Ejemplo n.º 1
  * overrides parent method
 public static function getJSONPropertiesStructure()
     if (!isset(self::$_JSONPropertiesStructure)) {
         self::$_JSONPropertiesStructure = array_merge(parent::getJSONPropertiesStructure(), array('dbPersistentGridSettings' => false));
     return self::$_JSONPropertiesStructure;
  * @return array the config array passed to widget ()
 public function getGridViewConfig()
     if (!isset($this->_gridViewConfig)) {
         $this->_gridViewConfig = array_merge(parent::getGridViewConfig(), array('enableQtips' => true, 'qtipManager' => array('X2GridViewQtipManager', 'loadingText' => addslashes(Yii::t('app', 'loading...')), 'qtipSelector' => ".contact-name"), 'moduleName' => 'Contacts', 'defaultGvSettings' => array('gvCheckbox' => 30, 'name' => 125, 'email' => 165, 'leadSource' => 83, 'leadstatus' => 91, 'phone' => 107), 'specialColumns' => array('name' => array('name' => 'name', 'header' => Yii::t('contacts', 'Name'), 'value' => '$data->link', 'type' => 'raw')), 'massActions' => array('MassAddToList', 'NewListFromSelection'), 'enableTags' => true));
     return $this->_gridViewConfig;
  * @return array the config array passed to widget ()
 public function getGridViewConfig()
     if (!isset($this->_gridViewConfig)) {
         $this->_gridViewConfig = array_merge(parent::getGridViewConfig(), array('moduleName' => 'Accounts', 'defaultGvSettings' => array('gvCheckbox' => 30, 'name' => 184, 'type' => 153, 'phone' => 115), 'specialColumns' => array('name' => array('name' => 'name', 'header' => Yii::t('accounts', 'Name'), 'value' => '$data->link', 'type' => 'raw'))));
     return $this->_gridViewConfig;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * @return array the config array passed to widget ()
 public function getGridViewConfig()
     if (!isset($this->_gridViewConfig)) {
         $this->_gridViewConfig = array_merge(parent::getGridViewConfig(), array('moduleName' => 'X2Leads', 'defaultGvSettings' => array('gvCheckbox' => 30, 'name' => 164, 'quoteAmount' => 95, 'probability' => 77, 'expectedCloseDate' => 125, 'createDate' => 78, 'lastActivity' => 79, 'assignedTo' => 119), 'specialColumns' => array('name' => array('name' => 'name', 'header' => Yii::t('x2Leads', 'Name'), 'value' => '$data->link', 'type' => 'raw'))));
     return $this->_gridViewConfig;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * @return array the config array passed to widget ()
 public function getGridViewConfig()
     if (!isset($this->_gridViewConfig)) {
         $this->_gridViewConfig = array_merge(parent::getGridViewConfig(), array('moduleName' => 'Docs', 'defaultGvSettings' => array('name' => 253, 'createdBy' => 76, 'createDate' => 111, 'lastUpdated' => 115), 'specialColumns' => array('name' => array('header' => Yii::t('docs', 'Title'), 'name' => 'name', 'value' => '$data->link', 'type' => 'raw'), 'type' => array('header' => Yii::t('docs', 'Type'), 'name' => 'type', 'value' => '$data->parseType()', 'type' => 'raw'), 'createdBy' => array('header' => Yii::t('docs', 'Created By'), 'name' => 'createdBy', 'value' => 'User::getUserLinks($data->createdBy,true,true)', 'type' => 'raw'), 'updatedBy' => array('header' => Yii::t('docs', 'Updated By'), 'name' => 'updatedBy', 'value' => 'User::getUserLinks($data->updatedBy,true,true)', 'type' => 'raw')), 'excludedColumns' => array('text', 'type'), 'enableControls' => false));
     return $this->_gridViewConfig;
  * @return array the config array passed to widget ()
 public function getGridViewConfig()
     if (!isset($this->_gridViewConfig)) {
