public function ambilDataPoinMember() { $periode = MemberPeriodePoin::model()->findByPk($this->periodeId); $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('profil_id, p.nomor, p.nama, sum(poin) poin, p.alamat1, p.alamat2, p.alamat3, p.telp, p.hp, p.surel, p.identitas, p.tanggal_lahir')->from(PenjualanMember::model()->tableName() . ' t')->join(Profil::model()->tableName() . ' p', 't.profil_id =')->where('year(t.updated_at)=:tahun and month(t.updated_at) between :awal and :akhir')->group('profil_id'); if ($this->sortBy == self::SORT_BY_POIN_ASC) { $command->order('sum(poin), p.nama'); } elseif ($this->sortBy == self::SORT_BY_POIN_DSC) { $command->order('sum(poin) desc, p.nama'); } $command->bindValues([':tahun' => $this->tahun, ':awal' => $periode->awal, ':akhir' => $periode->akhir]); return $command->queryAll(); }
public function actionPilihProfil($id) { $profil = Profil::model()->findByPk($id); $return = array('id' => $id, 'nama' => $profil->nama, 'alamat1' => $profil->alamat1); $this->renderJSON($return); }
public function getNamaProfil() { $profil = Profil::model()->findByPk($this->profilId); return $profil->nama; }
public function _listBukanSupplier($id) { return Profil::model()->listSupplierYangBukan($id); }
/** * Ambil total poin yang sudah didapat * @return int total Poin Periode Berjalan */ public function getTotalPoinPeriodeBerjalan() { $profil = Profil::model()->findByPk($this->profil_id); if ($profil->isMember()) { $periodePoin = MemberPeriodePoin::model()->find('awal<=month(now()) and month(now())<=akhir'); $poin = false; if (!is_null($periodePoin)) { $poin = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('sum(poin) total')->from(PenjualanMember::model()->tableName() . ' tpm')->where('YEAR(updated_at) = YEAR(NOW()) AND MONTH(updated_at) BETWEEN :awal AND :akhir AND profil_id=:profilId')->bindValues(array(':awal' => $periodePoin->awal, ':akhir' => $periodePoin->akhir, ':profilId' => $profil->id))->queryRow(); } else { /* Berarti periode lintas tahun (awal > akhir ) */ $periodePoinL = MemberPeriodePoin::model()->find('awal <= month(now()) OR month(now()) <= akhir AND awal > akhir'); if (!is_null($periodePoinL)) { $queryPoin = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('sum(poin) total')->from(PenjualanMember::model()->tableName() . ' tpm')->where('profil_id=:profilId'); $curMonth = date('n'); if ($curMonth >= $periodePoinL->akhir) { $queryPoin->andWhere('YEAR(updated_at) = YEAR(NOW()) AND MONTH(updated_at) BETWEEN :awal AND :akhir'); $queryPoin->bindValues([]); } $queryPoin->bindValues(array(':awal' => $periodePoinL->awal, ':akhir' => $periodePoinL->akhir, ':profilId' => $profil->id)); $poin = $queryPoin->queryRow(); } } return $poin ? $poin['total'] : 0; } else { return 0; } }
public function exportPdf($id, $kertas = ReturPembelian::KERTAS_A4, $draft = false) { $modelHeader = $this->loadModel($id); $configs = Config::model()->findAll(); /* * Ubah config (object) jadi array */ $branchConfig = array(); foreach ($configs as $config) { $branchConfig[$config->nama] = $config->nilai; } /* * Data Supplier */ $profil = Profil::model()->findByPk($modelHeader->profil_id); /* * Retur Pembelian Detail */ $returPembelianDetail = ReturPembelianDetail::model()->with('inventoryBalance', 'inventoryBalance.barang')->findAll(array('condition' => "retur_pembelian_id={$id}", 'order' => 'barang.nama')); /* * Persiapan render PDF */ $listNamaKertas = ReturPembelian::listNamaKertas(); $mPDF1 = Yii::app()->ePdf->mpdf('', $listNamaKertas[$kertas]); $viewCetak = '_pdf'; if ($draft) { $viewCetak = '_pdf_draft'; } $mPDF1->WriteHTML($this->renderPartial($viewCetak, array('modelHeader' => $modelHeader, 'branchConfig' => $branchConfig, 'profil' => $profil, 'returPembelianDetail' => $returPembelianDetail), true)); $mPDF1->SetDisplayMode('fullpage'); $mPDF1->pagenumSuffix = ' dari '; $mPDF1->pagenumPrefix = 'Halaman '; // Render PDF $mPDF1->Output("{$modelHeader->nomor}.pdf", 'I'); }
