Ejemplo n.º 1
$proj25833 = new Proj4phpProj('EPSG:25833', $proj4);
$proj31468 = new Proj4phpProj('EPSG:31468', $proj4);
// GPS
// latitude        longitude
// 48,831938       2,355781
// 48°49'54.977''  2°21'20.812''
// L93
// 652709.401   6859290.946
// LI
// 601413.709   1125717.730
$pointSrc = new proj4phpPoint('652709.401', '6859290.946');
echo "Source : " . $pointSrc->toShortString() . " in L93 <br>";
$pointDest = $proj4->transform($projL93, $projWGS84, $pointSrc);
echo "Conversion : " . $pointDest->toShortString() . " in WGS84<br><br>";
$pointSrc = $pointDest;
echo "Source : " . $pointSrc->toShortString() . " in WGS84<br>";
$pointDest = $proj4->transform($projWGS84, $projLSud, $pointSrc);
echo "Conversion : " . $pointDest->toShortString() . " in Lambert Sud<br><br>";
$pointSrc = $pointDest;
echo "Source : " . $pointSrc->toShortString() . " in Lambert Sud<br>";
$pointDest = $proj4->transform($projLSud, $projWGS84, $pointSrc);
echo "Conversion : " . $pointDest->toShortString() . " in WGS84<br><br>";
$pointSrc = $pointDest;
echo "Source : " . $pointSrc->toShortString() . " in WGS84<br>";
$pointDest = $proj4->transform($projWGS84, $projLI, $pointSrc);
echo "Conversion : " . $pointDest->toShortString() . " in LI <br><br>";
$pointSrc = $pointDest;
echo "Source : " . $pointSrc->toShortString() . " in LI<br>";
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function readData($source_definition, $rest_parameters = array())
     // It may take a while for the SHP to be read
     // Get the limit and offset
     list($limit, $offset) = Pager::calculateLimitAndOffset();
     // Disregard the paging when rest parameters are given
     if (!empty($rest_parameters)) {
         $limit = PHP_INT_MAX;
         $offset = 0;
     $uri = $source_definition['uri'];
     $columns = array();
     $epsg = $source_definition['epsg'];
     // The tmp folder of the system, if none is given
     // abort the process
     $tmp_path = sys_get_temp_dir();
     if (empty($tmp_path)) {
         // If this occurs then the server is not configured correctly, thus a 500 error is thrown
         \App::abort(500, "The temp directory, retrieved by the operating system, could not be retrieved.");
     // Get the columns
     $columns = $this->tabular_columns->getColumnAliases($source_definition['id'], 'ShpDefinition');
     // Get the geo properties
     $geo_properties = $this->geo_property->getGeoProperties($source_definition['id'], 'ShpDefinition');
     $geo = array();
     foreach ($geo_properties as $geo_prop) {
         $geo[$geo_prop['property']] = $geo_prop['path'];
     if (!$columns) {
         \App::abort(500, "Cannot find the columns of the SHP definition.");
     try {
         // Create the array in which all the resulting objects will be placed
         $arrayOfRowObjects = array();
         // Prepare the options to read the SHP file
         $options = array('noparts' => false);
         $is_url = substr($uri, 0, 4) == "http";
         // If the shape files are located on an HTTP address, fetch them and store them locally
         if ($is_url) {
             $tmp_file_name = uniqid();
             $tmp_file = $tmp_path . "/" . $tmp_file_name;
             file_put_contents($tmp_file . ".shp", file_get_contents(substr($uri, 0, strlen($uri) - 4) . ".shp"));
             file_put_contents($tmp_file . ".dbf", file_get_contents(substr($uri, 0, strlen($uri) - 4) . ".dbf"));
             file_put_contents($tmp_file . ".shx", file_get_contents(substr($uri, 0, strlen($uri) - 4) . ".shx"));
             // Along this file the class will use file.shx and file.dbf
             $shp = new ShapeReader($tmp_file . ".shp", $options);
         } else {
             $shp = new ShapeReader($uri, $options);
             // along this file the class will use file.shx and file.dbf
         // Keep track of the total amount of rows
         $total_rows = 0;
         // Get the shape records in the binary file
         while ($record = $shp->getNext()) {
             if ($offset <= $total_rows && $offset + $limit > $total_rows) {
                 // Every shape record is parsed as an anonymous object with the properties attached to it