         $this->_gridViewConfig = array_merge(parent::getGridViewConfig(), array('moduleName' => 'Services', 'defaultGvSettings' => array('gvCheckbox' => 30, 'id' => 43, 'impact' => 80, 'status' => 233, 'assignedTo' => 112, 'lastUpdated' => 79, 'updatedBy' => 111), 'specialColumns' => array('id' => array('name' => 'id', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => '$data->link'), 'account' => array('name' => 'account', 'header' => Yii::t('contacts', 'Account'), 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => 'isset ($data->contactIdModel) ? ($data->contactIdModel ? (isset($data->contactIdModel->companyModel) ? $data->contactIdModel->companyModel->getLink() : "") : "") : ""'), 'status' => array('name' => 'status', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => 'Yii::t("services",$data->status)'), 'impact' => array('name' => 'impact', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => 'Yii::t("services",$data->impact)'))));
     return $this->_gridViewConfig;
  * @return array the config array passed to widget ()
 public function getGridViewConfig()
     if (!isset($this->_gridViewConfig)) {
         $this->_gridViewConfig = array_merge(parent::getGridViewConfig(), array('moduleName' => 'Marketing', 'defaultGvSettings' => array('gvCheckbox' => 30, 'name' => 156, 'listId' => 106, 'subject' => 271, 'launchDate' => 76, 'active' => 44, 'lastUpdated' => 78), 'specialColumns' => array('name' => array('name' => 'name', 'value' => '$data->link', 'type' => 'raw'), 'description' => array('name' => 'description', 'header' => Yii::t('marketing', 'Description'), 'value' => 'trimText($data->description)', 'type' => 'raw'))));
     return $this->_gridViewConfig;
 public static function getJSONPropertiesStructure()
     if (!isset(self::$_JSONPropertiesStructure)) {
         self::$_JSONPropertiesStructure = array_merge(parent::getJSONPropertiesStructure(), array('label' => 'Quotes Summary', 'hidden' => true));
     return self::$_JSONPropertiesStructure;
  * @return array the config array passed to widget ()
 public function getGridViewConfig()
     if (!isset($this->_gridViewConfig)) {
         $this->_gridViewConfig = array_merge(parent::getGridViewConfig(), array('defaultGvSettings' => array('isActive' => 65, 'fullName' => 125, 'tagLine' => 100, 'emailAddress' => 100, 'cellPhone' => 100, 'lastLogin' => 80), 'template' => '<div class="page-title"><h2 class="grid-widget-title-bar-dummy-element">' . '</h2>{buttons}{filterHint}' . '{summary}{topPager}</div>{items}{pager}', 'includedFields' => array('tagLine', 'username', 'officePhone', 'cellPhone', 'emailAddress', 'googleId', 'isActive', 'leadRoutingAvailability'), 'specialColumns' => array('fullName' => array('name' => 'fullName', 'header' => Yii::t('profile', 'Full Name'), 'value' => 'CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($data->fullName),array("view","id"=>$data->id))', 'type' => 'raw'), 'lastLogin' => array('name' => 'lastLogin', 'header' => Yii::t('profile', 'Last Login'), 'value' => '$data->user ? ($data->user->lastLogin == 0 ? "" : ' . 'Yii::app()->dateFormatter->formatDateTime (' . '$data->user->lastLogin, "medium")) : ""', 'type' => 'raw'), 'isActive' => array('name' => 'isActive', 'header' => Yii::t('profile', 'Active'), 'value' => '"<span title=\'' . '".(Session::isOnline ($data->username) ? ' . '"' . Yii::t('profile', 'Active User') . '" : "' . Yii::t('profile', 'Inactive User') . '")."\'' . ' class=\'".(Session::isOnline ($data->username) ? ' . '"active-indicator" : "inactive-indicator")."\'></span>"', 'type' => 'raw'), 'username' => array('name' => 'username', 'header' => Yii::t('profile', 'Username'), 'value' => '$data->user ? CHtml::encode($data->user->alias) : ""', 'type' => 'raw'), 'leadRoutingAvailability' => array('name' => 'leadRoutingAvailability', 'header' => Yii::t('profile', 'Lead Routing Availability'), 'value' => 'CHtml::encode($data->leadRoutingAvailability ? 
