/** This method is the main controller */ public static function serveWeb() { if (Config::get('PROFILING_ENABLED')) { Profiling::start('index'); } $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $hash = md5($url); if (!@(include 'cache/' . $hash)) { Router::setUrl($url); switch (Router::$node->getProperty('type')) { case 'page': case 'root': ControllerPage::compile(); break; case 'php': ControllerPhp::compile(); break; } } if (Config::get('PROFILING_ENABLED')) { Profiling::end(); } }
private static function _init() { if (null === self::$_instance) { self::$_instance = new Profiling(); } }
public function staticPrimitiveMemberNotInValues() { Profiling::$fixture = array($this, $this->name); $this->assertEquals(array(Profiling::$INSTANCE, Profiling::$EXTENSION), Profiling::values()); Profiling::$fixture = NULL; }
public static function callStack() { $GC = CARRY('get_class'); $callstack = Tree::getActiveCallstack(); $count = count($callstack); Tree::$currentIndex = count(Tree::getActiveNodes()) - 1; if (!$count) { return false; } for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { foreach (array_keys($callstack[$i]) as $key) { if (strpos($key, '_') === 0) { $callstack[$i][substr($key, 1)] = $callstack[$i][$key]; unset($callstack[$i][$key]); } elseif ($i < $count - 1) { unset($callstack[$i][$key]); } } } $final = array(); for ($i = $count - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $final += $callstack[$i]; } ksort($final); foreach ($final as $key => $value) { if (is_string($value)) { $name = "{$value}"; } elseif (is_array($value) and is_string($value[0])) { $name = "{$value[0]}"; } elseif (is_array($value) and is_array($value[0]) and is_string($value[0][0])) { $name = "{$value[0][0]}, {$value[0][1]}"; } elseif (is_array($value) and is_array($value[0]) and is_object($value[0][0])) { $name = "{$GC($value[0][0])}, {$value[0][1]}"; } elseif (is_closure($value)) { $name = "CLOSURE ({$key})"; } else { continue; } Profiling::start($name); if (is_closure($value)) { $value(); } else { if (is_string($value)) { $value = array($value); } $function = array_shift($value); call_user_func_array($function, $value); } Profiling::stop(); } return true; }
static function __static() { self::$INSTANCE = new self(0, 'INSTANCE'); self::$EXTENSION = new self(1, 'EXTENSION'); }