                 $rowobject = new \stdClass();
                 // Get the dBASE data
                 $dbf_data = $record->getDbfData();
                 foreach ($dbf_data as $property => $value) {
                     $property_alias = $columns[$property];
                     $property = trim($property);
                     $property_alias = $columns[$property];
                     $rowobject->{$property_alias} = trim($value);
                 // Read the shape data
                 $shp_data = $record->getShpData();
                 if (!empty($epsg)) {
                     $proj4 = new \Proj4php();
                     $projSrc = new \Proj4phpProj('EPSG:' . $epsg, $proj4);
                     $projDest = new \Proj4phpProj('EPSG:4326', $proj4);
                 // It it's not a point, it's a collection of coordinates describing a shape
                 if (!empty($shp_data['parts'])) {
                     $parts = array();
                     foreach ($shp_data['parts'] as $part) {
                         $points = array();
                         foreach ($part['points'] as $point) {
                             $x = $point['x'];
                             $y = $point['y'];
                             // Translate the coordinates to WSG84 geo coordinates
                             if (!empty($epsg)) {
                                 $pointSrc = new \proj4phpPoint($x, $y);
                                 $pointDest = $proj4->transform($projSrc, $projDest, $pointSrc);
                                 $x = $pointDest->x;
                                 $y = $pointDest->y;
                             $points[] = $x . ',' . $y;
                         array_push($parts, implode(" ", $points));
                     // Parts only contains 1 shape, thus 1 geo entry
                     $alias = reset($geo);
                     $rowobject->{$alias} = implode(';', $parts);
                 if (isset($shp_data['x'])) {
                     $x = $shp_data['x'];
                     $y = $shp_data['y'];
                     if (!empty($epsg)) {
                         $pointSrc = new \proj4phpPoint($x, $y);
                         $pointDest = $proj4->transform($projSrc, $projDest, $pointSrc);
                         $x = $pointDest->x;
                         $y = $pointDest->y;
                     $rowobject->{$geo}['longitude'] = $x;
                     $rowobject->{$geo}['latitude'] = $y;
                 array_push($arrayOfRowObjects, $rowobject);
         // Calculate the paging headers properties
         $paging = Pager::calculatePagingHeaders($limit, $offset, $total_rows);
         $data_result = new Data();
         $data_result->data = $arrayOfRowObjects;
         $data_result->geo = $geo;
         $data_result->paging = $paging;
         $data_result->preferred_formats = array('map');
         return $data_result;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         \App::abort(500, "Something went wrong while putting the SHP files in a temporary directory or during the extraction of the SHP data. The error message is: {$ex->getMessage}().");
Ejemplo n.º 3
if ($error === true) {
    if ($format == 'json') {
        echo "{\"status\":\"error\", \"erreur\": {\"code\": 2, \"message\": \"Wrong parameters.\"} }";
    } else {
        echo "<reponse>";
        echo "  <erreur>";
        echo "    <code>2</code>";
        echo "    <message>Wrong parameters</message>";
        echo "  </erreur>";
        echo "</reponse>";
$pointSrc = new proj4phpPoint($x, $y);
$pointDest = $proj4->transform($projsource, $projdest, $pointSrc);
$tgtProjection = str_replace(':', '::', $tgtProjection);
if ($format == 'json') {
    echo "{\"status\" :\"success\", \"point\" : {\"x\":" . $pointDest->x . ", \"y\":" . $pointDest->y . ",\"projection\" :\"" . $tgtProjection . "\"}}";
} else {
    echo "<reponse>";
    echo "<point>";
    echo "<x>" . $pointDest->x . "</x>";
    echo "<y>" . $pointDest->y . "</y>";
    echo "<projection>" . $tgtProjection . "</projection>";
    echo "</point>";
    echo "</reponse>";
  * Get layer tile info.
