Ejemplo n.º 1
 print_liste_field_titre($langs->trans("QtyMin"), $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "pfp.quantity", "", $param, 'align="right"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
 print_liste_field_titre($langs->trans("VATRate"), $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], '', '', $param, 'align="right"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
 print_liste_field_titre($langs->trans("PriceQtyMinHT"), $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], '', '', $param, 'align="right"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
 print_liste_field_titre($langs->trans("UnitPriceHT"), $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "pfp.unitprice", "", $param, 'align="right"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
 print_liste_field_titre($langs->trans("DiscountQtyMin"), $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], '', '', $param, 'align="right"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
 print_liste_field_titre($langs->trans("NbDaysToDelivery"), $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "pfp.delivery_time_days", "", $param, 'align="right"', $sortfield, $sortorder);
 // Charges ????
 if ($conf->global->PRODUCT_CHARGES) {
     if (!empty($conf->margin->enabled)) {
 print "</tr>\n";
 $product_fourn = new ProductFournisseur($db);
 $product_fourn_list = $product_fourn->list_product_fournisseur_price($object->id, $sortfield, $sortorder);
 if (count($product_fourn_list) > 0) {
     $var = true;
     foreach ($product_fourn_list as $productfourn) {
         $var = !$var;
         print "<tr " . $bc[$var] . ">";
         print '<td>' . $productfourn->getSocNomUrl(1, 'supplier') . '</td>';
         // Supplier
         print '<td align="left">' . $productfourn->fourn_ref . '</td>';
         if (!empty($conf->global->FOURN_PRODUCT_AVAILABILITY)) {
             $availability = $form->cache_availability[$productfourn->fk_availability]['label'];
             print '<td align="left">' . $availability . '</td>';
         // Quantity
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Return minimum product recommended price
  * @return	int			Minimum recommanded price that is higher price among all suppliers * PRODUCT_MINIMUM_RECOMMENDED_PRICE
 function min_recommended_price()
     global $conf;
     $maxpricesupplier = 0;
     if (!empty($conf->global->PRODUCT_MINIMUM_RECOMMENDED_PRICE)) {
         require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/fourn/class/fournisseur.product.class.php';
         $product_fourn = new ProductFournisseur($this->db);
         $product_fourn_list = $product_fourn->list_product_fournisseur_price($this->id, '', '');
         if (is_array($product_fourn_list) && count($product_fourn_list) > 0) {
             foreach ($product_fourn_list as $productfourn) {
                 if ($productfourn->fourn_unitprice > $maxpricesupplier) {
                     $maxpricesupplier = $productfourn->fourn_unitprice;
             $maxpricesupplier *= $conf->global->PRODUCT_MINIMUM_RECOMMENDED_PRICE;
     return $maxpricesupplier;
Ejemplo n.º 3
$idprod = GETPOST('idprod', 'int');
$prices = array();
 * View
//print '<!-- Ajax page called with url '.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?'.$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"].' -->'."\n";
if ($idprod > 0) {
    $producttmp = new ProductFournisseur($db);
    $sorttouse = 's.nom, pfp.quantity, pfp.price';
    if (GETPOST('bestpricefirst')) {
        $sorttouse = 'pfp.unitprice, s.nom, pfp.quantity, pfp.price';
    $productSupplierArray = $producttmp->list_product_fournisseur_price($idprod, $sorttouse);
    // We list all price per supplier, and then firstly with the lower quantity. So we can choose first one with enough quantity into list.
    if (is_array($productSupplierArray)) {
        foreach ($productSupplierArray as $productSupplier) {
            $price = $productSupplier->fourn_price * (1 - $productSupplier->fourn_remise_percent / 100);
            $unitprice = $productSupplier->fourn_unitprice * (1 - $productSupplier->fourn_remise_percent / 100);
            $title = $productSupplier->fourn_name . ' - ' . $productSupplier->fourn_ref . ' - ';
            if ($productSupplier->fourn_qty == 1) {
                $title .= price($price, 0, $langs, 0, 0, -1, $conf->currency) . "/";
            $title .= $productSupplier->fourn_qty . ' ' . ($productSupplier->fourn_qty == 1 ? $langs->trans("Unit") : $langs->trans("Units"));
            if ($productSupplier->fourn_qty > 1) {
                $title .= " - ";
                $title .= price($unitprice, 0, $langs, 0, 0, -1, $conf->currency) . "/" . $langs->trans("Unit");
                $price = $unitprice;
Ejemplo n.º 4
				print '<td class="liste_titre">'.$langs->trans("SupplierRef").'</td>';
				if (!empty($conf->global->FOURN_PRODUCT_AVAILABILITY)) print_liste_field_titre($langs->trans("Availability"),$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"],"pfp.fk_availability","",$param,"",$sortfield,$sortorder);
				print '<td class="liste_titre" align="right">'.$langs->trans("VATRate").'</td>';
				print '<td class="liste_titre" align="right">'.$langs->trans("PriceQtyMinHT").'</td>';
				// Charges ????
				if (! empty($conf->margin->enabled)) print '<td align="right">'.$langs->trans("Charges").'</td>';
				// Charges ????
				if (! empty($conf->margin->enabled)) print '<td align="right">'.$langs->trans("UnitCharges").'</td>';
				print '<td class="liste_titre"></td>';
				print "</tr>\n";

