include_once "models/class.DocShared.php";
$cours = new Cours();
$doc = new Doc();
$docS = new DocShared();
$promo = new Promo();
$semestre = 1;
if ($semestre == 1) {
    if ($level == 1 || $level == 2) {
        $cours_l = $cours->CoursListProfS1($userid);
        $doc_l = $docS->allyeardocProfS1($userid);
    } else {
        $promo_id = $promo->user_promo_id($userid);
        $cours_l = $cours->CoursListPS1($promo_id[0]['promo_id']);
        $doc_l = $docS->allyeardocS1($promo_id[0]['promo_id']);
} else {
    if ($level == 1 || $level == 2) {
        $cours_l = $cours->CoursListProfS2($userid);
        $doc_l = $docS->allyeardocProfS2($userid);
    } else {
        $promo_id = $promo->user_promo_id($userid);
        $cours_l = $cours->CoursListPS2($promo_id[0]['promo_id']);
        $doc_l = $docS->allyeardocS2($promo_id[0]['promo_id']);
 public static function getPromoByLabel($labelToSearch)
     global $bdd;
     $sql = "SELECT *\n\t\t\t\tFROM promo_label\n\t\t\t\tWHERE label = ?";
     $rq = $bdd->prepare($sql);
     $data = $rq->fetch();
     $promo = new Promo();
     return $promo;
Ejemplo n.º 29

require_once "conf/top.php";
include_once 'models/class.Droit.php';
include_once 'models/class.Promo.php';
$user = new User($userid);
$username = $user->toStringUsername();
$promo = new Promo();
$promo_list = $promo->getAll();
$droit = new Droit();
$droit_list = $droit->getAll();
$mail = new Mail();
echo $twig->render("new_user.html.twig", array("user" => array('name' => $username), "promo" => $promo_list, "droit" => $droit_list));
if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['nom']) && isset($_REQUEST['prenom']) && isset($_REQUEST['email']) && isset($_REQUEST['droit'])) {
        $db = Database::getInstance();
        $prenom = $_REQUEST['prenom'];
        $nom = $_REQUEST['nom'];
        $email = $_REQUEST['email'];
        $droit = $_REQUEST['droit'];
        if ($_REQUEST['password'] != '') {
            $password = password_hash($_REQUEST['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
        } else {
            $rand = $user->generer_mot_de_passe();
            $password = password_hash($rand, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
            $subject = "LinCS2i - vos identifiants";
            $message = "Bonjour " . $prenom . ", Voici votre mot de passe : " . $rand . "";
            $mail->sendmail($email, $subject, $message);
        if ($droit == 1 || $droit == 2) {
            $user->new_user($password, $prenom, $nom, $droit);
Ejemplo n.º 30

require_once "conf/top.php";
//$user = new User($_SESSION['user_session']);
include_once 'models/class.Droit.php';
include_once 'models/class.Promo.php';
$user = new User($_REQUEST['id']);
$id_droit = $user->getID_Droit();
$promo = new Promo();
$promo_list = $promo->getAll();
$droit = new Droit();
$droit_list = $droit->getAll();
if ($id_droit == 1 || $id_droit == 2) {
    echo $twig->render("modif_user.html.twig", array("user" => $infUser = $user->getInfoAdminProfModif(), "promo" => $promo_list, "droit" => $droit_list));
} else {
    echo $twig->render("modif_user.html.twig", array("user" => $infUser = $user->getInfoEleveModif(), "promo" => $promo_list, "droit" => $droit_list));
if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['nom']) && isset($_REQUEST['prenom']) && isset($_REQUEST['email']) && isset($_REQUEST['droit'])) {
        $db = Database::getInstance();
        $prenom = $_REQUEST['prenom'];
        $nom = $_REQUEST['nom'];
        $email = $_REQUEST['email'];
        $droit = $_REQUEST['droit'];
        $idpromo = $_REQUEST['promo'];
        $password = "";
        if (password_verify($_REQUEST['currentPass'], $user->getPass())) {
            if (!empty($_REQUEST['newPass']) && !empty($_REQUEST['reNewPass'])) {
                if ($_REQUEST['newPass'] == $_REQUEST['reNewPass']) {
                    $password = password_hash($_REQUEST['newPass'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
                } else {