 public static function getLayerTileInfo($layerName, $project, $wms_xml, $tileMatrixSetList)
     $DOTS_PER_INCH = 72;
     $METERS_PER_INCH = 0.0254000508001016;
     $INCHES_PER_UNIT = array('inches' => 1.0, 'ft' => 12.0, 'mi' => 63360.0, 'm' => 39.37, 'km' => 39370, 'dd' => 4374754, 'yd' => 36);
     $INCHES_PER_UNIT["in"] = $INCHES_PER_UNIT['inches'];
     $INCHES_PER_UNIT["degrees"] = $INCHES_PER_UNIT['dd'];
     $INCHES_PER_UNIT["nmi"] = 1852 * $INCHES_PER_UNIT['m'];
     $tileWidth = 256.0;
     $tileHeight = 256.0;
     $rootLayer = $wms_xml->xpath("//wms:Capability/wms:Layer");
     if (!$rootLayer || count($rootLayer) == 0) {
         return null;
     $rootLayer = $rootLayer[0];
     $rootExtent = array((double) $rootLayer->EX_GeographicBoundingBox->westBoundLongitude, (double) $rootLayer->EX_GeographicBoundingBox->southBoundLatitude, (double) $rootLayer->EX_GeographicBoundingBox->eastBoundLongitude, (double) $rootLayer->EX_GeographicBoundingBox->northBoundLatitude);
     $opt = $project->getOptions();
     $scales = array_merge(array(), $opt->mapScales);
     $layers = $project->getLayers();
     $layer = $layers->{$layerName};
     $xmlLayer = $wms_xml->xpath('//wms:Layer/wms:Name[. ="' . $layer->name . '"]/parent::*');
     if (!$rootLayer || count($rootLayer) == 0) {
         return null;
     $xmlLayer = $xmlLayer[0];
     $layerExtent = null;
     $xmlLayers = $wms_xml->xpath('//wms:Layer/wms:Name[. ="' . $layer->name . '"]/parent::*//wms:Layer');
     foreach ($xmlLayers as $xmlcLayer) {
         if (!property_exists($xmlcLayer, 'Layer')) {
             if ($layerExtent == null) {
                 $layerExtent = array((double) $xmlcLayer->EX_GeographicBoundingBox->westBoundLongitude, (double) $xmlcLayer->EX_GeographicBoundingBox->southBoundLatitude, (double) $xmlcLayer->EX_GeographicBoundingBox->eastBoundLongitude, (double) $xmlcLayer->EX_GeographicBoundingBox->northBoundLatitude);
             } else {
                 if ($layerExtent[0] > (double) $xmlcLayer->EX_GeographicBoundingBox->westBoundLongitude) {
                     $layerExtent[0] = (double) $xmlcLayer->EX_GeographicBoundingBox->westBoundLongitude;
                 if ($layerExtent[1] > (double) $xmlcLayer->EX_GeographicBoundingBox->southBoundLatitude) {
                     $layerExtent[1] = (double) $xmlcLayer->EX_GeographicBoundingBox->southBoundLatitude;
                 if ($layerExtent[2] < (double) $xmlcLayer->EX_GeographicBoundingBox->eastBoundLongitude) {
                     $layerExtent[2] = (double) $xmlcLayer->EX_GeographicBoundingBox->eastBoundLongitude;
                 if ($layerExtent[3] < (double) $xmlcLayer->EX_GeographicBoundingBox->northBoundLatitude) {
                     $layerExtent[3] = (double) $xmlcLayer->EX_GeographicBoundingBox->northBoundLatitude;
     if ($layerExtent == null) {
         $layerExtent = array((double) $xmlLayer->EX_GeographicBoundingBox->westBoundLongitude, (double) $xmlLayer->EX_GeographicBoundingBox->southBoundLatitude, (double) $xmlLayer->EX_GeographicBoundingBox->eastBoundLongitude, (double) $xmlLayer->EX_GeographicBoundingBox->northBoundLatitude);
     // cannot be extra rootExtent
     if ($layerExtent[0] < $rootExtent[0]) {
         $layerExtent[0] = $rootExtent[0];
     if ($layerExtent[1] < $rootExtent[1]) {