				$product_fourn = new ProductFournisseur($db);
				$product_fourn_list = $product_fourn->list_product_fournisseur_price($product->id);

				if (count($product_fourn_list)>0)

					foreach($product_fourn_list as $productfourn)

						print "<tr ".$bc[$var].">";

						print '<td>'.$productfourn->getSocNomUrl(1).'</td>';

						// Supplier
						print '<td align="left">'.$productfourn->fourn_ref.'</td>';
Ejemplo n.º 5
         if ($status_code == "NOT_FOUND") {
             setEventMessages($line_id . $langs->trans("SupplierMissingRef") . " '" . $ref_supplier . "'", null, 'warnings');
         } else {
             setEventMessages($line_id . $langs->trans("ResponseNonOK") . " '" . $status_code . "' - '" . $result_product["result"]["result_label"] . "'", null, 'errors');
             $error_occurred = true;
 // Ensure that price is equal and warn user if it's not
 $supplier_price = price($result_product["product"]["price_net"]);
 //Price of client tab in supplier dolibarr
 $local_price = NULL;
 //Price of supplier as stated in product suppliers tab on this dolibarr, NULL if not found
 $product_fourn = new ProductFournisseur($db);
 $product_fourn_list = $product_fourn->list_product_fournisseur_price($line->fk_product);
 if (count($product_fourn_list) > 0) {
     foreach ($product_fourn_list as $product_fourn_line) {
         //Only accept the line where the supplier is the same at this order and has the same ref
         if ($product_fourn_line->fourn_id == $object->socid && $product_fourn_line->fourn_ref == $ref_supplier) {
             $local_price = price($product_fourn_line->fourn_price);
 if ($local_price != NULL && $local_price != $supplier_price) {
     setEventMessages($line_id . $langs->trans("RemotePriceMismatch") . " " . $supplier_price . " - " . $local_price, null, 'warnings');
 // Check if is in sale
 if (empty($result_product["product"]["status_tosell"])) {
     setEventMessages($line_id . $langs->trans("ProductStatusNotOnSellShort") . " '" . $ref_supplier . "'", null, 'warnings');
  * @param unknown $object
  * @return boolean
 static function checkContractFourn(&$object)
     global $conf, $langs, $db;
     if (empty($conf->global->GRAPEFRUIT_CONTRACT_DEFAUL_FOURN) || $conf->global->GRAPEFRUIT_CONTRACT_DEFAUL_FOURN < 0) {
         return true;
     foreach ($object->lines as &$line) {
         if (empty($line->fk_fournprice) && $line->fk_product > 0) {
             $p_static = new ProductFournisseur($db);
             $TPrice = $p_static->list_product_fournisseur_price($line->fk_product);
             foreach ($TPrice as &$price) {
                 if ($price->fourn_id == $conf->global->GRAPEFRUIT_CONTRACT_DEFAUL_FOURN) {
                     // TODO AA updateline sur contrat, là j'ai la flemme, no comment
                     $db->query("UPDATE " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "contratdet\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSET fk_product_fournisseur_price=" . $price->product_fourn_price_id . ",buy_price_ht=" . $price->fourn_price / $price->fourn_qty . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE rowid=" . $line->id);