Ejemplo n.º 1
		if (isset($bday[1]) && $bday[1] > 0 && $bday[1] < 13) {
			$bday[1] = $lang->phrase('months_'.intval($bday[1]));

		$result = $db->query('SELECT mid, active FROM '.$db->pre.'session WHERE mid = '.$_GET['id']);
		$wwo = $db->fetch_num($result);
		$osi = false;
		if ($wwo[0] > 0) {
			$wwo[1] = gmdate($lang->phrase('dformat3'),times($wwo[1]));
			$osi = true;

		// Custom Profile Fields
		$pfields = new ProfileFieldViewer($row->id);
		$customfields = $pfields->getAll();

		if ($config['memberrating'] == 1) {
			$result = $db->query("SELECT rating FROM {$db->pre}postratings WHERE aid = '{$row->id}'");
			$ratings = array();
			while ($dat = $db->fetch_assoc($result)) {
				$ratings[] = $dat['rating'];
			$ratingcounter = count($ratings);
			if ($ratingcounter> 0 && $ratingcounter >= $config['memberrating_counter']) {
				$row->rating = round(array_sum($ratings)/$ratingcounter*50)+50;
			else {
				$row->rating = $lang->phrase('profile_na');
Ejemplo n.º 2
$sql_select = iif($config['pm_user_status'] == 1, ", IF (s.mid > 0, 1, 0) AS online");
$sql_join = iif($config['pm_user_status'] == 1, "LEFT JOIN {$db->pre}session AS s ON s.mid = u.id");
$sql_order = iif($last['post_order'] == 1, 'DESC', 'ASC');
($code = $plugins->load('showtopic_query')) ? eval($code) : null;
$result = $db->query("\nSELECT\n\tr.id, r.edit, r.dosmileys, r.dowords, r.topic, r.comment, r.date, r.email as gmail, r.guest, r.name as gname, r.report, r.tstart,\n\tu.id as mid, u.name as uname, u.mail, u.regdate, u.posts, u.fullname, u.hp, u.signature, u.location, u.gender, u.birthday, u.pic, u.lastvisit, u.icq, u.yahoo, u.aol, u.msn, u.jabber, u.skype, u.groups,\n\tf.* {$sql_select}\nFROM {$db->pre}replies AS r\n\tLEFT JOIN {$db->pre}user AS u ON r.name = u.id AND r.guest = '0'\n\tLEFT JOIN {$db->pre}userfields AS f ON u.id = f.ufid AND r.guest = '0'\n\t{$sql_join}\nWHERE r.topic_id = '{$info['id']}'\nORDER BY date {$sql_order}\n{$sql_limit}\n");
if ($last['post_order'] == 1) {
    list($firstnew_id) = $db->fetch_num($db->query("SELECT id FROM {$db->pre}replies WHERE topic_id = '{$info['id']}' AND date > '{$my->clv}'"));
$firstnew = 0;
$firstnew_url = null;
if ($info['last'] >= $my->clv) {
    $firstnew_url = 'showtopic.php?action=firstnew&amp;id=' . $info['id'] . $qUrl2 . SID2URL_x;
// Custom Profile Fields
include_once 'classes/class.profilefields.php';
$pfields = new ProfileFieldViewer();
$rel_post_num = $start;
while ($row = $db->fetch_object($result)) {
    $inner['upload_box'] = '';
    $inner['image_box'] = '';
    $row = $slog->cleanUserData($row);
    $row->rel_post_num = $rel_post_num;
    if ($row->guest == 0) {
        $row->mail = '';
        $row->name = $row->uname;
    } else {
        $row->mail = $row->gmail;
        $row->name = $row->gname;
        $row->groups = GROUP_GUEST;
        $row->mid = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 if (count($error) > 0) {
     errorLogin($error, 'javascript:self.close();');
 $catbid = $scache->load('cat_bid');
 $fc = $catbid->get();
 $last = $fc[$row->board];
 ($code = $plugins->load('popup_showpost_start')) ? eval($code) : null;
 if ($config['tpcallow'] == 1) {
     $uploads = $db->query("SELECT id, tid, mid, file, source, hits FROM {$db->pre}uploads WHERE tid = " . $_GET['id']);
 $inner['upload_box'] = '';
 // Custom Profile Fields
 include_once 'classes/class.profilefields.php';
 $pfields = new ProfileFieldViewer($row->mid);
 if ($row->guest == 0) {
     $row->mail = '';
     $row->name = $row->uname;
 } else {
     $row->mail = $row->gmail;
     $row->name = $row->gname;
     $row->mid = 0;
     $row->groups = GROUP_GUEST;
 $new = iif($row->date > $my->clv, 'new', 'old');
 if ($config['wordstatus'] == 0) {
     $row->dowords = 0;