         $layerExtent[1] = $rootExtent[1];
     if ($layerExtent[2] > $rootExtent[2]) {
         $layerExtent[2] = $rootExtent[2];
     if ($layerExtent[3] > $rootExtent[3]) {
         $layerExtent[3] = $rootExtent[3];
     $lowerCorner = (object) array('x' => $layerExtent[0], 'y' => $layerExtent[1]);
     $upperCorner = (object) array('x' => $layerExtent[2], 'y' => $layerExtent[3]);
     $opt = $project->getOptions();
     $proj4 = new Proj4php();
     Proj4php::$defs[$opt->projection->ref] = $opt->projection->proj4;
     $sourceProj = new Proj4phpProj('EPSG:4326', $proj4);
     $tileMatrixSetLinkList = array();
     foreach ($tileMatrixSetList as $tileMatrixSet) {
         $destProj = new Proj4phpProj($tileMatrixSet->ref, $proj4);
         $sourceMinPt = new proj4phpPoint($layerExtent[0], $layerExtent[1]);
         $destMinPt = $proj4->transform($sourceProj, $destProj, $sourceMinPt);
         $sourceMaxPt = new proj4phpPoint($layerExtent[2], $layerExtent[3]);
         $destMaxPt = $proj4->transform($sourceProj, $destProj, $sourceMaxPt);
         $extent = array($destMinPt->x, $destMinPt->y, $destMaxPt->x, $destMaxPt->y);
         $tileMatrixList = $tileMatrixSet->tileMatrixList;
         $tileMatrixLimits = array();
         foreach ($tileMatrixList as $k => $tileMatrix) {
             $maxScale = $layer->maxScale;
                             if ( $maxScale > $scales[0] )
                                 $maxScale = $scales[0];
                                 * */
             $minScale = $layer->minScale;
                             if ( $minScale < $scales[ count($scales) - 1 ] )
                                 $minScale = $scales[ count($scales) - 1 ];
                                 * */
             if ($tileMatrix->scaleDenominator <= $maxScale && $tileMatrix->scaleDenominator >= $minScale) {
                 $res = $tileMatrix->resolution;
                 $minCol = floor(($extent[0] - $tileMatrix->left) / ($tileWidth * $res));
                 $maxCol = floor(($extent[2] - $tileMatrix->left) / ($tileWidth * $res));
                 $minRow = floor(($tileMatrix->top - $extent[3]) / ($tileHeight * $res));
                 $maxRow = floor(($tileMatrix->top - $extent[1]) / ($tileHeight * $res));
                 $tileMatrixLimits[] = (object) array('id' => $k, 'minRow' => $minRow, 'maxRow' => $maxRow, 'minCol' => $minCol, 'maxCol' => $maxCol);
         $tileMatrixSetLink = (object) array('ref' => $tileMatrixSet->ref, 'tileMatrixLimits' => null);
         $tileMatrixSetLink->tileMatrixLimits = $tileMatrixLimits;
         $tileMatrixSetLinkList[] = $tileMatrixSetLink;
     $l = (object) array('id' => $layer->id, 'name' => $layer->name, 'title' => $layer->title, 'abstract' => $layer->abstract, 'imageFormat' => $layer->imageFormat, 'lowerCorner' => $lowerCorner, 'upperCorner' => $upperCorner, 'minScale' => $layer->minScale, 'maxScale' => $layer->maxScale, 'tileMatrixSetLinkList' => null);
     $l->tileMatrixSetLinkList = $tileMatrixSetLinkList;
     return $l;
Ejemplo n.º 5
include $_SERVER['argv'][1];
$proj4 = new Proj4php();
$projSrc = new Proj4phpProj('EPSG:TM2', $proj4);
$projDst = new Proj4phpProj('WGS84', $proj4);
$twd67to97 = function ($point) {
    $A = 1.549E-5;
    $B = 6.521E-6;
    $X67 = $point[0];