                             Yii::t("profile", "Available") :
                             Yii::t("profile", "Unavailable"))', 'type' => 'raw')), 'enableControls' => false));
     return $this->_gridViewConfig;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * @return array the config array passed to widget ()
 public function getGridViewConfig()
     if (!isset($this->_gridViewConfig)) {
         $this->_gridViewConfig = array_merge(parent::getGridViewConfig(), array('possibleResultsPerPage' => array(5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100), 'defaultGvSettings' => array('isActive' => 65, 'fullName' => 125, 'lastLogin' => 80, 'emailAddress' => 100), 'template' => CHtml::openTag('div', X2Html::mergeHtmlOptions(array('class' => 'page-title'), array('style' => !CPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($this->getWidgetProperty('showHeader')) && !CPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($this->getWidgetProperty('hideFullHeader')) ? 'display: none;' : ''))) . '<h2 class="grid-widget-title-bar-dummy-element">' . '</h2>{buttons}{filterHint}' . '{summary}{topPager}</div>{items}{pager}', 'includedFields' => array('tagLine', 'username', 'officePhone', 'cellPhone', 'emailAddress', 'googleId', 'isActive', 'leadRoutingAvailability'), 'specialColumns' => array('fullName' => array('name' => 'fullName', 'header' => Yii::t('profile', 'Full Name'), 'value' => 'CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($data->fullName),array("view","id"=>$data->id))', 'type' => 'raw'), 'lastLogin' => array('name' => 'lastLogin', 'header' => Yii::t('profile', 'Last Login'), 'value' => '$data->user ? ($data->user->lastLogin == 0 ? "" : ' . 'Formatter::formatDateDynamic ($data->user->lastLogin)) : ""', 'type' => 'raw'), 'isActive' => array('name' => 'isActive', 'header' => Yii::t('profile', 'Active'), 'value' => '"<span title=\'' . '".(Session::isOnline ($data->username) ? ' . '"' . Yii::t('profile', 'Active User') . '" : "' . Yii::t('profile', 'Inactive User') . '")."\'' . ' class=\'".(Session::isOnline ($data->username) ? ' . '"active-indicator" : "inactive-indicator")."\'></span>"', 'type' => 'raw'), 'username' => array('name' => 'username', 'header' => Yii::t('profile', 'Username'), 'value' => '$data->user ? CHtml::encode($data->user->alias) : ""', 'type' => 'raw'), 'leadRoutingAvailability' => array('name' => 'leadRoutingAvailability', 'header' => Yii::t('profile', 'Lead Routing Availability'), 'value' => 'CHtml::encode($data->leadRoutingAvailability ? 
                             Yii::t("profile", "Available") :
                             Yii::t("profile", "Unavailable"))', 'type' => 'raw')), 'enableControls' => false));
     return $this->_gridViewConfig;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * @return array the config array passed to widget ()
 public function getGridViewConfig()
     if (!isset($this->_gridViewConfig)) {
         $this->_gridViewConfig = array_merge(parent::getGridViewConfig(), array('massActions' => array('MassCompleteAction', 'MassUncompleteAction'), 'enableQtips' => true, 'qtipManager' => array('X2GridViewQtipManager', 'loadingText' => addslashes(Yii::t('app', 'loading...')), 'qtipSelector' => ".contact-name"), 'moduleName' => 'Actions', 'defaultGvSettings' => array('gvCheckbox' => 30, 'actionDescription' => 140, 'associationName' => 165, 'assignedTo' => 105, 'completedBy' => 86, 'createDate' => 79, 'dueDate' => 77, 'lastUpdated' => 79), 'specialColumns' => array('actionDescription' => array('header' => Yii::t('actions', '{Action} Description', array('{Action}' => Modules::displayName(false, 'Actions'))), 'name' => 'actionDescription', 'value' => 'CHtml::link(
                                 ($data->type=="attachment") ? 
                                     Media::attachmentActionText($data->actionDescription) : 
                                 Yii::app()->controller->createUrl (
                                     array("id"=>$data->id)))', 'type' => 'raw', 'filter' => false, 'sortable' => false), 'associationName' => array('name' => 'associationName', 'header' => Yii::t('actions', 'Association Name'), 'value' => 'strcasecmp($data->associationName,"None") == 0 ? 
                                 Yii::t("app","None") : 
                                     Yii::app()->controller->createUrl (
                                         array ("id" => $data->associationId)),
                                     array("class"=>($data->associationType=="contacts" ? 
                                         "contact-name" : null)))', 'type' => 'raw')), 'enableTags' => true));
     return $this->_gridViewConfig;
 public function init($skipGridViewInit = false)
     $modelType = self::getJSONProperty($this->profile, 'modelType', $this->widgetType, $this->widgetUID);
     if (class_exists($modelType)) {
         // custom module was deleted
     } else {