public function hutangPiutangCsv($profilId, $showDetail, $pilihCetak) { $model = new ReportHutangPiutangForm(); $csv = null; if (isset($profilId)) { $model->profilId = $profilId; $model->showDetail = $showDetail; $model->pilihCetak = $pilihCetak; $csv = $model->reportHutangPiutangCsv(); } else { throw new Exception("Tidak ada data", 500); } $profil = Profil::model()->findByPk($profilId); $namaToko = Config::model()->find("nama = 'toko.nama'"); $timeStamp = date("Y-m-d-H-i"); $namaFile = "HP {$namaToko->nilai} {$profil->nama} {$timeStamp}"; $this->renderPartial('_csv', array('namaFile' => $namaFile, 'csv' => $csv)); }
/** * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable. * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded * @return Profil the loaded model * @throws CHttpException */ public function loadModel($id) { $model = Profil::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }
public function actionImport() { if (isset($_POST['nomor'])) { $dbAhadPos2 = $_POST['database']; $nomor = $_POST['nomor']; $penjualanPos2 = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("\n SELECT t.tglTransaksiJual, c.namaCustomer\n FROM {$dbAhadPos2}.transaksijual t\n JOIN {$dbAhadPos2}.customer c on t.idCustomer=c.idCustomer\n WHERE idTransaksiJual = :nomor")->bindValue(':nomor', $nomor)->queryRow(); $profil = Profil::model()->find('nama=:nama', array('nama' => trim($penjualanPos2['namaCustomer']))); if (!is_null($profil)) { $penjualan = new Penjualan(); $penjualan->profil_id = $profil->id; if ($penjualan->save()) { $penjualanDetailPos2 = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("\n select d.barcode, d.jumBarang, d.hargaBeli, d.hargaJual, d.RRP,\n from {$dbAhadPos2}.detail_jual d\n join barang on d.barcode=barang.barcode\n where d.nomorStruk = :nomor\n ")->bindValue(':nomor', $nomor)->queryAll(); foreach ($penjualanDetailPos2 as $detailPos2) { $barangId = $detailPos2['id']; $detail = new PenjualanDetail(); $detail->barang_id = $barangId; $detail->penjualan_id = $penjualan->id; $detail->qty = $detailPos2['jumBarang']; $detail->harga_jual = $detailPos2['hargaJual']; $detail->harga_jual_rekomendasi = $detailPos2['RRP']; $detail->save(); } $this->redirect('index'); } } } $this->render('import'); }
/** * Ganti Customer * @param int $id ID Penjualan * @return JSON boolean sukses, array error[code, msg] */ public function actionGantiCustomer($id) { $return = array('sukses' => false, 'error' => array('code' => '500', 'msg' => 'Sempurnakan input!')); if (isset($_POST['nomor'])) { if (trim($_POST['nomor']) == '') { /* Jika tidak diinput nomornya, maka set ke customer Umum */ $customer = Profil::model()->findByPk(Profil::PROFIL_UMUM); } else { $customer = Profil::model()->find('nomor=:nomor', array(':nomor' => $_POST['nomor'])); } if (!is_null($customer)) { $penjualan = $this->loadModel($id); /* Simpan profil ID ke penjualan * dan sesuaikan diskon */ $return = $penjualan->gantiCustomer($customer); } else { $return = array('sukses' => false, 'error' => array('code' => '500', 'msg' => 'Data Customer tidak ditemukan')); } } $this->renderJSON($return); }