    $Y67 = $point[1];
    $X97 = $X67 + 807.8 + $A * $X67 + $B * $Y67;
    $Y97 = $Y67 - 248.6 + $A * $Y67 + $B * $X67;
    return array($X97, $Y97);
$fp = fopen('road.csv', 'r');
$output = fopen('php://output', 'w');
$columns = fgetcsv($fp);
fputcsv($output, $columns);
while ($rows = fgetcsv($fp)) {
    if ($rows[13] == 99 and $rows[14] == 99 or !$rows[13]) {
        $rows[13] = $rows[14] = '';
    } else {
        // 有些資料 X, Y 寫反,所以加上 min, max 判斷
        $point = $twd67to97(array(min($rows[13], $rows[14]), max($rows[13], $rows[14])));
        $pointSrc = new proj4phpPoint($point[0], $point[1]);
        $pointDst = $proj4->transform($projSrc, $projDst, $pointSrc);
        $rows[13] = $pointDst->x;
        $rows[14] = $pointDst->y;
        fputcsv($output, $rows);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function hasNext()
      * We have to return our information in non-hierarchical manner!
      * This brings some complications with handling shp files ofourcse
      * This class will be used as a normal reader would be used namely
      * while(hasNext()){ $data = pop()}
      * Since our records are hierarchical we will deliver a flattened object of the record since the ETML expects this
     if (($record = $this->shape_file_wrapper->getNext()) != false) {
         // read meta data
         $rowobject = array();
         $dbf_data = $record->getDbfData();
         foreach ($dbf_data as $property => $value) {
             $property = strtolower($property);
             $rowobject[$property] = trim($value);
         $shp_data = $record->getShpData();
         if (isset($shp_data['parts']) || $shp_data['x']) {
             // read shape data
             if ($this->EPSG != "") {
                 $proj4 = new \Proj4php();
                 $projSrc = new \Proj4phpProj('EPSG:' . $this->EPSG, $proj4);
                 $projDest = new \Proj4phpProj('EPSG:4326', $proj4);
             if (isset($shp_data['parts'])) {
                 $parts = array();
                 foreach ($shp_data['parts'] as $part) {
                     $points = array();
                     foreach ($part['points'] as $point) {
                         $x = $point['x'];
                         $y = $point['y'];
                         if ($this->EPSG != "" || true) {
                             $pointSrc = new \proj4phpPoint($x, $y);
                             $pointDest = $proj4->transform($projSrc, $projDest, $pointSrc);
                             $x = $pointDest->x;
                             $y = $pointDest->y;
                         $points[] = $x . ',' . $y;
                     array_push($parts, implode(" ", $points));
                 $rowobject["coords"] = implode(';', $parts);
             if (isset($shp_data['x'])) {
                 $x = $shp_data['x'];
                 $y = $shp_data['y'];
                 if ($EPSG != "") {
                     $pointSrc = new \proj4phpPoint($x, $y);
                     $pointDest = $proj4->transform($projSrc, $projDest, $pointSrc);
                     $x = $pointDest->x;
                     $y = $pointDest->y;
                 $rowobject["long"] = $x;
                 $rowobject["lat"] = $y;
         $this->read_record = $rowobject;
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;